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31 Cards in this Set

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Fisrt walk in the room
Washes hands
Introduces self to patient
General Info & Observations
-Note location, position and circumstances under which patient is examined
-Describe patient's age; race; sex; general appearance
-Assess level of consciousness (state how it has been noted)
-Assess orientation to person, place, time, and situation
-General behavior/cooperation
-Spontaneous speech (state it has been noted); comprehension (can follow command)
-Note if patient is in any apparent distress
Vital Signs
-Initiate Temperature, height and weight
-Pulse rate & rhythm
-Respiration rate and rhythm
-Blood Pressure (cuff must be over skin, not clothing & use proper technique)
INTEGUMENT (skin, hair, nails)
-Inspect skin for overall color (pallor, cyanosis, jaundiced, etc.) and lesions
-Palpate skin for temperature
-Palpate skin for hydration/texture/mobility & turgor
-Inspect hair (head and on legs) for color, quantity, and distribution
-Inspect fingernails and toenails for clubbing, cyanosis
-Inspect hands & feet for ulcerations or other lesions (intertrigonal spaces too)
-Inspect head for cephalic size and signs of trauma; face for symmetry and pathologic facies
-Test muscle of facial expression (smile, frown, puff cheeks, show teeth, resist examiner opening of eyes, etc.)
-Palpate head (skull, scalp, face)
-Perform external ear exam (inspection)
-Assess auditory acuity to spoken voice, whispered voice, or watch tick
-Perform Weber test (must use 512 Hz. tuning fork)
-Perform Rinne test (must use 512 Hz. tuning fork
-Check for pinna, tragus, and mastoid tenderness
Otoscopic exam
-Examine external auditory canals
-Inspect TM's for intactness, color, contour, landmark
-Inspect & palpate the external nose for deformity
-Assess nasal patency, bilateral nares
-Palpate maxillary and frontal sinues
Nasal speculum exam (bilateral):
-Inspect nasal mucosa for color, moisture, discharge, masses, lesions
-Inspect turbinates (and meati) for color, polyps and septum for deviation, Kiesselbach's plexus, perforations
-Inspect lips for color, lesions, symmetry
-Inspect oral cavity with light source and tongue blade:
-buccal mucosa
-gingivae and teeth
-hard and soft palpate, tongue (depress tongue with blade), etc
-Check tongue for midline protrusion, range of motion, and motor strength
-Inspect uvula, oropharynx, tonsilar pillars, and palatine tonsils
-Assess midline rise of soft palate and uvula with "ahh"
-Assess gag reflex
-Inspect neck for shape, symmetry, landmarks, masses, surgical scars
-Inspect thyroid gland including as patient swallows
-Palpate thyroid isthmus before and during swallowing
-Palpate thyroid lobes bilaterally before and during swallowing
-Palpate carotid arteries
-Ausculate for carotid bruits
-Palpate cranial lymph nodes: occipital, post-auricular, pre-auricular, parotid,tonsilar )retropharyngeal), submandibular, and submental nodes
-Palpate cervical lymph nodes (anterior superficial, posterior superficial, and
deep cervical chains)
-Palpate for supraclavicular lymph nodes (esp. in area of Virchow’s nodes)
-Palpate axillary lymph nodes (apical, mid-axillary, anterior, posterior, and lateral)
-Palpate epitrochlear lymph nodes
-Mention that you would Palpate "inguinal” and "femoral” lymph nodes
Initiate breast exam (state you would do it)
THORAX & LUNGS (inspection)
-Exposes patient’s chest so landmarks are visible
-Inspect symmetry of chest expansion, taking normal & deep breaths
-Look for abnormalities in the inspiration:expiration ratio
-Inspect for signs of labored respirations or other signs of resp. distress
-Inspect AP:transverse diameter
-Inspect (anterior) costal angle
-Inspect for chest wall bony abnormalities
THORAX & LUNGS (palpate/percuss/auscultation)
-Palpate thorax for symmetry, tenderness, bony abnormalities, etc.
-Palpate for thoracic expansion (rib excursion upon inspiration), anter. & poster.
-Palpate for tactile fremitus
-Anterior, Posterior, lateral thoraces
-Percuss thorax
-Anterior, Posterior, Lateral thoraces
-Measure right and left diaphragmatic excursions by percussion (proper technique)
-Auscultation: (proper technique of bilateral comparison)
-Auscultate anteriorally
-Auscultate posteriorally
-Auscultate lateral lung fields (between anterior and posterior axillary lines)
CARDIAC (inspect/palpate)
-Inspect (right internal) jugular venous pulse waveforms
-Measure (right internal) jugular venous pressure starting with HOB at 450
-Inspect for the apical impulse (PMI)
-Palpate PMI
-Inspect the precordium for abnormal movements
-Palpate the precordium (at R base, sternum, L base, LSB, apex, L axilla, and epigastrium) for LV heaves, RV lifts, thrills, palpable heart sounds, etc.
CARDIAC (Auscultate)
-Auscultates for rate, rhythm, heart sounds in (and correctly names aloud) all 5 main ausculatory areas:
-Aortic area (2nd RICS at sternal border)
-Pulmonic area (2nd LICS at sternal border)
-Second pulmonic area (Erb's Point) (3d LICS at sternal border)
-Tricuspid area (4th LICS at sternal border)
-Mitral area (5th LICS just inside MCL)
-Auscultate with diaphragm in all 5 cardiac areas with patient semirecumbent or recumbent
-Auscultate with bell in all 5 cardiac areas with patient semirecumbent or recumbent
-Auscultate with diaphragm in all 5 cardiac areas with patient sitting
-Auscultate with bell in all 5 cardiac areas with patient sitting
-Auscultate with diaphragm at the base of the heart with patient in seated flexion
position in expiration
-Auscultate with bell and diaphragm at the apex with the patient in left lateral decubitus position
PERIPHERAL VASCULAR (arterial pulses)
-Carotid arteries (see NECK)
-Palpate radial arteries
-Say you would Palpate femoral arteries
-Palpate popliteal arteries
-Palpate dorsalis pedis arteries
-Palpate posterior tibial arteries
-Auscultate for carotid bruits (see NECK)
-Auscultate for aortic, renal, iliac, & femoral bruits (see ABDOMEN)
-Assess for temperature gradient & and color of upper and lower extremities (see INTEGUMENT)
-Assess capillary refill of fingernails
-Assess capillary refill of toenails
-Inspect for varicose veins (with patient standing), and other signs of venous insufficiency
-Inspect for generalized edema ("anasarca" or "dropsy")
-Inspect/palpate for dependent pitting edema over the ankles, anterior tibia
-Inspect/palpate for non-pitting ("brawny") edema of the extremities
-Inspect abdomen (from side & foot of bed) during quiet breathing & deep inspir.
-Auscultate for bowel sounds (must be done in all four quadrants and epigastrium)
-Auscultate (with bell) for abdominal aorta bruits
-Auscultate (with bell) for renal artery bruits, bilaterally
-Auscultate (with bell) for iliac artery bruits, bilaterally
-Say you would Auscultate (with bell) for femoral artery bruits, bilaterally
-Percuss in all quadrants abdomen and eipgastrium
-Lightly palpate abdomen in all 4 quadrants and epigastric area
-Deeply palpate abdomen in all 4 quadrants and epigastric area
-Palpate liver
-Palpate spleen
-Fist percussion over bilateral CVA’s (warn patient first!)
-Overall general inspection of the standing patient (ant, post & lateral views) for posture
-Inspection of gait
-Palpate and test AROM of Temporomandibular Joints (TMJ)
-Inspect Cervical Spine including for ROM
-Palpate (spinous and paraspinous areas) Cervical Spine
-Inspect Thoracic Spine including for ROM
-Palpate Thoracic Spine
-Inspect Lumbar Spine including for ROM
-Palpate Lumbar Spine
-Inspect Shoulders including for ROM (winging of scapulae, name some landmarks)
-Palpate Shoulders
-Inspect Elbows including for ROM
-Palpate Elbows
-Inspect Wrists including for ROM
-Palpate Wrists, phlanges
-Inspect Hands including for ROM (screening like grip, claw hand…)
-Palpate Hands, phalanges
-Examine Legs for quadriceps symmetry & bulk, alignment, length…
-Inspect Hips including for ROM
-Palpate Hips
-Inspect Knees including for ROM
-Palpate Knees
-Inspect Ankles including for ROM
-Palpate Ankles
-Inspect Feet and Toes including for ROM
-Palpate Feet and Toes
Cranial Nerves (remainder of CN’s not mentioned above)
-Facial sensation to sharp/dull in 3 div. of trigeminal nerve bi
-Facial sensation to soft touch in 3 div. of trigeminal nerve bi
-Temporalis &/or masseter muscle tone
-Swallowing function (must swallow a sip of water, not a “dry” swallow)
-Motor strength of sternomastoid muscle
Deep Tendon Reflexes (must be done bilaterally)
Superficial Reflexes (must be done bilaterally)
Plantar Reflex (Babinski)
Motor Strength Testing (must be done bilaterally)
-Test overall muscle tone by passive ROM of a few selected joints
-Head & neck (flex/ext; R&L rotation)
-Shoulders (flex/ext; ab/adduction)
-Hands (hand grip)
-Fingers (flex/ext)
-Quadriceps/hamstrings (knee or hip flex/ext)
-Foot dorsiflexors /plantar flexors
-Toe flexion/extension
-Palmar Drift (Pronator Drift) Test
Cerebellar Function Tests
-Observe gait (see under Musculoskeletal section)
-Heel-toe walking (“tandem” gait)
-Upper extremity: choose ONE
-Point-to-point (nose-finger-nose) testing, done bilaterally
-Heel-knee-shin test, done bilaterally (must move heel up and down several times)
-Lower extremity: choose ONE
-Rapid alternating movements in upper extremities, done bilaterally
-Rapid alternating movements in lower extremities, done bilaterally
Tests of Sensory Function (Spinothalamic Tract)
-Pain (sharp/dull) on all four extremities (start distally)
-Light touch (cotton wisp) on all four extremities
-Test (and correctly identify) spinal nerve dermatomes (at least 6 of the following):
-prox. neck (C3) -thumb & index (C6) -medial foot (L4)
-nipples (T4) -middle (C7) -mid-dorsum foot (L5)
-umbilicus (T10) -ring and pinkie (C8) -lateral foot (S1)
-inguinal (T12) (*done on palmar aspect of digit)
Tests of Sensory Function (Posterior Column proprioception)
-Vibratory sense in fingers OR CHOOSE toes bi, distal DIP (128 Hz. tuning fork)
-Joint Position Sense fingers bi (grasp digits by lateral aspect) OR CHOOSE toes
-Romberg Test with eyes closed and arms at sides (the classic Romberg test). EXAMINER MUST BE IN POSITION TO CATCH PATIENT!
Tests of Sensory Function (Sensory Cortex)
-Stereognosis, bi (identify key, coin, or paperclip)
-Graphesthesia, bi (draw number in palm, oriented to pt.)
-Point localization or extinction
Initiate genital exam
Initiate rectal exam