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47 Cards in this Set

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boy with resp distress, pulse that varies with resp*, perioral cyanosis*, delayed cap refill*, drowsy*

asthma exacerbaion

pulsus paradoxus (variance of >10 between in and out)

-obstructive airway dz


-constrictive pericarditis

airway inflammation in asthma is a result of:

mast cell activation

why is it that after ALBUTEROL* in asthma attack, actually wheezing worsens/comes out*????

because "clear" breath sounds in asthma attack actually mean complete obstruction and no air movement

how to dx asthma

improvement in respiration/child's color with albuterol

kid has asthma sx after "mowing grass" trigger exposure, takes albuterol and is fine. 2-4 hours later has really bad wheezing etc. why?

this is a late phase reaction as inflammatory cells accumulate in the airways. albuterol can't help it.

4mo all of a sudden has resp distress and fever in winter

RSV/Adenovirus bronchiolitis

Tx for bronchiolitis

O2, albuterol/epi med nebs

CXR in bronchiolitis

hyperinflated lungs with areas of atelectasis

8yo boy's growth chart has platued, stopped growing. normal exam. tall parents

growth hormone deficiency

constitutional growth delay

kid is short but has normal growth rate*, but one of his parents had a delay in puberty and turned out fine

bone growth at same rate as height growth

constitutional growth delay

G.H. screening tests

IGF-1, somatomedi C, IGF-BP3

6HOUR* old baby, vaginal delivery, "grunting", hypothermic*, poor feeding, poor perfusion, white coun* with left shift

neonatal sepsis: most likely GBS****

prophylaxis for group b strep infxn

ampicillin during labor to mom

what leads to increased risk of GBS infection?

-ruptured membranes**


-fever during labor

tx for gbs infxn

IV gent/amp

why is it important to treat chlamydial conjunctivitis asap with erythromycin?

to prevent chlamydial pneumonia later

infxns in frist 6 days of life causing PNA/Sepsis


-e. coli

-h. flu


LATE-onset infx (7-90days of life)

-staph aureus

-e. coli





tx for early onset infxn


tx for LATE onset infxn


neonate with marked monocytosis*, rash*, pallor, poor feeding, tachypnea, cyanosis


most common heart malf in downs

AV canal defect

neonate doing well then all of a sudden gets cyanotic,low sat,* etc. single LOUD S2* heard, no murmur


"normal" systolic murmur, kid ok

benign pulmonary flow murmur: doesn't radiate*!!

kid with daily*** high-spiking fevers* rash*, "body aches"* that come and go with fevers, 1day hx of refusal to bear weight. diffuse LAD*, organomegaly*, joint swelling!. What does CBC show?

high WBC and PLT count with anemia: juvenile arthritis

3 types of juvenile arthritis




polyarticular arthritis

-usually cervical spine, temporomadibular joint

-young patients are RF-, older patients are RF+

oligoarticular arthritis



-whatch out for anterior uveitis!!!!*

tx juve arthri

-NSAIDS, steroids, methotrexate

how to monitor for uveitis

routine slit-lamp exams

CBC on parvovirus B19

0% retic count because it attacks the erythroid precursors and lyses compensatory reticulocytes

baby has short gut from NEC, ileocecal valve gone, now getting paler and paler

anemia d/t B12 deficiency from terminal ileum resection and bad absorption

Tx for b12 deficiency in short gut baby

monthly IM B12 shots

microcytic anemia


macrocytic anemia and LOW retic count d/t inadequate b.m. production

B12, folate, trisomy 21, hypothyroid

macrocytic anemia but HIGH retic count


infant drinks goats milk

w/o for B12 def

kid has RED, TENDER tongue, macrocytic anemia

juvenile pernicious anemia (Aut. Rec), kid can't secrte Intrinsic Factor for B12

previously healthy 3 yo in a newly renovated home, has seizure, abdominal Sx, neuro Sx

Lead toxicity!!!

kid had pharyngitis, now has periorbital edema, mild HTN, tea-colored urine, RBC casts in urine

acute poststrep glomerulonephritis

recurrent*, painless* hematuria, usually before URI

Berge nephropathy

U/A for post strep nephritis

-HIGH spec grav




serum markers for PSGN

-ASO antibodies

-anti-DNAse B antibodies

Tx for HTN in PSGN


coughing up blood and nephritis
