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44 Cards in this Set

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pediatric neuro exam- history
1. birth hx: prolonged delivery, preg issues, illnesses
2. developmental hx: nml milestones, special ed classes?
3. FH
4. immunizations
5. PMH
6. allergies
7. Recent travel, illnesses
general exam
-look at them, play with them
-syndromic appearance?
-dysmorphic features?
-skin- neurocutaneous lesions
Brushfield spots
- in downs syndrome
-whitish or light grey or brown spots in the eyes
Angelman Syndrome
"happy puppet"
-maxillary hypoplasia
-large mouth
-mental retardation
-autistic features: poor eye contact, speech delay
-inappropriate outbursts of laughter
-flickering tongue
-ataxia gait
-15q11-q13 deletion on maternal chromosome
Fragil X
-long, wide protruding ears
-elongated face
-flattened nasal bridge
-large testes
-CGG triplicate repeat
-developmental delay
-predominately male
General congenital malformations
-possible neural tube defects
-inspection of the spine and lumbo-sacral region of back...look for...
1. sinus tracts/dimples
2. hair tufts
3. raised skin covered bumps
4. Meningocele/ Myelomeningocele/ Encephalocele
neural tube defects
most severe: no brain formation (anencephaly)- do not survive
less severe: partial failure of anterior closure - encephalocele
less severe- partial failure of post closure- meningocele, spina bifida
-prevention most impt tx!
-folate taken before preg!
Skin- Sturge-Weber Syndrome
-neurocutaneous syndrome
-skin can be a reflection of the brain
-Facial hemangioma-most freq in V1 and V2 distribution (may be little)
-contralateral hemiplegia
-mental retardation (50%)
-need MRI
Cafe Au lait spots neurofibromatosis type 1
-large freckles
- in place where "sun doesnt shine"-axillay
-deeper color than skin
-6+ spots, grow with age
neurofibromatosis type 1
2+ signs:
-cafe-au-lait spots
-2 neurofibromas
-intertrigonal freckling
-sphenoid wing dysplasia or congenital long bone bowing
-B/L optic gliomas! (tumors on optic nerve, will lose vision)
-2 lisch nodules-pigments in iris, benign
-1st degree relative w/NF
-epilepsy, learning d/o, hydrocephalus
-need MRI or CT
Developmental exam
-Denver developmental screen
-more like playing
-remember to correct age of premature babies for testing
-There are age defined expected milestones in areas of social, gross motor, fine motor and language
M-CHAT (Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers)
-to screen kids for further testing for autism
1. Social interactions: doesn't look at you, has no peer relationships, lack of emotion
2. Communication: lack of expression, lack of imaginative play, cannot make needs known
3. Stereotypies: inflexibility, repetitive movements, restricted interests, preoccupation w/parts of objects
Pervasive Developmental Disorders Autism Spectrum Disorders
-cannot be attributed ot another disorder
-delays or abnml social skills before age 3
-6+ more features for 3 major areas:
social impairment, communications impairment, restricted repetitive and stereotyped behaviors
Head circumference
-avg at birth: 35 cm
-inc by 2cm/mo for 0-3 months
-inc by 1cm/mo for 3-6 months
-premees grow faster
Mental status
1. altertness
2. attentiveness
3. language
4. behavior- interaction with you, parents, siblings
5. enviornment
6. age appropriateness
7. follows commands?
Cranial nerves
1. Eyes-gaze, nystagmus, acuity, visual fields, tracking, fundoscopic
2. olfactory- s/p head trauma
3. CN VII- facial nerve- bells palsy
5. stick out tongue
6. open-say "aahh"
7. infant- put a gloved finger in the mouth, how well do they suck?
-pt with farsightedness
-difficulty seeing up close
-blurred distance vision
-eye fatigue when reading
-eye strain
-crossed eyes in kids
Facial motor pathway
-upper face muscle have bilateral control
-lower face muscles have only ipsilateral control
-worse looking if peripheral lesions (True Bells Palsy)
Facial weakness
-cannot close L eye
-L peripheral CN VII lesion
-on LI r/o lyme disease
-LP recommended
-CT scan first
plantar reflex
-babies will fan out until about 1 yr old
Guillain-Barre syndrome
-ascending weakness, no reflexes
-almost always preceding viral illness (EBV, CMV, Herpes, Mumps) or post vaccine (varicella)
-monitor for respiratory compromise
-miller-fischer variant: descending weakness w/triad of areflexia, ataxia and opthalmoplegia)
-tx: TVIG
newborn reflexes
-hereditary motor sensory neuropathy
-decreased proprioception and pallesthesia
-foot drop
-flat feet
-stork legs
-problem with myelination, IB more severe than IA
Infant motor and tone
-look at baby- frog legs, not moving much
-try to lift - arms should flex if nml - they should provide some resistance
-head drops back - cant support or lift it
-Consider Landau Response
-(2-3 mo) sustained straightening of head and trunk. Baby can inhibit by 12 months
1. rigidity: resistance to externally imposed movement throughout the range of motion at any speed
2. Spasticity: resistance to externally imposed movement increases with increasing speed of stretch or beyond threshold joint angle
3. Dystonia: Involuntary sustained or intermittent muscle contractions causing twisting and/or abnormal postures. Painful.
Wilsons disease
-liver failure
-hemolytic anemia
-low ceruloplasmin
-rigidity, dystonia, tremor or tics
-kayser-fleischer rings
Tic disorder
-start as a physiologic act that becomes habituated
-most outgrow by adolescence
-r/o wilsons, iron-def, thyroid, chronic strep
-tx: ignore it
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
-onset 2-4 yrs
-elevated CPK
-calf hypertrophy
-X-linked recessive
-dystrophin content <3% of nml, death ~20
Becker muscular dystrophy
-onset late childhood
-elevated CPK
-calf hypertrophy
-x-linked recessive
-dystrophin content <20% of nml
-less malignant
-poor finger to nose
station and gait
Sensory ataxia: stepping gait
Cerebellar ataxia: wide-based
Steppage gait: foot drop
Spastic hemiparesis: circumduction
Spastic paraparesis: scissor gait
Dystrophic gat: lordotic w/lateral hip movement (waddle)
-episodic, chronic
-when to act quickly: new onset, occipital, wakes me out of sleep, neuro signs
Migraines in kids
-not usually unilateral,hemiplegic
1. photophobia
2. phnophobia
3. N/V
4. dizzines, fatigue
5. vision changes
6. osmophobia- sensitivty to smells
7. FH, missing school, sleep disturbances
Migraine txs
-good sleep, good fluid intake, no caffeine, vitamins, Ca, Mg
-prophylactic tx: antiepileptics, beta blockers, tricyclic antidepressants, Ca channel blockers (>10/mo)
-motrin for acute H/A in kids
Attention problems
-consider developmental delay and psychiatric disorders
-dx: connor's or vanderbilt screening tests, neuropsyc eval
-classroom interventions first
-meds if needed (hyperactivity, impulsivity)
-omega 3 supplement
Generalized tonic-clonic seizure
1. Tonic phase: eyes open & roll up, pupils dilate, elbows flex, arms pronate, incontinence
2. clonic phase: generalized movements, frequency slowly decreases, tongue bitting
3. Post-ictal phase: drowsy, confused, lethargic, HA, muscle sorness
Tonic seizures
-flexed/extended, no shaking
Clonic seizured
-Similar to generalized tonic-clonic seizures in nature
Absence eplilepsy
-nml kids
-brief, but can happen many times/day
-abrupt recovery
-sometimes eyelid flutering
infantile spasms
-look like flexing or extending body repeatedly
-occur in clusters when just waking up
-nml and abnml kids
-usually before 1 yr old
-EEG: hypersarrhythmia- chaotic, high voltage discharges
-tx: ACTH, Vigabatrin
Simple partial seizure
-no loss of consciouness
-can be motor seizures, automatisms
-can be sensory
-abd discomfort, bradycardia, drooling, hair on end
-gelastic- bursts of laughter
Complex partial
-loss of consciousness
-temporal > frontal > parietal/occipital
-can start as simple partial
-automatisms (lip-smacking, gum chewing, nose wiping, buttoning)
-can occur with absence
-side opposite of focus
-may evolve into generalized
Febrile seizures
-6mo - 6 yrs old
-generalized tonic-clonic but may be focal
-occur with febrile illness
-determine cause for fever and tx if needed