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107 Cards in this Set

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Lesser pelvis is also called _
Greater pelvis is also called _
Functions of bony pelvis
Weight transfer
Protect pelvic viscera
Birth canal
_ and _ are in the same coronal plane
ASIS and pubic symphysis
_ and _ are in the same transverse plane
Coccyx and pubic symphysis
Sructures that pass through greater sciatic foramina
Internal pudendal artery + vein
Pudendal nerve
Superior gluteal artery and vein
Inferior gluteal artery and vein
Structures that pass through lesser sciatic foramen
Internal pudendal nerve
Pudendal artery and vein
Obturator internus muscle
Subpubic angle is _ in females
Inlet is more _ in females
Outlet is _ in females
Male pelvis shapes are _
Android or anthropoid
Female pelvis shapes are _
Conjugate diameter - 3 types
AP - superior border of pubic symphysis to middle of sacral promontory
Obstetrical - back of pubic symphysis to promontory
Diagonal - bottom of pubic symphysis to sacral promontory
Diameter that can be measured per vaginam
Diagonal conjugate
Diameter that is the narrowest region between pubic symphysis and promontory
Oblique diameter is from _ to _ on the other side
SI joint
iliopubic eminence
Transverse diameter can be measured at both _ and _
At _ its between ischial tuberosities
Inlet and outlet
AP diameter of outlet is measured between _ and _
Lower border of pubic symphysis and tip of coccyx
Maximum diameter of inlet is _
Maximum diameter of outlet is _
Type of lumbosacral joint
Secondary cartilaginous and two zygapophyseal (plane synovial)
_ ligament stabilizes lumbosacral joint
Type of sacroiliac joint
Plane synovial
SI joint is stabilized by _
Anterior and posterior sacroiliac ligaments
Sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments prevent_
Forward rotation of sacrum
Pubic symphysis type of joint _
Secondary cartilaginous
Pelvic floor is made by _
Pelvic diaphragm
Pelvic diaphragm is made of _ and _
Levator ani + coccygeus
Levator ani has 3 parts - name them
Pubococcygeus - levator prostate in men, pubovaginalis in women
Innervation of pelvic diaphragm
Nerve to levator ani S4
Inferior rectal and coccygeal plexus
Which muscle of pelvic diaphragm plays major role in defecation
Puborectalis - forms sling that loops around anal canal
Transverse diameter can be measured at both _ and _
At _ its between ischial tuberosities
Inlet and outlet
AP diameter of outlet is measured between _ and _
Lower border of pubic symphysis and tip of coccyx
Maximum diameter of inlet is _
Maximum diameter of outlet is _
Type of lumbosacral joint
Secondary cartilaginous and two zygapophyseal (plane synovial)
_ ligament stabilizes lumbosacral joint
Type of sacroiliac joint
Plane synovial
SI joint is stabilized by _
Anterior and posterior sacroiliac ligaments
Sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments prevent_
Forward rotation of sacrum
Pubic symphysis type of joint _
Secondary cartilaginous
Pelvic floor is made by _
Pelvic diaphragm
Pelvic diaphragm is made of _ and _
Levator ani + coccygeus
Levator ani has 3 parts - name them
Pubococcygeus - levator prostate in men, pubovaginalis in women
Innervation of pelvic diaphragm
Nerve to levator ani S4
Inferior rectal and coccygeal plexus
Which muscle of pelvic diaphragm plays major role in defecation
Puborectalis - forms sling that loops around anal canal
Functions of pelvic diaphragm
1. Support
2. Resist intra abdominal pressure
3. Voluntary control of defecation
Genital hiatus is an opening in _ , which is closed by _
Levator ani
Urogenital diaphragm
What passes through genital hiatus
Urethra and vagina
Endopelvic fascia is continuous with _ fascia and has two layers _ and _
Parietal and visceral
Tendinous arch of levator ani runs _
AP diameter of pelvic outlet
Which ligament attaches vagina and cervix to lateral pelvic wall
Transverse cervical
Structures that pass through pelvic inlet
Internal iliac
Ovarian vessels
Sympathetic trunk
Hypogastric plexus
Obturator nerve
Lumbosacral trunk
Ductus deferens /round ligament of uterus
Structures that pass through outlet
Cavernous nerves
Inferior rectal VAN
Deep dorsal vein of penis/clitoris
Blood supply to anus :
above pectinate line _
below pectinate line _
Superior and middle rectal
Middle and inferior rectal
Bladder supplied in males by _ arteries and in females by _ arteries
SUperior, inferior, middle vesical
Uterine and vaginal
Prostate is supplied by _ arteries
Internal pudendal
Inferior vesical
Middle rectal
Uterus blood supply
Uterine + ovarian
Posterior division of iliac artery
Lateral Sacral
Superior gluteal
Anterior division of internal iliac artery
Inferior vesical

Internal pudendal
Middle rectal
Inferior gluteal
There are no _ veins
Sacral plexus is composed of _
Ventral rami L4 - S3
Ventral rami of sacral nerves leave through _
Anterior sacral foramen
Pudendal nerve levels
S2- S4
Pudendal nerve courses through 6 anatomic regions - name them
1. Pelvis
2. Gluteal region
3. Pudendal canal
4. Deep perineal space
5. Dorsum of penis
6. Superficial perineal space
Describe route of pudendal nerve
Arises from ventral rami S2 - S4, runs along posterior wall of pelvis through greater sciatic foramen between piriformis and coccygeus, crosses over ischial spine, enters pelvis again through lesser sciatic foramen, upon reentering pelvis becomes invested in fascia of obturator internus, ends in pudendal canal
While in pudendal canal, pudendal nerve splits into
Inferior rectal
Dorsal nerve of penis (clitoris)
In male _ passes on top of ureter, in female _
Ductus deferens
Uterine artery
Average bladder can be surgically approached over _
Pubic symphysis
Muscular coat of bladder is called _
Detrusor muscle
4 parts of urethra in males
1. Preprostatic - shortest
2. Prostatic - widest
3. Membranous
4. Spongy
Secretions of prostate make _ % of total semen volume
Which part of prostate blocks urine flow if prostate is enlarged
Median lobe
Ovaries are located in
True pelvis
Ovarian ligament connects _ to _
Ovary to uterus
Ovary drains to _ nodes
Normal position of uterus
Anteverted and anteflexed
Fornix is area of cervix that protrudes to _
Homologues of gubernaculum are _
Round ligament
Ovarian ligament
Lymphatic drainage of regions where uterus meets uterine tubes is _
Superficial inguinal nodes
Upper 2/3 of vagina drains to _
Lower 1/3 to _
Internal and external iliac
Superficial inguinal
Upper 2/3 of vagina gets _ innervation while lower 1/3 gets _ innervation
Most inferior part of peritoneal cavity in males
Most inferior part of peritoneal cavity in females
Rectouterine pouch
UG diaphragm consists of _
Superior fascia
Inferior fascia
Muscles - sphincter urethrae and deep transverse perineal
Structures attached to perineal body
External anal sphincter
Deep transverse perineal

External urethral sphincter
Levator ani (pubococcygeus)
Muscular rectum
Superficial transverse perineal

Colles fascia
Perineal membrane
Superior fascia of UGD
Deep investing fascia
Pudendal canal is space within
Obturator fascia - contains internal pudendal artery, pudendal nerve
What kind of fascia is COlles fascia
Deep layer of superficial fascia
Name of fascia extending over penis and scrotum
If you get rupture of urethra above UGD, where does urine leak
Pelvic cavity, below peritoneum
If you puncture urethra but Bucks fascia is intact, where does urine go
Restricted to shaft of penis
If you rupture urethra and damage Bucks fascia, where does urine go
Under Colles fascia
Under Scarpas in abdomen
Internal hemorrhoids are _ while external are _
Which layer of penis contains urethra
Corpus spongiosum
Suspensory ligament arises _ while fundiform ligament arises _
From pubic symphysis, forms sling
From linea alba, above pubic symphysis
Sympathetics go superficial or deep?
Sympathetic - both
Parasympathetic - deep only, except genitalia
Lumbar and Sacral splanchnic nerves are what kind of nerves? where cell bodies? describe path
Preganglionic cell bodies in IML T10- L2
Enter chain via white ramus, traverse chain WITHOUT synapse, pass splanchnic nerve to hypogastric plexus, accompanied by GVA fibers
White rami vs grey rami
White - preganglionic, T1- L2 only
Grey - all over, postganglionic
Lumbar and sacral splanchnics are pre or postganglionic
Lumbar and sacral splanchnics synapse in _
Pelvic ganglia (hypogastric plexus)
T11 - L2 are levels for
Epididymis, Ductus, etc
T10 - L1 are levels for _
Uterine tube
Generally pelvic visceral get sympathetics from
bottom of IML - T10 - L2
Pelvic splanchnic nerves are what kind of nerves
Preganglionics for pelvic splanchnics are in _
Synapse for pelvic splanchnic occurs at _
organ OR hypogastric plexus
Which nervous system is excitatory to detrusor and inhibitory to internal sphincter
Scrotum drains to _
Superficial inguinal nodes