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13 Cards in this Set

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How is the periodic table arranged?

By increasing atomic number

How many periods are there?


How many groups are there?


Alkali metals

They are: lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, and francium

Located: Group 1

Characteristics: They have low melting and boiling points compared to most other metals. Reactive with water

Alkali Earth Metals

The alkaline earth metals are six elements in column (group) 2 of the Periodic table. They are beryllium, magnesium, calcium , strontium, barium, and radium.

All alkaline earth elements have an oxidation number of +2, making them very reactive. Because of their reactivity, the alkaline metals are not found free in nature.

Low melting/boiling points

Transition Metals

Located in group 3 of the periodic table

Good conductors of electricity or heat

Malleable and can be bent easily

Transition metals possess a high density and high melting points and boiling points.

Every element in the middle of the periodic table


Group 17 of the periodic table

They are 5 non-metallic elements

Halogen means "salt former"

fluorine , chlorine, bromine , iodine, and astatine.


Noble Gases

Group 18

characteristics of the noble gases are that they all conduct electricity, fluoresce, are odorless and colorless

helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon.

Properties of metals

Physical Properties of Metals:


Good conductors of heat and electricity

High density (heavy for their size)

High melting point


Malleable (most metals can be hammered into thin sheets)

Easily lose electrons

Properties of nonmetals


poor conductor of heat and electricity


not ductile

not malleable

low density

low melting/boiling points

tend to gain electrons

Properties of metalloids


can be dull or shiny



conduct heat and electricity better than nonmetals

Periodic Table trend - atomic radius

As you move across a period, atomic radius decreases because electrons are added to the same energy level.

At the same time, protons are being added to the nucleus.

The concentration of more protons in the nucleus creates a "higher effective nuclear charge."

There is a stronger force of attraction pulling the electrons closer to the nucleus resulting in a smaller atomic radius.

Periodic table trend - ionization energy

As you move down a group, first ionization energy decreases.