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117 Cards in this Set

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Constipation affects which groups the most?
women, children and elderly
Causes of constipation in older adults?
medications, decreased activity, consequenses of illnesses
What medicaions are associated with constipation?
amantidine, amitripyline, antacids, anticholinergisc, antihistamines, CA channel blockers, CA suppliments, diuretisc, FEso4, narcotics,NSAIDS
What diseases can be associated with constipation?
diabetes, hypothyroid, hypoparathyroid, Hirschsprungs disease, MS, parkinsons,
What questions to ask patient about constipation?
Change in bowel pattern, # stools per week, last BM, need to strain during defecation, sensation of incomplete defecation any episodes of fecal incontenence, blood, abd pain
What is important when diagnosing chronic constipation?
underlying pathologic conditions or metabolic distrubances
Management of Chroinic constipation
increase fluids, increase activity, bowel training -allow to time to go and go at same time everyday - 30 min after a meal, increase fiber (can use psyllium - fiberall or polycarbophil - fibercon
When is diarrhea most worrisome?
When accompanied by fever, abdominal pain, dehydration or bloody stool
When are abdominal viruses seen most?
winter months
When are abdominal bacerial infections seen most?
summer & early fall
Describe ulceration pain
gnawing or burning
Describe pain with hollow tube obstruction
intermittent colicky or wavelike quality
Describe pain with peritoneal irritation
stedy adn increases with coughin, palpation or movement
Describe pain with metabolic disturbances or bowel motility
crampy, localized or generalized in women
Describe vascular pain
localized crampy discomfort usually midabdominal related to meals
Describe pain r/t encapsualted organ (kidney, liver, spleen, ovary)
constant and aching
What can be source of RUQ pain?
chest cavity, liver, gallbladder, stomach, bowel or right kidney or ureter. Usually cholecystitis or leakign duodenal ulcer
What can be source of LUQ pain?
heart or chest, spleen, stomach, pancreas
What can be source or RLQ pain?
appendicitis, bowel, right ureter or pelvis
What is sequence of events for appendicitis?
Pain starts in epigastrum or periumbilical, then localizes to RLQ. initial pain colicky not severe, but will reach this w/i 4 hours the will subside again, N/V, anorexia, constipation
Exam for appendicitis
tender abd when cough, low grade fever, localized tenderness, RLQ pain
What are common causes of bowel obstruction
adhesions, hernias and tumors
Physical exam of bowel obstruction
distended typanic abdomen. Peristatltic rushe snd high pitched tinkling sounds or absent bowel sounds, abd pain
Tests for Bowel obstuction
abdomen and chest x-ray, sitting and lying down, CBC with diff, electrolytes, BUN creatinine,
Hepatitis A
Infectious - spread by oral fecal route, can be spread by shellfish, incubation 2-7 weeks, malaise, anorexia, nausea, fever. RUQ pain, will go away
Hepatitis A tests
ast & alt, Anti-IGM - indicates acute infection
What are s/s of hemorrhoids?
bleeding, pruritus, protrusion & pain
Are internal hemmorrhiods painful?
usually no - external are painful. Internal usually seen bleeding after defecation
Name degrees of internal hemorrhoids
1st: bulge, but do not prolapse 2nd: prolapse through anal orifice, but reduce spontaneiously 3rd: prolapse with defication and needs manual reinsertion 4th: protrude permainently
Is an internal hemorrhiod palpable?,
no - best seen with anoscpe
How to treat hemorroids
high fiber diet and increased fluids, topical steriod creams, sitz baths and OTC pain meds
How will a thrombosed hemrrhoid feel?
hard, tender and dark blue if internal
What age are anal fissures seen?
young and middle age
Treatment of anal fissures
increased fiber, sitz baths, stool softners, topical anesthetic before stool
What is pruritus Ani and who gets it most?
itiching of hte anus seen mostly in children
Which foods can cause pruritus ani?
coffee, tea, soda, alcohol, tomatoes, citrus fruits adn chocolate
What can cause pruritis ani which is seen mostly at night?
What disease is oftne associated with Chrons disease
anal fistulas
What ethnic group is highly susceptible to gallstones?
native americans, scandinavians
What is incidence of gallstones?
30-80 years old, women more likely
What is seen with biliary obstruction?
jaundice, diarrhea, n/v, pain
What are risk factors for gallstones?
obesity or rapid weight loss, pregnancy, sterioids, estrogens, maternl hx of gallstones, tpn or fasting, crohns disease or alcohol
What are s/s of cholelithiasis
manifests with biliary colic, RUQ pain radiating to right shoulder 1 hour after eating - lasting 1-6 hrs, can be constant or intermittent,n/v
What are s/s of cholecystitis
recurrent mild or mod RUQ pain with n/v,
How is cholecystitis or cholelithiasis diagnosed?
mostly by good history, and gallbladder US, can have fever, guarding and tenderness with cholecystitis
What can cause diarrhea?
virus, bacterial, parasites, medications
What are causes of diverticulosis?
low fiber diet of refined diet of white flour, sugar and meat - mostly seeni n western hemi
What are s/s of diverticulitis?
80-85% asympotmatic. irregular defecation, intermitant abd pain, bloating incr. flatus, change in stool - ribbon like or pellet like
What is GERD?
Gastric juices that enter the esophagus - most people get this, but when mucosal damage occurs then GERD pain present
What populations is GERD normally seen in?
more males than females, more causcasions than black
What are 3 types of GERD?
1) Non erosive or endoscopic Neg GERD 2) Eroseive Gerd 30 Barretss espohagus (premalignant condition)
What are causes of GERD?
1) transient esophageal spincter relaxation - reflux 2) low resting pressure of sphincter 3) poor esophageal clearance 4) defects in esophagagastirc motitilty
What are s.s of GERD
heartburn, bitter belching, acid regurgitation, sour stomach, burning pain retrosternal,
How to relieve pain of GERD
antacids, milk, baking soda (short lived)
When see GERD?
within 1 hour of eating large fatty meal, eating citrus, tomatos, spicy foods
What exacerbates GERD?
bending over, exercise, lying down after eating, smoking drinking alcohol, pills,
What s/s of GERD can be alarming of advance disease?
dysphagia - impairment of swallowing - food gets stuck Odynophagia: painful swallowing
HOw to treat GERD?
Lifestyle modifications
stop smoking, decrease alcohol, reduce dietary fat, decrease meal size, elevate head of bed
How to treat GERD -
Acid supression with PPI treatment of choice - can use h2 antagonists for mild gerd
How is HAV spread>
oral fecal route, contaminated food or water, person to person contact
What fluids is HAV virus found
bile, blood, stool
What is incubation period of HAV
2-6 weeks -infectious 2-3 weeks before s/s and 1 week after clinical jaundice, mostly infectious before clinical symptoms
Which type of hepatitis can progress into chronic or CA?
Where is HBV endemic?
Asia -seen mostly in newborns and young children and spread from mother to child, and alaskan natives
What body fluids is HBV found?
blood, tears, cerbrospinal fluid, breast milk, saliva, vaginal secretionsand seminal fluid
How is HBV spread?
IV, sexually, perinatally
Which hepatis is hte #1 reason for liver transplants?
How is HCV spread?
IV drug use or sexully - can be chronic - maybe worried about tattoo needles, body piercings,
What other disease is often seen with HCV
HIV, hemodialysis and prisioners
What is cirrhosis?
scaring of hepatocytes and fiborsis, necrosis and cellular edema and death
What is a complicaiton of cirrhosis?
liver cancer
What are s/s of HBV
clay colored stools, fever, dark urine,arthralgias and rash, jaundice comes next with liver nad spleen enlarged
Lab values with hepatitis
increase ALT and AST (SGPT & SGOT), total bilirubin, abnormal platelets and albumin
What areas is HAV seen?
after ingestion of contaminated foods or shellfish, after natural disasters, institutionalized adults or children, travelers from endemic countries, daycare
What is leading cause of death with Hepatitis?
cirrhosis of liver, other complications liver failure and cancer
How is IBS diagnosed?
Abdominal pain present at least 25% time releived with defication, and associated with change in stool frequency or change stool consistency
When IBS seen?
more women, onset late adolescents peaking 30-40's
What is thought to exacerbate IBS
stress, anxiety, anger, druge, intestinal infection adn small bowel overgrowth of bacteria
Where is IBS pain seen
non radiating intermittant, crampy pain in lower abd mostly LLQ - usually in same spot - worse 1-2 hours after eating, can be relieved by BM, does not interrupt sleep
What is leading cause of death with Hepatitis?
cirrhosis of liver, other complications liver failure and cancer
How is IBS diagnosed?
Abdominal pain present at least 25% time releived with defication, and associated with change in stool frequency or change stool consistency
When IBS seen?
more women, onset late adolescents peaking 30-40's
What is thought to exacerbate IBS
stress, anxiety, anger, druge, intestinal infection adn small bowel overgrowth of bacteria
Where is IBS pain seen
non radiating intermittant, crampy pain in lower abd mostly LLQ - usually in same spot - worse 1-2 hours after eating, can be relieved by BM, does not interrupt sleep
What s/s woudl exclude IBS
night pain, arthralagias, bloody stools, weight loss, fatigue, myalgias
How to treat IBS
treat symptoms - dietary, modifications, meds, education and reassurance
What foods cause increased gas?
dairy, beans, brocolli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carbonated beverages, cauliflower, coffee, grapes, plums, raisins, raw onions, red wine
What should be excluded when thinking about IBS intoleranc?
lactose intolerance
How to test for lactose intolerance?
drink 1/2 gallon of milk and see if abd pain, hydrogen breath tesst or 2-3 week trial of lactose free diet
What s/s woudl exclude IBS
night pain, arthralagias, bloody stools, weight loss, fatigue, myalgias
How to treat IBS
treat symptoms - dietary, modifications, meds, education and reassurance
What foods cause increased gas?
dairy, beans, brocolli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carbonated beverages, cauliflower, coffee, grapes, plums, raisins, raw onions, red wine
What should be excluded when thinking about IBS intoleranc?
lactose intolerance
How to test for lactose intolerance?
drink 1/2 gallon of milk and see if abd pain, hydrogen breath tesst or 2-3 week trial of lactose free diet
What categories of meds are used with IBS
antispasmodics, antidiarrheal, anticonstipation, psychotripic
What are some alternative treatments for IBS
accupuncture, hypnosis, relaxation techniques, stress management
What categories of meds are used with IBS
antispasmodics, antidiarrheal, anticonstipation, psychotripic
What are some alternative treatments for IBS
accupuncture, hypnosis, relaxation techniques, stress management
Name the 3 types of jaundice
1) unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia 2) obstructive jaundice 3) conjugated jaundice
When would you see increase in unconjucated bilirubin?
increase destruction of RBC
When would you see increase in conjugated bilirubin?
liver dysfunction and obstruction
Conjucated bilirubin is water soluble and is excreted in the urine. T or F
true - urine turns orange
Where to observe jaundice in african american?
mandibular frenulum
What other symptoms are seen with obstructive jaundice?
pruritis - d/t nerve injurty in skin caused by bile pigments
What are s/s of cirrohis?
spider angiomas, palmar erythema, ascites, malaise, anorexia and rUQ discomfort
s/s of obstructive jaundice
colicky RUQ pain, light-colored stools, weight loss
Occult blood in stools along with jaundice suggests what?
cancer as cause of jaundice
What questions should be asked when acute jaundice is seen
any recent travel, transfusions, tattoos, IV drug use, alcohol intake, medications, food, toxins, animal or infected person exposure, unsafe sex, or s/s biliary tract disease
What would suspect with Chronic jaundice?
viral hepatitis, biliary tract disease, pancreatitis or chronic alcohol intake
What other organ can be affected with liver problesm?
spleenomegaly - suggests portal hypertension, can also seen gynecomastia nad testicular atroophy
What drugs can cause toxic hepatitis?
acetominophen, allopurinol, ontraceptive sterioids, chlorpromaine, aspirin, androgenic steroids, contraceptive steroids, chlorpromazine, eryc, glucocorticoids, methotrexate, NSAIDS, sulfa
what other s/s can be seen with n/v?
pain, HA, dizziness, tinnitus, diarrhea, fever, mental status change, anxiety,
What should be assessed when presented with n/v patient?
abdominal and rectal exam to check for distention, peristatsis, tenderness, rigidity, rebound, masses, fecal impaction and bleeding
What is the most common cause of pancreatitis>
gallstones, then toxins, then alcohol
What happens in pancreatitis>
pancreas secrets enzymnes and digests itself - digestive enzymes are activated in pancreas instead of intestine
What ares/s of pancreatitis?
sudden knife like poorly localized abd pain which can radiate to back in 50 % of pts, pain worse in supine position,
Labs changes with pancreatitis>
serum amyulase increases and serum lipase