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35 Cards in this Set

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5 classic signs of inflammation
Rubor (Erythema = red), Tumor (edyma = swelling), Dalor(pain), Calor(heat), LOF
3 vascular signs of inflammation
Increase in diameter, leukocyte accumulation, increase in vascular permeability
How do blood vessels achieve leukocyte accumulation?
The cells of vessels become more adhesive, binding WBC's
What are the 3 ROLES of inflammation?
Deliver effector molecules, create a physical barrier, and promote/initiate repair
5 Mediators of inflammation
Lipids, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, PAF, Cytokine/Chemokines
What 2 cytokines are involved in inflammation?
TNF-alph, IL-1
What was determined from the primate study of inflammation/Perio Disease?
Antagonists of IL-1 and TNF-alpha reduce inflammatory results
How can one identify the PDL on a radiograph?
it is a dark (radiolucent) line surrounding tooth
5 Groups of CT fibers of the PDL?
Horizontal, alveolar crest, oblique, apical, interradicular
Where are sharpey's fibers greater in number, on the cementum side or bone side?
What are the epithelial cells found in the pDL?
Rests of Malessez, which are remnnants of HERTWIGS EPITH ROOT SHEATH
What TYPES of cells are present in the PDL? (4)
Epithelial, Immune, Mesenchymal, and Blasts
What type of Blasts are present in the PDL?
Fibro, cemento, odonto, osteo and OsteoCLASTS
What are the 4 types of immune cells in the PDL?
Polymorphonuclear, mast, mononuclear and macrophages
What are the 3 types of vasculature present in the PDL?
Branches of alveolar artery, Interradicular arteries, and gingival vessels
Where are cementoclasts located within the cementum?
What are the 2 types of cementum? when (relative to the other) is each formed?
Acellular, which is primary and Cellular, which is secondary
Where is acellular cementum located?
nearest to the CEJ, in the coronal 1/3 to 1/2 of the root
Where is cellular cementum located?
at the apical aspects of the roots
Which is MORE calcified, acellular or cellular cementum?
What are the 5 steps of cementogenesis?
1. Root (EXPOSED) dentin is depositied along hertwig's sheath.
2. Ectomesencymal cells become cementoblasts
3. c-blasts form irregular collagen/protein polysaccs
4. cementoid is formed
5. mineralization of collagen by hydroxyapatite
What are the 2 relational directions at which cementogenesis begins?
Nearest CDJ and nearest CEJ
How does the actual amount of bone loss relate to the amount seen on a radiograph?
There is more in actuality, as cancellous bone loss cannot be seen thru the compact bone loss
What is the 3rd type of bone (not cancellous or corticol bone) that forms the tooth socket?
Woven Bone aka bundle bone
What is the alveolar bone process?
the term for the maxilla/mandible
what is the alveolar bone proper?
the bony socket, aka cribiform plate
Where is the "supporting bone" located, and what are it's 2 functions?
It is the bone that is on the bucc/ling surface of max mand (it's cortical layer) and it's spongey bone supports the AB-proper
What bone separates the roots of adjacent teeth?
Interdental Septa
What is the stimulation process of PTH? (what does it stimulate)
Osteoblasts, then osteoclasts
What ar the 2 types of eruption? what are they?
Passive, movement of the gingiva only. Active, movement of the tooth
What are the 4 steps of passive eruption?
All are in regards to the position of the APICAL LIMIT OF EPITH ATTACHMENT.
1- @ CEJ
2 - on cementum, base of sulcus @ enamel surface
3 - on cementum, base of ging sulcus @ CEJ
4 - on cementum, so is the base of ging sulcus
What are reversal lines?
Resorption/apposition lines in cementum or bone that indicate they are not STATIC
What are the 2 layers of the periosteum, what is the difference between the two?
Outer layer is fibrous, inner layer has osteogenic cells
WHat does the periodontium consist of ? (4)
PDL, Gingiva, Cementum, Bone
What type of tissue covers the hard palate?
Masticatory Mucosa