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254 Cards in this Set

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tx of Bell's palsy
just maintaining moisture to affected side's eye
Age of smiling, cooing
age of following moving toy
maintain seated position
lift head 45deg from prone position
age of copying a circle/cross
3y (crude square and circle = 4-5yrs)
JRA also has this
% of girls with pauciJRA that have eye manifestation (iridocyclitis
All children with what pauciarthritis must get what?
slit-lamp test for uveitis/eye manifestation
circumoral erythematous rash, peeling of epidermis, high fever?
Staph scalded skin syndrome
tx of SSSS?
1deg ceph to cover s. aureus and localized skin care
Normal Spec gravity of infants' urine is?
Lower...b/c cant concentrate urine as well.
neutropenia definition?
Mild neutropenia (1000 <= ANC < 1500) — minimal risk of infection
Moderate neutropenia (500 <= ANC < 1000) — moderate risk of infection
Severe neutropenia (ANC < 500) — severe risk of infection.
what is a stab / band?
non-differentiated wbc = elevated in infection b/c body is kicking out more wbc's. Or elevated in leukemia, cancer.
cause of increased platelets? ... level at which hypercoagulability is seen?
ANY inflammation causes this... if >1million = hypercoagulable state
In DIC, what are the platelet levels?
LOW b/c being used up
Hordeolum vs chalazia?
H = infection of the sebaceous glands at the base of the eyelashes with STAPH A!.[1] Styes are similar to chalazia, but tend to be of smaller size and feel much more painful and usually produce no lasting damage.TX: warm compresses; remove eyelash

C=caused by inflammation of a blocked meibomian gland, usually on the upper eyelid. PAINLESS, TX = warm compresses 4x/day for 15mins
unilat/bilat Red conj, 'large' eye +constant tearing
bump over tear duct due to tear duct inflammation?
treatement for Rickettsia in kids?
Doxycycline (=same as tx for Lyme disease or any other tick-borne infection)
firm, discrete, red or brown telangiectatic papules located in the nasolabial folds, chin, and cheeks.
Adenoma sebaceum in tuberous sclerosis
Angiofibromas are later findings in?
tuberous sclerosis
White forelock + deafness + heterochromia (eyes different colors)
Waardenburg syndrome
Linear arrangement of papules, oozing, crusting vesicles
Contact dermatitis (poison oak/ivy)
Tooth decay + scleral discoloration?
O. imperfecta
Blueberry muffin rash (purpura +petechia) and cataracts, sensorineural deafness
Rubella (and heart murmur....Rubella is only TORCHES with heart anomaly, = PDA!!
treatmetn for cat bites (and human bites)
Amoxy + clavulinic acid
(Augmentin) (pasteurella sensitive to penicillin)
treatmetn for cat bites (and human bites) if allergic to penicillin?
Clindamycin + Bacrim
Pathogen in cat bite?
P. multicoda
Bowing of legs + cupping, fraying of metaphyses, greenstick fractures?
think Rickets (Vit D deficiency)
Toddlers legs vs adolescent's legs in Rickets
Toddlers: Bowed legs (genu varum)
Older children: Knock-knees (genu valgum) or "windswept knees"
Dome shaped papules, waxy surface?
Molluscum contagiosum
floppy baby syndrome think?
Acute = honey/ botulism
Chronic = hypotonia or RICKETS!!
treatment for Rickets?
HGH, phosphates and vitamin D. Exposure to ultraviolet B light (sunshine when the sun is highest in the sky), cod liver oil, halibut-liver oil, and viosterol are all sources of vitamin D.
Spiral fracture: must always think?
child abuse
M/C Salter-Harris fracture?
Type II = through growth plate AND metaphysis, sparing the epiphysis
faint, tell-tale "mosaic lines" between the archilles tendons and the calve muscles.
Ichthyosis vulgaris = dry, scaly skin.
diaper area rash may be?
seborrheic dermatitis, diaper dermatitis (Diaper Dermatitis Tx:
1. Topical nystatin
2. Systemic antifungals (fluconazole)),
if persistent, may be acrodermatitis enteropathica due to zinc deficiency
a rare genetic disease characterized by the presence of extremely fragile skin and recurrent blister formation, resulting from minor mechanical friction or trauma
epidermolysis bullosa
acute onset of malar-looking rash that's not lupus?
E infectiousum = 5th disease
characteristic lesions that are dark-brown and fixed; Red or brown spots are often seen on the skin, typically around the chest and forehead after irritation
Urticaria pigmentosum = mast cells, when irritated (e.g. by rubbing the skin, heat exposure), produce too much histamine, triggering an allergic reaction that leads to hives localized to the area of irritation, sometimes referred to as Darier's sign.
common rash in infants.[1] It appears in up to half of newborns carried to term, usually between day 2-5 after birth; small pustular lesions on reddened base ...?
Erythema toxicum
Huge dark pigmentation covering entire trunk?
Congenital melanotic nevus = must remove! 10-15% --> cxr!
white patches on the skin, which may cause scarring on and around genital skin in women; around and after menopause
lichen sclerosis
treatment of lichen sclerosis
potent steroids, which may cause relief and prevent scarring. Other options are cryotherapy, and laser therapy
yellowish, patchy, greasy, scaly and crusty skin rash that occurs on the scalp of recently born babies. It is usually not itchy...
cradle cap = seborrheic dermatitis.
tx for cradle cap
1. Shampoo w/ 2% selenium sulfate
2. Zinc Pyrithirone
3. Tar
4. Ketoconazole
5. Topical Hydrocortisone
NON-itchy body rash, followed by sores with blisters on palms of hands and soles of feet
Oral ulcer
Sores or blisters may be present on the buttocks of small children and infants
H, F, and M disease!!
treatment of Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease?
benign disease of children, generally under two years old, whose manifestations are usually limited to a transient rash ("exanthem") that occurs following a fever of about three day's duration. Rash lasts 1-2 days. Non-itchy.... ?
Roseola (exanthem subitem) Note: not to mix up with measles = lasts 1-2 weeks, + conjunctivitis, coryza, and cough
Tx of roseola?
none/ supportive / treat fever
glaucoma + violacious face patch?
Sturge-Weber malformation in trigeminal distribution
Post -HSV (50%) or antibiotics hypersensitivity skin reaction?
Erythema multiforme
Continuum of Post -HSV (50%) or antibiotics skin reaction?
1 ) E multiforme = <2 mucous membranes involved
2) Steven Johnson syndrome= 2+ m.m's involved and < 10% body involved
3) TENS (Toxic Erythema Necrolysis Syndrome) >30% body involved.
10-30% involvement = continuum b/w 2 and 3
Erythema multiforme is 50% due to?
HSV infection!
NF diagnostic criteria?
Need 2+ of:
1)2+ Nfibromas
2) 6+ Cafe-au-lait spots
3) Freckling in axilla/groin
4)Skeletal abnormalities, such as sphenoid dysplasia or thinning of the cortex of the long bones of the body (i.e. bones of the leg, potentially resulting in bowing of the legs)
5) Lisch nodules (hamartomas of iris), freckling in the iris.
6) Tumors on the optic nerve, also known as an optic glioma
7) A first-degree relative with a diagnosis of NF1
rash seen as the infant discontinues breast milk: Erythematous patches and plaques of dry, scaly skin. The lesions may appear eczematous, or may evolve further into crusted vesicles , bullas or pustules. The lesions are frequent around the mouth and anus....
acrodermatitis enteropathica = zinc deficiency; autosomal recessive
treatment of acrodermatitis enteropathica?
lifelong dietary zinc supplementation in the range of greater than 1-2 mg/kg of bodyweight per day
Erythema chronica migrans?
Lyme disease!
Only way of posterior rib fracture in kids/babies?
Abuse via squeezing
M/C association with mumps? (3)
#1 = Parotiditis
#2 = meningitis
#3 = Orchitis
Varicocele most common side?
Left (85%)
Which side, L or R, warrants concern in varicocele? What must you check for?
Right = check for retroperitoneal mass
Tx for ITP in kids with platelets 50,000? with 10,000?
if 50,000 = just avoid sulfonamides...should resolve in 6 months.
if 10,000 or less = admit; BM biopsy to rule out csr, then tx with csteroids --> anti-D (may work in Rh+pts but costly), --> splenectomy --> continued pl tfusions if refractory
Asthma in-hospital b-agonists?
Albuterol, then salbuterol, Lev-albuterol (xopenex), Terbutaline (IV)
mech of b-agonist?
CAMP --> bdilation
how not to give albuterol?
in syrup?
S/E of b-agonists; short? long?
short -tachycardia
long -tremor, arrhythmia
which b-agonist has less tachycardia s/e's?
steroids for inpatient asthma?
prednisone, prednisolone (methyl-prednisone), dexamethasone,
s/e's of steroids for asthma inpatient?
Long term steroid s/e''s = growth retardation, cushing's
3rd line tx for asthma inpatient?
example of methylxanthine and mechanism?
Inhibits CGMP -> SM relaxation
example of anticholinergics for asthma?
iprotroprium bromide (atravent)
Mg sulfate mechanism for asthma inpatient?
smooth muscle relaxation
ER management for asthma attack?
1) O2
2) 3x Albuterol nebulized or inhaled;
3) Continued albut every 2 hrs
4) if not getting better: 2mg/kg steroids
5) Mg sulfate
6) PICU with tertbutaline IV or theophylline IV
Other causes of Resp distress in preme besides TTN?
HOg, acidosis, sepsis, Ch atresia, pneumonia (NOT as common)
Age of maturation of alveoli?
36 weeks
% of blood going through ductus arteriosus in fetus? % to lungs? % through pulm artery?
59% to DA; 8% to lungs; 59+8 = 67 through pulm artery
O2 effects on DA? on lungs?
increase pO2 causes DA constriction (vs rest of lungs = increased pO2 causes vasodilation.)
type of lung disease in RDS?
V/Q disturbances of RDS?
V = decreased (shallow breathing); Q = decreased due to shunting (PDA still open)
pathological causes of RDS
Poor lung development and low surfactant
Hyperalbuminemia effects on RDS?
albumin inhibits surfactant
what's the only muscle that preme's have for respiration?
Lung xray with atelectasis will show?
ground glass appearance, air bronchograms, wedge-shaped regions of opacity on edge of lung
hyaline is what?
proteinacious gel covering alveoli in late IRDS.
Wiskott aldrich signs/sx?
2) recurrent resp infections
3) TCP
4) NO tonsils !
anaphylactoid purpura is also known as?
encopresis is?
defecation in inappropriate locations (ie classroom)
common cause of encopresis?
retentive encopresis = rectal passage obstructed by large fecal mass; tx is clearing and maintenance w/stool softeners or mineral oil for period of time; behavioral modification
Human bite pathogens?
staph aureus, strep viridans, bacteroides, anaerobes
tx for infected human bite?
+ debridement/vigorous cleaning
+g stain, culture
+AB's (amoxy+clavulinic acid)
+left open for 2ndary intention healing (don't close w/sutures)
intensely pruritic rash on flexors of wrists, forearms, inner thighs, and oral mucosa
lichen planus
Unilateral bowing of leg? and tx?
Blount disease; aggressive tx via bracing,
repeated microfracture of the tibial tubercle at insertion of patellar tendon?
Osgood-Schlatter disease = (chika had) an overuse injury
Limp in overweight adolescents?
SCFE = slipped capital femoral epiphysis = separation of capital femoral epiphysis from neck of femur!
criteria for DM II?
1) fasting glu >126 x 2
2) 2 + random glu > 200
3) 1 random glu >200 plus symptoms of DM
tx of neonatal acne?
usually none; if severe enough use benzoyl peroxide 2.5%
tx for OP poisoning? (3)
1) g lavage
2) ATROPINE = an anticholinergic that competes for ach receptor
3) cholinesterase-reactivating oximes = PRALIDOXIME
scabies tx?
permethrin cream
pneumonia in 8-hr old newby with low WBC's, rapid onset, and left shift (80% bands) =
GBS pneumonia!!!
increased size of tibial tuberosity + swelling and pain on use in athlete?
Osgood-Schlatter disease
strabismus tx? beyond what age?
if beyond age 4mo = refer immediately to ophthamologist + patching/glasses will be necessary
M/c cause of asphyxiation in babies/children?
choking on food!
water temp to set for safety in sterilization for infant accessories?
49deg C ; not super high to prevent scalding accidents
pillows good for crib?
NO! infant with poor head control may asphyxiate w/them
how to place sleeping infant?
on BACK to prevent SIDS
infant can:
sit no support,
lean forward and support on arms extended (tripod position)
roll over
attempt to grasp toy beyond reach.

What's his age?
Infant can grasp object b/w thumb and forefinger.
What's his age?
12 mo
tx for eczema?
moisturizers and topical steroids
Normal Hb of a newborn?
18! b/c EPO is upregulated
Heme waste products are?
heme -- Biliverdin-->Bilirubin unconj --binds to albumin-- Bilirubin cong --liver
Severe anemia in utero think?
Hydrops fetalis
diagnosis of hydrops fetalis?
Causes of hydrops fetalis 1)immune 2) non immune?
1) = Rh disease of newborn
2)(non-immune) = iron def anemia, b-glucaronidase def (a L.S.D.), parvo B19, maternal syphilis, Neimann pick, a thalassemia, Turners
Causes of in utero extrinsic malformation
oligohydramnios, clubfoot
causes of in utero intrinsic malformations
vitamin deficiency
sequence of in utero extrinsic deformation?
Oligohydramnios--flattened face and arthrogrypos (multiple jt contractures, muscle weakness, and fibrosis)--
(multiple jt contractures, muscle weakness, and fibrosis) ?name?
Congenital Multiplex Arthrogryposis
Robin sequence?
in in utero malformations: small jaw--palate doesn't close --micrognathia + cleft palate
Causes of in utero extrinsic malformation
oligohydramnios, clubfoot
causes of in utero intrinsic malformations
vitamin deficiency
sequence of in utero extrinsic deformation?
Oligohydramnios--flattened face and arthrogrypos (multiple jt contractures, muscle weakness, and fibrosis)--
(multiple jt contractures, muscle weakness, and fibrosis) ?name?
Congenital Multiplex Arthrogryposis
Robin sequence/syndrome?
in in utero malformations: small jaw--palate doesn't close --micrognathia + cleft palate;
* High-arched palate
jaw with significant receding chin
* Jaw placed unusually far back in the throat
* Large-appearing tongue in relation to jaw
* Natal teeth (teeth appearing when the baby is born)
* Recurrent ear infections
* Small opening in the roof of the mouth, which causes choking
CHARGE association?
Heart defects ie Tet Fallot
Atresia of nasal choanae
Retardation of growth or dev
Genital abnorms and urin defects (hypogonadism)
Ear abnorms or deafness
SGA definition for baby?
less than 5% wt for pop.
what % newby's have 3+ minor abnormalities also have a major congenital abnorm?
decreased fetal movements may indicate? (2)
hypotonia of CP
murmur of FAS
DDx for grunting in newby?
aspir blood/meconium
cardiac abnorms
pulm htn
anemia / PCV
meds ie SSRI taken by mother
LGA cused by?
DM in mother,
Beckwith -Wiedeman syndrome (this also has hemihypertrophy), Hydrops fetalis, Edema secondary to anemia (b/c of heart failure), N
macroglossia (large tongue), macrosomia (birth weight and length >90th percentile), midline abdominal wall defects (omphalocele, umbilical hernia, diastasis recti), ear creases or ear pits, and neonatal hypoglycemia ???
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
hemihypertrophy seen in?
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
What do kids with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome have an increased risk for?
Childhood cancer
physiologic Jaundice peak in newbys
NICU admission criteria?
less than 31 weeks or 1.6 kilos at birth
Infant mortality definition?
# death of infants from birth - 12 months, / 1000
neonate mortality def?
#deaths of birth-28y/o babies/ 1000
perinatal period def?
28wks-7days post-birth
cause of TTN
increased fluid in lungs due usually to C-section delivery
treatment of TTN?
support only
DA closes usually when?
funcionally: 24hrs; anatomically: days - weeks
preventative measures given directly at birth to ALL newbys?
Hep B vaccine shot #1
Vit K for HDN prevention
E-mycin eyedrops
BCG (some pts not all)
screening tests to ALL newbys?
Cong adrenal hyperplasia
Cong Hoth
Hip stability, deafness
only C/I's to vaccines?
adverse allergic reaction upon last vaccination of that vaccine;
severe neurologic reactions ie seizures, coma, altered MS to past vaccination of that vaccine
tx for head lice in kid? baby? adult?
kid and baby use permethrin. adult use lindane (not for young b/c can cause transdermal neurotoxicity!!
HIV pcr or elisa in suspected hiv neonate?
Do hiv PCR b/c ELISA test antibody and may have false +'s due to maternal AB's from breastfeeding
slow progresssive course of vomiting, listlessness, and anorexia in 2 y/old for 2 weeks?
TB meningitis
discrete whitish polyp extending through tympanic membrane in child w/ recurrent otitis media?
lad type I are at risk for what?
overwelming bacterial infection
Dx for LAD type I in a pt with unseparated umbilical cord?
surface CD11b via flow cytometry
tx of umbilical granuloma?
silver nitrate
foul odor and discharge, sometimes bloody in vagina of young girl?
foreign body ie toilet paper/ stool
#1 cause septic arthritis in young children? in adolescents
staph aureus;
n gon (if sexually active)
when is pertussis immunization of DaPT discontinued (age)
age 7..afterwards, the rest of boosters Tdap ("adult tet and dipth and pert toxoid = less side effects) every 10 years from age 7 on
What bites should you start AB's for and what not?
start AB's for cat (35% wounds get infected), human (95), and monkey (50%).
Don't need AB's for dog (4%).
rapid HR, low BP, dilated pupils in kid : ingestion of what medication?
TCAntidepressants (= block musc and chol R's)
definitive screen for lead poisoning in high risk kids?
Blood lead levels (toxic if greater than 10ug/dL
most lead posoining can or cannot be determined from hpi/exam
heat stroke pathophys?
dehydration = vasoconstriction = prevents body from cooling itself through normal means of peripheral vasodil
tx of heat stroke?
fluids, cooling w/fans, ice
long face, long ears, large testes, micropenis, mental retardation
fragile X
which gene mutated in fragile x?
FMR-1 = fragile x mental retardation gene
test for fragile x
not karyotyping b/c 20% are NTM's (nontransmitting males) with no aryotyping abnorms. So, do direct DNA analysis
diluting formula to feed babies may result in?
hyponatremia and resulting seizures!!
tiny bumps that are firm, yellowish or white, and surrounded by a ring of redness, in newborn
small, firm whit ecold paches of skin in exposed areas
cold, numb, pale, edematous, and clammy foot
trenchfoot can later cause what long term effects?
tissue is frozen, destroyed; initial stinging followed by aching, then numbness...when rewarmed area becomes red andwarm. gangrene may develop
small ulcerated lesions on exposed areas such as ears, fingertips; may last 1-2 weeks
cold panniculitis?
popsicle in extreme summer = cellulitis like hard red cheeks
most commonly seen in black children in indust areas; rapidly growing children ie low birth weight infants or adolescents; low sun exposure areas; kids w/malabsorption syndrome
riketts = vit D deficiency
progressive wt loss, constipation, musc atrophy, sloss of skin turgor, hypothermia = what type def?
CALORIC deficiency
dermatitis, diarrhea, and dementia?
niacin def = pellagra
Congestive heart failure, perpheral neuritis, and psychic disturbances?
thiamine deficiency (b1)= beriberi
dry vs. wet beriberi?
dry = thi def causing neurological sx
wet = causing congestive heart failure
thiamine found in?
think B1 = breakfast = milk, breastmilk, cereal, eggs, veggies, fruit
tall male with myopia, hypermobile jts, mvp?
other signs of prader-willi besides hypotonia ?
severe hyperphagia = morbid obesity in adolescence, fits of rage when denied food, hypogonadism, small hands and feet
down-slanting palpebral fissures plus micrognathia, small, abnormally shaped ears and normal intelligence
treacher Collins syndrome
causes of coloboma? (3)
Kleinfelters, CHARGE, treacher collins syndrome
limp +/- pain in 2-12 yr old's hip, with no fever
Legg-Calve-Perthes' disease (avascular necrosis of fem head)
osteomyelitis vs septic arthritis?
osteo = focal bone tenderness and fever vs:
sa = joint swelling, tenderness, redness, heat +fever
tx for high levels lead poisoning?
dimercaprol (DMSA) and ca EDTA
tylenol OD tx? w/in what time must it be given?
n-acetylcysteine (mucomyst) must be given w/in 16 hrs.
increased respi rate, temp, vomiting, + tinnitis...what pills od'd on?
salicylates = cause met acidosis + respi alkalosis.
phenothiazine (chlorpromazine ) poisoning has what sx? and what tx?
torticollis, opisthotonus, oculogyric crisis.
tx = give diphenydramine = benadryl!
phase 1 of : hematemesis, abd px, fever, leukocytosis, hyperglycemia , progressing to possible state of phase II: cv collapse...
= what poisoning? how tx?
prenatal vitamin = iron poisoning. tx = deferoxamine sulfate = complexes the iron and excreted in urine as wine color ('vin rose')
metabolic acidosis due to methanol ingestion....tx?
g lavage, IV ethanol to saturate enzymes that convert methanlo to toxins, then if nec, use hemodialysis to remove methanol
besides drying skin, what does vit A toxicity do?
hyperostosis (bone growth), hmeg, incr CSF pressure.
nicotinic acid toxicity does what?
Vdilation = skin erythema, tc, liver damage, ,hyperglyc, hyperuric.
excessive vit C causes?
kid stones, diarrhea, cramps, increased tolerance
vit D excessive doses cause?
nausea, diarrhea, wt loss, polyuria, SOFT TISSUE CALCIF OF HEART, KIDNEY, BV's, BRONCHI, and STOMACH!!!
excessive pyridoxine (B6) causes?
sensory neuropathy =altered sensation of touch, pain fever
is also a folate acid antagonist that if taken in pregnancy will cause neural tube defects ie spina bifida?
valproic acid
epicanthal folds, broad nose with a flat bridge, anterverted nostrils, long philtrum, a thin upper and thick lower lip.
pre/post natal growth retardation,hypoplasia of distal phalanges and nails, cns alterations?
fetal hydantoin (phenytoin) syndrome
during what semester can valproic acid cause teratogenicity
antibody in lupus causing heart block?
anti-Ro = SSA
recurrent abscesses in kid, test with ?
t and b cell def causing:
Bloody diarrh
Wiskott aldrich (x-linked recessive) may IDENTIFY via platelet count
kid w/ repeated sinusitis, otitis media, omyelitis, and staph a infections, started at 6m/o?
bruton's agammaglobulinemia
DiGeorge's symptoms/signs:
catch 22 =
Cardiac defects=syst murmur
Abnormal facial features = rotated, low set ears, down-slanting eyes, hypertelorism, micrognathia, upturned nose
Thymic aplasia
Cleft palate
and chromosome 22
rotated, low set ears, down-slanting eyes, hypertelorism, micrognathia, upturned nose?
Digeorge's syndrome
suspect DiGeorge; do what test?
Candida skin test for T-cell fxn!!
Digeorge has what cell line deficient
t-cell deficiency
suspect asplenia b/c recurrent infections w/capsulated orgs ie strep pneum sepsis, n mening sepsis....what test perform?
CBC to check for howell-jolly bodies = means asplenia
do children ona normal diet need vit supplements?
INH therapy causes what side effect via what? what must you give pt on INH?
inhibits B6 metabolism = causes peripheral/optic neuritis esp in pts poorly nourished ie alcohol, malnourishment, etc must give pyridoxime = B6
children on phenytoin and/or valproic acid (anti-convulsant) must also receive what?
may develop low folic acid levels, so must give folate
must give what vitamin to measles pt either from developing country or w/ immune deficiency/malnourishment?
Vit A
who MUST you give all fat sol vitamins to (KADE)
Fatty V's for the Three C's:

CF (pancr enzyme insuff)
Chronic Liver disease (poor solubilization by bile salts)
Celiac disease

all of these have fat malabsorption therefore low fat-sol vits
Who give vit D supplements to?
Breastfed infants in areas of poor sunlight ie alaska, or with dark skin

NOT cow's milk and formula b/c these are already fortified
sickle cell children must also receive what vitamin and why?
Folate, b/c increased epoeisis requires more folate
what is cantharidin and what used for?
black blister beetle terpenoid /poison. is used to tx warts, tattoo removal, or papules of M. contagiosum
tx of molluscum contagiosum
observation (most are self-limited)
central umbilication curettage;
cantharidin 0.9% to each lesion
tx of ecsema / atopic dermatitis?
cleansing cream, topical moisturizer, and topical steroids
P450 inducers?
GTQ CRABS Griseofulvin, Tetracycline, Quinidine, Carbamazepine, Rifampin, Alcohol, Barbiturates, Sulfa drugs (e.g. TMP-SMX etc.)
IQ SMACKD Isoniazid (a.k.a. INH), Quinolones, Spironolactones, Macrolides, Amiodarone, Cimetidine, Ketoconazole, Dapsone
WETPhD Warfarin, Estrogen, Phenytoin, Theophylline, Digoxin
Most important non-cardiac s/e of digitalis in infants
dig toxicity?
anorexia, n,v,diarhh,
xanthonopsia (yellow vision)
diagnosis of Rh fever:
1) 2 major criteria (JONES)
2) 1 maj + 2 minor + previous GAS inf or scarlet fever
jones minor criteria?
Elev esr
Elev crp
Ecg changes: prolonged PR
or QT
Elev WBC and Anemia
most common sx in rh fever besides past sore throat?
joint arthralgia = px w/o other sx =minor crit (not nec arthritis = major)
periodic hand/feet swelling + neck edema that comes after exercise/emo stress, but normal lab workup?
hereditary angioedema
hereditary angioedema mechanism?
Auto Dom ;
deficient inhib of complement cascade resulting in increased KININ production
risk of congh heart disease in pop?
= 1%
risk of cong heart disease in baby w/ brother w/ cong heart dis?
fixed splitting of 2nd heart sound heard in?
prolonged fever, rash, limp, epidermal peeling of hands and feet, conjunctivitis, fissured lips, OP mucosal erythema
kawasaki disease
tx for kawasaki's?
high dose aspirin
fetal SVT can lead to?
Hydrops fetalis (Congestive heart failure causing pleural edema, ascites, etc.)
m/c causes of myocarditis?
adenovirus and coxsackie v
diminished voltage of ventricular complexes on ECG =?
aberrantt left cor artery arising from pulm artery causes what ECG changes?
ECG that looks like MI
congestive heart failure in newborn with hr>250?
think Paroxysmal tachycardia ie due to WPW
cyanosis + quadruple heart rhythm (s1,2,3and4) plus tricuspid regurg and Left lower sternum middiastolic murmur and RAH
Ebsteins anomoly = lower displaced tricuspid valve + TR,
WPW also seen in ?
Ebsteins anomoly
type of finger swelling in JRA
spindle shaped
in still's disease (systemic JRA) what comes first, arthritis or systemic sx?
systemic sx
systemic sx of still's disease?
Rash (like rheumatoid), high spiking fevers, joint involvement, serositis ie pericarditis
toxic synovitis usually affects what joint?
Most cyanotic cong heart diseases (T's) cause RVH and thereforeright axis deviation; which one shows LVH and left axis deviation?
Tricuspid atresia - due to HYPOPLASTIC right ventricle
snowman appearance of lungs plus cyanosis in newby?
Diff b/w Transposition and Tet fallot?
both have similar RVH and raxis dev; but to know diff, transposition baby is born cyanotic while Tet baby usually becomes cyanotic in first few days
only tx necessary for girls with MVP?
Prophylaxis for dental procedures to prevent endocarditis
VSD + non-opposable thumbs (+ clubbing)
Holt-Oram syndrom
syncopal episodes in deaf kid?
long QT syndrome
deaf kid dies after terrible fright?
Long QT syndrome