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79 Cards in this Set

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Pelvic bones
2 hip bones, Sacrum, coccyx
Hip bones are formed by?
Ilium, Ischium, Pubis
False (great) pelvis location
Superior to superior pelvic aperture; flanked by ala of iliac bones; contains organs of abdomen
True (lesser) pelvis location
Inferior to false pelvis; Inferior boundary is inferior pelvic aperture; closed off by the urogenital diaphragm
Sacrotuberous ligament attachments
Extends from posterior iliac spines and the dorsal surface of the sacrum to the medial margin of the ischial tuberosity
Boundaries of inferior pelvic aperture
Anterior: pubic symphysis
Laterally: isciopubic ramus
Posterior: ischial tuberosities
Sacrospinous ligament attachments
Medial margin of the lower sacrum to the ischial spine
Anterior surface of the middle 3 sacral segments to tip of greater trochanter; innervated by S1-2
Obturator internus
Bone surrounding obturator foramen to medial aspect of the greater trochanter of femur; innervated by L5-S2
Walls of Pelvis
Hip bone, sacrum, piriformis, obturator internus
Pelvic Floor
Posterior: Coccygeus muscle
Anterior: Levator ani muscle
Coccygeus muscle
Ischial spine to lateral margin of the lower sacrum and coccyx; innervated by perineal branch of S4
Levator ani
Pubis and tendinous arch to coccyx; innervated by S4 and branches of pudenal nerve (S2-4)
Parts of Levator ani
Pubococcygeus muscle---fibers arise from pubis
Iliococcygeus muscle---fibers arise from tendinous arch and spine of ischium
Lowest point in the peritoneal cavity in females
Rectouterine pouch (pouch of Douglas)
Vesicouterine pouch
Peritoneum lined pouch that separates uterine from bladder
Rectovesical pouch
Peritoneal lined space between anterior surface of rectum and posterior surface of urinary bladder
Location of bifurcation of abdominal artery
Types of branches of internal iliac arteries
Parietal and Visceral
Parietal branches of internal iliac artery
Superior gluteal, Obturator, iliolumbar, lateral sacral, inferior gluteal, internal pudendal
Superior gluteal artery
Passes between lumbosacral trunk and exits pelvis via greater sciatic foramen to supply structures in gluteal region
Obturator artery
Leaves via obturator canal with the obturator nerve; supplies iliacus
Iliolumbar artery
Supplies iliacus and psoas major/minor
Lateral sacral artery
Supplies spinal branches that enter the sacral foramina
Inferior gluteal artery
Leaves pelvis via the greater sciatic foramen
Internal pudendal artery
Exits pelvis via greater sciatic foramen to enter gluteal region; supplies external genitalia and structures of perineum
Visceral branches of internal iliac artery
Umbilical, Superior vesical, Inferior vesical, Vaginal, Uterine, Middle rectal
Umbilical artery
Gives rise to superior vesical arteries; becomes medial umbilical ligament
Superior vesical artery
Supplies bladder
Inferior vesical artery
Supplies fundus of bladder and lower part of urethra; in males, sends branches to prostate and seminal vesicles
Vaginal artery
Branch of inferior vesical artery
Uterine artery
Arises from internal iliac artery and crosses above and anterior to the ureters, placing them at risk during ligation of uterine during hysterectomy
Middle rectal artery
Contributes to blood supply of rectum
Lymph in pelvic region drains to?
Internal and external iliac nodes; goes to cisterna chyli
Ureters crossed by?
Females---Superiorly by uterine artery
Males---Superiorly by ductus deferens
Parts of bladder
Vertex---Most ventral corner of tetrahedron; continuous median umbilical ligament of anterior abdominal wall
Superior surface---triangle bounded by vertex and posterior corners with the bladder; only surface covered by peritoneum
Posterior surface---Males=faces the anterior wall of the rectum---Females=faces anterior wall of uterus
Neck of bladder---smooth muscle of bladder organized around bladder outlet and acts as sphincter (sphincter vesicle)
Smooth triangular part of bladder
Smooth muscle of bladder?
Innervated by?
Detrusor muscle; Parasympathetic fibers from S2-4
What system is in charge during urination?
What system is in charge during fill up of bladder?
Male urethra divisions
Spongy, Membranous, Prostatic
What happens if pelvic floor is weakened in women?
Bladder sags to sit on top of pelvic diaphragm and may lead to incontinence (leaky bladder)
Ductus deferens
Ascends from epididymis in scrotum via spermatic cord, entering abdominal cavity via inguinal canal
Ampulla of ductus deferens
Terminal portion that is dilated; joins with duct of seminal vesicle to form ejaculatory duct inside prostate gland
Seminal vesicles
Lies in front of anterior wall of rectum; produces seminal fluid
Look up
Autonomic fibers of inferior hypogastric plexus innervate?
Prostate, seminal vesicles, prostatic urethra
Nerves that can be damaged during surgical removal of prostate?
Fibers that innervate corpora cavernosa, corpus spongiosum, membranous and spongy urethra; leads to erectile dysfunction
Ligament of the ovary
Attaches ovary to the lateral surface of the uterus
Suspensory ligament of the ovary
Extension of posterior abdominal wall peritoneum; ovarian artery found here
Parts of the Uterine tube
Infundibulus, Ampulla, Isthmus
Parts of Uterus
Fundus, Body, Isthmus, Cervix
Position of Uterus
Anteverted and anteflexed; lies on superior surface of bladder
External os
Place where vaginal cavity is continuous with uterine cavity
Anterior and posterior vaginal fornix
Pocket in vagina formed by cervix
Rectouterine pouch
Peritoneum separates upper rectum from uterus
Uterovesical pouch
Peritoneum separates uterus from bladder
Broad ligament
Peritoneum that drapes over reproductive organs of female
Broad ligament divisions
Anterior and Posterior Leaves
Peritoneum on uterus
Peritoneum that suspends uterine tube
Peritoneum that connects ovary; DOES NOT COVER OVARY
Round ligament
Extends from body of uterus to pelvic brim and out through inguinal canal into labia majora
Transverse cervical ligaments
Attach to sides of cervix stabilizing uterus and vagina
Uterosacral ligaments
Extend back from uterus to rectum passing on either side to attach to sacrum; stabilize uterus in pelvis
Pubovesical ligaments
Extend forward to pubis around side of bladder
Ligaments of the Uterus
Condensed slips of pelvic fascia that provide support and transport for vessels

Broad, Round, Transverse cervical, Uterosacral, Pubovesical
Sacral plexus
Pudendal nerves
S2-S4; somatic innervation of perineum; it passes out the pelvic cavity through greater sciatic notch into gluteal region; passes posterior to ischial spine and enters perineum through lesser sciatic notch; travels with internal pudendal artery and vein
Lumbosacral plexus
L1-S4, Co
Terminal branches of sacral and coccygeal plexuses pass through?
Greater sciatic foramen and obturator foramen
Sacral splanchnics carry?
Preganglionic sympathetic fibers
Pelvic splanchnics carry?
Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers (S2-S4)
Superior hypogastric plexus
Located on anterior surface of vertebral bodies below bifurcation of aorta; formed by merger of lumbar splanchnics and aortic plexus of abdominal region
Right and Left hypogastric nerves
Connect superior and inferior hypogastric plexus; contain sacral and pelvic splanchnics
Inferior hypogastric plexus
Located posterior in the true pelvis
Portions of Pelvic Brim
Sacral Promontory
Linea terminalis (Arcuate line and iliopectineal line)
Muscle that "kinks the hose"
Anorectal angle
Unfixed part of rectum; mobile; Passes through pelvic diaphragm
How many transverse folds in lumen of rectum?