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74 Cards in this Set

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what are the painless scrotal lesions?
hydrocele, speratocele, varicocele, hernia, testicular tumor, idiopathic scrotal edema
what are the painful scrotal lesions?
torsion of the spermatic cord or appendix of the testis, epididymitis, orchitis, trauma, hernia, HSP, cellulitis, folliculitis
how does epididymitis occur?
pathogens reach epididymis thru lumen of the vas deferens from infected urine, posterior urethra, or seminal vesicles
what are the etiologies of epididymitis?>
infants/young children, GU tract abnormalities, STIs (GC, Chlamydia, e coli)
ToF: epididymitis is always from an STI
ToF: epididymitis is common from trauma
what is the clinical presentation of epididymitis?
(+) history of sex, associated urethritis, gradual onset of pain and tenderness, dysruia, urethral d/c, fever (50%), NV are not common
what is seen on exam for epididymitis?
discharge, tender scrotum, hydrocele, palpable swelling,
what are the uncommon complications of epididymitis?
testicular necrosis or atrophy, infertility
how is epididymitis dx?
UA and U c&s, urethral cultures, GU eval, sonogram and radionuclear scanning
what is the tx for epididymitis?
bactrim, STI tx if that is the cause, cephalosporin if enteric organism idenitified
what is testicular torsion?
twisting of the spermaticord
how does testicular torsion occur?
when free-floating testis rotates on the spermatic cord and occludes blood supply, may be spontaneous or after trauma
when are the common times for testicular torsion?
newborn period and at puberty
ToF: a significant number of men > 21 get testicular torsion
what are the perinatal symptoms of testicular torsion?
scrotum appears swollen and erythematous or bluish, typically non-tender mass is palpable in afffected hemiscrotum
what are the symps of testicular torsion in older children?>
sudden onset of testicular pain, little swelling or tenderness, lower abdominal pain, NV, no fever dysuria or discharge
what are the PE aspects for testicular torsion?
rapid exam, skin usually erythematous and taut w/o normal rugae, testes high in scrotum, epididymis will not be in typical posistion, vas deferens is tender, CREMASTERIC REFLEX ABSENT!
what are the dx tests for testicular torsion?
UA (90% are normal), doppler US (absent testicular arterial pulsations), nuclear scan (decreased perfusion), scrotal US (does not differentiate epididymitis from torsion)
ToF: a scrotal US can differentiate epididymitis from torsion
what is the exam of choice to assess for torsion?
ToF: testicular torsion is a urologic emergency
ToF: most testicular tumors are germ cell and malignant
what is the most common testicular tumor in prepubertal males
what are the most common testicular tumors in males after puberty?
what are the other forms of testicular tumors?
embryonal cell carcinomas, choriocarcinomas, sertoli cell tumors and leydig cell tumors
what should be considered in any male w/ firm, painless mass associated with testis?
how will a testicular tumor appear with transillumination?
what is a varicocele?
dilated plexus of scrotal veins situated above the testes in the scrotum
what is the pathogenesis of varicocele?
due to valvular incompetence of the speratic vein
a varicocele occuring on the __ side does not need a work up?
what does a varicocele on the right mean?
may represent acute venous obstruction from a tumor or intra abdominal pathology
ToF: bilateral varicocele are completely rare
false, more common than thought
how does a varicocele feel?
a bag of worms
what does a varicocele look like?
bluish discoloration which is visible thru the scrotum, prominent when pt is standing, collapses when sitting or supine,
tof: varicocele is asymptomatic and testis is non tender
how might a varicocele feel
mild pain with heaviness of the scrotum
how do you dx varicocele?
have pt valsalva while standing, palpate testes, rectal exam: prostate size may shrink w/ testoterone deficiency occurs at times w/ varicocele. US,
what is the work up for right sided varicocele?
Venography: gold standard, doppler, consult specialist regarding fertility
describe a speramatocele.
painless, cystic mass containing sperm, located in upp portion of epidiymis, usually smooth, cystic sac and located above and posterior to testis
what is the tx for spermatocele
none, not needed
what is DUB?
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding: painless irregular vaginal bleeding that is anovulatory in nature, occurs more often than menses and stays for prolonged period,
what is the criteria for dx of DUB?
must be painless vaginal bleeding
what is the tx for mild DUB?
hgb > 11: reassure, educate, offer iron and low dose OCP, reevaluate in 3 months
what is the tx for moderate DUB?
hgb 9-11: educated, rule out STD and coagulopathy, offer iron and low dose OCP taper, reeval in 2 months
what is the st for severe DUB?
hgb 7-9: r/o coagulopathy. Offer iron and high dose OCP taper, reeval in 4 weeks
what is the tx for DUB with hypovolemic shock?
hgb <5-6: stabilize, r/o coag. Offer transfusion, admit for high dose hormones until VB stops (IV or po route). D&C or balloon tamponade in extreme cases
ToF: you can get DUB again following a balloon tamponade tx
what are the symptoms of an ectopic?
severe LLQ pain, abdominal pain, vomiting, dizziness, and vaginal bleeding, sexually active female, occurs 6-8 weeks from LMP
what are the symptoms of a threatened abortion?
hx compatible with early pregnancy, bleeding w/ or w/o cramping, and Os is closed
what is a complete abortion?
embryo and placenta are completely expelled from uterus
what is an incomplete abortion?
fragments of placenta remain in uterus, prolonged bleeding and cervical dilation, continued cramping
what is a missed abortion?
fetal death in utero before 20th week, pregnancy is retained, no bleeding, Pt is amenorrheic w/ or w/o uterine growth, requires removal
what are the risk factors for ectopic?
hx of PID in past, previous ectopic, getting pregnant while on OCPs
what is seen on PE for ectopic?
abdominal, pelvic and cervical motion tenderness, adnexal mass may be felt, discrepancy b/w uterine size and expected size based on LMP or BHCG
what is the ED management of ectopic?
must ID it, CBC, BHCG, type and cross, 2 large bore Ivs, get blood hung asap, get to OR asap
ToF: zithromax is used often in PID treatment
PID is an ___ microbial genital infection that occurs in sexually active females
What are the usual causes of PID?
GC and chlamydia, but the micro flora from vagina and bowel may contribute
what are the risk factors for PID?
child and adolescents due to antamoy and physiology, # of partners, new partners w/I 3 months, # of STDs, Past hx of PID, IUDs, Douching, early in monthly menses
what are the protective factors against PID?
pregnancy, use of barrier method contraception, OCPs
ToF: PID is largely dx clinically
what are the minimum criteria for PID?
lower abdominal tenderness, adnexal tenderness, cervical motion tenderness
what are the additional criteria for PID dx?
oral temp 38.3 (100.9), lab documentation of cervical infection w/ GC or chlamydia
what is the definitive dx criteria for PID?
histopathologic evidence of endometriosis on biopsy, transvaginal US or imaging study showing thickened, fluid filled tubes w/ or w/o free fluid, tubo ovarian complex/abscess or laproscopic abnormalities consisten w/ PID
what is the management for PID?
broad spec abx, consider hospitalization, no azith
what is the parentarel regimen A guideline for PID?
cefotetan 2G IV q 12 h or Cefoxitin 2g IV q 6 PLUS doxy 100mg IV or oral q12
what is the parenteral regimen B for PID?
clinda 900mg IV q8 PLUS gent loading 2mg/kg followed by 1.5mg/kg q8 maintenance
what is the PO regimen A for PID?
ofloxacin 400 mg BID x 14 days PLUS metronidazole 500mg BID x 14 days
what is the regimen B PO for PID?
cetriaxone 250 mg IM or cefoxitin 2gm IM + probenecid 1g orally x one PLUS doxy 100mg BID x 14 days
what is the reg C PO for PID?
3rd gen ceph plus doxy 100mg BID x 14 days
what is reg C IV for PID?
Ofloxacin 400mg IV q 12 PLUS metronid 500mg IV q8 OR Amp/sulbactacm 3g IV q6h
what can you give a pregnant woman with PID?
erythro PO for 14 days
how long must a pt be afebrile to be discharged?
48 hours