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96 Cards in this Set

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Number Needed To Treat

1/(treatment odds - placebo odds)

What degree of scoliosis vs kyphosis is needed for referral?

Scoliosis - 10 (scoli vodka - 10/10;Kyphosis - 70 (Ki Phi's barely pass)

Vaccines for 15 month, 18 month, 11 year, 16 year

15 month - DTaP; 18 month - Hep A; 11 year -DTaP, Mening, HPV; 16 year - mening

Mass size and what to do:
BOOBS - 5 cm - obs or FNA if persist. Exicsion if > 5
Anovulatory cycles have what hormonal characteristics?
low progesterone, variable estrogen
Testicular "cele's"
hydro - tunica vaginalis, painless, need tunic in the rain, Sperato - Cyst filled with spermatozoa, change with valsalva.
Granuloma Inguinale
Caused by klebsiella, painless friable ulcer
Linear streaks with vesicles. May have CNS or ocular component
Incontinentia pigmenti
acrodermatitis vs acropustulosis
dermatitis - viral associated on palms and soles. Seen in kids. Pale pink plateued papules in pedatrics.; acropustulosis -pruritic, pmn's, in puppys
chronic infectious diarrhea?
Enterotoxigenic e. coli and vibrio cholerae
surveillance for u.c.
10 years after dx and every 1-2 after
Echinacea bad for who?
Ple from cmv
Caroli disease
Congenital dilation of large biliary ducts
Side effect of lidocaine
Ataxia telangiectasia has what immune problem?
Low IgA and IgE
TB meningitis causes what?
b stuff - 6th nerve palsy and basilar engancement
Arcanobacter hemolyticum
Like Joan of arc, pharyngitis and acarlitiniform rash
Corynebacteriun causes?
Myocarditis (cor)
trichorrhexis nodosa
Hair breakage in African Americans
Avoid imipinem in who?
Patients with seizures, lowers threshold
What worm infects muscle? Causes rectal prolapse?
Trichinosis, whipple
Clostridium septicum associated with what?
Go malignancy
Actinomycetes symptoms and treatment?
PID, facial and dental abscesses; sulfur granules. Treat with pcn
Antibiotic ointment in babies prevents what?
Which strand has Duffy antigen?
P. Vivax
Test first then treatment for getting vivacious and malariae out of the liver?
Make sure no g6pd deficiency and give Primaquine
Up north causing hemolytic anemia and see Maltese cross
Treatment for giardia if can't swallow pills
Nitazoxide because will be up all night otherwise
How does erythropoietin protoporphyria present?
Angioedema with sun exposure. Poetry through lips
Retinoic acid causes what as a teratogen?
Digeorge like effects
Dubowitz syndrome
Excessive hair (du) and developmental problems
Möbius syndrome
No breast/pectoral tissue, cranial nerve problems. What nerve the mob has
Glutamic acidemias type II
Can't get girl to stick because Gu and facial abnormalities
Methylmalonic acidemias
MET mellitus (nonketotic hyperglycemia) emesis and thrombocytopenia
Proprionic acidemias
Pro kinetic - vomiting;Prion - encephalopathy;Ic - bone marrow suppression like an ice pick for bones
What distinguishes lcad from mcad and vlcad
The l- lens and liver problems
Fanconi blickel
Liver and kidney disease, extremely rare thing consanguinity (Bickel- berkowitz)
McCardle disease
Get rhabdo and muscle cramps with exercise
What is the mechanism of CVA in chronic cyanosis heart disease?
prolonged Fe deficiency causing hemoglobin and RBC changes causing increased viscosity
How much dextrose, lipid and amino acid per day?
15, 3 and 1 g/kg/day
psych induced enuresis
Female who is constanty wet?
ectopic ureter
Most common treated water born pathogen? Diagnosis/Treatment?
cryptosporidium, give nitazoxanide (again, will be up all night), though only treat if immunosuppressed usually.
Temperature of fluid if using to re-warm patient?
Treatment for lice if permethrin does not work?
Fever, hepatosplenomegaly and myalgias with cattle exposure?
Kidney problems with ketogenic diet?
1st and 2nd line treatment for chronic sinusitis that failed abx
adenoids, sinus surgery
Testing for SCID by age: newborn, toddler, older?
Newborn: t-cell receptor excision circles, Toddler: Antibody responses of protein vaccines, Older: Polysaccharide vaccine responses.
Treatment for PID if allergic to ceftriaxone
gent and mero
hep c testing if baby born to positive Mom? older child?
NAAT, ELISA->Wester blot
First setp when identifying thyroid nodule
all > 1 need biopsy, less than 1 need biopsy if high risk or abnormal ultrasound
Warm/cold/cardiogenic shock treatment?
Warm - norepi/dopamine; Cold - epi; Cardiogenic - dobutamine/milrinone
Most effective emergency contraceptive?
ulipristal acetate (urlipisaresealed)
sore throat, negative rapid strep, migrating arthritis, lacy rash is what? Treatment?
Rheumatic fever, PCN
isolated vertical nystagmus is what?
chiari I malformation, look for dysphagia, dysarthria or upbeat/downbeat nystagmus, weakness or hyperreflexia
Which type of sinus injury requires immediate surgical attention
localized scleroderma
bruise that does not get better
point tenderness over bone even if can bear weight is most likely what?
fracture of growth plate
Most common complication of cleft soft palate?
ear infection, hearing loss
drug choice for septic joint < 5 yo or > 5 yo?
< 5 - ro and vanc; >5 yo - nafcillin
scoliosis is associated with what other lesions?
GU abnormalities
Treatment for small corneal abrasion.
rx for antibiotic drops, anesthesia in office, not at home and no other drops. No follow up.
Active herpes lesions with rupture if membranes > 4 hours
surface cultures and monitor
Milestones by 2-6 years
2-year-old can run well, walk up and down steps one step at a time, jump in place, make a tower of seven cubes, scribble in a circular pattern, and imitate a horizontal stroke.3 years of age, a child is able to pedal a tricycle, draw a circle, and draw a person with a head and 1 other body part. 4 years of age is able to copy a cross and a square, catch a bounced ball, and hop on one foot 2 or 3 times. 5- year old can dress and undress herself, draw a person with 6 body parts, and skip (alternating feet)6-year-old child can ride a bicycle without training wheels and draw a person with details of hair, eyes, nose, mouth, and hands with 5 fingers and who is wearing a shirt, pants, and shoes.
Pancreatic dysfunction with heart problems (holiday heart), nostril a genesis (frost bite), (hypothyroidism (cold), GI abnormalities (yellow snow) and hair abnormalities (need hat) and develop tap delay
Johanson-blizzard syndrome
Treatment for chronic urticarua
Fexophenadine h1 blocker
Calculate Likelihood ratio
Ur lichen Turner syndrome
Lack of testis determining factor xy but phenotypic ally female
When can you transition glycogen storage disease kids off continuous feeds
2-3 years then corn starch bid
Schwartz Equation
K X (height in cm/Cr k is 0.45-0.7
urinary alkalization used for what?urethral obstruction
all but struvite and CaPhos stones
medical treatment of calcium stones
HTN and acute renal failure in young female
fibromuscular dysplasia
HTN + nephrotic syndrome
sjogrens is a risk factor for what malignancy
pathergy is with what?
how do you diagnose XIII deficiency
euglobulin clot lysis test
Factor X deficiency associated with what disease?
How much Hemoglobin A2 is diagnostic of beta thal
>2.5 %
Most common estrogen secreting tumor
Granulosa cell tumor
Perrault syndrome
Pear - gonadal dysgnesis, Ear - sensorineural hearing loss
Liddle vs gittelman vs bartter
all hyperaldosteronism:Liddle - low renin, gittelman - muscle problems, barter - bargain for low BP
Work up for hyperaldosteronism?
dexamethasone suppression test. If not responsive, do CT looking for tumor. If not, do adrenal sample
11, 17, 21 hydroxylase deficiency
11 - no sugar; 17 - no sugar, no sex; 21 - all sex
What do iodine and lithium do to thyroid
block T3-T4
Treatment of nephrogenic DI
Thiazides and indomethacin
What is relationship between prolactin and thydroid
TRH promotes prolactin release
Carney complex
AD blue nevi, sexua precocity, endocrine tumors, cardiac and skin myxomas
What is autoimmune polyendocrinopathy syndrome 1
C-A-H, Candidiasis, Addisons, hypoparathydroidism, CAH
Sertoli vs leydig cell function
Sertoli - inhibits muellerian inhibitory factor, Leydic - secretes testosterone
17 ketosteroid reductase deficiency
last step in pathway, AR, look like females until puberty
most common cause of male pseudohermaphroditism
androgen insensitivity
how do you diagnose langerhans histiocytosis
CD1a or birbec granules
How do you prevent amyloidosis in familiar mediterranean fever?
