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40 Cards in this Set

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carbonates(CO3^2-), phosphates(PO4^3-), sulfides(S^2-) sulfites(SO3^2-) (except with alkali or ammonium salts)
metal oxides/hydroxyde (except with Ba2+, Ca2+, Sr2+ and alkali metal oxides)
alkali metals, ammonium, nitrates
bromide, iodide, chloride (except Ag+, PB2+, Hg2+)
sulfates(except with Ba2+, Sr2+, Ca2+)
number of moles/ mass in kg of solvent(usually water)
Vapor pressure of solution
Psolution = Xmole fraction * Psolvent
Boiling point elevation
Delta T = m(molality) * Kb (Constant specific to solvent)
Freezing depression point
delta T = molality(m) *Ka(constant specific to
Osmotic pressure
equals M(molarity)RT
Total volume(gas)
(22.4)liters/mole * total number of moles
Alpha radiation
form helium
lose 4 in A and 2 in Z
Beta radiation
gain 1 in Z none in A
Partial pressure gas
X(fraction of moles of compound) *total pressure
E isomer
the higher priority group on each end of the double bond faces opposite sides
Combination reaction
combustion reaction
reactants unite to form one
one of the reactants is a gas
Formation reaction
form from elements in elemental state
Corrosion reaction
liquid or gas attacks metal
Decomposition reactions
compound breaks down
due to heat, light electrolysis
Single displacement reaction
A + BC > AB + C
Periodic table
from right to left: electronegativity, electron affinity, ionization energy increase, size decreases
from bottom to top: electronegativity,
electron affinity, ionization energy decreases, size decreases
Double displacement reaction
AB + CD > AC + BD
Neutralization reaction
acid+base> salt +H2O
double displacement
a solid form
Charles' law
volume gas=temperature
Boyle's law
volume of gas=1/P
Avogadro's law
volume gas = moles
Dalton's law
total pressure = sum partial pressures
A top Z bottom X
A atomic number
Z number of protons
paired electrons
unpaired electrons
Atomic weight(from isotopes)
multiply each isotope by percentage
add together
= -Rh/n^2
= hc/lambda (h constant, c =3.0*10^8 m/s)
= -Rh(1/(ni^2)- 1/(nf^2))
quantum numbers(n>l>ml>ms)
n number in front(ex:3s2 n=3)
l=from 0 to n-1(ex: n=3 l>0 to 2)
ml= -l to l(including 0)
ms always -1/2 and 1/2
Lewis acid
electron pair acceptor
Lewis base
electron pair donor
Arrhenius acid
h+ donor
Arrhenius base
HO_ donor
bronstedt/.lowry acid
donates H+ protons
brontedt/ lowry base
accepts H+ protons
use normality instead of molarity
Markovnikov's rule
H added to least substituted carbon
form greatest stable carbocation