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29 Cards in this Set

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_______________ helps us manage our own emotions

being aware of emotions

People are naturally designed to try to __________

understand others

Being able to imagine what emotions a person is likely to be feeling is called


___________ helps us care about others and build good friendships and relationships


it guides us on what to say and how to behave around someone who is feeling strong emotions


_______________ means knowing when, where, and how to express yourself

managing your reaction

part of managing emotions is _________________.

choosing our moods

emotional states that last a bit


The Bureau of the Census defines ______ as "two or more persons who are related by birth, marriage, or..."


Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler

social-network researchers and authors of the book Connected

one of the most accessible positive emotions, and its effects can strengthen friendships and intimate relationships


willingness to be open to yourself and others, even in painful times, with a gentle, nonjudgmental attitude


a type of violence, and involves any kind of unwanted sexual advance

sexual abuse

anything that harms your self-esteem or causes shame

emotional abuse

a cornerstone of all healthy relationships


combination and sequence of roles played by a person during the course of a lifetime


position an individual holds doing specific duties


defined as the similar work for which people have similar responsibilities and for which they develop a common set of skills and knowledge


Trait and Factor model believes that ________________ need to fit the demands of a particular career field

skills and abilities

another factor that could influence your success in a particular career field. John Holland

personality and interests

strong factors that influences our career choices

life roles

possess challenges and opportunities for us when choosing a career


this theory establishes a classification system that matches personality characteristics and personal preferences to job characteristics

Holland's Career Typology

this theory address factors related to our experiences with others and in previous work situations

Krumboltz's Social Learning and Planned Happenstance

influenced the idea that developing a sense of self and realize that you change over time is important when planning your career

Donald Super

development of self-concept theory

Donald Super

skills that can be transferred and utilized in a variety of different kinds of jobs and career paths

Transferrable Skills

the ability to think in 3d

spatial intelligence

ability to recognize rhythm, cadence, and tone

musical intelligence