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39 Cards in this Set

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Fluid Requirements Calculations
➧daily: 100mL/kg/day
➧hourly: 4cc/kg/hr

➧daily: 1000mL + 50mL/kg for each kg>10
➧hourly: 40cc + 2cc/kg for each kg>10

➧daily: 1500mL + 20mL/kg for each kg>20
➧hourly: 60cc + 1cc/kg for each kg>20
Average Daily Required Calories Calculations
infant: 110-120kcal/kg

1-3yo: 100kcal/kg

4-6yo: 90kcal/kg

7-9yo: 80kcal/kg

10-12yo: 70kcal/kg

13-15yo: 60kcal/kg

16-19yo: 50kcal/kg
Newborn G&D
➧regain birth weight by 2-3wks
➧rapid growth 1kg & 2.5cm/mon
➧breast/formula q3-4hr

elimination: unable to concentrate urine

activity/exercise: reflex stage

sleep/rest: varies to a series of naps around 10-22hrs/day

coping/stress tolerance: cries vary (hunger, position change, attn, comfort)
Infant 3months G&D
nutrition/metabolic: 1kg & 2.5cm/mon stabilizing

elimination: bladder capacity gradually ↑

➧improved head control: when prone, raises head & chest 40º-90º
➧follows past midline
➧fist to mouth, reflexes fading, swipes at objects, hands to midline, reaches for toy
➧head lag lessens when pulled to sit

sleep/rest: sustained sleep seldom exceeds 4hrs; waking time increases

coping/stress tolerance:
➧habituates to persistent stimuli
➧gives cues when stressed; does not always cry
➧activity releases tension
Infant 6months G&D
➧birth weight doubled
➧solids added (rice cereal)
➧1 new food q5days: peas, applesauce, pears; bananas, carrots, green beans, squash, spinach
➧teething bagels & biscuits
➧juice in cup
➧no stringy, sticky or pellet-sized food

elimination: reabsorption & filtration levels attained

➧sits (tripod position)
➧no head lag
➧rolls over both sides
➧begins to bear own weight when held to stand
➧transfers objects hand-to-hand
➧purposeful reaching
➧good hand-mouth coordination

sleep/rest: sleeps 7-10hrs at night

coping/stress tolerance:
➧distracted by novelty
➧frustrated if movement restricted
➧cries, calls
Infant 9months G&D
➧↑0.5kg & 1.5cm/mon
➧3-4 meals/day
➧fingers own food; start of utensil use
➧add meat/protein (yogurt, cheese)
➧juice in cup
➧no chokables
➧no bottles in bed unless water

elimination: larger bladder capacity

➧stands holding onto objects
➧moves by rolling, hitching, crawling, creeping
➧may pull self to stand

sleep/rest: 2-3naps; ↓total sleep

coping/stress tolerance:
➧parent is primary coping resource
➧activity releases tension: cries, fusses, sleeps
➧still distractible
Infant 12months G&D
➧birth weight tripled
➧feeds self (fingers, spoon)
➧eats soft table foods; 3 meals, 2 snacks
➧add whole milk

elimination: may indicate awareness

➧pulls to stand
➧cruises furniture
➧stands alone
➧walks alone or w/ help
➧neat pincer grasp

sleep/rest: rituals at bedtime; resists bed; may awaken at night; 1-2 naps

coping/stress tolerance:
➧active searching for parent
➧extreme fussiness & resistance to comforting when separated from parent
➧handles new situations best if parent present
Infant 18months (G&D)
➧6-12 teeth
➧feeds self: 3 meals/snacks
➧whole milk only; limit empty calories

elimination: may indicate early readiness

➧15mon: removes socks/shoes; scribbles; turns thick pages; toss/roll ball; matches shapes
➧18mon: runs, climbs, stops/starts at will; rounds corners easily; well-controlled grasp-release
➧manipulates w/ good wrist control

sleep/rest: stable sleep patterns of 11-12hrs; may nap

coping/stress tolerance:
➧minimal tolerance for frustration: active vocals & phys response to tension
➧transitional objects/rituals for comfort/security
➧uses dictation & pretends to play w/ toys
Toddler 18mon-3yo G&D
➧half of adult height; gain of 1cm/mon (usually 12.5cm by 2yo & 7.5-10cm by 3yo)
➧gain 1/2lb (200g)/mon at 30mon; 5lbs (2.3kg)/mon at 2yo
➧3 complete meals w/ snacks
➧can feed self w/ utensils
➧has food preferences
➧may not stop play to eat

➧may show readiness for toilet training (bowel precedes bladder)
➧3yo: ok daytime control w/ some PM accidents

➧2yo: stairs w/ 1foot; right/left handedness; draws vertical line; push-pulls toys; drinks from cup; takes off clothes
➧2.5yo: puts on easy clothes; brushes teeth; holds pencil with fingers
➧3yo: jump; walk backwards; climb stairs; pedals tricycle; stand on 1foot; uses blunt scissors; copies circle; points up/down

➧2yo: may sleep thru night w/ some nightmares; may nap
➧3yo: less resistance at bedtime; may need light & routine/rituals

➧looks to parents for encouragement/protection
➧2yo: temper tantrums; routines important; transitional objects
➧3yo: specific behaviors of regression, denial, projection, attack, displacement
Early Childhood 3-5yo G&D
➧↑ht 2-3in (5.7.5cm)/yr
➧↑wt 5lb (2.3kg)/yr
➧3meals w/ snacks
➧food jags common
➧can use knife
➧poor manners; rushes eating for playtime

elimination: toilet trained w/ some accidents

➧4yo: balances on 1foot; hops; jumps; climbs jungle gym; draws person w/ 3 IDable parts
➧5yo: improved balance; bikes; jump rope; catches ball w/ 2 hands; dresses self; prints name; improved scissor use

sleep/rest: needs vary 8-14hr/day; fatigue common at dinnertime; dislikes bedtime

➧verbalizes & starts to include feelings
➧play/fantasy as regression to cope w/ fears
➧projection, denial w/ new tasks
➧may attack in threatening positions
➧displays independence thru noncompliance; confused over inconsistent limits
Early Schoolage 5-8yo G&D
➧gain 1-2kg/yr & 1-1/4cm
➧slow, steady long bone growth; muscle replaces baby fat
➧less fussy about preferences
➧face grows outward at jaw
➧2ndary teeth come in

elimination: manages toileting w/o help; very few night accidents

➧steady ↑ in gross motor/strength & fine motor coordination/dexterity
➧6yo: ↑speed
➧7yo: ↑ in phys ability; ties shoe

sleep: 12hrs; less resistant to sleep

➧easy frustration when tired/hungry but better control of emotions
➧early inability to tolerate criticism but tempered w/ ↑self-esteem/understanding
➧more selective in coping behaviors
Late Schoolage 8-12yo G&D
➧gain 3-3.5kg (5-7lbs) & 5-6.4cm (2-2.5in)/yr
➧even body ratio (more trunk/leg growth)
➧girls start growth spurts after 10yo

elimination: self-care; may have constipation

➧perfection of skill/coordination
➧cursive writing, craft skills, musical insturments

sleep/rest: 8-10hr varies w/ activity; personal bedtime rituals

➧controls/expresses emotions more approp
➧coping reflects past strategies/behaviors
Early Adolescence 10-14yo G&D
➧mostly trunk growth, length triped by 13yo
➧girls: growth spurt 8.75cm (3.5in)/yr; Ca & Fe for post-menarche
➧boys: growth spurt 10cm (4in)/yr
➧irregular eating habits, snacks often

elimination: patterns well est & r/t intake

➧speed/accuracy improved
➧risk-taking behavior
➧awkwardness as hands/feet reach adult size
➧competitive sports/activities shape growth

sleep/rest: varies; will sleep as late as possible

➧con't coping strategies
➧mood swings & somatic complaints when stressed
➧maladaptive: substance abuse & runaway behavior
Middle Adolescence 15-17yo G&D
➧differs w/ growth, activity & gender
➧fad diets
➧dental caries
➧less dramatic phys change; focus on improving phys appearance

elimination: patterns well est; issues w/ hygiene & sexual activity

activity/exercise: skill perfection r/t interest; con't risk taking behaviors

sleep/rest: varies by indiv; goes to bed when thinks she/he needs sleep

➧uses mature skills, discussion
➧risk of developing maladaptives w/ experimentation & search for peer recognition
Late Adolescence 17-20yo G&D
nutrition/metabolism: varies w/ growth & activity

elimination: patterns well est; issues w/ hygiene & sexual activity

activity/exercise: skill perfection r/t interest; con't risk taking behaviors

sleep/rest: varies by indiv; goes to bed when thinks she/he needs sleep

➧uses mature skills, discussion
➧risk of developing maladaptives w/ experimentation & search for peer recognition
5cc = 1tsp

1000mg = 1g

1cc = 1mL

100mg = 1mcg

2.2lb = 1kg
Asthma Problems & Sx
problems: bronchoedema & bronchoconstriction

➧wheezing on expitory
➧dry, hacking cough usually at night
➧hypoxic <95%: dangerous for kids b/c of brain development
➧retractions on chest/ribs; nose flaring
➧longer expitory phase (classic air trapping sign)
for asthma: bronchoedema

➧PO: Prednisone; systemic but targets bronchiols
➧IV: Methoprednisone (fastest); systemic but targets bronchiols
➧inhaler: Flovent; doesn't work acutely or systemically; takes 5days

➧immunosuppression: if taken too long
➧loss of appetite
➧growth stunting: height; systemic effect
➧pts feels loopy/gross

intrvs: rinse mouth to prevent fungal infections

➧inhaled Flovent for outpatient to handle maintenance of triggers/allergies
➧see chart of spirometer "zones"; "yellow" means 2x Flovent
for asthma: bronchoconstriction

nebulizer (inpatient):
➧1cc max amt; 2cc saline as carrier fluid
➧wall unit of 8L O2 to make it a mist
➧better for hypoxia
➧can breathe on own with hospital devices
➧can be taken w/ Atrovent mixed in

inhaler (outpatient):
➧need spacer to hold med & allow time to breathe
➧directions: breathe in deep & hold for 6-10s; take 6 breaths after spray; wait 30s-1min b/t the 2 sprays

S/E: tachycardia, tremors

➧the ONLY rescue drug
➧6yo can coordinate proper usage
Breathing Devices
Face mask: can breathe in any way

Shovel mask/tent: humidified O2; up to 80% O2

Venti/Venturi mask

Nonrebreather: wall unit at 8-10L, enough to keep bag inflated

Ambu-bag ventilation if ↓RR
Upper Airway Conditions
➧S/S: stridor on inhale; ↑RR; anxious
➧Tx: Hemlich; CPR

Anaphylaxis from Swollen Edema
➧S/S: facial hives; edema
➧Tx: antihistamine or epinephrine injection

Cold/Croup virus
➧S/S: barking seal cough worse at night
➧Tx: cold air; mist/steam from hot shower; steroids if stridor is persistent or resp dist
Lower Airway/Lung Tissue Conditions
➧S/S: wet productive cough; rhonchi in infected lobe; fever
➧Tx: ABX; CPT; positioning

Cystic Fibrosis

Neuro: discoordinated breathing

Carbon monoxide poisoning

Narcotics use
Process of Dehydration
1) HR ↑ as dehydration gets more severe
2) acidotic to compensate ⇒ ↑RR
3) orthostatic from vol depletion: will ↓BP as last sign
4) brain gets less blood ⇒ fatigue & cold

S/S: skin dry; delayed cap refill; low turgor; weight loss

Stroke volume
➧Preload is hydration status
➧Afterload is resistance
➧Contractility usually not an issue w/ kids
Treatment of Dehydration
Isotonic solution of Normal Saline or Ringer's Lactate: b/c we worry for Na content

formula: 20cc/kg/bolus

recovery S/S: HR improved; RR improved; consolable
Babies & Dehydration
cause: often d/t diarrhea

Tx: Oral Hydration Therapy
➧PO isotonic soln
➧give in increments: ~5cc/min
➧if severe enough, give isotonic soln instead of breastfeeding
Nursing Priorities of Post-Operative Care

Risk for atelectasis

Bleeding from site

Vital signs

Paralytic ileus


Venous clots
Pain Nursing Interventions
assess FACES, FLACC, individualized rating scale (ie pt chooses colors assoc w/ pain)

PO narcotics better than IV b/c has less S/E
Risk for Atelectasis Nursing Interventions
sit upright/positioning unless contraindicated

incentive spirometry

playing & ambulating

↑temp on 1st day post-op = atelectasis (NOT fever)
Bleeding from Surgical Site Nursing Interventions
reinforce surgical dressings with gloved hand & gauze
Paralytic Ileus Nursing Interventions
neg bowel sounds

advance diet as tolerated:
➧only advance to new foods when +bowel sounds
➧eating w/o bowel sounds ⇒ vomiting ⇒ aspiration PNA
Constipation Nursing Interventions
from narcotics & little movement

check bowel sounds for ileus, flactulance, last BM

DON'T withhold narcotics even with constipation
Venous Clots Nursing Interventions
S/S: leg red, puffy, warm, painful

prevent w/ ambulation, neumoboots, heparin
Cardiac Catheter Reasons & Surgical Sites
➧biopsy, cardiomyopathy, angiogram
➧stent: to open area for stenosis
➧balloon: to open area for atresia
➧closing holes: for ASD/VSD
➧cardiac ablasion: when SA node is not starting ⇒ accessory pathway found and burned

surgical site: femoral artery & vein of same side
➧artery side will likely bleed d/t ↑pressure
➧when bleeding, add pressure right over site for 15min & prevent clot & call MD
Nursing Priorities of Cardiac Catheter Care
Positioning: <30º, no movement to prevent dislodging clot

Bleeding Surgical Site

Bleeding into Periorbital Space:
➧↑HR, abd distension, dizzy, hypotension
➧BP calc: 1-10yo = 70 + 2xAGE = hypotensive BP

Bleeding into Cardiac Wall:
➧pleural effusion: Tx w/ chest tube
➧cardiac tamponade: contractility affect w/ fluid sqeezing the cardiac muscle; ↑HR, poor perfusion, ↓pedal pulses; EMERGENCY!!

Arterial Clot
➧cold feet, ↓pedal pulse/Doppler
➧if cold, call MD for thrombolytics

Venous Clot
➧hot, good pulse, edema

Hypovolemia: when ↓bilateral pulses

Infection: prevent w/ ABX (3 doses) esp b/c of device insertion

Sedation: conscious w/ morphine
➧S/E: nausea (does not affect by peristalsis)
RASS test
used to check for excessive IgE presence in blood
Skin test
allergen test when the antigen is mixed with saline and put under the patient's skin

rxn is inflammed, indicating response to that allergen
starts to work in 5min PO
IV tubing duration
lasts only four days
Dehydration/Output Calculations
norm: 0.5-2mL/kg

dehydration: <0.5mL/kg