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70 Cards in this Set

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in which direction do arteries carry blood?
Arteries carry blood Away from the heart
what are the smallest blood vessels?
capillaries are the smallest blood vessels
where is the site of exchange of molecules btwn blood & tissue fluid?
capillaries are the site of exchange for molecules btwn blood & tissue fluid
in which direction do veins carry blood?
veins carry blood toward the heart
what is the purpose of elastic arteries?
elastic arteries conduct blood
what is the purpose of muscular arteries?
muscular arteries distribute blood
what is the central blood filled space of a vessel?
the LUMEN is the central blood filled space of a vessel
what are the 3 layers of arteries?
layers/tunics of arteries
-tunica intima
-tunica media
-tunica externa
what type of epithelium is the tunica intima layer of an artery?
tunica intima has simple squamous epithelium
which layer of the artery has the smooth & elastic fibers?
the tunica media has the smooth & elastic fibers. it allows vasoconstriction (contraction) & vasodilation (relaxation)
which layer of the artery is composed of collagen fibers?
the tunica externa is composed of collagen fibers
which are the largest type of arteries?
elastic arteries or conducting arteries are the largest
what type of blood vessel is the aorta?
aorta = elastic/conducting artery
how do the elastic arteries dampen the surge of blood pressure?
the elastin content in the elastic arteries dampens the surge of blood pressure/
what is the vasa vasorum?
network of small blood vessels which supply large vessels
where do muscular arteries lie relative to elastic arteries/
muscular arteries lie distal to elastic arteries
most arteries are which type of arteries?
a. elastic
b. muscular
most arteries are muscular arteries
what is a unique feature of the muscular arteries?
muscular arteries have an internal & external elastic laminae
what are the smallest arteries?
ARTERIOLES are the smallest arteries (.3 mm to 10 microm)
what are the smallest blood vessels?
capillaries are the smallest blood vessels (8-10 microm)
what are the site specific functions of capillaries?
small intestines?
endocrine glands?
capillary functions
lungs: oxgen enters blood, CO2 leaves blood
small intestine: receive digested nutrients
endocrine glands: pick up hormones
kidneys: remove nitrogenous wastes
which tissues are poorly vascularized in the body?
tendons & ligaments are poorly vascularized
epithelia and cartilage are avascular and they receive nutrients from nearby connective tissue
what are the precapillary sphincters? purpose?
regulate the flow of blood to tissues
when contricted, blood runs through metarteriole thoroughface channel & bypasses true capillaries
which type of capillary has the lowest permeability?
a. continuous capillaries
b. fenestrated capillaries
c. sinusoidal capillaries
CONTINUOUS CAPILLARIES have the lowest permeability
what are fenestrations?
fenestrations are pores on the fenestrated capillaries
what makes the sinusoidal capillaries the most permeable?
the wide open intercellular clefts of the sinusoidal capillaries makes them the most permeable
what is the most common type of capillary? where is it located/
CONTINUOUS CAPILLARIES are the most common. found mostly in the skin and muscle
the blood brain barrier is what type of blood vessel?
the blood brain barrier is the lowest permeability continuous capillary
where do you find fenestrated capillaries?
fenestrated capillaries are found in the kidneys & small intestine
where do you find sinusoidal capillaries?
sinusoidal capillaries are found in bone marrow, liver, & spleen
what are intracellular cleft?
gaps of unjoined membrane through which small molecules can enter or exit
is the blood pressure higher in veins or arteries?
blood pressure is higher in arteries
what are the smallest veins?
venules are the smallest veins. and postcapillary venules are the smallest venules
what is the thickest layer in veins?
turnica externa is thickest layer/tunic in veins
what is the thickest layer in arteries?
the tunica media is thick in arteries
what are the 2 mechanisms to counteract low venous pressure?
2 mechanisms to counteract low venous pressure:
-skeletal muscle pump
T/F veins anastomose more frequently than arteries
TRUE veins anastomose (branch out and reconnect) more than arteries
blood from the pulmonary trunk goes to the...?
blood from pulmonary trunk goes from the heart to the lungs
the superior & inferior pulmonary veins carry blood to the ..? oxygenated or not?
superior & inferior pulmonary veins carry OXYGENATED blood to the L atrium
what is the largest artery in the body?
largest artery in the body
where does the thoracic aorta go? abdominal aorta?
thoracic aorta in region of T5-T12
abdominal aorta ends at L4
what does the descending aorta divide into?
the descending aorta divides into the R and L common iliac arteries
where are the common carotid arteries found?
common carotid arteries (internal & external) are located in the anterior triangle of the neck
what does the circle of willis refer to?
CIRCLE OF WILLIS = cerebral arterial circle; major arteries serving the brain
it unites the brains anterior blood supply (internal carotid) and posterior (vertebral arteries)
the subclavian artery is found where? and become what and then what?
subclavian artery is found in the art and becomes the axillary artery and then becomes the brachial arter
the radial and ulnar artery divide from which artery?
the brachial artery divides into the radial and ulnar arty
where are the superificial & deep palmar arches and digital arteries found?
in the hand there are the
superficial & deep palmar arches and digital arteries
the three main branches of the celiac trunk are? where does it supply blood to?
celiac trunk consists of left gastric, splenic & common hepatic arteries. supplies blood to stomach, liver, gallbaldder, pancreas, spleen and duodenum
the superior mesenteric artery extends to which parts in the abdominal cavity?
superior mesenteric artery extends to small intestine (jejunum, ileum) & proximal half of colon (cecum, appendix, ascending colon, part of transverse colon)
where does the inferior mesenteric artery extend?
inferior mesenteric artery extends to the distal half of the colon (2nd half of transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, and rectum)
the coronary sinus supplies blood to where?
coronary sinus (large vein) supplies blood to the right atrium of the heart
the superior vena cava supplies blood from the regions superior to what?
superior vena cava supplies blood from regions superior to the diaphragm
where are the dural sinuses found?
dural sinuses are found in the brain
-superior & inferior sagittal sinuses
-straight sinus
-transverse sinuses
-sigmoid sinus
veins of the head and neck drain into which vein?
venous drainage of the head and neck go into the BRACHEOCEPHALIC VEIN (internal jugular, external jugular, vertebral)
from which vein is blood commonly drawn?
blood is commonly drawn from the median cubital in the arm
T/F superficial veins cannot be see beneath skin
FALSE superficial veins are superficial. they are easily visible beneath skin
the cephalic, basilic, median cubital & median antebrachial are superficial veins all found where?
superficial veins of the arms
-median cubital
-median antebrachial
these veins
-accessory hemiazygos
veins are found where?
veins of the THORAX
-accessory hemiazygos
these veins are found where?
-inferior phrenic
veins of the ABS
-inferior phrenic
what is the hepatic portal system?
specialized part of the vascular circuit
picks up digested nutrients from the stomach & intestine and delivers to liver for processing & storage
is blood in the hepatic portal vein poor or rich in oxygen?
blood in hepatic portal vein is POOR in oxygen, rich in nutrients though
path of superficial veins in the lower limbs starting at small saphenous vein?
small saphenous vein
popliteal vein
femoral vein
iliac vein
what is an aneurysm?
dilation of blood vessel wall which may burst; disorder of blood vessels
what is a deep vein thrombosis?
where are these DEEP veins found?
-anterior tibial
-dorsalis pedis
-plantar arch
these veins are found in the lower limbs
what is arteriorvenous malformation?
disorder of blood vessels
what is microangioplasty of small blood vessels?
blood vessel disorder; e.g. with diabetes
or varicose veins
what is atherosclerosis?
fat deposits inside arteries.
T/F Males have more artherosclerosis than females
TRUE male have more artherosclerosis than females