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53 Cards in this Set

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Functions of endocrine system
Maintain homeostasis
Promote development
Peptide and protein hormones
All anterior pituitary and hypothalamic releasing hormones
Steroids (4)
Trophic vs. non-trophic
Trophic acts on endocrine tissue
Non-trophic acts on non-endocrine tissue (liver, heart, muscle)
Receptors for peptides
--On cell surface
--Peptides too big to get into cells
--Activate ion channels or linked to 2nd messengers
Receptors for steroids
--inside cell
--in cytoplasm or on nucleus
--Ligand-receptor complex binds to DNA, promotes transcription and translation
Receptors for amines
--inside cell or on cell surface
--may also be on mitochondria
(+) hypothalamic releasing hormones
(--) hypothalamic releasing hormones
Dopamine (inhibits prolactin)
Somatostatin (inhibits GH. TRH)
(+) Anterior pituitary hormones
(--) Anterior pituitary hormones
Endocrine target tissues and hormones
1. Thyroid -- T3/T4
2. Ovaries/Testies -- estrogen/testosterone
3. Adrenal gland -- cortisol
4. Liver -- IGF-1
boney encasement of pituitary
sella tarcica
connection between hypothalamus and pituitary
Posterior pituitary hormones
Neural vs portal systems
Portal -- hypothalamus to posterior pituitary through bloodstream
Neural -- hypothalamus to posterior pituitary
Physiological role of GHRH
synthesis and secretion of GH from AP
Sermorelin acetate
--1st 29 AAs of GHRH
--No longer manufactured
--Used to test AP function or treat hypothalamic dysfunction
Direct effects of GH
--Increase IGF-1 (mainly in liver)
--Increase triglyceride hydrolysis
--Increase glucose production in the liver
Indirect effects of GH (mediated by IGF-1)
--Anabolic effects assoc. w/ GH
--Differentiation/development of myocytes
Physiological control of GH
Somatostatin inhibits
GH provides -- feedback
IGF-1 provides -- feedback
Ghrelin promotes GH release
Environmental GH promoters
high protein meals
Environmental GH inhibitors
Sleep deprivation
Poor nutritional status (chronic)
Diagnosis of GH excess
--Confirm w/ plasma GH and IGF-1 levels
--Glucose tolerence test (side 3)
hyperglycemia doesn't suppress GH release in those w/ acrogmegaly or gigantism
Octreotide/Sandostatin LA
Somatostatin analog
For Excesss GH
N/V/D in 50%
decrease TSH-hypothyroidism
No -- feedback to AP tumor?
Longer duration of action, more pituitary selectivity
Octreotide: SC injection 3x/d
Sandostatin LAR: IM q 4 wks
Lanreotide/Somatuline Autogel
Somatostatin analog
For excess GH
N/V/D in 50%
decrease TSH-hypothyroidism
No -- feedback to AP tumor?
Lanreotide: IM q 10-14 days
Somatuline Autogel: IM q 4 wks
GH receptor antagonist
For excess GH
--Binds to GH receptor, doesn't activate JAK-STAT pathway
--concern: no GH receptor activation may increase tumor size
Irradiation for GH excess
Not selective for tumor cells
All AP cells must be replaced
Surgery for excess GH
Option if tumor is large and seen by PET/MRI
Trans-sphenodal surgery
Identical to human GH
Use until child reaches 18
SC injections daily
Laron dwarfism
People can make and release GH, but have defect in GH receptor in liver; can't make IGF-1
Looks the same as pituitary/hypothalamic dwarfism

Somatropin doesn't help Laron dwarfism
--recombinant IGF-1
--used for Laron dwarfism
--helpful for other types of dwarfism too
Role of prolactin (women)
--develops breast tissue w/ E & P during pregnancy
--causes milk production after birth
Control of prolactin release
Dopamine inhibits PRL release; take away DA to cause PRL release
TRH increases PRL release only if abnormally high; not a physiological releasing factor
causes of hyperprolactinemia (3)
--Pituitary adenoma
--Dopamine antagonist (treatment for schizophrenia or emesis
--Primary hypothyroidism (no -- feedback to TRH)
Consequences of high PRL
--Somewhat selective D2 antagonist
--For hyperprolactinemia
--Supresses PRL release and reduces adenoma size over time
Dosing 2-3 x/day
First dose phenomenon
Selective D2 antagonist
For hyperprolactinemia
Suppresses PRL release and reduces adenoma size over time
Better tolerated than bromocriptine
Less N/V
Can produce heart valve problems w/chronic use
Dosing 1-2 x/week
Oxytocin in uterine contractions
Stimulus for release: dilation of cervix
Stretch receptors are activated, relay back to hypothalamus through a neuron to cause oxytocin release
Prostaglandins and oxytocin both imp. in labor and delivery
Oxytocin in milk letdown
Oxytocin does not influence milk production
Letdown=movement of milk to appropriate reservoirs
release of oxytocin to promote letdown is controlled by higher centers
Clinical uses of oxytocin
1. Induce or augment labor in last trimester
2. Promote milk letdown
3. Reduce or prevent postpartum hemorrhage
Physiological roles of vasopressin
Adjust plasma osmolality -- osmo receptors in hypothalamus detect osmolality and cause synthesis and release of VP when activated
Maintain plasma volume -- stretch receptors in the atria detect the amount of stretch upon filling with blood. a decrease in stretch (and therefore volume) sends signals to the hypothalamus to release VP. 15-20% blood loss needed
VP at collecting ducts
More water passes from urine to plasma
Mediated by V2 receptors
VP as a vasoconstrictor
Acts as a vasoconstrictor at high concentrations to maintain BP during hemorrhage
Mediated by V1 receptors
V2 pathway
1. VP binds to V2 receptors
2. Gs-adenylyl cyclase-cAMP-PKA pathway is activated
3. aquaporin transport shifts toward apical membrane
Central vs nephrogenic DI
Central DI: from decreased VP release from posterior pituitary
Nephrongenic: V2 receptors are defective: VP is released, but no site of action

To determine whether central or nephrogenic, give VP
Causes of central DI
damage/injury or tumor of hypothalamus or posterior pituitary
Causes of nephrogenic DI
1. Congenital/genetic
2. Drug-induced (Lithium or demeclocycline
Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone
Patient secretes lots of VP, even when Posm<285
Urine is concentrated and blood is hypo-osmolar
Treatment of SIADH
Short term: water restriction
Long term: lithium or demeclocycline
Desmopressin (dDAVP)
Vasopressin agonist
Central DI
Nocturnal enuresis
3000x more potent for V2 over V1
Arginine Vasopressin
--deaminated at 1-Cys
--substituting D-arginine for L-arginine
--Selective V2 antagonist
--Congestive heart failure to decrease plasma volume
--V1/V2 antagonist
--Congestive heart failure to decrease plasma volume