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19 Cards in this Set

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_____ and thus blood volume, can be reduced by sweating during prolonged activity.
Plasma Volume
List the sequence of the anti-diuretic hormone
Physical activity -> increase in sweat -> loss of plasma volume -> hemoconcentration (increase in blood osmolarity) -> stimulates hypothalamus -> stimulates posterior pituitary gland, which secretes ADH -> causes kidneys to reabsorb water from the renal tubules and collecting ducts, which increases plasma volume and decreases osmolarity
What drugs are diuretics?
Alcohol and caffeine
What 2 methods are involved in conserving plasma volume?
ADH and aldosterone
The _____ of the kidneys will produce aldosterone to _____ from the renal tubules.
Renal Cortex
increase water and sodium reabsorption
To trigger the release of aldosterone, we must follow this pathway of events
Physical activity -> sweating and increased BP -> sweating results in a loss of plasma volume, so BP decreases -> reduced renal blood flow causes kidneys to release renin -> renin forms angiotension I which converts to angiotension II -> angiotension II contracts arterioles to increase BP and stimulate the release of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex -> aldosterone promotes water/sodium reabsorption from the renal tubules -> plasma volume increases and helps maintain normal blood pressure.
ADH in released because of an increase in _____.
Aldosterone is released because of a decrease in _____.
The key to both of these events is the sweat loss from exercise and the resulting drop in plasma volume that leads to a blood _____ and a drop in blood pressure. Both of these are _____ feedback systems
Blood osmolarity
Blood pressure
In the pancreas, _____ cells secrete _____ and ____ cells secrete _____.
Alpha Glucagon
Beta Insuline
This hormone is secreted from pancreatic cells when plasma glucose levels are elevated, such as after a meal
This hormone's job is to transport glucose into the cells and promote the making of glycogen
Stored glucose in skeletal muscle and liver tissue
Secreted to get the sugar out of the blood and into the tissue
This hormone is secreted from pancreatic cells when plasma glucose levels drop below normal levels, such as during exercise
This hormone will promote the breakdown of glycogen into glucose
The breakdown of glycogen into glucose
Puts more sugar in the blood with the breakdown of glycogen
Secreted to get sugar out of storage and into the blood since we'll need more glucose during exercise.
The _____ stored as triglycerides in adipose tissue and in muscle cells are ideal fuels for endurance exercise. If our body can convert the _____ into _____, our use of fat as a fuel is greatly enhanced. When the enzyme _____ is activated, this conversion to FFA can occur.
Free fatty acids
The 4 major hormones that will promote lipase activity
Cortisol, Growth Hormone, Epinephrine, and Norepinephrine