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24 Cards in this Set

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What is the definition of heart rate?

The amount of times the heart beats in a minute

What is resting and working heart rate?

Resting Heart Rate--- The amount of times your heart beats while your resting and not doing exercise

Working Heart Rate--- This is the amount of times your heart beats while your doing exercise

What is systolic and diastolic blood pressure?

Systolic Blood Pressure--- This is the pressure in your blood vessels when your heart beats

Diastolic Blood Pressure-- This is the pressure in your blood vessels between beats

What is Pulse pressure?

Pulse pressure is the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure if you are healthy it should be 120÷80

What is stroke volume?

This is the amount of blood pumped in one beat ?

What is cardiac output?

This is the amount of blood pumped in one minute

What is LDL and HDL cholesterol?

LDL cholesterol -- This is known as bad cholesterol as it causes fat to build up

HDL CHOLESTEROL--- This is known as good cholesterol as it reduces fat building up in the arteries

How do you calculate cardiac output ?

Cardiac output = heart rate × stroke volume

What is an oxygen debt?

Anaerobic respiration produces an oxygen debt. This is the amount of oxygen needed to oxidise lactic acid to carbon dioxide and water. oxygen debt explains why we continue to breathe deeply and quickly for a while after exercise

What are the four stages of participation in sports?

Labeled modal of the lungs

What is tidal volume ?

The normal breathing in and out rate

What is gas exchange ?

This is when O2 and CO2 is switched in the alveoli so that O2 enters the blood and Co2 leaves the blood to be breathed out

What is vital capacity ?

the greatest volume of air that can be expelled from the lungs after taking the deepest possible breath

What is the definition of a healthy active life style?

A healthy active lifestyle is being mentally, physically and social fit also it means that you have a balanced diet and are being active and doing exercise.

What are some of the Mental Social and Physical benefits of having a healthy active lifestyle?

Mental== Release of serotonin and ascetic appreciation

Physical == You become more active and healthier and it offers a physical challenge

Social== Meeting new people and making friends as well as an increase in confidence and social mixing

What are the 6 main things that influence people into taking a healthy active lifestyle?

Culture== religion or background

Health and Wellbeing == how healthy you are

Image== for example social media

Resources== What is avaliable to you in your local area

People== Family and friends

Social economics == how much money you have and if that would stop you from doing certain sports such as golf

What are the different sporting agencies and what do they do?

Youth Sport Trust-- Aim to get children into sports and increase funding for under 12 football

Sport England--- To increase the amount of sporting awards UK athletes win

This Girl Can--- To increase the amount of girls taking part in sports

Active Kids--- To increase the funding for school equipment for sports

What are the health related components of fitness?

Body composition--- how your body is structured

Muscular Strength-- How strong you are

Flexibility--- How flexibly your muscles are

Cardiovascular Endurance--- how much oxygenated blood your body can pump under pressure

Muscular Endurance--- How long your muscles can work for

What are the skill related components of fitness?

Agility== How quickly you can change direction at speed

Balance== How well you can balance while only using a select muscle

Co-ordination== how well you can use two muscles at the same time

Reaction time== how quickly you can react two a stimulus

Power== how much force you use your muscles at speed

Speed== how fast you do something

How can you use relevant fitness tests for skill related components of fitness?

How to use relevant fitness tests for health related components of fitness?

What are the principles of training?


What are the different methods of training?