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53 Cards in this Set

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At beginning and end
of the exam examiner?
washes hands at beginning and end of exam.
*sinus tenderness
Visual Acuity (near, far)
Conjunctiva (pink, clear) without discharge
Sclera white
Extraocular movements intact
Visual field =s examiners (confrontation)
Opthalmoscopic findings
no lid lag
Outer ear abnormality
TM membrane pearly gray;
moderate of dry Cerumen (Otoscopic findings)
No tragal tenderness
Able to hear finger rub from 2 feet away
Septum midline;
*pink, moist mucosa;
*boggy turbinate on the right
no polyps
Normal findings for Skin, hair and nails?
Pink, soft, moist, turgor with instant recoil, no lesions or tenderness.
Normal findings for head
head erect and midline; scalp pink, freely movable without lesions or tenderness.
Temporal arteries soft, nontender, no bruits
Normal findings for opthalmoscopic findings?
corneal light reflex equal bilaterally, red reflex present, discs cream colored with well defined border bilaterally; no crossing changes noted; cornea, lens and vitreius clear; retina pink, no hemorrhages or exudates; macula yellow
Snellen findings
20/20 without glasses
top # vision
bottom # distance from chart
Describe TM?
TM gray, translucent, light reflex and bony landmardks present; no perforations
mouth and throat
buccal mucosa pink and moist,
*uvula midline with elevation of soft palate
*pharynx without erythema; hoarseness
no lesions
Tounge midline without fasiculation
good dentition
Ab mouth findings?
Several interdental papillae red and slightly swollen; tongue midline with a small 3x4 mm, shallow white ulcer on an erythematous ase, located on the under surface near the tip. Its slightly tender but not indurated. Tonsils absent. Pharynx negative/ no exudates or postnasal drip
Trachea midline. thyroid barely palpable, no adenopathy
no tracheal tug, thyroid and cartilages move with swallowing, thyroid lateral borders palpalbe, no enlargement or nodules noted, FROM with appropriate strength
Chest, Lungs
Symmeteric without deformities;
Good excursion
resonant percussion (throughout) in all lung fields
tactile fremitius symmetric;
Chest, Lungs with rhonchi
Scattered rhonchi bilaterally that clear completely with cough leaving vesicular breath sounds all fields. No crackles or wheezes audible
Chest assessment
Shape and size of chest
AP vs Trransverse diameter
symmetry of movements with respiration
venous patterns
tenderness over the ribs
bony prominences
presence of retractions
use of accessory muscles
diaphragmatic excursion
anatomic loction of apical impulse
HR, rhythm
palpation findings; thrills, heaves, or lifts
auscultation findings char of S1,S2 Murmus, gallops, rubs
S1/S2 document
How do you document mumurs?
variation with respiration
How do you asess BV?
assess for bruits, the temp, color, hair distribution, skin texture, muscle atrophy, nail beds of lower extremities
Presenceof edema, swelliing, vein distension, varicosities, circumference of extremities
Homans sign tenderness of lower extremities or aling superficial vein
Inspection findings in the abdomen?
visible aorta pulsations surface motion venous patternscars
separation of muscles peristalsis
Auscultation findings with the absomen?
presence and character of bowel sounds
friction rub over the liver or spleen
Palpation findings in the abdomen?
masses (their location, size, contour consistency) tenderness muscle resistance
Percussion findings in the abdomen?
tone in each quad
areas of different percussion notes
CVA tenderness
vertebral tenderness
paraverterbral tenderness
liver span
How do document JVD?
JVP at the level of the sternal angle, with the pt elevated at 45 degree. Carotid pulses normal and symmetrical
large, pendulous, *symmetrical.
*No masses.
*Nipples erect and without discharge
Abdomen documentation?
Obese, but symmetrical. Well healed right lower uadrant scar. BS normal. Except for a slightly tender sigmoid colon, no masses or tenderness. Liver, spleen, and kidneys not felt. Liver span 7 cm in the rt MCL. No CVA tenderness.
How do you assess the heart?
1. Inspect neck veins.
2. Auscult carotids at upper
and lower extents.
3. Palpate one carotid at a
4. Inspect and palpate
5. Auscult each valve area
with diaphragm.
6. Auscult each valve area
with bell.
7. Ask patient to roll in left
lateral position; palpates
8. Auscult with bell at apex.
How do you assess the abdomen?
1. Inspect.
2. Auscult epigastrium, 4
3. Palpate 4 quadrants
(superficial and deep).
4. Palpate liver edge in deep
5. Percuss liver dullness
(measure span in
midclavicular line).
6. Palpate spleen in deep
7. Percuss for splenic
8. Palpate and measure
aortic pulsation.
9. Palpate inguinal nodes.
10. Palpate and auscult
femoral pulses.
Ab contours?
Flat, rounded, protuberant, distended or scaphoid
Protuberant Abdomen
How does a scaphoid abdomen look?
For breasts, you want to document?
Lumps tenderness, nipple discharge, SBE/ Mammogram
not able to smell
blind spot
extraocular move
ts intact
Genitalia documentation?
Vulva normal. On straining, a mild cystocele appears. Vagina negative. Parous cervix without redness or tenderness. Uterus anterior, midline, smooth , not enlarged. Adnexa are difficult to delineate because of obesity and poor relaxation, but there is no tenderness. Pap smears taken. Rectovaginal examination confirms above
Rectal documentation?
Negative. Brown stool, negative for occcult blood
Which pulses do you document
What's the normal grade for a pulse?
Radial, femoral, popliteal. dorsalis pedis, posterior tibial
4+ normal
PV documentation
Radial, femoral, popliteal DP, Pt 4+, 2+ edema of ft and ankles with 1+ edema extending up to just below the knees. Moderate varicosities of the saphenous veins bilaterally from mid-thigh to ankles, with venous stars on both lower legs. No stasis pigmentation or ulcers. No calf tenderness.
Musculoskeletal doc?
No joint deformities. ROM including hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, spine, hips, knees, ankles are normal
Motor doc?
No atrophy, fasiculations, tremors. Gait heel-to-toe, heel and toe walking, knee bends, hops well done. Romberg negative. Grip and arms strong
Sensory doc?
Pain, vibration, light touch and stereognosis screened and intact
Normal grade for reflexes?
What are the areas of the body are reflexes tested?
Biceps, Triceps, Supinator/ Brachioradialis, abdomen, knee, ankle, plantar (downward arrow- downgoing)
MS doc?
Alert, cooperative, thought coherent. Oriented.
Anus and rectum abnorm?
hemorrhoids, fissures, skin tags, pilonidal dimpling, hair tufts inflammation, excoriation
Anus and Rectum doc?
Perian area appearance
Rectal wall contour, tenderness
sphincter tone and control
Prostate size, contour consistency, mobility
color and consistency of stool
Musculoskeletal Sys assessment?
Posture, alignment of extremities and spine, symmetry of body parts
symmetry of muscle mass, tone fasciculation, spasms
appearance of joints:presence of deformities, tenderness, crepitus, swelling, muscle strength
Neuro Gait?
posture, rhythm sequence of stride and arm movements
Neuro balance?
Balance, coordination with rapid alternating motions
Neuro sensory function?
presence and symmetry of response to pain, touch, vibration, temprature stimuli, monofilament test
Neuro reflexes?
Superficial and deep: symmetry, grade, plantar reflex, ankle clonus