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61 Cards in this Set

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PEDIG Classification of Amblyopia

Mild: 20/30 or better

Moderate: 20/40-20/80

Severe: 20/100-20/400

What period would a kid most likely get maximum damage?

The critical period

Birth to approx 2-3 years

Sensitive period

Time during which the visual system is still susceptible to change but the damage is still less severe

2-3 up to 8+ years

Plastic period

Time during which amblyopic visual system is amenable to successful Tx

How to diagnose amblyopia


What are the types of Amblyopia?




What all categories fall in Refractive Amblyopia?




Combined Aniso-Strab


Bilateral High refractive error

Hyp= 2-4D

Myo= 6-8D


**the greater the Aniso the deeper the amblyopia

Anisoametropic Amblyopia

The difference between the two eyes refractive error

Hyp= 3.5>


Tx for Deprivation Amblyopia

* Remove Obstruction in the first 2 months in life

* Correct RE

* Part time occlusion

F/U in 4-6 weeks

Tx for Isoametropes

*correct RE*

F/U in 4-6 weeks

Which type of anisoametropes will have a worse outcome?


True or false, Anisos are likely to regress after D/C treatment


Why is it more challenging to correct strabismic amblyopia when they are older?

because they have developed more EFs (eccentric fixations)

What type of amblyopia. Could you not treat as adults?

Deprivation amblyopia

What does PEDIG stand for?

Pediatric Eye Disease Investigative group

What does ATS stand for?

Amblyopia Treatment studies

Do Teen/Adult patients respond better or worse to Tx if they have previously had treatment before


Management for Deprication Amblyopia

Remove the obstruction early in life

Fully correct RE

Part time occlusion with active visual stimulation

Management of isoametropes

Correct RE F/U in 4-6 weeks

Make any additional changes to RX then F/U every 4-6 months

***Active VT is not necessary with exception to accommodative VT***

True or false, active VT for an isoametrope is not needed?

False, With the only exception being accommodative VT is they have accomm issues

How long does it take for Isoametropes to reach desired VA?

Generallly take 2 years

True or false, you can do a prism dissociated balance on Amblyopes?


What test do you do instead f Prism disso balance?

prism dissociated Bichrome

What do you do whenever you do the prism dissociated bichrome?

Same thing as Prism Doss Balance but you will put a red green filter on it and ask them to look at each chart individually ***NOT COMPARE THEM***

(Red looks better= -0.25/ green looks better= +0.25)

What are the endpoints for Prism dissociated bichrome?

1. One into red

2. One into green

3. Equal

Binocular subjective refraction


hyper anisos

Latent hyper


Whenever we start treatment, do we start with glasses or CL 1st?

Generally we start with Spectacle correction 1st

When would you start treatment with CLs 1st?

Aphasia children

When do you use direct occlusion?

For anisos and Strabs

What is the corner stone treatment for amblyopia?

Occlusion therapy

What do you use inverse occlusion for?

For Strabismic patients that have developed eccentric fixation!!

So with this you would occlude the AE

What are some factors in occlusion selection?

Pt Binocular vision status



Fixation status (if not improvement)

Why does patients binocular vision status matter when considering patching?

If you patch full time on a non-strab amblyope you could break down their binocular system

Is it okay to prescribe more than 2hr of patching for severe amblyopes?

Yes it is!

Whats a good question your could ask a kid to see whether they have been patching?

Which eye have you been patching?

-because if they have been pathing they wont even have to think about the answer

When do you discontinue Occlusion?

Whenever the Amblyopic eye sees 20/30 or better

MOTAS study

Basically concluded that patient will generally occlude for about half the time you prescribe!

**the more the patching hours prescribed the more the noncompliance**

Near penalization

The NAE will be atropinized

And the AE will be given a +2-+3 add so they can see at near

Far Penalization

The NAE will be atropinized and also given a +3 add so it can’t see at distance

The AE will be fully corrected

For total penalization what happens?

The NAE will be penalized and then slightly over minused so it cant be used at Distance and at near

Alternate penalization

You’ll need 2 pairs of glasses

So you’ll have the AE see Distance 1 day and near the next

When would you use Penalization?

Skin allergies


Poor compliance with the occluder

Why should you warn parents about atropine use in case their child is needed to go to the ER?

Because the doctors need to know why 1 eye is dilated and not the other

helps rule out possible neurological problems

What are some SE of Atropine?



Urinary retention


Heat stroke


(Hot as a hair, blind as a bat, red as a beat, dry to the bone, mad as a hatter)

Ocular SE of Atropine

Allergic contact dermatitis

Risk of angle closure (HYPEROPES)


According to the PEDIG study what was the outcome comparing Occlusion therapy to atropine therapy


-can have more rapid VA gain

- slightly better VA outcome


- EZ

- Lower cost

- Better compliance

Which of these methods provides better VA improvement,

Patching or atropine?

Patching but Atropine is hella EZ

What are the goals in Monocular vision therapy for amblyopic patients

Improve VA

Attain central fixation in AE

Attain normal accom

What are you trying to achieve with active monocular VT with Amblyopes?

Better VA

Normalize accommodation

Improve central fixation

What are some goals in binocular ision therapy for Amblyopes


Normalize BV

Active Monocular VT

Start with a normal VA for the patient to get a positive result.

Whenever VA gets under 20/50 consider doing Binocular VT

12 point computer font is equal to about what VA?


What should you do if a patient has a EF?

Try doing some activities that tag the central fovea like a hand EYE coordination so it provides more feedback

Monocular VT tasks

Viewing- reading,watching tv, finding hidden obj

Eye hand- coloring, cutting


Which one of these methods improved VA the most?

IPad game, action games or patching?

Action Games>Patching> iPad games

What was the occlusion on the dig rush iPad game study?

Kids with prior therapy or just spectacle correction did not improve in VA at all in the bioptic Dig Rush game

What was technically the actual conclusion to all the studies using video game?

They aren’t necessarily better than just spectacle correction but are just a lot more fun to the kids

TYPES of Diplopia

Physiological- whenver there’s doubling of a non fixated target

Pathological Diplopia- doubling of a fixated target

Heteronomous Diplopia- whenever fixation is infront of the object

Homonomous Diplopia- whenver fixation is Behind the object

What tests could you do for suppression?



Randot Stereo

4PD BO test

Which ways do you use to get how much vertical prism?


Associated phoria with Wesson