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61 Cards in this Set

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excision or removal
destruction of
repair or suture of
looking into
creation of opening into
cutting into or incision of
repair or reconstruction of
4 main things the nurse must do at a pre-op patient interview
obtain health information, determine client's expectation, clarify information, perform nursing assessment
objective data preoperatively includes...
physical examination, lab and diagnostic testing
measures prothrombin time, determining the clotting tendency of blood when a patient is under warfarin (coumadin) therapy (normal range 0.8-1.2; warfarin range can be up to 2.5)
3 conditions that must be met for an informed consent to be signed
1. adequate disclosure of the diagnosis
2. patient must demonstrate clear understanding and comprehension of information provided
3. recipient of care must give consent voluntarily
frequently used pre-op meds
Benzos, narcotics, histamine H-2 receptor antagonists, antacids, antiemetics, anticholinergics
3 areas of surgical suite
1. unrestricted
2. semi-restricted
3. restricted
what is the difference between semirestricted and restricted areas of the surgical suite?
mask must be worn in the restricted suite
what does the circulating nurse do?
remains at a safe distance to avoid contaminating anything; runs around and makes sure everything is ok and setup for surgery
what does the scrubbing nurse do?
remains in area of surgical procedure/prepares equipment table; assists with procedure
surgeon's responsibility?
preop medical history, physical assessment, management of preop workup, management in OR, postop management
registered first nurse assistant's responsibility?
handling tissue, using instruments, providing exposure to surgical sites, assisting with hemostasis, assisting with suturing
conscious sedation
a drug-induced depression of consciousness; still able to maintain airway and respond appropriately to verbal commands
symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction
hypotension, tachycardia, bronchospasm, pulmonary edema
treatment for anaphylaxis?
ensure patency of airway, give epinephrine, IV fluids, benadryl, possibly vasopressants and H2 blocker
Malignant hyperthermia
a rare metabolic disease characterized by hyperthermia with rigidity of skeletal muscles that can result in death
cause of malignant hyperthermia?
exposure to certain types of anesthetic agents; can occur during surgery or in recovery
symptoms of malignant hyperthermia?
muscle contracture, hyperthermia, acute tachycardia
treatment for malignant hyperthermia?
dantrolene (slows metabolism)
hypoxemia is indicated by what lab level
PaO2 < 60
notify ACP or surgeon if what occurs post-op?
SBP <90 or >160
PULSE RATE <60 or >120
B/P gradually decreases
irregular cardiac rhythm
emergence delirium
when a patient is restless, agitated, thrashes around in bed in PACU
hypothermia is indicated by a temp of...
<96.8˚ F or 36˚ C
side effect of antiemetic drugs?
can lower BP and cause respiratory depression
what to do if a patient suffers from dehiscence of a wound?
put on sterile gloves, soak sterile gauze with saline and apply to site and call MD
normal blood calcium range?
8.5-10.3 mEq/dL
normal blood PO4 range?
2.5-4.7 mEq/dL
normal blood CO2 range?
normal BUN range?
10-20 mg/dL
normal creatinine range?
0.5-1.1 mg/dL
normal blood Na range?
135-145 mEq/L
normal blood Cl range?
95-113 mEq/L
normal blood K range?
3.5-5.0 mEq/L
normal blood Mg range?
1.5-2.5 mEq/L
3 most common psychologic factors pre-op?
anxiety, fear, hope
how can chronic alcohol use affect anesthesia?
prolongs anesthesia; withdrawal can occur during surgery and become fatal (alcoholics are at higher risk b/c they already have lung, GI and liver damage)
what vitamins are essential for wound healing?
Vitamins A, C & B ... and protein!
PT (& why would it be high?)
prothrombin time- (10-14 seconds); high due to deficiency of certain clotting factors, liver disease, vitamin K deficiency, WARFARIN (coumadin) therapy
PTT (& why would it be high?)
activated partial thromboplastin time (24-36 seconds); high due to deficiency of certain clotting factors, hemophilia, HEPARIN therapy, liver disease
3 types of preop information and describe
1. SENSORY- patient wants to know what they will see, hear, smell and feel during surgery.
2. PROCESS- not specific details, but the general flow of what will happen
3. PROCEDURAL- desired details are more specific-- not only what will go on, but more specific, like an IV that will be placed while they are in the holding area
oral meds are given how long before going into surgery?
60-90 min (unless otherwise ordered) with minimal amount of water
IM and SubQ meds are given how long before going into surgery?
30-60 min (minimum 20 min)
sound HEARD because of turbulent blood flow in an ARTERY. It is heard due to a narrowed or bulging wall. It is the sound that blood makes when it rushes past an obstruction.
PALPABLE vibration of a vessel wall if the vessel is narrow or bulging
what prevents air from entering the OR from the halls and corridors and thus reduces contamination?
positive air pressure
the only parts of the gown considered sterile are...
the front from chest to table level and the sleeves to 2 inches above the elbow
what does general anesthesia do to peripheral blood vessels?
causes them to dilate
4 classes of sedation?
1. MINIMAL- patient responds normally
2. MODERATE/ANALGESIA- conscious sedation; airway and CV function are maintained (nurse can do this)
3. DEEP- patient not easily aroused
4. ANESTHESIA- patient requires assisted ventilation
4 phases of general anesthesia
1. PREINDUCTION- preop meds, initiation of appropriate IV/arterial access, application of monitors
2. INDUCTION- initiation of sequence of meds that render the patient unconscious, securing the airway
3. MAINTENANCE- benzos, opioids, hypnotics, volatile gases
4. EMERGENCE- reversal agents- anticholinergics, sympathomimetics, opioid antagonists, benzo antagonists
who administers the aspiration prophylaxis during surgery? the ACP or the nurse?
the nurse
who removes the airway assist devices post-op? the ACP or the nurse?
the ACP
who administers incremental meds as appropriate during surgery? the ACP or the nurse?
the ACP
who secures the airway during surgery? the ACP or the nurse?
the ACP
most common benzo; used for its excellent amnesic property; others in its class last too long
decreased SaO2 recorded by pulse ox is a ____ sign of ____ ________
late; respiratory depression