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39 Cards in this Set

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- Presentation?

- Virus?

- Young child (maybe 2) gets high fever (105) and 3 days later gets a pink, mac-pap rash on trunk, arms, and legs.

- HHV6

5th Disease:

- AKA?

- Presentation?

- Virus?

AKA: Erythema Infectiosum

- Young child (maybe 2) gets low grade fever, lacy reticular rash on cheeks and upper body (spares the palms/soles).

Who is 5th disease BAD for?

Pregnancy, sickle cell, thalassemia

Scarlett Fever:

- Presentation?

- Virus?

- Treatment?

- Fine, mac-pap desquamating rash begins on chest and spreads to neck, trunk, and extremities + strawberry tongue. Sore throat 1-2 weeks PRIOR.

- Group A strep

- Tx: PNC prevents rheumatic fever (won't help reduce changes in APSGN)


- Presentation?

- Virus?

- Tx?

- Cough, runny nose, fever... then, macular rash begins behind ears and spreads down. Gray spots on the buccal mucosa.

- Virus: paramyxovirus

- Tx: vitamin A + supportive care


- Presentation?

- Virus?

- Complication?

Sore throat, joint pain, fever... then, pinpoint rash on the face and spreads down. Rose spots on the palate.

Virus: Paramyxovirus

Complications: Congenital rubella syndrome

Hand-Foot-and Mouth Disease:

- Presentation?

- Virus?

Baby with poor feeding. Vesicles in the mouth on palms and soles + rash on buttocks.

Coxsackie virus A16


- Presentation?

- Virus?

- Complications?

Older child, like 16, with swollen parotid glands, fever, and HA

Virus: Paramyxovirus

Complications: if male, orchidis and sterility

Lyme Disease:

- Presentation?

- Virus?

- Complications?

- Treatment?

Child who went camping and had a fever.

Virus: Borrelia burgorferi


- Arthritis

- Heart block

- Meningitis

- Bells


- Amoxicillin if < 8

- Doxy if > 8

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever:

- Presentation?

- Virus?

- Complications?

- Treatment?

Child went camping. Had fever, myalgia, abdominal pain.

Virus: Rickettsia rickettsii

Complications: Vasculitis and gangrene

Tx: Doxy no matter what age


- Presentation?

- Treatment?

Kid, multiple excoriations on arms. Itchy at night.

Tx: 5% permetrin for whole family !


- Presentation?

- Etiology?

- Tx?

Honey-colored crusted plaque on face

MC bug is staph if bulls

Tx: topical muciprocin if localized

Staph Scalded Skin Syndrome:

- Presentation?

- Etiology?

- Tx?

Inflamed conjunctiva and multiple blisters. Nikolsky's +/

From exfoliative toxin

Tx: Tx w/ IV ox or nafcillin


- MC bugs? Tx?

- If young and immune suppressed? Tx?

- In ppl w/ brain surgery? Tx?

MC bugs:

- Streph pneumo

- H. Influenza

- N. meningitidis

- Tx: Ceftriaxone and Vanco

In young and immune suppressed:

- Add lysteria

- Tx: Ampicillin

In ppl w/ brain surgery:

- Add staph

- Tx with Vanco

Meningitis and Lyme:

- Tx?

IV Ceftriazone


- Best first step?

- Diagnostic test?

Best first step:

- Start empiric treatment (+ steroids if you think it is bacteria)

Diagnostic test:

- Then, check CT if signs of increased ICP. Then, do a LP

Roommate of the kid in the dorms who has bacterial meningitis and petechial rash:

- Diagnostic criteria?

- Tx?

+ gram stain, > 1000 WBC is diagnostic. High protein and low glucose support bacteria.

Tx: Rifampin!!!

2 y/o w/ fever to 102, tugging on his right ear. Patient’s tympanic membrane is red and bulging:

- Diagnosis?

- Most sensitive dx test?

- Risk factors?

- Treatment?

- Complications?

Diagnosis: OM

Most sensitive dx test:

- Limited mobility on insufflation or air-fluid level

Risk factors:

- Decreased SES

- Native Americans

- Formula fed

- Tobacco smoke

- Around kids


- Amox or azithromycin for 10 days

- If no improvement in 2-3 days, switch to amox-clav


- Effusion-place tubes if bilateral effusion > 4 mo or if bilateral hearing loss

12y/o in summer swim league has pain when adjusting his goggle straps behind his ear. Thick exudates coming from the ear and tender posterior auricular nodes.

- Diagnosis?

- Tx?

- Complications?

Diagnosis: OE

Tx: Topical ciprofloxacin


- Malignant external otitis. Can invade to temporal bone and leads to facial paralysis, vertigo.

Need CT and IV abx. May need surgery.

7y/o w/ exudative pharyngitis w/ tender cervical lymph nodes and fever to 102.

- Diagnosis?

- Best first test?

- If negative?

- Tx?

Diagnosis: sounds like GABHS Pharyngitis

Best first test: rapid strep antigen

If negative:

- If clinical suspicion is high (no viral sxs), do culture


- PCN or erythromycin. Why?***

A child presents w/ “muffled voice”, stridor and refuses to turn her head to the left.

- Diagnosis?

- Tx?

- Complications?

Diagnosis: Retropharyngeal abscess


- I&D for C&S. GAS + anaerobes. 3rd gen ceph + amp or clinda


- Retropharyngeal space communicates w/ mediastinum

A child presents w/ “hot potato voice” and upon throat exam her uvula is deviated to the right 2/2 a bulge.

- Diagnosis?

- Tx?

- Indications for tonsilectomy?


- Peritonsillar abscess

Tx: Aspiration or I&D + abx, tonsillectomy if recurrent.

Indications for tonsilectomy:

- > 5 episodes of strep/year for 2 years or > 3 episodes/year for 3 years.

Epstein-Barr virus:

- Presentation?

Older kiddo with sore throat. Fever, fatigue, generalized adenopathy and splenomegaly (anterior and posterior cervical nodes).

What happens if you give Mono patient Ampicillin or Amoxicillin?

Maculopapular rash (immune mediated vasculitic)


- Diagnosis?

- Tx?

- Precautions?


- Blood smear shows lymphocytosis w/ atypical lymphs + Heterophiles antibody (Monospot) test

Tx: rest and symptomatic therapy


- Splenic hemorrhage or rupture (most in 2nd week)

- No contact sports until splenomegaly resolves.

1 y/o w/ fever to 100.5 & “barking” cough and loud noises on inspiration.

- Diagnosis?

- Most common bug?

- X-ray buzzword?

- Tx?

Diagnosis: Croup

Most common bug:

- Parainfluenza virus

X-ray buzzword:

- "Steeple sign"


- Mist, epinephrine neb, steroids

2 y/o w/ fever to 104 & drooling w/ intercostal retractions and tripod position.

- Diagnosis?

- Most common bug?

- X-ray buzzword?

- Next best step?

- Tx?


- Epiglottis

Most common bug:

- H. Flu B only in unimmunized

- Strep pyo, strep pneumo, staph

X ray buzzword:

- "thumbprint sign"

Next best test:

- Go to OR and intubate


- Anti-staph abx + 3rd generation cephalosporin

Kid comes in w/ cough productive of yellow-green sputum, runny nose and T = 100.8. Lung exam only reveals some coarse rhonchi.

- Diagnosis?

- Next best step?


- Acute bronchitis

Next best step:

- Supportive tx with anti-pyretic, tussles, histamines.

Kid comes in w/ similar sxs but decrease breath sounds and crackles in the LLL and WBC = 16K.

- Diagnosis?

- Next best step?


CXR to confirm. Typical vs. atypical

Pneumonia MC causes:

- Neonates < 28 days?

- 1 mo- 3 mo?

- 4 mo to 5 years?

- > 5 years?

Neonates < 28 days:


- E. coli

- Lysteria

1 mo-3 mo:

- C. trachomatis


- Paraflu

- STrep pneumo

4 mo to 5 years:

- VIRAL!! RSV, then s. pneuma

> 5 years:

- Mycoplasma

- S. pneumo

What are specific findings for chlamydia pneumonia?

Staccato cough, eosinophilia

9mo infant w/ runny nose, wheezy cough, T = 101.5, and RR = 60. Retractions are visible and pulse ox is 91%.

- Diagnosis?

- MC bug?

- CXR findings?

- Tx?

- Who needs vaccine?


- Bronchiolitis

MC bug:

- RSV. Confirm w/ swab.

CXR Findings:

- Hyperinflation w/ patchy atelectasis


- Hospitalize if respiratory distress

- Albuterol nebs

- NO steroids

Who needs vaccine:

- Palivizumba for premies


- Lung dz

- Immature dz

9mo infant with severe coughing spells with loud inspiratory whoops and vomiting afterwards. 2 weeks ago she had runny nose and dry cough.

- Diagnosis:

- Responsible bug?

- Lab findings?

- Tx?


- Whooping cough

Responsible bug:

- Bordetalla pertussis

Lab findings:

- CBC shows lymphocytosis


- Erythromycin for 14 days

- Also tx family members and kids in daycare.


- S/S in neonates?

sxs are vague-fever, dehydration, fussy.–If fever is present its pyelo. Cystitis has NO fever

Gender UTI

Before age 1, boys are ML to get UTI than girls.

Anatomic risk factor for UTI?

Vesicoureteral reflux. Need abs prophylaxis.


- Diagnosis?

- Tx?

- Tx of pyelo?

- F/U?


- Clean catch or cath sample, UA, and culture. (> 10 K CFU)

- Need U/S if febrile UTI for anatomy, abscess, or hydronephrosis

Tx of UTI:

- PO trim-sulfa or nitrofurantoin

Tx of pyelo:

- 14 days of IV ceftriaxone or amp & gent

Follow up:

- Test of cure to confirm sterility

Who needs VCUG?

All males, females < 5, any pyelo, females > 5 w/ 2nd UTI

Role of Tc-labeled DMSA scan?

it is most sensitive and accurate study of scarring and renal size, but is not first line.