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190 Cards in this Set

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What year did the Civil War end?
What guaranteed the right of a slaveholder to recover an escaped slave?
The Constitution (though the words "slave" and "slavery" are not used in it)
What Supreme Court case upheld the constitutionality of the Fugitive Slave Act?
Ableman vs. Booth
What drove a large wedge between the North and South by creating sectionalism over slavery?
Uncle Tom's Cabin
What inspired Harriet Beecher Stowe to write Uncle Tom's Cabin?
The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850
What did Southerners write in response to Uncle Tom's Cabin?
"Anti-Tom" books, (20-30) about the "positive good" of slavery
Who supported the Young America Movement?
The Democrat Party
Who was the leader of the Young America Movement?
Stephen Douglas
What was the Young America Movement?
A time of expansionism after the Mexican-American War
What was the Ostend Manifesto?
When the US had a desire to annex Cuba, Presdent Franklin Pierce offered Spain $130 million
Where was the Ostend Manifesto negotiated?
What was the general opinion (both national and abroad) of the Ostend Manifesto?
Extremely negative

Who did president Fillmore dispatch to Japan to try to get them to open their ports to us?

Matthew C. Perry

What did the treaties that Townsend Harris negotiated with Japan do for us?
Open six Japanese ports to American ships
Is the leader of the Young America movement?
Stephen Douglas
What did Stephen Douglas promote along with preserving the union?
Popular sovereignty (Cass) and expansion
What internal improvement did Douglas strongly support?
What political party did Douglas belong to?
Why did the Whigs nominate Winfield Scott over Millard Fillmore?
He was a war hero from the Mexican-American War
What is a doughface? Who was given this name?
A soft, easily manipulated person; Pierce
What event signified the end of the Whig party?
The election of 1850
What was Pierce's biggest problem?
He was intimidated by criticism, especially Douglas
Who is the worst president in American history? Who was the second worst?
Buchanan; Pierce
Who introduced the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
Why did Douglass want a transcontinental railroad through Chicago?
He had invested heavily in Chicago real estate so he stood to make money from the railroad
What did Douglas push for regarding railroads?
A transcontinental railroad
What idea originally proposed by Lewis Cass was included in the Kansas Nebraska Act?
Popular sovereignty ( settlers would be free to decide whether or not to allow slavery in their territory?
What document led to the start of the Civil War?
The Kansas Nebraska Act
Supported the Kansas Nebraska Act? Who opposed it?
South ( regardless of party); North ( especially Democrats)
Who was another runaway similar to Anthony Burns?
Joshua Glover
What paralleled the breakup of the Union in the mid 1850s?
The break up of a national political parties
What party was very short-lived and only lasted through the 1850s?
The Know-Nothing Party
What was another name for the know-nothing party? What kind of people was the know-nothing party composed of?
The American party; angry nativists
What changes did the know-nothing party want to make in US government?
- put limits on immigration, especially from Catholic countries
- must be Protestant to hold a political office
- require 21 years of residency before citizenship
What is xenophobia? How does it apply to the know-nothing party?
The fear of foreigners; the Know-Nothing Party was a party of hate who hid behind American flags and was extremely anti-immigrant
While the Republican Party eventually became an abolitionist party, how did it first start out?
The party made up mainly have free soilers and conscience Whigs, just wanted to keep slavery out of the territories, not abolish it completely
What is a nickname for the Republican Party? Why?
"Party of Lincoln" because he started it
What is ironic about the Democrat and Republican parties?
Both claim that Thomas Jefferson is their true founding father because of his writings on slavery
Who came up with the name 'Bleeding Kansas'?
Horace Greeley
What role did slavery play in Kansas?
A very small one; almost none of the settlers owned slaves and few were interested in the slavery question
Who prevented Kansas from making its own decisions about slavery?
Outsiders from the north and south
What was the New England emigrant Aid Society? Who was the leader?
A society form to help transfer antislavery settlers to Kansas; Henry Ward Beecher
Who advocated Kansas as an area for free thinkers and created Beecher Bibles?
Henry Ward Beecher
What party was purely sectional and was made up mostly of Northerners?
The Republican Party
Who rush to protect their rights in Kansas during the question of slavery?
Pro slavery Missourians
What is considered a rehearsal for the Civil War?
Bleeding Kansas
Who should receive most of the blame for Bleeding Kansas?
the Pierce administration
Who launched an attack at Pottawatomie Creek and killed five pro-slavery men?
John Brown and his four sons
What was going on in the nation's capital at the same time blood was being shed in Kansas?
Congressmen were fighting in DC
What went down between Congressman Brooks and Congressman Sumner? Why were they fighting?
Brooks stormed into the Senate and viciously caned Sumner; during Kansas debates, Sumner personally attacked Stephen Douglas and Andrew Butler
Who helped Douglass push the kansas-nebraska act through the Senate?
Andrew Butler

Who is the only president to never get married?


Why did the Democrats nominate James Buchanan as their next presidential candidate?
He was overseas during the Kansas debates so his actions during them couldn't be questioned
Who was the first Republican candidate? Who did he oppose?
John C Fremont; Buchanan
Why is Buchanan considered our worst president in history?
Because Buchanan handle the crisis during his presidency very poorly
Where were Dred Scott nd his wife from?
What were the two questions that Taney and his court had to answer in the Dred Scott decision?
1. Does living in a free state or territory make you free?
2. Can Congress prohibit slavery in the territories?
What document can be connected to the Dred Scott decision? How?
The Northwest Ordinance of 1787; Congress prohibited the expansion of slavery into the territories near Illinois
What did Taney and his court rule in the Dred Scott decision?
- Congress could not exclude slavery from any federal territory
- blacks were not citizens and could not sue in federal court
- the Missouri Compromise (and NW Ordinance) was unconstitutional
What did the Dred Scott decision mark in American history?
It was the second time the Supreme Court had struck down an act of Congress (1st was Marbury v. Madison)
Who wrote the Lecompton Constitution? What was its purpose?
A group of pro-slavery men; to give the voters only a choice of whether or not to prohibit the entry of additional slaves into the state
Who backed the Lecompton Constitution?
Who opposed the Lecompton Constitution? Why?
Douglas because it wasn't really popular sovereignty
What was the result of Douglas and Buchanan's differing opinions on the Lecompton Constitution?
Caused a split between them and a split within the Democrat Party
Who was Lincoln's Idol? Why?
Clay; Lincoln wanted to become a compromiser himself
Who is known for being compassionate towards slave owners yet stern towards the institution of slavery?
Who famously said, "The house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot permanently endure half slave and have free. It will be all one thing or all the other"? What is this speech called?
Lincoln; "House Divided Speech"
Who was the first politician to have a beard?
What played a key role in the Lincoln-Douglas debates?
The Dred Scott decision
How were Douglas and Lincoln alike in their views about race?
Neither favored equality among blacks and whites than the other
What was the Freeport Doctrine?
A document proposed by Douglas that said that the people of a territory could exclude slavery by simply refusing to enact the slave codes
How did the Freeport doctrine help Douglas? How did it hurt him?
Helped him win the Senate seat, but cost him southern support in the1860 presidential election
Where was John Brown's raid?
A federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia
What did John Brown plan to do if his raid was successful?
Arm the slaves there and form a black Republic in the mountains of Virginia
Who stopped John Browns raid?
Federal troops under the command of Robert E Lee
Who praised John Brown's raid?
Northerners especially abolitionists
Who famously said, "If it is deemed necessary that I should forfeit my life for the furtherance of the ends of justice, and mingle my blood with the blood of... I... am not quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood"?
John Brown
What was The Impending Crisis of the South? Who wrote it?
A book that used statistics to show that slavery was ruining the southern economy and corrupting its social structure; Hinton Rowan Helper
Why did the South proclaim that it felt that it was under constant attack?
The rapidly growing North threatened them with abolition
What region did not publish The Impending Crisis of the South? What past event could be argued to be contradictory to this book?
The South; the Panic of 1857
What where the two presidential candidates nominated by the Democrats?
North- Douglas
South- John C. Breckenridge
What were the goals of the Republicans in the election of 1860?
- Raise the tariff
- Prohibit slavery in the territories
- Eliminate limits on immigration (to weed out the Know-Nothings
Who was the dark horse candidate in the election of 1860? What past president was given the same title?
Lincoln; Polk
Who made up the Constitutional Union Party? Who did they nominate in the election of 1860?
Whigs and Know-Nothings; John Bell (Tennessee)
Whose name was not printed on any Southern state ballots?
Which state voted unanimously on the issue of secessionist n and became the first state to secede from the Union?
Who followed SC's secession soon after they did it?
All of the Lower South
Where was the Souths capitol for the duration of the Civil War?
Richmond, Virginia
What was left out of the Confederate Constitution?
Funds for internal improvements (RAILROADS)
What was the most important provision in the Confederate Constitution next to slavery?
Prohibition on protective tariffs
Why didn't Buchanan do anything about the Souths secession?
He was in his lame duck period of the presidency; he had no power to do anything because it was between Lincoln's election and inauguration
What did the Southern secessionists call Lincoln? Why?
King Africanus; they thought of him as a monarch or dictator like in the Age of Jackson
Who was Lincoln's most trusted advisor?
William Seward
What was the Crittenden Compromise?
An amendment to the Constitution that would extend the 36 30 line to the Pacific
Who famously said, "plainly the idea of secession, is the essence of anarchy"?
What was Lincoln pushing to pass just 2 weeks after being inaugurated?
A 13th Amendment that would prohibit Congress from abolishing slavery in any state or territory
Who is believed to have fired the first shot at the battle at Fort Sumnter?
Edmund Ruffin
How did Lincoln arguably provoke the start of the war? What was the result?
By sending supplies to Fort Sumter when he knew the South had it surrounded and was waiting to attack; Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteer troops and the Upper South seceded
What other states could have seceded, but decided not to?
The border states (Delaware, Maryland, Missouri, and Kentucky)
Who did the Emancipation Proclomation not apply to?
The border states that chose to stay in the Union; they got to keep their slaves
What were some disadvantages the North faced in the Civil War?
- Few experienced military leaders
- A divided population that did not fully support the war
What military commander won the war for the North?
What were some of the Souths advantages in the Civil War?
- A defensive war fought on their homeland
- Many skilled military commanders
What handicapped the Souths new government?
Their states rights philosophy (each state was sovereign) from the AoC
Who did the North originally want as their military commander? Why did he refuse?
Robert E. Lee; He said he wouldn't take up arms against his own state
What did Lincoln do during the war that Jackson did during his presidency, too?
Suspended the writ of habeus corpus
How did Lincoln prevent Maryland from voting to secede from the Union?
By jailing members of the Maryland legislature so they wouldn't have majority
What else did Lincoln do under the suspended writ of habeus corpus besides jailing people?
Shut down anti-war newspapers
How did Southern seccession help the Republicans?
They now had majority in both Houses
Who were Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens?
Radical senators who wanted abolition and full political and civil rights
Who were the people who really pushed Lincoln into abolition?
Sumner and Stevens
What were Peace Democrats or Copperheads?
People who opposed all aspects of the war and wanted to negotiate peace (status quo ante bellum)
Who was the biggest copperhead?
Clement Vallandigham
Whose past experiences did Lincoln look to for guidance during the Civil War?
What was the ex parte Merryman case about?
John Merryman was arrested by military authorities for sabotage. Chief Justice Roger Taney issued a writ of habeas corpus which was rejected by the military commander. Taney cited the commander for content and denied that the president had the power to suspend the writ of habeas corpus
What did the Supreme Court declare in the Ex parte Milligan case?
That military trials of civilians in areas where civilian courts were functioning were illegal
Who was unanimously elected president of the Confederacy much like Washington?
Jefferson Davis
What were some of Jefferson Davis's fault that hindered his leadership?
- devoted too much time to details
- failed to delegate authority
- quarrelled frequently with subordinates
-held grudges
- allowed personal feelings to distort his judgement
What happened to Davis when the war concluded?
He was indicted for treason but was released on bond by Horace Greeley and instead was disenfranchised
What battle proved to Lincoln that the Civil War would be very long?
Bull Run (the first battle)
What strategy did Lincoln turn to to help him win the war?
Winfield Scott's Anaconda Plan
What were the three parts to the Anaconda plan?
- Navy would institute a blockade of southern ports
- launch operations in the West to control the Mississippi
- new army would mobilize in DC to invade Virginia
What bill that Congress passed did Lincoln only reluctantly sign?
The enlistment of 500,000 three-year volunteers
What did John C Fremont do that caused Lincoln to fire him as commander of the St. Louis Army?
He declared that all slaves owned Confederates in Missouri were free. Lincoln asked him to modify his order and free only slaves owned by Missourians who were actively working for the South, which Fremont refused to do
What were Greenbacks? How were they used during the war?
Green banknotes notes that we're not back by specie but we're redeemable in gold at a future unspecified date; 431 million dollars in greenbacks was printed in order to pay for the war
What was the biggest problem the Confederacy faced?
Funding the war
what played a major role in the way the South conducted foreign affairs?
Cotton (esp with GB bc their cotton diplomacy didn't work)
Why did the British favor the North over the South?
- England had already abolished slavery
- Britain needed Northern wheat more than it needed Southern cotton
What was the Trent Affair?
A Union ship stopped the British steamer the Trent and forcibly removed John Slidell and James Mason who were attempting to open negotiations with the British on the ship
How did the British react to the Trent affair? What was done in response?
They were outraged;
- Lincoln released the two southerners and offered a public apology
- Britain built two powerful cruisers for the Confederacy: the Alabama and the Florida, which were merchant ships outfitted with big guns
Where was the Union having success in the war?
The West
What happened at the Battle of Shiloh?
Union forces invaded Tennessee and tried to take control of the Mississippi River, which resulted in staggering casualties due to guns and more powerful artillery. Pigs feasted on the the dead and dying
What kind of ships were the USS Monitor and CSS Merrimack? How did they change American shipbuilding?
Ironclads; moved us away from wooden inventions
What was the Peninsula Campaign? Why was it unsuccessful?
A large scale but unsuccessful effort to capture Richmond by way of the peninsula forms from the James and York rivers; McClellan was too slow/cautious in action
How could McClellan have ended the war in 1862?
By moving faster with his troops and therefore getting a win in the Peninsula Campaign
What was the bloodiest single day battle in American history? How many casualties?
The Battle of Antietam; 23,000
What happened at the battle of Antietam?
A Union soldier discovered Lees battle plans for Maryland wrapped around cigars; McClellan used this info to attack at Sharpsburg, but then failed to finish off Lee, who was then able slip away
What was ironic about Lincoln's position on slavery?
He hated slavery, but also dislike abolitionists and did not consider himself one despite his actions towards the emancipation of slaves
what Bill did Lincoln sign in 1862?
A bill abolishing slavery in D.C. ($1 mil was set aside to compensate the owners of the free slaves)
What did Lincoln informed his cabinet he wanted to do before the war ended? What was the cabinet's response?
Issue an emancipation proclamation; the cabinet asked that he wait until a victory so it would not look like an act of desperation
How did Lincoln originally want to abolish slavery?
By state law with compensation for owners
What were some of the things that Lincoln advocated regarding blacks?
- said that they caused the Civil War
- forced emigration
- said the US was a single race country
What Bill that Lincoln passed was an executive order and therefore was not passed by Congress?
The Emancipation Proclamation
What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?
Freed all slaves in areas in rebellion against the US (in all areas the US did not control)
Did the Emancipation Proclamation inmediately free slaves? Explain.
No; it freed them when the war was over because Lincoln wasn't the leader of the South when he passed the bill
How did Lincoln justify the Emancipation Proclamation?
As a way to weaken the enemy
What was the immediate impact of the Emancipation Proclamation in the North?
Aggravated racial prejudice
What did Republicans argue that blacks would do once freed?
Southern blacks would stay in the South and northern blacks would go south, not lead others to the north
What did Lincoln declare just 2 1/2 weeks before the Emancipation Proclamation went into effect?
That if the Confederates surrendered, they could keep their slaves for 40 more years (until 1900)
Who 'invented' side burns?
Was Fredericksburg a victory or defeat for the Union?
Defeat because Burnside retreated
What was the Conscription Act?
A bill passed by Congress that allowed draftees to hire substitutes or paying an exemption fee of $300; applied to all men between 20 and 45
How did the Conscription Act represent an enormous expansion of national authority over the people?
It gave the government the power of life and death over individual citizens
Where did the biggest draft riot take place? What brought on the draft riots?
NY; the Conscription Act
Who mainly started the draft riots?
Irish laborers and free blacks
What what's the name of the all-black troop from Massachusetts?
54th Massachussetts
How much were black soldiers originally paid?
$7 (1/2 of what white soldiers were payed)
Why was the casualty rate for blacks three times higher than that of whites?
They were sent to the front lines first to test the enemy lines
What did Lee hope to accomplish by attacking Gettysburg?
He hoped to push Lincoln toward an armistice
What is the bloodiest battle in American history? How many casualties?
Gettysburg; 51,000
What were Lee's advisors advising him to do on the first day of the Gettysburg battle?
To leave and go further south; he refused because he thought they could win the battle and thus win the war
What battle was a turning point in the Civil War?
What was Pickett's charge?
A frontal assault on the center of cemetery ranch Bentley which resulted in over 50% casualties to the Confederates
Who preceded Lincoln on the platform at the Gettysburg Address?
Edward Everett
What did Lincoln redefine in his Gettysburg Address?
Our commitment to the ideas expressed in the Declaration of Independence
What did Lincoln remind the people of about the start of the Civil War?
That the war had been started to fight for the preservation of the Union
When did the town of Vicksburg surrender to Grant after being under siege for some time?
One day after Gettysburg
What did both Lincoln and Davis consider Vicksburg to be?
The key to winning the war
What was the Homestead Act?
Gave 160 acres to any settler who would farm the land for 5 years 20% success rate to 80% fail rate)
What was the Morrill Land Grant Act?
Gave states 30,000 acres of public land for each member of Congress to support higher education
What was the Pacific Railway Act?
Authorized subsidies in land and money for construction of transcontinental railroad
What was the National Banking Act?
Provided uniform currency
What did the Morrill Tarrif do?
Raised the tariff rate to 47%
What happened to women's 'sphere' during the war?
It expanded (left the house to work jobs and take care of the family
What job did many women take up while the men were away fighting?
Army nurses
Who was Clara Barton?
The most famous army nurse who also started the Red Cross
Who was the first female to graduate from medical school?
Elizabeth Blackwell
What was Grants strategy for winning the war?
To keep constant pressure on Lee with frequent attacks on Richmond to wear down the Confederates
Why did Lincoln refuse to remove Grant as commander of the army even when people were calling for his dismissal because of the staggering number of casualties during Union attacks?
Because while we were losing men, he was also moving forward
What happened at the battle at Petersburg?
A 9 month stalemate occurred, trench warfare used heavily (like in WWII)
Who were the candidates in the election of 1864?
Andrew Johnson
George McClellan
What did McClellan advocate during his campaign for the presidency?
Said he would negotiate peace with the South to end the war quickly (ran on a peace platform)
What allowed Lincoln to win the election of 1864 over McClellan?
Sherman captured Atlanta, which was a vital southern rail and manufacturing center, and therefore was a major victory for the Union (boosted national morale and support for Lincoln's plans)
What battle gave Lincoln the chance he needed to issue the Emancipation Proclamation?
What was Sherman's goal in Georgia?
TOTAL WAR (included economic and psychological factors as well)
What did Lincoln speak about during his 2nd inaugural address?
Mercy, tolerance, and reconstruction of the Union
Who said, "With malice toward none, with charity for all,... let us strive the n to finish the work we are in..."? What speech was it in?
Lincoln; his second inaugural address
When and where did Lee surrender his remaining men to Grant?
Appomattox Courthouse, Apr. 9, 1865
What problems arose from the South has the war drug on?
- northern military pressure was eroding southern manpower- shortages led to spiraling inflation
What happened to the North's economy during the war?
It flourished this helped prepare the way for a Second Industrial Revolution