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33 Cards in this Set

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3 roles of children in dance
1. creators of dance
2. performers of dance
3. observers of dance
creative dance
-combinations of activities
3 types of dance
1. singing games
2. folk dance
3. creative dance
creative dance
-infinite possibilities
folk dance
folk dance
folk dance
-metric, preset, simple to complex
6 basic activites of dance
1. locomotion
2. stepping
3. gesturing
4. jumping
5. stillness
6. turning
integration of dance with other subject areas
1. music
2. language arts
3. art
4. social studies
5. science
singing games
-metric,preset, simple
creative dance
= children express themselves through a guided exploration
4 concepts of human movement
1. body
2. effort
3. space
4. relationships
5 types of jumping
1. temps leve (hop)take off and land on same foot
2. jete (leap)take off on one foot and land on other foot
3. assmble (jump)take off on one foot and land on both feet
4. sissone (jump)take off on both feet and land on one foot
5. saut (jump)take off on both feet and land on both feet
singing games
-running, skipping, galloping, clapping
folk dance
-partners to groups, lines, squares, circles, simple to complex
singing games
-individual to group
-single and double circles
singing games
-music, voice
-action in which the body leaves the floor and is airborne
-changing the parts of the body supporting your weight requiring balance, strength, and coordination
ex. kneeling, standing
locomotion (travelling)
-the different ways the body can move through space to new places
ex. galloping, rolling
-movements of the body parts not involved in supporting the weight
ex. reaching, gathering
singing games
song, music
creative dance
-individual to group, varied formations, simple to complex
folk dance
-combinations of step patterns
folk dance
-imitative, predetermined
singing games
-imitative, predetermined
creative dance
-metric or nonmetric, preset or created, simple to complex
body concepts as related to dance
-the body is the instrument of our expression and movement is the communication
-the state achieved when motion is stopped
ex. freezing, pausing
folk dance
= social dances that teach children of different ethnic customs, music, and celebrations
-rotation of the body around an axis so the dancer faces a new direction
ex. pivoting, spinning
singing games
=part of a child's oral heritage which are rhythmic and repetitive
creative dance
-mainly creative