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14 Cards in this Set

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What is the leading cause of death (mortality) in children over age 1 year?
Injuries with the majority being motor vehicle accident injuries
What other cause of death (mortality) is seen in every age group for children (ages 1-24)?
List 3 chilhood morbidity (illness) statistics
50% respiratory illness (pnemonia, asthma, cystic fibrosis)
11% infections (cellulitis, UTI)
15% injuries
Separation is a big deal for what age of kids?
6 months thru preschool
List 10 leading causes of death (mortality) in infants
1. Congenital anomalies
2. Prematurity
3. SIDs
4. Maternal complications (diabetes)
5. Abnormal placenta, cord, membranes
6. RDS
7. Perinatal infections
8. Newborn sepsis
9. Hypoxia and birth asphyxia
10. Cardiac disorders
What is considered the leading cause of neonatal death in the U.S.?
LBW (low birth weight), which is closely related to early gestational age.
What is new morbidity?
(social illness)behavioral, social, and educational problems that can significantly alter a child's health (e.g. poverty, violence, school failure, divorce, children from poor families have more health problems).
What does Hib (haemophilus influenzae Type b protect against?
serious infections such as bacterial meningitis, epiglottitis, bacterial pneumonia, septic arthritis, and sepsis.
Which is more advanced in infants gross motor or fine motor?
Gross motor
Erikson's (Infancy)
Trust vs. Mistrust

Importance of caregiver-child relationship (Parent-infant bonding)
Importance of consistency of care
Separation & Stranger anxiety
"Delayed gratification"
Erikson's (Toddlerhood/Early Childhood)
Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt

Ritualization provides sense of comfort (nap time, meal time)
Erikson's (Preschooler)
Initiative vs. Guilt

Chores (set table, calm sibling down)
Development of superego (conscience) boardgames (hate to lose)
Erikson's (School age)
Industry vs. Inferiority

Eager to develop skills & participate in meaningful & socially useful work.
Acquire sense of personal & interpersonal competence
Growing sense of independence
Peer approval is strong motivator
Erikson's (Adolescence)
Identity vs. Role confusion

Social forces shape sense of self (Identity achievement)
Value placed on peer relationships
Intimate relationship begins to emerge in adolescence