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35 Cards in this Set

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Which statement best describes the location of the cerebellum?

Posterior to brain stem and inferior to cerebrum which

Function of the vagus nerve


From which brain vehicle does the medulla oblongata develo from


Which area is responsible for the head and eye movement in response to visual stimuli

Superior colliculus

A projection tract is one which

Consists of axons that conduct nerve impulses to or from the cerebrum

What does the lateral cerebral sulcus separate

The frontal lobe from the temporal lobe

This structure is lined with ependyml cells and allow for nutrients to pass into the CSF

Choroid plexus

Which statement about the cerebellum is true

It's prime function is to fine tune motor function

What part of the brain is associated with ten of the 12 pairs of cranial nerves

Brain stem

Which of the following cranial nerves have motor axons which are a part of the parasympathetic division of the ANS.

Glossopharyngeal nerve

Oculomotor nerve

Vagus nerve

Facial nerve

Axons of what cells in the retina join to form an optic nerve


Which of the following nerves exits the jugular foramen along with accessory nerve



In the neck region, the vagus nerve lies close to what blood vessels

Common carotid artery and internal jugular vein

Frequency of brain waves

Beta alpha theta delta

Left hemisphere

Numerical and scientific skills

Which of the following is a cerebral structure that is part of the lambic system


The frontal and temporal lobes are separated by the

Lateral cerebral fissure

What is not part of the diencephalon


Impulses travel from the cerebellum to other parts of the brain in the

Cerebellar hemispheres

The pyramids of the medulla contain

Bundles of corticospinal tracts

Which of the following is the outermost of the cranial menimges

Dura mater

The cerebrum develops from which secondary brain vesicle


The metencephalon and mylencephalon develop from which primary brain vesicle


What is not a cause of stroke

Neurofibilary tangles

Brain function decreases due to

Number of neurons decrease significantly

The nervous system begins development as a thickening of the ectoderm called the

Neural plate

Through which foramen do axons of motor neurons of the glossopharyngeal nerve pass through


Damage to the facial nerve produces a condition called

Bells palsy

Hitch branch of the trigeminal nerve carries motor neurons to the jaw muscles


Which of the following cranial nerves control the muscles that move the eyeball

Oculomotor, trochlear, abducens

The post central gyrus functions as the

Primary somatosensory area

Which of the basal nuclei has a head, body and tail

Caudate nucleus

Which type of cerebral white matter conducts nerve impulses between gyri in the same hemisphere

Association tracts

Where is cerebrospinal fluid found

Subarachnoid space, ventricles and central canal

Blood is supplied to the brain mainly by which vessels

Internal carotid artery and vertebral artery