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48 Cards in this Set

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Apgar score
Test: Heart Rate
Muscle tone
-good if score is above 7
Erthema toxicum neonatorum
benign rash seen in the first 72 hrs of life
erythematous macules, papules, pustules on the trunk and extremities (not on soles or palms)
- Lesions are filled with eosinophils
-no treatment is required
-benigne proliferative vascualar tumors
- most will resolve within 18 months
What causes an absent red reflex?
For cartio exam:
Diminished femoral pulse
Increased femoral pulse
1. coarctation of the aorta
2. patent ductus arteriosus
When is an infant considered "premature" and postterm
if born less then 37 weeks
if born after 42 weeks
Is cycanosis considered an emergency in the neonate?
What is the treatment
hell yes

-good to give oxygen and might need bag mask ventilation
What cause RDS?
How can you test for it?
caused my the lack of surfactant in preterm infants
-surfactant is made at 30-32 weeks
-to test for lung maturity: an aminocentiesis a lecithin-to-sphingomyelin ratio > 2:1 and phosphatidylglycerol
Clinical features of RDS
- how is it evaluated/diagnosed
-respiratory distress
- expiratory grunting
Dx: by CXR shows diffuse atelectasis with an increase density in both lungs and ground glasss appearance
How do you manage RDS
supplemental O2
positive airway pressure
Mechanical ventilation
exogenous surfactant
Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn (PPHN)
any condition ass with low blood flow to the lungs after birth

cause: perinatal asphyxia and meconium aspiration syndrome
Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn (PPHN)
- pathophysiology
increased pulmonary vascular resistance results in significant right to left shunting through the foramen ovale or ductus arteriosus with hypoxemia
Tx: oxygen, nitric oxide
Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
Meconium that is passed as a consequence of fetal distress
History: of meconium noted at or before delivery and the presence of respiratory distress and CXR
Apnea of Prematurity
- is a respiratory pause without airflow lasting more than 15-20 seconds or respiratory pause with bradycardia and cyanosis
DDx of Indirecrt hyerperbilrubinemia
Physiologic: decreases enzyme
inborn errors of metablolism
Crigler Najjar
Gilberts disease
Breast milk (after first week of life)
Breat feeding (first week)
T or F Indirect hyperbilirubinemia is pathologic in the newborn??
Jaudice should be evaluated when..
1. appears < 24hrs of age
2. bilirubin rises > 5-8 in 24hrs
Cause of direct Hyperbili
biliary atresia
neonatal hepatitis
Complications of indirect bilirubinima
may pass though the BBB and go to the basal ganglia
-choreoathetoid cerebral palsy, hearing loss, opisthotonus
in centraly abdomen
-abdominal organs are covered with a peritoneal sac
-ass. with congenital anomalies
- is a congenital fissue of the ant abd wall located in the right paraumbilical area (not in the midline)
- no peritoneal sac covering
Diaphragmatic Hernia
abnormalitis in the development of the diaphragm that allows herniation of abd contents into the thorax
-mostly seen on left diaphram
Clinical features of Diaphragmatic Hernia
-history of polyhydramnios
-scaphoid abdomen (with abd contents in thorax)
-respiratory insufficiency from pulmonary hypoplasia
-breath sounds are decreased
Diaphragmatic Hernia
must NEVER us bag mask ventilation
must intubation with 100% O2
Meconium ileus on x-ray
intestinal distension w/ minimal air fluid levesl
Air remains trapped in the meconium
gas bubbles may be sen in meconium producing a soap-bubble appearance
Necrotizing enterocolitis
transluminal and mucosal necrosis in premature infants
clinical features: feeding intolerance with bilious aspirates and abdominal distention, extream abd tenderness with discolorations, occult blood
tx: stop all foods by mouth must be NPO with NG tube
Pneumatosis intestinalis
results from bacterial gas production in the bowel wall and can be detected by abd radiography and is hallmark for NEC
What infants are at risk for polycythemia
infants of diabetic mothers, SGA, hyperthyroidism, adrenogenital syndrome, trisomies (13,18,21), beckwith Wiedemann
Features: ruddy, plethoric. poor feeding, lethargy, hyperbilirubin
Tx: partical exchange
Apnea of prematurity
def as cessation of breathing for longer than 20 sec or shorter pause ass. with cyanosis, pallor, hypotonia.
- Central: complete cessation of air flow and respiratory efforts with no chest wall movement
- Obstructive: respiratory effort and chest wall movement with no air
Clinical features of Apnea of prematurity
ass with bradycardia (< 80) and cyanosis, pallor, hypotonia
Failure of the kidneys to develop can lead to what?
Oligohydramnios- decrese fluid in the amniotic cavity
Congenital Toxo
due to ingestion of oocyte from infected cat

intracrinal calcicications,
Congenital Rubella
rare due to vaccination
hearing loss
CHD (patent ductus arteriosus)
Congential CMV
newborn disese is ass with primary maternal infection with 50%
Infection occurs in 1% of pregnancys with recurrent or reactivated infection

Clinical features
**intrauterine growth retardation
petechia and purpura
intracranial calcifications
Low AFP means what?
trisomies 21 and 18
Cocaine use during preg
causes maternal hypertension and constricion of placental circulation

withdrawl: irritability, tremulous, poor feeding, increase learing difficulites
A term 5 lb 2 day old infant has irritability nasal stuffiness and coarse tremor. He is feeding poorly and has diarrhea
think cocain or heroin withdrawl
What are some of the complicaiton of infants with mother that are diabetics
Caput Succedaneum
Area of edema over the presenting portion of the scalp during a vertex delivery
ass with bruising and petechiae
can cross suture lines
caused by bleeding that occurs below the periosteum of the overlying bone

-ass with skull fractures in

-Contained within the periosteum: does not cross suture lines
Klumpkes Palsy
lower arm and affects the seventh and eight cervical and first thoraci

hand is paralyzed and has an absent grasp "claw hand" deformity
often with a horners syndrome
Erbs Palsy
upper arm and is the most common type

Involves the fifth and sixth cervical roots and the arm is adducted and internally rotated but grasp is intact
Group B strep
vertical transmission

Early onset (< one week)
sepsis, pneumonia, menigits, PPHN

Late 1wk to 3 months
bacteremia, menigitis, bulging gontannels

Tx: ampicillin and gentamicin
Herpex Simplex and neonates
risk of infection is higher with primary maternal infections

1. Cutaneous: involves the skin, mouth, and eyes
vesicular eruptions appear 7-10 days
2. Encephalitic
occurs 3rd week of life
cc: lethergy, irritabilt, poor suck, seizure
cutaneous lesions gone
3. Disseminated
Sepsis: panea hypotonia hyptonsion

Dx: cell culture or PCR

Tx: acyclovir
3 week old infant present with a paroxysmal cough, tachypnea but no fever. Bilateral diffuse crackes, hyperinflation and pachy infiltrates had conguctivitis 10 days ago
chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia and the newborn
acquired though pass of the birth canal

causes conjuctivitis (few days to several days) pneumonia

Tx: erythromycin
Congenital Syphilis
intermittent fever
manculopaular rash on palms and soles

late: saddle nose deformity, frontal bossing, hutchison teeth, mulberry molars. painless joint effusions


Tx: Penicillin
What are some clinical signs of HIV?
peristent trush