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34 Cards in this Set

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iron deficiency anemia
-most common nurtitional disorder
-inadaquate supply of iron
-cause- drink to much milk(limit to one qt. per/day), rapid growth spirts
-assessment=decrease growth, irritibility/ fatigue, RBC's flat&abnormal, hemoccult stool, bleeding, cook in castiron skilets, increase protein and vit c helps with new rbc's. give babies iron forified formula/cereal
what should you take iron with?
citrus fruit or juice it aids in absorption
what color is your stool when taking iron suppliments?
tarry green
how is iron administered?
orally, vomiting and diarrhea may occur
what is B thalassesmia major?
means "M/aditerranean sea in greek"inharited bld disorders
-diagnosis-defective synthesis of hbg, structurally impairedRBCs, shortened lifespan of erythrocytes.
S&S of B thalassesmia
ENLARGED SPLEED and liver, unexplained fever, pallor, poor feeding
progressive S&S
headache, precordial and bone pain, anorxia
Treatment of
bld transfusions, maintain hbg levels, let them be NORMAL
sickle cell anemia
hereditary, (LOOK at CHART on slides for Extra Credit)
-an obstruction caused by sicked RBC's, Increase RBC's destruction
- interference of organ sequence is..stasis in enlanrgment, ischemia&repeated destruction, scarring-replacement with fibrous tissue
S&S of SCA
-Very painfulmainly in extremities and adbomen(people mistake them for users bc they know drugs) caused by ischemia
-growth retartation,delayed sexual maturatuion
treatment of SCA
-prevent sickling,treat *crisis*(often caused by ASPRIN&FEVER)
-Demerol is not reccomended- causes anxiety and tremors
-IV therapy, electrolyte replacement,analgesics, bld replacement, antibotics to treat existing infection
vaso-oculsive crisis
pain and areas of involvement related to ischemia (extermities, abdomenal)blood stops circulating, may see swelling, pain, fever, pale and tired
-genetic, life long, no cure
-clotting disorder
-christimas disease IX
-prolonged PTT, PT and Platelet are normal
S&S of hemophilia
easy bleeding and brusing
hematomas= pain swelling and limited motion
diagnosis and treatment
-hx. of bleeding episodes, labs
-FACTOR is the key=it helps with bleeding, it is expewnsive contact SW
-use soft tooth brush
-let them be NORMAL
-avoid asprin
what is the best sport for someone with hemophilia?
ITP (idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura)
-most common in children
-bleeding disoprder virus destroys platelets
-excessive bleeding
S&S of ITP
-petechiae, bursing
-assess NEURO & LOC bc brain bleeds
-NOTHIN invasive temp. cath
steroids&platelets are important
-proliferatingimmature WBCs
-cancer of bld tissue, very common. (4-6 wks. in hosp. for chemo. to get put into remission)
treatment of leukemia
-Chemo in 4 phases..1. intro therapy <5%..2.CNSprophylactic therapy prevents from invading CNS..3.intensification therapy(consolidation)..4.maintaince therapymaintain the remission phase
-opioid narcotics for pain
S&S of leuk.
-Pallor, fatigue, fever,pain
theraputic effects-
-explain each proecdure and what to expect will it hurt or not
-tell analygics will be given if necessary
what do you know about immunization and leukemia?
*They (cancer pts.)have a decrease in immunity
*"becasue the usual virus infection of childhood are particulary dangerous the child is not immunized against these diesease (measles, rubella, mumps) until immune system is capable of responding to approperiate vaccine. if toy give immunizations when immune system is depressed a virus can result in an overwhelming infection. they should not reveive varciclla vaccine but family member may
manifestations of hodgkins
-only one lymph node effected
-NON tender
- pain LESS
-fever wt. loss night sweats cough adb. discomfort
diagnosis and treatment of hodgkins
- Reed stembery cells (large cells)
-Chemp and radiation based on stages
-operations, support family, treat symptoms
UTI in children main cause
-e-coli 80% of the time
-dont wipe correctly, hold urination and do not eat healthy, not enough water intake, bubble baths, tight clothing, thongs,
S&S of UTI
- frequence, retention, burning, unexplained fever
urine culture- ecoli
actue glomerulonephritis
"post strep"
-oliguria, edema, lethargic hypertension,hematuria
-cause= occurs after viral infection, strep
treatment of actue glom.
-laxis and antihypertensives
-bed rest, build up immune system
-strict I&O, electrolytes
**Fluid restriction med cups of ice
ligament is partically or completely torn or stretched by the force created
child complains of..
-hjoint feeling loose, snap, pop, tearing
-pain may or may not be present
-rapid swelling
microscopic tear to the musculotendinous an has features in common with sprain
-painful to touch and swollen
-occur over time
what will you see with a strain
-when happen more rapidly more severe the injury
-when strain involves muscle there is more bleeding ..soon palpable after injury