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63 Cards in this Set

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Newborn Developmental Overview

Enhancing the sense of touch
Beginning listening
Interest in rhythm and repetition
Awareness of body
Regulation and interest in the world
Grasping skill
___ dominated
___ Developmental Overview

Confidence and independence
Good sense of self
Hand/eye coordination
Direction following
Balance and mobility
One year old
___ Developmental Overview

Desire to help
Memory recall (mental images)
Following directions
Increased motor skills
Conveys wishes, needs
Coordination for increased self help skills
Two year old
___ Developmental Overview

Decision making
Problem solving
Pretend play
Animated expressions
Ability to reason
Three year old
___ Developmental Overview

Recognition of numbers, letters, shapes, and colors
Written language
Higher level thinking skills
Ability to reason and analyze
Four and Five years old
The Skills

Gross Motor
Object Manipulation
Fine Motor
Self Care
Newborn -Reflexes

Newborn –Grasping
2 months –Grasp/Release integration
2 months –Walking/Stepping
4 months –ATNR integration
6 months –Landau Reaction
6 months –Protective Reactions
forward, side
9 months –Righting Reactions
forward, backward
Gross Motor Development

Moves arms, legs and head independently
Developing head and neck control
Bearing weight on legs (2 months)
Extending trunk while lying on stomach
0 -3 months
Gross Motor Development
___ months

Symmetrical posture (bringing hands to midline)
Propping body on forearms
Extending arms and legs (stomach/back)
Rolls onto tummy
Sits with support
3 -6 months
Gross Motor Development
____ months

Pushing up
Rolls from back to stomach (both sides)
Raises upper trunk from surface; shifts weight; reaches with free arm
Beginning to move forward with arms while in prone
Sits alone while using hands for play (not stability)
6 -9 months
Gross Motor Development
___ month

Rocks on hands and knees; purposeful creep
Scooting; pivoting, pulling to stand
Lowers to sitting position w/o falling
Pulls to sitting position from lying on back
Crawling mastered, standing unsupported (when placed in stand)
Begins taking 1-2 independent steps
9 -12 months
Gross Motor Development
___ years

Stands up from sitting position; squats
Kneeling; Crawling; Walking
Walking up stairs; Creeping down stairs
1 -2 years
Gross Motor Development
___ years

Walks backward; sideways
Stands on one foot
Beginning to ride tricycle
Runs well; jumps forward, up and down
2 -3 years
Gross Motor Development
___ years

Stands and walks on tiptoes
Kicks with accuracy
Walks up and down stairs with alternating feet
Runs fast; jumps hurdles; balance beam
Imitating movements
Skips and/or Gallops; Jumps rope
3 -5 years
Gross Motor Development - Ideas for treatment

Allow children to ___
Place children in variety of ___
Challenge older children with home-made obstacle courses
Create an area for running, jumping, climbing, etc.
Encourage sports and other age appropriate movement play

Object Manipulation (Ball Skills)
___ years

Catches rolled ball during sitting (corrals w/ arms and hands)
Rolls ball while sitting
Flings/throws ball (arms extended at shoulder)
Side sling, Overhand then Underhand
Kicks ball
1 –2 years
Object Manipulation (Ball Skills)
___ years

Catches ball with hands/arms extended
Hits target with ball –underhand then overhand
Bounces ball
Catches bounced ball
3 –5 years
Fine Motor Development

Uses eyes to scan area and people
Beginning to regard hands; mouthing
Holds and manipulates rattle
0 -3 months
Fine Motor Development
___ months

Grasps and releases during play
Pulls string with bright toy
Hands explore toys (all sides, cubes)
3 -6 months
Fine Motor Development
___ months

Banging, shaking, grasping, releasing
Carries toys in mouth
Transferring toys from hand to hand
Uses finger rake to pick up small items (pellets)
6 -9 months
Fine Motor Development
___ months

Uses one finger isolation during play
Grasps with pad of finger and thumb
Can pick up more than 1 item (2 blocks)
Grasping marker w/thumb and index finger toward paper
Turns pages of a book
Still explores new items with mouth
9 –12 months
Fine Motor Development

Pokes, opens, stacks
Build 6-10 cube tower
Place simple shapes in formboard
Grasps marker w/thumb and pad of index finger
Scribbles with crayon/marker
1 -2 years
Fine Motor Development
___ years

Unscrew top
Snip with scissors
String beads
Pours liquid from glass to glass
2 -3 years
Fine Motor Development
___ years

Hand dominance
Prewriting strokes; copying shapes
Cut paper in half; cut-out circle; cut-out square
Lacing; connecting dots
Uses a template (crossing midline)
Draws a person with 5 body parts
Colors a picture w/ minimal error
Can touch each finger in succession with thumb
3 -5 years
Fine Motor Development - Ideas for treatment

Provide a variety of size and shape toys
Allow children to ___ with fingers or spoon
Introduce “tool use” early
Encourage children to assist in daily routines
Tuck toys and food into small spaces (ice cube trays)
Shape puzzles, books, string toys
Paper dolls, cut-outs
self feed
___ months

Gums solid foods; feeds self crackers
Holds own bottle; drinks from cup held by adult
Picks up small pieces of cereal to eat
Stirs with a spoon
Holds cup and drinks with some spills
8 –12 months
___ months

Feeds self w/spoon (spills)
Learns to take off hat, socks, and shoes without laces
Learns to unzip large zippers
15 -24 months
___ months

Drinks from a small cup, holding it with one hand
Bites well through food
Brings spoon to mouth with the palm facing up
Can pull pants down with assistance
Anticipates the need to use the toilet
Still needs help to complete dressing (shirts, pants, socks, shoes)
24 -30 months
___ months

Puts on items such as shoes, socks, pants, shirts and jackets
Pulls pants up
Undresses and dresses with adult help
Still needs help with tying
Pours from a small cup
Begins to use a fork to spear food
Can spread with a dull butter knife
30 -36 months
___ years

Uses toilet with adult help; has daytime toilet control
Learns to undo fasteners, such as snaps and laces
Distinguishes between the front and back of clothes
Zips front-opening clothes; jackets with help starting
Still needs adult help with dressing
Puts on socks, may need help with heel placement
Puts shoes on, may have trouble telling which feet
Unbuttoning (42 months); Buttoning (48 months); shoes
Washes & dries hands independently
Blows & wipes nose, covers mouth upon request
3-4 years
___ years (continued)

Obtains and pours drink independently
Remains dry throughout the night
Begins using fork more than spoon
Holds spoon in fingers with palm down
Learns to cut soft foods with the edge of fork
Learns to prepare a bowl of dry cereal with milk
Uses napkin
Serves self at table with little spilling
3-4 years
___ years

Puts on socks with heel placement
Puts on shoes with some adult help
Buckles shoes; puts belts in loops and buckles
Put shirts on correctly
Some can put shoes on correct feet and tie laces
Dresses self (not difficult fastenings)
Washes & dries face independently
Brushes teeth independently
Serves self
Toilets self

6 years
Ties own shoes
4 -5 years
Communication Development
___ months

Different cries for different meanings
Moves head, eyes in response to noise
0 -3 months
Communication Development
___ months

Begins babbling
Uses word-like expressions (vocalizes emotions)
Differentiated crying
Uses noise to get attention
3 -6 months
Communication Development
___ months

Imitates sounds (consonant)
Orients to spoken name
Inhibits activity in response to “no”
Looks at familiar objects/persons when named
Waves “bye”, gives “high 5s”
9 -12 months
Communication Development
___ years

Imitates words
Uses 2 words meaningfully
Points to indicate a want/need (gestures)
Follows simple directions
1 -2 years
Communication Development

Points to 4 pictures
Names 3 familiar objects
Imitates new sounds
Uses 2+ words together
2 -3 years
Communication Development
___ years

Uses different sentence types
Uses future tense
Intelligible and complete sentences
Knows body parts/functions
Counts/ labels familiar objects
Tells imaginary stories
3 -5 years
Communication Development - Ideas for treatment

“Words are Power”
Talk or sing to children (a lot)!
___ to children every day
Encourage speech or attempts at speech
Respond to sounds, words, and non-verbal communication children use
Sing or chant songs during other activities (gross motor, sensory)
Write a short story with the child (let children express ideas, interests)
Cognitive/Social Development
___ months

Quiets/calms when picked up
Shows interest in person/object for ~1minutes
Maintains eye contact during feeding
0 -3 months
Cognitive/Social Development
___ months

Mouths objects
Watches adult walk across room
Reaches to familiar people
Smiles at image in mirror
Plays with hands and feet
Laughs aloud often
3 -6 months
Cognitive/Social Development
___ month

Prefers to be with people
Plays 2-3 minutes with a single toy
Looks to floor when something falls
Plays peek-a-boo; pat-a-cake
Reaches for self in mirror
Explores features of familiar person
Offers toy
6 -9 months
Cognitive/Social Development
___ month

Attains completely hidden object
Imitates facial movements (inexactly)
Rotates a bottle to drink
Enjoys looking at pictures in a book
Initiates ball play or social games
Responds to “no”
9 -12 months
Cognitive/Social Development
___ years

Repeatedly finds toy when hidden
Uses a stick to attain an object out of reach
Imitates body action on a doll
Plays near other children
Showing strong independence
Picks up and puts away toys (on request)
Varies play with toys
Explores everything in home environment
1 -2 years
Cognitive/Social Development
___ years

Independently chooses toy/begins play
Matches two sets of objects by color; colored cubes
Identifies three objects by their use (car, penny, bottle)
Anticipates path of rolling ball
Assembles 3 piece body puzzle
Discriminates between boys/girls
Identifies self in mirror
Engages in active (sports, tag, etc.) and sedentary games (puzzles)
2 -3 years
Cognitive/Social Development
___ years

Parallel and pretend play
Separates from familiar person in strange environment (5min)
Identifies own sex
Imitate block designs (bridge)
Shares toy with adult prompts
Asks questions to gain knowledge/shows interest in school or learning
Names objects through tactile recognition
Points to bigger, smaller, longer, taller, shorter
Math –seriates items
WH? questions
3 -5 years
Cognitive/Social Development - Ideas for treatment

Provide opportunities to be around other children
Encourage exploration and independence in tasks
Encourage children to think about activities
Allow children to make ___ when learning
Encourage children to be a part of daily routines (cooking is a great activity)
Use daily routine activities to teach and encourage creativity
Play word games –categorize, organize
Sensory Processing
___ months

Uses tactile (touch) input to calm and bond with mother
Movements are controlled by reflexes
0 -3 months
Sensory Processing

Sensory systems are matured enough to allow the child to explore
Can move voluntarily, not controlled by reflexes
4 -6 months
Sensory Processing
___ months

Ability to move independently helps form body scheme and spatial perception
6 –12 months
Sensory Processing
___ years

Increase balance, positional control, and ability to try new motor tasks
Desires to be independent in motor actions
Engages in goal oriented play
1 -2 years
Sensory Processing
___ years

Considered crucial in sensory processing development (up to age 7)
Skills are refined and preferred
3 -5 years
Body Awareness

Tie bells or colorful ribbons on shoes, wrists, to enhance awareness (left/right ___)
Hokey Pokey, Simon Says, If You’re Happy, Follow the Leader; Animal Imitation…
Jungle Gym or Obstacle Course –climbing, swinging, crawling, bouncing requires knowledge of one’s own body
Mr/Ms Potato Head; Paper Dolls
Eye-Hand Coordination

___ (blocks, cups, various size objects)
Balloons –inflate and keep them flying
Stringing beads/blocks
Ball skills
Pegs and Pegboards
Ring Toss or Bean Bag Toss
Dot to Dot; Mazes; Driving Game (draw road with chalk and keep car on the road)
Right-Left Directionality

___; Simon Says; Director
Use large cutout arrows to practice
Trace hands, color, cut out and then mix them up –tell which is which
Use words such as under, over, away, toward, left and right
Navigator to Pilot Game
Visual Perception

Puzzles; Sorting tasks; Matching
Treasure Hunt; Find hidden pictures
Snowmen –use clay and make three sized balls, organize large to small
Stacking from large to small; colors
Slap Jack –card games
Going Fishing –paper clips and magnets on strings
Sensory Diet

Specific sensory experiences influence function, organization, adaptation…
Some sensations can be very powerful, so present all activities slowly and with care
Suggested Supplies

Therapy ball
Beanbag chairs
Sandpaper, carpet samples, felt (variety of textures)
Vibrating pens
Clothespins, paper clips, medicine droppers, tweezers, Chop Sticks
Suggested Supplies

Crazy foam; Shaving cream; Whipping cream; Pudding; Hand cream; Gak; Finger paints (hands and feet)!
Rice, cornmeal, beans, jacks, balls, bubble wrap, small toys
Tactile bin
Flashlights; Incandescent lamps
Suggested Supplies

Office Chair
Rocking Chairs
Tilt Boards
Items to climb on
Items to bounce on
Suggested Supplies

Chewing Gum
Chewy Candy
Sour Candy
Vinegar/salt Potato Chips
Suggested Supplies

Pillows (all sizes)
Bean bag chairs
Final Words…

Provide opportunities for young children to experience the world through all of their senses
Allow children to get ___ during mealtime or play time when appropriate
Encourage both active and sedentary play
Help children express any difficulties he/she may be having with sensory experiences