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344 Cards in this Set

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1. What are the five basic types of sensory receptors, and what do they detect?
1. Mechanorecetpors
-detect mechanical compression or stretching of the receptor or of tissues adjacent to the receptor
2. Thermoreceptors
-detect changes in temp, some receptors detecting cold and others warmth
3. Nociceptors
-pain receptors, which detect damage occurring in the tissue, whether physical or chemical damage
4. Electromagnetic receptors
-detect light on the retina of the eye
5. Chemoreceptors
-detect taste in the mouth, smell in the nose, O2 levels in the arterial blood, etc...
2. How do two types of sensory receptors detect different types of sensory stimuli?
By differential sensitivities.

Each type of receptor is highly sensitive to one type of stimulus for which it is designed and yet is almost nonresponsive to other types of sensory stimuli.
3. What is the labeled line principle?
Each nerve tract terminates at a specific point in the CNS, and the type of sensation felt when a nerve fiber is stimulated is determined by the point in the nervous system to which the fiber leads.

This specificity of nerve fibers for transmitting only one modality of sensation is called the labeled line principle.
4. What do all sensory receptors have in common?

What is the basic cause of this?
Whatever the type of stimulus that excites the receptor, its immediate effect is to change the membrane electric potential of the receptor.

This change in potential is called a receptor potential.

The basic cause of the change in membrane potential is a change in membrane permeability of the receptor, which allows ions to diffuse more or less readily thru the membrane and thereby to change the transmembrane potential.
5. What are the four different ways to cause receptor potentials?
1. By mechanical deformation of the receptor, which stretches the receptor membrane and opens ion channels

2. By application of a chemical to the membrane, which also opens ion channels

3. By change of the temp of the membrane, which alters the permeability of the membrane

4. By the effects of electromagnetic radiation, such as light on a visual receptor, which either directly or indirectly changes the receptor membrane characteristics and allows ions to flow thru membrane channels.
6. What is the max receptor potential amplitude?

What is this max value similar to?
The max amplitude of most sensory receptor potentials is about +100 mV, but this level occurs only at an extremely high intensity of sensory stimulus.

This is about the same max voltage recorded in action potentials and is also the change in voltage when the membrane becomes maximally permeable to sodium ions.
7. Relation of the receptor potential to action potentials
When teh receptor potential rises above the threshold for eliciting action potnetials in the nerve fiber attached to the receptor, then action potentials occur.

Also, the more the receptor rises above the threshold level, the greater becomes the action potential frequency.
8. Relation between stimulus intensity and the receptor potential

What is the importance of this relationship?
The frequency of repetitive action potentials transmitted from sensory receptors increases approximately in proportion to the increase in receptor potential.

This is important in that it is applicable to almost all sensory receptors. It allows the receptor to be sensitive to very weak sensory experience and yet not reach a maximum firing rate until the sensory experience is extreme. This allows the receptor to have an extreme range of response from very weak to very intense.
9. Adaptation of receptors
Sensory receptors adapt either partially or completely to any constant stimulus after a period of time.

That is, when a continuous sensory stimulus is applied, the receptor responds at a high impulse rate at first and then at a progressively slower rate until finally the rate of action potentials decreases to very few or often to none at all.
10. Do all sensory receptors adapt to the same extent?
No, so adapt extremely rapidly and others adapt slowly.

Furthermore, some adapt to a far greater extent than others.

For example, the pacinian corpuscles adapt to extinction within a few hundredths of a second, and the receptors at the bases of the hairs adapt to extinction within a second or more.
11. How do the rods and cones adapt?
They change the concentrations of their light sensitive chemicals
12. What is one way by which mechanoreceptors adapt?
The pacinian corpuscle is a viscoelastic structure so that when a distorting force is suddenly applied to one side of the corpuscle, this force is instantly transmitted by the viscous component of the corpuscle directly to the same side of the central nerve fiber, thus eliciting a receptor potential.

Within a few hundredths of a second, the fluid within the corpuscle redistributes, so that the receptor potential is no longer elicited.

Thus, the receptor potential appears at the onset of compression but disappears within a small fraction of a second even though the compression continues.
13. What is another way by which mechanoreceptors adapt?
A much slower mechanism, results from a process called accommodation, which occurs in the nerve fiber itself.

That is, even by chance the central core fiber should continue to be distorted, the tip of the nerve fiber itself gradually becomes "accommodated" to the stimulus.

This probably results form progressive inactivation of the sodium channels in the nerve fiber membrane, which means that sodium current flow thru the channels causes them gradually to close.
14. How do slow adapting receptors work?

What are some examples of slow adapting receptors?
They continue to transmit impulses to the brain as long as the stimulus is present.

Therefore, they keep the brain constantly apprised of the status of the body and its relation to its surroundings. AKA "tonic receptors"

1. Receptors of the macula in the vestibular apparatus
2. Pain receptors
3. Baroreceptors of the arterial tree
4. Chemoreceptorso fthe carotid and aortic bodies
15. How do rapidly adapting receptors work?
The detect change in stimulus strength - AKA rate receptors, movement receptors or phasic receptors.

These receptors are useless for transmitting information about constant conditions in the body.
16. What is the importance of rate receptors?
Their predictive function.

If one knows the rate at which some change in bodily status is taking place, on can predict in one's mind the state of the body a few seconds or even a few minutes later.
17. General classification of nerve fibers
The fibers are divided into types A and C, and the type A fibers are further subdivided into α, β, γ, and δ fibers
18. Type A fibers
They are the typical large and medium sized myelinated fibers of the spinal nerves.
19. Type C fibers
They are the small unmyelinated nerve fibers that conduct impulses at low velocities.

The C fibers constitute more than one half of the sensory fibers in most peripheral nerves as well as all the postganglionic autonomic fibers.
20. Group Ia fibers
Fibers from the annulospiral endings of muscle spindles

They average about 17 microns in diameter; these are α-type A fibers in general classification.
21. Group Ib fibers
Fibers from the golgi tendon organs.

They average about 16 micrometers in diameter; these are also α-type A fibers.
22. Group II fibers
Fibers from most discrete cutaneous tactile receptors and from the flower-spray endings of the muscle spindles.

They average about 8 micrometers in diameter; these are β- and γ-type A fibers.
23. Group III fibers
Fibers carrying temperature, crude touch, and pricking pain sensations.

They average about 3 micrometers in diameter; they are δ-type A fibers.
24. Group IV fibers
Unmyelinated fibers carrying pain, itch, temperature, and crude touch sensations

They average about 0.5 to 2 micrometers in diameters; they are type C fibers.
25. What are the two ways in which signal intensity is varied?
1. Spatial summation
2. Temporal summation
26. Spatial summation
Increasing signal strength is transmitted by using progressively greater numbers of fibers.

Thus, the stronger signals spread to more and more fibers.
27. Temporal summation
Increasing signal strength is transmitted by increasing the frequency of nerve impulses in each fiber.
28. What are the different neuronal pools in the CNS?
1. Entire cerebral cortex
2. Basal ganglia
3. Specific nuclei in the thalamus, cerebellum, mesencephalon, pons, and medulla.
4. Entire dorsal gray matter of the spinal cord
29. Neuronal pools
Each pool has its own special organization that causes it to process signals in its own unique way, thus allowing the total consortium of pools to achieve the multitude of functions of the nervous system.
30. Divergence of signals in neuronal pools

What are the type types of divergence?
Often it is important for weak signals entering a neuronal pool to excite far greater numbers of nerve fibers leaving the pool.

Type types:
1. Amplifying
2. Divergence into multiple tract
31. Convergence of signals in the neuronal pools
Convergence means signals from multiple inputs uniting to excite a single neuron.

The importance of this is that neurons are almost never excited by an action potential froma single input terminal. But action potentials converging on the neuron from multiple terminals provide enough spatial summation to bring the neuron to the threshold required for discharge.
32. What does convergence allow the nervous system to do?
Allows summation of information from different sources, and the resulting response is a summated effect of all the different types of information.

It is one of the important means by which the central nervous system correlates, summates, and sorts different types of information.
33. Reciprocal inhibition circuit
Sometimes an incoming signal to a neuronal pool causes an output excitatory signal going in one direction and at the same time an inhibitory signal going elsewhere.

Think of reciprocal inhibition in OPP.
34. How is inhibition achieved in a reciprocal inhibition circuit?
The input fiber directly excites the excitatory output pathway, but it stimulates an intermediate inhibitory neuron, which secretes a different type of transmitter substance to inhibit the second output pathway from the pool.

This type of circuit is important in preventing overactivity in many parts of the brain.
35. Afterdischarge
In many instances, a signal entering a pool causes a prolonged output discharge, called afterdischarge, lasting a few ms to as long as many minutes after the incoming signal is over.
36. What are the two mechanisms by which afterdischarge occurs?
1. Synaptic afterdischarge
2. Reverberatory (oscillatory) circuits
37. Synaptic afterdischarge
When excitatory synapses discharge on the surfaces of dendrites or soma of a neuron, a postsynaptic electrical potential develops in the neuron and lasts for many milliseconds, especially when some of the long-acting synaptic transmitter substances are involved.
38. Reverberatory (oscillatory) circuit
Such circuits are caused by positive feedback w/in the neuronal circuit that feeds back to re-excite the input of the same circuit.

Consequently, once stimulated, the circuit may discharge repetitively for a long time.
39. What causes the cessation of reverberation?
Fatigue of synaptic junctions in the circuit.

Fatigue beyond a certain critical level lowers the stimulation of the next neuron in the circuit below threshold level so that the circuit feedback is suddenly broken.
40. What two mechanisms cause neuronal circuits to emit output signals continuously w/o excitatory input signals?
1. Continuous intrinsic neuronal discharge
2. Continuous reverberatory signals
41. Continuous discharge caused by intrinsic neuronal excitability
The membrane potentials of many neurons even normally are high enough to cause them to emit impulses continually.

This occurs especially in many of the neurons of the cerebellum, as well as in most of the interneurons of the spinal cord.

The rates at which these cells emit impulses can be increased by excitatory signals or decreased by inhibitory signals; inhibitory signals often can decrease the rate of firing to zero.
42. Continuous signals emitted from reverberating circuits
A reverberating circuit that does not fatigue enough to stop reverberation is a source of continuous impulses.

This type of information transmission is used by the autonomic nervous system to control such functions as vascular tone, gut tone, degree of constriction of the iris in the eye, and heart rate.

That is, the nerve excitatory signal to each of these can be either decreased or increased by accessory input signals into the reverberating neuronal pathway.
43. Rhythmical signal output
Many neuronal circuits emit rhythmical output signals, for instance, a rhythmical respiratory signal originates in the respiratory centers of the medulla and pons.

All or almost all rhythmical signals that have been studied have been found to result from reverberating circuits or a succession of sequential reverberating circuits that feed excitatory or inhibitory signals in a circular pathway from one neuronal pool to the next.
44. How does the brain prevent inundation of information (i.e. epileptic seizures)?
1. Inhibitory circuits
2. Fatigue of synapses
45. Inhibitory circuits and stabilization of nervous system function
Two types of inhibitory circuits in widespread areas of the brain help prevent excessive spread of signals:

1. Inhibitory feedback circuits that return from the termini of pathways back to the initial excitatory neurons of the same pathways

2. Some neuronal pools exert gross inhibitory control over widespread areas of the brain
46. Fatigue of synapses and stabilization of nervous system function
Means simply that synaptic transmission becomes progressively weaker the more prolonged and more intense the period of excitation.

Thus, fatigue and recovery from fatigue constitute an important short-term means of moderating the sensitivities of the different nervous system circuits. These help to keep the circuits operating in a range of sensitivity that allows effective function.
47. What are the three physiologic categories of somatic senses?
1. Mechanoreceptive somatic senses
2. Thermoreceptive senses
3. Pain senses
48. Mechanoreceptive somatic senses
Include both tactile and position sensations that are stimulated by mechanical displacement of some tissue of the body
49. What do the tactile sensations include?
1. Touch
2. Pressure
3. Vibration
4. Tickle
50. What do the position sensations include?
1. Static position
2. Rate of movement
51. Exteroreceptive sensations
Those sensations from the surface of the body
52. Proprioceptive sensations
Those sensations having to do w/the physical state of the body, including position sensations, tendon and muscle sensations of equilibrium.
53. Three differences between the tactile sensations of touch, pressure and vibration
1. Touch sensation generally results from stimulation of tactile receptors in the skin or in tissues immediately beneath the skin

2. Pressure sensation generally results from deformation of deeper tissues

3. Vibration sensation results from rapidly repetitive sensory signals, but some of the same types of receptors as those for touch and pressure are used.
54. Six characteristics of tactile receptors
1. Some free nerve endings can detect touch and pressure.
2. A touch receptor w/great sensitivity is the Meissner's corpuscle.
3. Fingertips and other areas that contain large numbers of Meissner's corpuscles usually also contain large numbers of expanded tip tactile receptors (i.e. Merkel's discs).
4. Slight movement of any hair on the body stimulates a nerve fiber entwining its base.
5. Located in the deeper layers of the skin and also in still deeper internal tissues are many Ruffini's end-organs.
6. Pacinian corpuscles lie both immediately beneath the skin and deep i the fascial tissues of the body.
55. Meissner's corpuscle
An elongated encapsulated nerve ending of a large (type Aβ) myelinated sensory nerve fiber.

These corpuscles are present in the nonhairy parts of the skin and are particularly abundant in the fingertips, lips, and other areas of the skin where one's ability to discern spatial locations of touch sensations is highly developed.
56. Merkel's discs
A type of expanded tip tactile receptor.

These receptors differ from Meissner's corpuscles in that they transmit an intially strong but partially adapting signal and then a continuing weaker signal that adapts only slowly.

Therefore, they are responsible for giving steady-state signals that allow one to determine continuous touch of objects against the skin.
57. Iggo dome receptor
Merkel's discs are often grouped together in a receptor organ called the Iggo dome receptor, which projects upward against the underside of the epithelium of the skin. This causes the epithelium at this point to protrude outward, thus creating a dome and constituting an extremely sensitive receptor.
58. Hair end-organ
Each hair and its basal nerve fiber, called the hair end-organ, are also a touch receptor.

This receptor adapts readily and, like Meissner's corpuscles, detains mainly movement of objects on the surface of the body or initial contact w/the body.
59. Ruffini's end-organs
Multibranched, encapsulated nerve endings that lie in the deeper layers of the skin and also in still deeper internal tissues.

These endings adapt very slowly, and therefore, are important for signaling continuous states of deformation of the tissues, such as heavy prolonged touch and pressure signals.

They are also found in joint capsules and help to signal the degree of joint rotation.
60. Pacinian corpuscles
Lie obth immediately beneath the skin and deep in the fascial tissues of the body.

They are stimulated only by rapid local compression of the tissues b/c they adapt in a few hundredths of a second.

Therefore, they are particularly important for detecting tissue vibration or other rapid changes in the mechanical state of the tissues.
61. Transmission speed of tactile signals via Aβ nerve fibers
Almost all specialized sensory receptors, such as Meissner's corpuscles, Iggo dome receptors, hair receptors, pacinian corpuscles, and Ruffini's endings, transmit their signals in velocities from 30-70 m/sec.
62. Transmission speed of tactile signals via Aδ nerve fibers
Free nerve ending tactile receptors transmit signals in fibers that conduct at velocities of only 5-30 m/sec.
63. Transmission speed of tactile signals via type C unmyelinated fibers
From a fraction of a meter up to 2 m/sec.

These send signals into the spinal cord and lower brain stem, probably subserving mainly the sensation of tickle.
64. Summary of tactile nerve fiber transmission speeds
Thus, the more critical types of sensory signals are all transmitted in more rapidly conducting types of sensory nerve fibers.

Conversely, the cruder types of signals, such as crude pressure, poorly localized touch, and especially tickle, are transmitted by way of much slower, very small nerve fibers that require much less space in the nerve bundle than the fast fibers.
65. Detection of vibration
Pacinian corpuscles can detect signal vibrations from 30-800 Hz b/c they respond extremely rapidly to minute and rapid deformations of the tissues, and they also transmit their signals of type Aβ nerve fibers, which can transmit as many as 1000 impulses/sec.

Lowe freq vibrations from 2-80Hz stimulate other tactile receptors, especially Meissner's corpuscles, which are less rapidly adapting than pacinian corpuscles.
66. What is the purpose of the itch sensation
To call attention to mild surface stimuli such as a flea crawling on the skin or a fly about to bite, and the elicited signals then activate the scratch reflex or other maneuvers that ride the host of the irritant.

Itch can be relieved by scratching if this removes the irritant, or if the scratch is strong enough to elicit pain.

The pain signals are believed to suppress the itch signals in the cord by lateral inhibition.
67. What are the two sensory pathways by which sensory signals are carried?
1. Dorsal column - medial lemniscal system

2. Anterolateral system

These two systems come back together partially at the level of the thalamus.
68. Dorsal column-medial lemniscal system
Caries signals upward to the medulla of the brain mainly in the dorsal columns of the spinal cord.

Then, after the signals synapse and cross to the opposite side in the medulla, they continue upward thru the brain stem to the thalamus by way of the medial lemniscus.
69. Composition of the dorsal column-medial lemniscal system
Composed of large, myelinated nerve fibers that transmit signals to the brain at velocities of 30-110 m/sec.
70. Anterolateral system
The signals, after entering the spinal cord from the dorsal spinal nerve roots, synapse in the dorsal horns of the spinal gray matter, then cross to the opposite side of the cord and ascend through the anterior and lateral white columns of the cord.

They terminate at all levels of the lower brain stem and in the thalamus.
71. Composition of the anterolateral system
Composed of smaller myelinated fibers that transmit signals at velocities ranging from a few meters per second up to 40 m/sec.
72. Important difference between the dorsal column-medial lemniscal system and the anterolateral systems
The dorsal column-medial lemniscal system has a high degree of spatial orientation of the nerve fibers w/respect to their origin, while the anterolateral system has much less spatial orientation.

These differences immediately characterize the types of sensory information that can be transmitted by the two systems.

Thus, info that must be transmitted rapidly and with temporal and spatial fidelity is transmitted mainly in the dorsal column-medial lemniscal system.
73. Special capability of the anterolateral system
The ability to trasnmit a broad spectrum of sensory modalities - pain, warmth, cold, and crude tactile sensations.

The dorsal system is limited to discrete types of mechanoreceptive sensations.
74. Sensations transmitted in the dorsal column-medial lemniscal system
1. Touch sensations requiring a high degree of localization of the stimulus
2. Touch sensations requiring transmission of fine gradations of intensity
3. Phasic sensations, such as vibratory sensations
4. Sensations that signal movement against the skin
5. Position sensations from the joints
6. Pressure sensations having to do w/fine degree of judgment of pressure intensity.
75. Sensations transmitted in the anterolateral system
1. Pain
2. Thermal sensations, including both warmth and cold sensations
3. Crude touch and pressure sensations capable only of crude localizing ability on the surface of the body
4. Tickle and itch sensations
5. Sexual sensations
76. Pathway tracts in the dorsal column-medial lemniscal system
On entering the spinal cord, the large myelinated fibers divide almost immediately to form a medial branch and a lateral branch.

The medial branch turns medially first and then upward in the dorsal column, proceeding by way of the dorsal column pathway all the way to the brain.

The lateral branch enters the dorsal horn of the cord gray matter, then divides many times to provide terminals that synapse with local neurons in the intermediate and anterior portions of the cord gray matter.
77. The local neurons in the intermediate and anterior portions of the cord gray matter serve what three functions?
1. A major share of them give off fibers that enter the dorsal columns of the cord and then travel upward to the brain.

2. Many of the fibers are very short and terminate locally in the spinal cord gray matter to elicit local spinal cord reflexes.

3. Others give rise to the spinocerebellar tracts
78. Where do nerve fibers entering the dorsal columns pass to?
They pass uninterrupted up to the dorsal medulla, where they synapse in the dorsal column nuclei (the cuneate and gracile nuclei).

From their, second-order neurons decussate immediately to the opposite side of the brain stem and continue upward thru the medial menisci to the thalamus.

In this pathway thru the brain stem, each medial lemniscus is joined by additional fibers from the sensory nuclei of the trigeminal nerve; these fibers subserve the same sensory functions for the head that the dorsal column fibers subserve for the body.
79. Medial lemniscus fibers terminate where?
In the thalamus, in the thalamic sensory relay area - called the ventrobasal complex.

From here, third-order nerve fibers project mainly to the postcentral gyrus of the cerebral cortex, which is called somatic sensory area 1.
80. Spatial orientation of the nerve fibers in the DCML system
In the dorsal columns of the spinal cord, the fibers from the lower parts of the body lie toward the center of the cord, whereas those that enter the cord at progressively higher segmental levels form successive layers laterally.

In the thalamus, distinct spatial orientation is still maintained, with the tail end of the body represented by the most lateral portions of the ventrobasal complex and the head and face represented by the medial areas of the complex.

*B/c of crossing over, there is contralateral representation in the thalmus.
81. Brodmann's areas of the somatosensory cortex
Areas 1, 2, and 3 are primary somatosensory are I

Areas 5 and 7 are somatosensory association areas.
82. Somatosensory area I
Much more extensive and much more important than somatosensory area II.

Has a high degree of localization of the different parts of the body; includes thigh, thorax, neck, shoulder, hand, fingers, tongue, and abdomen.
83. Somatosensory area II
Localization is poor, although roughly, the face is represented anteriorly, the arms centrally, and the legs posteriorly.

Requires somatosensory area 1 to function.

Includes the legs, arms, and face.
84. Spatial orientation of signals from different parts of the body in somatosensory area I
Lies immediately behind the central fissure, located in the postcentral gyrus of the human cerebral cortex.

The head is represented in the most lateral portion of somatosensory area I, and the lower part of the body is represented medially.
85. Function 1 of the somatosensory cortex and the cortical layers
1. The incoming sensory signal excites neuronal layer IV first, then the signal spreads toward the surface of the cortex and also toward deeper layers
86. Function 2 of the somatosensory cortex and the cortical layers
2. Layers I and II receive diffuse, nonspecific input signals from lower brain centers that facilitate specific regions of the cortex

This input mainly controls the overall levels of excitability of the respective regions stimulated.
87. Function 3 of the somatosensory cortex and the cortical layers
The neurons in layers II and III send axons to related portions of the cerebral cortex on the opposite side of the brain thru the corpus callosum.
88. Function 4 of the somatosensory cortex and the cortical layers
The neurons in layers V and VI send axons to the deeper parts of the nervous system.

Those in layer V are generally larger and project to more distant areas, such as to the basal ganglia, brain stem, and spinal cord where they control signal transmission.

From layer VI, especially large numbers of axons extend to the thalamus, providing signals from the cerebral cortex that interact w/and help to control the excitatory levels of incoming sensory signals entering the thalamus.
89. How is the sensory cortex organized?
Organized in vertical columns of neurons; each column detects a different sensory spot on the body w/a specific sensory modality.
90. What signals play a major role in controlling the effluent motor signals that activate sequences of muscle contractions?
In the most anterior 5-10mm of the postcentral gyrus, located deep in the central fissure in Brodmann's area 3a, an especially large share of the vertical columns respond to muscle, tendon, and joint stretch receptors.

Many of the signals from these sensory columns then spread anteriorly, directly to the motor cortex located immediately forward of the central fissure.
91. As one move from anterior to posterior in the somatosensory area I, what are the differences in sensory modalities?
As one moves posteriorly, more and more of the vertical columns respond to slowly adapting cutaneous receptors, and then still farther posteriorly, greater numbers of the columns are sensitive to deep pressure.
92. What happens in the most posterior portion of somatosensory area I?
About 6% of the vertical columns respond only when a stimulus moves across the skin in a particular direction.

Thus, this is still a higher order of interpretation of sensory signals; the process becomes even more complex as the signals spread farther backwards into the somatosensory association area I.
93. Lesions causing bilateral excision of the somatosensory area I causes loss of what types of sensory judgment?
1. Unable to localize discretely the different sensation in the different parts of the body.
2. Unable to judge critical degrees of pressure against the body.
3. Unable to judge the weights of objects.
4. Unable to judge shapes or forms of objects. This is called astereognosis.
5. Unable to judge texture of material.

*No loss of pain and temp in these regions, but the sources of pain and temp will be poorly localized.
94. Somatosensory association areas
Brodmann's areas 5 & 7 of the cerebral cortex.

Play important roles in deciphering deeper meanings of the sensory information in the somatosensory areas.

This area combines information arriving from multiple points in the primary somatosensory area to decipher its meaning.
95. The somatosensory association areas receive signals from where...?
1. Somatosensory area I
2. Ventrobasal nuclei of the thalamus
3. Other areas of the thalamus
4. Visual cortex
5. Auditory cortex
96. What happens if one removes the somatosensory association area from one side of the brain?

The person loses the ability to recognize complex objects and complex forms felt on the opposite side of the body.

In addition, he or she loses most of the sense of form of his or her own body or body parts on the opposite side.
97. Basic neuronal circuit pattern in the DCML system
At each synaptic stage, divergence occurs.

Thus, a weak stimulus causes only the centralmost neurons to fire. A stronger stimulus causes still more neurons to fire, but those in the center discharge at a considerably more rapid rate than do those farther away from the center.
98. Two point discrimination in the DCML system
The capability of the sensorium to distinguish the presence of two points of stimulation is strongly influenced by another mechanism, lateral inhibition.
99. Effect of lateral inhibition
Increases the degree of contrast in the perceived spatial pattern.

It does this by blocking lateral spread of the excitatory signals and, therefore, increases the degree of contrast in the sensory pattern perceived in the cerebral cortex.

As a result, the peaks of excitation stand out, and much of the surrounding diffuse stimulation is blocked.
100. Transmission of rapidly changing and repetitive sensations
The dorsal column system is also of particular importance in apprising the sensorium of rapidly changing peripheral conditions.

This system can recognize changing stimuli that occur in as little as 1/400 of a second.
101. Vibratory sensation
Transmitted only in the dorsal column pathway.

For this reason, application of vibration to different peripheral parts of the body is an important tool used by neurologists for testing functional integrity of the dorsal columns.
102. What is the ultimate goal of sensory stimulation?
To apprise the psyche of the state of the body and its surroundings.
103. Weber-Fechner principle
Gradations of stimulus strength are discriminated approximately in proportion to the logarithm of stimulus strength.

For ex:
A personal already holding 30g of weight in his hand can barely detect an additional 1g increase in weight.
104. Equation for Weber-Fechner principle
Interpreted signal strength =

Log (stimulus) + constant
105. Limitations of Weber-Fechner principle
It is quantitatively accurate only for higher intensities of visual, auditory, and cutaneous sensory experience and applies only poorly to most other types of sensory experience.

However, it still is a good point to remember that the greater the background sensory intensity, the greater an additional change must be for the psyche to detect the change.
106. Power law
Interpreted signal strength =

K x (Stimulus - k)^y

The exponent y and the constants K and K are different for each type of sensation.
107. Positional senses
AKA proprioceptive senses

Divided into two types:
1. Static position sense
2. Rate of movement sense, AKA kinesthesia
108. Positional sensory receptors - muscle spindles
Determines joitn angulation in mid ranges of motion.

They are exceedingly important in helping to control muscle movement,.

The net stretch information from the spindles is transmitted into the computational system of the spinal cord and higher regions of the dorsal column system for deciphering joint angulations.
109. Which types of receptors are especially adapted for detecting rapid rates of change?
1. Pacinian corpuscles
2. Muscle spindles
110. Two categories of DCML system thalamic neurons that respond to joint rotation
1. Those maximally stimulated when the joint is at full rotation

2. Those maximally stimulated when the joint is at minimal rotation
111. Pathway of the anterolateral fibers
The spinal cord anterolateral fibers originate mainly in dorsal horn laminae I, IV, V, and VI.

The anterolateral fibers cross immediately in the anterior commissure of the cord to the opposite anterior and lateral white columns, where they turn upward toward the brain by way of the anterior spinothalamic and lateral spinothalamic tracts.
112. Upper terminus of the two spinothalamic tracts
Mainly twofold:
1. Throughout the reticular nuclei of the brain stem
2. In two different nuclear complexes of the thalamus, the ventrobasal complex and the intralaminar nuclei
113. Ventrobasal complex and the intralaminar nuclei
In general, the tactile signals are transmitted mainly into the ventrobasal complex, terminating in some of the same thalamic nuclei where the dorsal column tactile signals terminate.

From here, the signals are transmitted to the somatosensory cortex along with the signals from the dorsal columns.
114. Pain transmission in the anterolateral tract
Only a small fraction of the pain signals project directly to the ventrobasal complex of the thalamus.

Instead, most pain signals terminate in the reticular nuclei of the brain stem and from there are relayed to the intralaminar nuclei of the thalamus where the pain signals are further processed.
115. Transmission speed in the anterolateral pathway
1. The velocities of transmission are only 1/3 to 1/2 those in the DCML system, ranging between 8-40 m/sec.
2. The degree of spatial localization of signals is poor.
3. The gradations of intensities are also far less accurate, most of the sensations being recognized in 10-20 gradations of strength, rather than as many as 100 gradations of the dorsal column system.
4. The ability to transmit rapidly changing or rapidly repetitive signals is poor.
116. Function of thalamus in tactile sensation
When the somatosensory cortex is destroyed, the person loses most critical tactile sensibilities, but a slight degree of crude tactile sensibility does return.

Therefore, it must be assumed that the thalamus has a slight ability to discriminate tactile sensation, even though the thalamus normally functions mainly to relay this type of info to the cortex.
117. Loss of the somatosensory cortex and its effect on pain and temp sensation
Has little effect on one's perception of pain sensation and only a moderate effect on the perception of temperature.

Thus, there is much reason to belive that the lower brain stem, the thalamus, and other associated basal regions of the brain play dominant roles in discrimination of these sensibilities.
118. Corticofugal signals
Transmitted from the periphery to the brain, they control the intensity of sensitivity of the sensory input.

These signals are almost entirely inhibitory, so that when sensory input intensity becomes too great, the corticofugal signals automatically decrease transmission in the relay nuclei.
119. Two effects of corticofugal signals
1. Decreases lateral spread of the sensory signals into adjacent enurons and, therefore, increases the degree of sharpness in the signal pattern.

2. It keeps the sensory system operating in a range of sensitivity that is not so low that the signals are ineffectual nor so high that the system is swamped beyond its capacity to differentiate sensory patterns.
120. What is glycolysis?
The catabolism of glucose to pyruvate or lactate

It is one of the principal pathways for generating ATP in cells and is present in all cell types.

The role of glycolysis in fuel metabolism is related to its ability to generate ATM with, and without, oxygen.
121. Glycolysis and biosynthetic precursors
Glycolysis is an anabolic pathway that provides biosynthetic precursors.

For example, in liver and adipose tissue, this pathway generates pyruvate as a precursor for fatty acid biosynthesis.

This pathway also provides precursors for the synthesis of compounds such as amino acids and ribose 5-phosphate, the precursor of nucleotides.
122. Difference between aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis
Glucose → Pyruvate
ATP produced by both oxidative and substrate-level phosphorylation

Glucose → Lactate
ATP produced by substrate-level phosphorylation ONLY
123. What are the reactions of glycolysis?
1. Conversion of glucose to glucose 6-phosphate
2. Conversion of glucose 6-P to the triose phosphates
3. Oxidation and substrate level phosphorylation
124. Overall net reaction in the glycolytic pathway
Glucose + 2NAD⁺ + 2ADP + 2 Pi →
2 pyruvate + 2NADH + 2H⁺ + 2ATP + 2H₂O
125. What are the two phases of glycolysis?
1. Preparative phase
2. ATP generating phase
126. What occurs in the preparative phase?
Glucose is phosphorylated twice by ATP and cleaved into two triose phosphates.

The ATP expenditure in the beginning of the preparative phase is sometimes called "priming the pump", b/c this initial utilization of 2 mol ATP per mole of glucose results in the production of 4 mol of ATP per mole of glucose in the ATP-generating phase.
127. What occurs in the ATP generating phase?
Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate is oxidized by NAD⁺ and phosphorylated using inorganic phosphate.

The high energy phosphate bond generated in this step is transferred to ADP to form ATP.

B/c 2 mole of triose phosphate were formed, the yield from the ATP generating phase is 4 ATP and 2 NADH.

The result is a net yield of 2 mol of ATP, 2 mol of NADH, and 2 mol of pyruvate per mole of glucose.
128. Step 1: conversion of glucose to glucose 6-P
Begins w/a transfer of a phosphate from ATP to glucose to form glucose 6-P via hexokinase.

Phosphorylation of glucose commits it to metabolism w/in the cell b/c glucose 6-P cannot be transported back across the plasma membrane.
129. Importance of glucose 6-P
Glucose 6-P is a branch point in carb metabolism. It is a precursor for almost every pathway that uses glucose, including glycolysis, the pentose phosphate pathway, and glycogen synthesis.
130. Hexokinases
The enzyems that catalyze the phosphorylation of glucose. They are a family of tissue-specific isoenzymes that differ in their kinetic properties.

The isoenzyme found in liver and beta-cells of the pancreas has a much higher Km than other hexokinases and is called glucokinase.
131. Step 2: conversion of glucose 6-P to the triose phosphate

Part 1
Glucose 6-P is isomerized to fructose 6-P via phosphoglucose isomerase.
132. Step 2: conversion of glucose 6-P to the triose phosphate

Part 2
Phosphorylation of fructose 6-P to fructose 1,6-bis-P by phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK-1).

*This is considered the first committed step of the glycolytic pathway.
133. Why is it the first committed step?
This phosphorylation requires ATP and is thermodynamically and kinetically irreversible.

Therefore, PFK-1 irrevocably commits glucose to the glycolytic pathway.
134. Step 2: conversion of glucose 6-P to the triose phosphate

Part 3
Fructose 1,6-bis-P is cleaved into two phosphorylated three-carbon compounds (glyceradehyde 3-P and dihydroxyaceptone-P) by aldolase.
135. Step 2: conversion of glucose 6-P to the triose phosphate

Part 4
Then, dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) is isomerized to glyceradehyde 3-P, which is a triose phosphate via triose phosphate isomerase.

For every mole of glucose that enters glycolysis, 2 mol of glyceraldehyde 3-P continue thru the pathway.
136. Step 3: oxidation and substrate level phosphorylation

Part 1
Glyceraldehyde 3-P is oxidized and phosphorylated to form
1,3-bisphosphoglycerate via glyceraldehyde-3-P dehydrogenase.

This enzyme oxidizes the aldehyde group of glyceradehyde 3-P to an enzyme-bound carboxyl group and transfers the electrons to NAD⁺ to form NADH.
137. What is this oxidation step dependent upon?

This marks the beginning of what...?
Dependent upon a cysteine residue at the active site of the enzyme, which forms a high energy thioester bond during the course of the reaction.

This high-energy intermediate accepts an inorganic phosphate to form the high-energy acyl phosphate bond in 1,3-bis-phosphoglycerate, releasing the product from the cysteine residue on the enzyme.

*This high-energy phosphate bond is the start of substrate level phosphorylation.
138. Importance of NAD⁺
Since NAD⁺ is required for the
oxidation step in this reaction, NAD⁺ must be continually replenished within the cytosol to maintain
flux through glycolysis.

This is accomplished aerobically in the mitochondrial matrix by the electron transport chain, or anaerobically in the cytosol by the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase which
converts pyruvate to lactate.
139. Step 3: oxidation and substrate level phosphorylation

Part 2
The energy of the phosphate in the bond is transferred to ADP to form ATP by 3-phosphoglycerate kinase. 3-Phosphoglycerate is also a product of this reaction.

The energy of the acyl phosphate bond is high enough so that the 3-phosphoglycerate kinase can harness the energy to transfer to ADP to form ATP.
140. Step 3: oxidation and substrate level phosphorylation

What needs to occur next?
To transfer the remaining low energy phosphoester on 3-phosphoglycerate to ADP, it must be converted to a high energy bond.

This conversion is acccomplished by moving the phosphate to the second carbon (forming 2-phosphoglycerate) and then removing the water to form phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP).
141. Step 3: oxidation and substrate level phosphorylation

Part 3: moving the phosphate
Phosphoryl shift in 3-phosphyglycerate to form 2-phosphoglycerate by phosphoglycerate mutase.
142. Step 3: oxidation and substrate level phosphorylation

Part 4: Dehydration
Dehydration of 2-phosphoglycerate to form phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) by enolase
143. Step 3: oxidation and substrate level phosphorylation

Part 4: Generation of pyruvate
Substrate level phosphorylation to generate ATP in the conversion of
phosphoenolpyruvate to pyruvate by pyruvate kinase

In this reaction, the high phosphoryl
transfer potential of
phosphoenolpyruvate is used by the
enzyme pyruvate kinase to generate
pyruvate, the end product of
glycolysis, and 2 ATP are formed for
every glucose molecule entering the
144. What are the two alternate routes for oxidation of cytosolic NADH?
1. Aerobic, involving shuttles that transfer reducing equivalents across the mitochondrial membrane and ultimately to the electron transport chain and oxygen.

2. Anaerobic, where NADH is reoxidized in the cytosol by lactate dehydrogenase, which reduces pyruvate to lactate.
145. Fate of pyruvate
Depends on the route used for NADH oxidation.

If NADH is reoxidized in a shuttle system, pyruvate can be used for other pathways, one of which is oxidation to acetyl CoA and entry into the TCA cycle for complete oxidation.

Alternatively, in anaerobic glycolysis, pyruvate is reduced to lactate and diverted away from other potential pathways.
146. So, in essence, what do the shuttle systems allow the body to do?
Allows for more ATP to be generated than by anaerobic glycolysis, by both oxidizing the cytoplasmically derived NADH in the electron-transport chain and by allowing pyruvate to be oxidized completely to CO₂.
147. Why are the shuttles required for the oxidation of cytosolic NADH by the electron transport chain?
The inner mitochondrial membrane is impermeable to NADH, and no transport protein exists that can translocate NADH across this membrane directly.
148. Reoxidization of NAD⁺
Consequently, NADH is rexodized to NAD⁺ in the cytosol by a reaction that transfers the electrons to DHAP in the glycerol 3-P shuttle and oxaloacetate in the malate-aspartate shuttle.

The NAD⁺ that is formed in the cytosol returns to glycolysis, which glycerol 3-P or malate carry the reducing equivalents that are ultimately transferred across the inner mitochondrial membrane.

Thus, these shuttles transfer electrons and not NADH per se.
149. Glycerol 3-phosphate shuttle

Part 1
The glycerol 3-phosphate shuttle is the major shuttle in most tissues.

In this shuttle, cytosolic NAD⁺ is regenerated by cytoplasmic glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, which transfers electrons from NADH to DHAP to form glycerol 3-phosphate.
150. Glycerol 3-phosphate shuttle

Part 2
Glycerol 3-phosphate then diffuses thru the outer mitochondrial membrane to the inner mitochondrial membrane, where the electrons are donated to a membrane bound flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)-containing glycerophosphate dehydrogenase.

This enzyme donates electrons to CoQ, resulting in an energy yield of approx 1.5 ATP.

Dihydroxyacetone phosphate returns to the cytosol to continue the shuttle.
151. What is the malate-aspartate shuttle?
Cytosolic NAD⁺ is regenerated by cytosolic malate dehdyrogenase, which transfers electrons from NADH to cytosolic oxaloacetate to form malate.

Malate is then transported across the inner mitochondrial membrane by a specific translocase, which exchanges malate for α-ketoglutarate.

In the matrix, malate is oxidized back to oxaloacetate and NADH is generated. However, the newly formed oxaloacetate cannot pass back thru the inner mitochondrial membrane, so aspartate is used to return it to the cytosol.
152. What is the sum of reactions in the malate-aspartate shuttle?
NADH(cytosol) + NAD⁺(matrix) → NAD⁺(cytocol) + NADH (matrix)
153. Anaerobic glycosis
When the oxidative capacity of a cell is limited, the pyruvate and NADH produced from glycolysis cannot be oxidized aerobically. The NADH is, therefore, oxidized to NAD⁺ in the cytosol by reduction of pyruvate to lactate.

This reaction is catalyzed by lactate dehydrogenase.
154. What is the net reaction in anaerobic glycolysis?
Glucose + 2 ADP + 2 Pi →
2 lactate + 2 ATP + 2 H₂O + 2 H⁺
154. Comparison of ATP production in aerobic vs. anaerobic glycolysis
Aerobic: 30-32 mol of ATP can be produced from 1 mol of glycose oxidized to CO₂

Anaerobic: 2 mol of ATP per mole of glucose

Thus, anaerobic glycolysis must occur approx 15x faster and use approx 15x more glucose.
155. Acid production in anaerobic glycolysis
Anaerobic glycolysis results in acid production in the form of H⁺. At an intracellular pH of 7.35, lactic acid dissociates to form the carboxylate anion, lactate, and H⁺ (the pKa for lactic acid is 3.85).

Lactate and the H⁺ are both transported out of the cell into interstitial fluid by a transporter on the plasma membrane and eventually diffuse into the blood.

Can result in lactic acidosis is too much lactate is generated.
156. What tissues are dependent on anaerobic glycolysis?
1. RBCs and WBCs (no mitochondria)
2. Kidney medulla
3. Tissues of the eye
4. Skeletal muscles (some of the time)
157. Characteristics of tissues that are dependent on anaerobic glycolysis
1. Have low ATP demand
2. High levels of glycolytic enzymes
3. Few capillaries, such that O₂ must diffuse over a greater distance to reach target cells.
158. Tissues that use both aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis
In tissues with some mitochondria, both aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis occur simultaneously.

The relative proportion of the two pathways depends on the mitochondrial oxidative capacity of the tissue and its oxygen supply and may vary among cell types within the same tissue b/c of cell distance form the capillaries.
159. When would a tissue switch from aerobic to anaerobic glycolysis?
When a cell's energy demand exceeds the capacity of the rate of the electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation to produce ATP, glycolysis is activated, and the increased NADH/NAD⁺ ratio directs excess pyruvate into lactate.
160. What is the fate of lactate?
Lactate released from cells that undergo anaerobic glycolysis is taken up by other tissues (primary the liver, heart, and skeletal muscle) and oxidized back pyruvate.

In the liver, pyruvate is used to synthesize glucose (gluconeogenesis), which is returned to the blood. The cycling of lactate and glucose between peripheral tissues and liver is called the Cori cycle.
161. The heart and lactate utilization
The heart, w/its huge mitochondrial content and oxidative capacity is able to use lactate released from other tissues as a fuel.
162. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)
LDH is a tetramer composed of A subunits and B subunits.

Different tissues produce different amounts of the two subunits, which then combine randomly to form five different tetramers (M4, M3H1, M2H2, M1H3, and H4).

These isoenzymes differ only slightly in their properties, but the kinetic properties of the M4 form facilitate conversion of pyruvate to lactate in skeletal muscle, whereas the H4 facilitates conversion of lactate to pyruvate in the heart for energy generation.
163. Bis-phosphogycerate shunt
This is a side reaction of the glycolytic pathway in which 1,3-bis-phosphoglycerate is converted to 2,3-BPG).

RBCs form 2,3-BPG to serve as an allosteric inhibitor of oxygen binding to heme.

2,3-BPG re-enters the glycolytic pathway via dephosphorylation to 3-phosphoglycerate.
164. What are the two major regulatory enzymes in ATP homeostasis?
1. Phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK-1)
2. Pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH)

Both these regulatory sites respond to feedback indicators of the rate of ATP utilization.
165. Relationships among ATP, ADP, and AMP concentrations
The AMP levels within the cytosol provide a better indicator of the rate of ATP utilization than the ATP concentration itself.

The equilibrium is such that hydrolysis of ATP to ADP in energy-requiring reactions increases both the ADP and AMP contents of the cytosol.

However, ATP is present in much higher quantities than AMP or ADP, so a small decrease of ATP concentration in the cytosol causes a much larger percentage increase in the small AMP pool.

*ATP levels do NOT fall significantly
until the approach of fatigue
166. Regulation of hexokinases
In most tissues, hexokinase is a low Km enzyme w/a high affinity for glucose.

It is inhibited by physiologic concentrations of its product, glucose 6-P. If glucose6-P does not enter glycolysis or another pathway, it accumulates and decreases the activity of hexokinase.
167. Regulation of PFK-1
PFK-1 is switched ON by: AMP, ADP (and fructose-2,6-bisP in liver and adipose tissue)

PFK-1 is switched OFF by: ATP and Citrate

(AMP activation overrides ATP inhibition)
168. How is glycolysis switched on to make fat when [ATP] and [citrate] are high and AMP levels remain low?
PFK-1 is switched ON by

Fructose-2,6-bisphosphate is particularly important in activation of glycolysis
169. Insulin/glucagon levels and Fructose-2,6-bisphosphate
High [insulin/glucagon] activates PFK-2:
- increases production of F-2,6-bisP

High [insulin/glucagon] switches on synthesis of key enzymes of glycolytic pathway:
-pyruvate kinase
170. Lactic acidemia
Lactate levels > 5 mM → blood pH < 7.2

Result of increased NADH/NAD⁺
- decreased pyruvate oxidation
- increased production of lactate

Typical causes
- alcoholism, hypoxia, inhibition of electron transport chain.
171. If cerebral oxygen supply were completely interrupted, the brain would last for how long?
10 seconds.

The only reason that consciousness lasts longer during anoxia or asphyxia is that there is still some oxygen in the lungs and in circulating blood.

A decrease of blood flow to approximately 1/2 of the normal rate results in a loss of consciousness.
172. Hypoxia inducible factor-1 (HIF-1)
Released in response to hypoxemia.

HIF-1 is a gene transcription factor found in tissues throughout the body that plays a homeostatic role in coordinating tissue responses to hypoxia.

HIF-1 increases transcription of the genes for many of the glycolytic encymes, including PFK-1, enolase, LDH, etc.

HIF-1 also increases synthesis of a number of proteins that enhance oxygen delivery to tissues, including erythropoietin, VEGF, and NO synthase.
173. What are the two major contributors to cavities in the mouth in low pH environments?
Lactobacilli and S. mutans
174. Type I skeletal muscle fibers
AKA fast glycolytic fibers, or white muscle fibers
175. Type IIb skeletal muscle fibers
AKA slow oxidative fibers, or red muscle fibers.
176. Differences between type I and type IIb muscle fibers
The designation fast or slow refers to their rate of shortening, which is determined by the level of the isoenzyme of myosin ATPase present.

Compared w/glycolytic fibers, oxidative fibers have a higher content of mitochondria and myoglobin, which gives them a red color.
177. Ischemic conditions, AMP levels, and the heart
Under ischemic conditions, AMP levels within the heart increase rapidly b/c of the lack of ATP production via oxidative phosphorylation.

The increase in AMP levels activates an AMP-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase B) which phosphorylates the heart isoenzyme of PFK-2 to activate its kinase activity.

This results in increased levels of fructose 2,6-bis-P, which activates PFK-1 along with AMP so that the rate of glycolysis can increase to compensate for the lack of ATP production via aerobic means.
178. MI and lactate production
The absence of oxygen for oxidative phosphorylation would decrease levels of ATP and increase those of AMP, resulting in a compensatory increase of anaerobic glycolysis and lactate production.

However, obstruction of a vessel leading to her heart would decrease lactate removal, resulting in a decrease of intracellular pH.

Under these conditions, at very low pH levels, glycolysis is inhibited and unable to compensate for the lack of oxidative phosphorylation.
179. Where is the primary motor cortex located?

Where is the somatosensory cortex located?
These areas are located on either side of the central sulcus.

The primary motor cortex (Brodmann's area 4) is in the precentral gyrus, while the primary somatosensory cortex (Brodmann's areas 3,1 and 2) is in the postcentral gyrus.
180. Posterior, intermediate, and anterior horns of the gray matter in the spinal cord.
Posterior horn is involved mainly in sensory processing

Intermediate horn contains interneurons and certain specialized nuclei.

Anterior horn contains motor neurons.
181. White matter vs. gray matter in the spinal cord levels
The white matter is thikest in the cervical levels, where most ascending fibers have already entered the cord and most descending fibers have not yet terminated on their targets.

The sacral cord is mostly gray matter.

The spinal cord has more gray matter at the cervical and lumbosacral levels than at the thoracic levels, particularly in the ventral horns, where lower motor neurons for the arms and legs reside.
182. Blood supply to the spinal cord
Arises from branches of the vertebral arteries and spinal radicular arteries.

The vertebral arteries give rise to the anterior spinal artery that runs along the ventral surface of the spinal cord.

In addition, two posterior spinal arteries arise from the vertebral or posterior inferior cerebellar arteries and supply the dorsal surface of the cord.
183. Spinal arterial plexus
The anterior and posterior spinal arteries are variable in prominence at different spinal levels and form a spinal arterial plexus that surrounds the spinal cord.
184. Radicular arteries
31 segmental arterial branches enter the spinal canal long its length; most of the branches arise from the aorta and supply the meninges.

Only 6-10 of these reach the spinal cord as radicular arteries, arising at variable levels.
185. Great radicular artery of Adamkiewicz
There is usually a prominent radicular artery arising from the left side, anywhere from T5 to L3, but usually between T9 and T12.

This is called the great radicular artery of Adamkiewicz, and provides the major blood supply to the lumbar and sacral cord.
186. Which zone of the spinal cord is vulnerable to decreased perfusion?
The mid-thoracic region, at approx T4-T8 lies between the lumbar and vertebral arterial supplies and is vulnerable to decreased perfusion.

This region is most susceptible to infarction during thoracic surgery or other conditions causing decreased aortic pressure.
187. Batson's plexus
The epidural veins of the spinal cord, called Batson's plexus, do not contain valves, so elevated intra-abdominal pressure can cause reflux of blood carrying metastatic cells (such as prostate cancer) or pelvic infections into the epidural space.
188. Apraxia
Lesion of the regions of motor association cortex can cause apraxia, in where there is a deficit in higher-order motor planning and execution despite normal strength.
189. Upper motor neurons vs. lower motor neurons
UMNs carry motor system outputs to LMNs located in the spinal cord and brainstem, which in turn, project to muscles in the periphery.
190. Descending UMN pathways
Arise from the cerebral cortex and brainstem. These descending motor pathways can be divided into lateral motor systems and medial motor systems based on their location in the spinal cord.
191. Lateral motor systems

What are the two lateral motor systems?
Lateral motors systems travel in the lateral columns of the spinal cord and synapse on the more lateral groups of ventral horn motor neurons and interneurons.

1. Lateral corticospinal tract
2. Rubrospinal tract

*Both pathways cross over from their site of origin and descend in the contralateral lateral spinal cord to control contralateral extremities.
192. Importance of the lateral corticospinal tract
Essential for rapid, dextrous movements at individual digits or joints.
193. Medial motor systems

What are the four medial motor systems?
Medial motor systems travel in the anteromedial spinal cord columns to synapse on medial ventral horn motor neurons and interneurons.

1. Anterior corticospinal tract
2. Vestibulospinal tract
3. Reticulospinal tract
4. Tectospinal tract
194. Importance of medial motor systems
These pathways control the proximal axial and girdle muscles involved in postural tone, balance, orienting movements of the head and neck, and automatic gait-related movements.

The medial motor systems descend ipsilaterally or bilaterally.
195. Unilateral lesions of the medial motor systems vs. lateral corticospinal tract
The medial motor systems tend to terminate on interneurons that project to both sides of the spinal cord, controlling movements that involve multiple bilateral spinal segments.

Thus, unilateral lesions of the medial motor systems produce no obvious deficits.

In contrast, lesions of the lateral corticospinal tract produce dramatic deficits.
196. Role of the rubrospinal tract
Role is small is its clinical importance in uncertain, but it may participate in taking over functions after corticospinal injury.

It may also play a role in flexor (decorticate) posturing of the upper extremities, which is typically seen w/lesions above the levels of the red nuclei, in which the rubrospinal tract is spared.
197. What is the most clinically important descending motor pathway in the nervous system?
The lateral corticospinal tract.

This pathway controls movement of the extremities, and lesions along its course produce characteristic deficits that often enable precise clinical localization.
198. Betz cells
About 3% of the corticospinal neurons are giant pyramidal cells called Betz cells, which are the largest neurons in the human nervous system.
199. Corona radiata
Axons from the cerebral cortex enter the upper portions of the cerebral white matter, or corona radiata, and descend toward the internal capsule.

In addition to the corticospinal tract, the cerebral white matter conveys bidirectional information between different cortical areas, and between cortex and deep structures such as the basal ganglia, thalamus, and brainstem.
200. What are the three parts of the internal capsule?
1. Anterior limb
-separates the head of the caudate from the glubus pallidus and putamen

2. Posterior limb
-separates the thalamus from the glubus pallidus and putamen
-the corticospinal tract lies here*

3. Genu
-is at the transition between the anterior and posterior limbs, at the levels of the foramen of Monro.
201. Somatotopic organization in the internal capsule
Motor fibers for the face are most anterior, and those for the arm and leg are progressively more posterior.

Despite this, the fibers of the internal capsule are compact enough that lesions at this level generally produce weakness of the entire contralateral body (face, arm and leg).
202. Corticobular means what...?
Fibers projecting from the cortex to the brainstem, including motor fibers for the face, are called corticobulbar instead of corticospinal because they project from the cortex to the brainstem, or bulb.
203. Cerebral peduncles and basis pedunculi
The internal capsule continues into the midbrain cerebral peduncles, meaning literally "feet of the brain".

The white matter is located int eh ventral portion of the cerebral peduncles and is called the basis pedunculi.
204. Middle one-third of the basis pedunculi contains...?
Contains corticobulbar adn corticospinal fibers w/the face, arm, and leg axons arranged from medial t lateral, respectively.

The other portions of the basis pedunculi contain primarily corticopontine fibers.
205. Medullary pyramids
The corticospinal tract fibers next descend thru the ventral pons, where they form somewhat scattered fascicles. These collect on the ventral surface of the medulla to to form the medullary pyramids.

For this reason the corticospinal tract is sometimes referred to as the pyramidal tract.
206. Cervicomedullary junction & pyramidal decussation
The transition from medulla to spinal cord is called the cervicomedullary junction, which occurs at the level of the foramen magnum.

At this point about 85% of the pyramidal tract fibers cross over in the pyramidal decussation to enter the lateral white matter columns of the spinal cord, forming the lateral corticospinal tract.
207. Somatic efferents
Anterior horn cells or cranial nerve motor nuclei project directly from the CNS to skeletal muscle.
208. Autonomic efferents
There is a peripheral synapse located in a ganglion interposed between the CNS and the effector gland or smooth muscle.

The autonomic nervous system itself consists of only efferent pathways.
209. Where are preganglionic neurons of the sympathetic nervous system located?
In the intermediolateral cell column in lamina VII of spinal cord levels T1 to L2 or L3.
210. Sympathetic postganglionic neurons release _______ onto end organs.

Parasympathetic postganglionic neurons release predominantly ______ on end organs.

What is the exception to this rule?
Sympathetic: Norepinephrine

Parasympathetic: Acetylcholine

*One exception to the rule is the sweat glands, which are innervated by sympathetic postganglionic neurons that release acetylcholine
211. What are the signs of lower motor neuron lesions?
1. Muscle weakness
2. Atrophy
3. Fasciculations
4. Hyporeflexia
212 What are fasciculations?
Abnormal muscle twitches caused by spontaneous activity in groups of muscle cells.
213. What are the signs of upper motor neuron lesions?
Muscle weakness and a combination of increased tone and hyperreflexia sometimes referred to as spasticity.

Also seen are abnormal Babinski's sign, Hoffmann's sign, posturing, and so on.

*There may initially be flaccid paralysis w/decreased tone and decreased reflexes, which gradually, over hours or even months, develops into spastic paresis.
214. What is the most important functional consequences of both upper and lower motor neuron lesions?

Weakness can be caused by lesions or dysfunction at any level in the motor system,
215. Unilateral face arm, and leg weakness or paralysis w/no sensory deficits

Where would the lesion be located?
AKA hemiparesis or hemiplegia; pure motor weakness.

Locations ruled in: corticospinal and corticobulbar tract fibers below the cortex and above the medulla: posterior limb of the internal capsule, basis pontis, or middle third of the cerebral peduncle

Side: contralateral to the weakness
216. Unilateral face arm, and leg weakness or paralysis w/no sensory deficits

Where would the lesion NOT be located?
Unlikely to be cortical b/c the lesion would have to involve the entire motor strip.

Also unlikely to be muscle or peripheral nerve because in that case conincidental involvement of only half the body would be required.

Also not the spinal cord or medulla b/c in that case the face would be spared.
217. Unilateral face arm, and leg weakness or paralysis w/no sensory deficits

What are the common causes?
1. Lacunar infarct of the internal capsule or of the pons
2. Infarct of the cerebral peduncle
218. Unilateral face arm, and leg weakness or paralysis w/no sensory deficits

What are the symptoms?
1. Upper motor neuron signs are usually present

2. Dysarthria (dysarthria-pure motor hemiparesis)

3. Ataxia (ataxia-hemiparesis)
219. Unilateral face arm, and leg weakness or paralysis w/sensory deficits

Where would the lesion be located?
Ruled in: entire primar motor cortex, including face, arm, and leg representations of the precentral gyrus, or corticospinal and corticobulbar tract fibers above the medulla.

Side: Contralateral to the weakness
220. Unilateral face arm, and leg weakness or paralysis w/sensory deficits

Where would the lesion NOT be located?
Unlikely to be below the medulla
221. Unilateral face arm, and leg weakness or paralysis w/sensory deficits

What are the common causes?
Numerous, including infarct, hemorrhage, tumor, trauma, herniation, post-ictal state, and so on...
222. Unilateral arm and leg weakness or paralysis

Where would the lesion be located?
AKA hemiplegia or hemiparesis sparing the face

Location: Arm and leg area of the motor cortex; corticospinal tract from the lower medulla to the C5 level of cervical spinal cord

-Motor cortex or medulla: contralateral to the weakness
-Cervical spinal cord: ispilateral to weakness
223. Unilateral arm and leg weakness or paralysis

Where would the lesion NOT be located?
Unlikely to be the corticospinal tract below the motor cortex above the medulla b/c the corticobulbar tract fibers are very nearby, and the face would thus usually be involved.

Unlikely to be muscle or peripheral nerve b/c in that case coincidental involvement of only half of the body would be required.

Also, not below C5 in the cervical cord b/c in that case some arm muscles would be spared.
224. Unilateral arm and leg weakness or paralysis

Associated features/symptoms?
Upper motor neuron signs are usually present. Cortical lesions sparing the face are often in a watershed distribution, and they affect proximal more than distal muscle (man in the barrel syndrome).

Cortical lesions may be associated w/aphasia or hemineglect. In medial medullarly lesions there may be loss of vibration and joint position sense on the same side as the weakness, and tongue weakness on the opposite side.

In lesions of the spinal cord, the Brown-Sequard syndrome may be present.
225. Unilateral arm and leg weakness or paralysis

Common causes?
1. Watershed infarct (anterior cerebral-middle cerebral watershed)
2. Medial or combined medial and lateral medullary infarcts
3. Multiple sclerosis
4. Lateral trauma
5. Compression of the cervical spinal cord.
226. Unilateral face and arm weakness or paralysis

Where is the lesion located?
AKA faciobrachial paresis or plegia.

Location: face and arm areas of the primary motor cortex, over the lateral frontal convexity.

Side: Contralateral to weakness
227. Unilateral face and arm weakness or paralysis

Where is the lesion NOT located?
Ruled out: Unlikely to be muscle or peripheral nerve b/c in that case coincidental involvement of the face and arm would be required. Uncommon in lesions at the internal capsule or below b/c the corticobulbar and corticospinal tracts are fairly compact, resulting in leg involvement w/most lesions
228. Unilateral face and arm weakness or paralysis

What are the symptoms?
Upper motor neuron signs and dysarthria are usually present.

In dominant-hemisphere lesions, Broca's aphasia is common; in non dominant-hemisphere lesions, hemineglect may occasionally be present.

Sensory loss can occur if the lesion extends into the parietal lobe.
229. Unilateral face and arm weakness or paralysis

What are the common causes?
Middle cerebral artery superior division infarct is the classic cause.

Tumor, abscess, or other lesions may also occur in this location.
230. Unilateral arm weakness or paralysis

Where is the lesion located?
AKA Brachial monoparesis or monoplegia

Arm area of primary motor cortex, or pheripheral nerves supplying the arm

-Motor cortex: contralateral to weakness
-Peripheral nerves: ipsilateral to weakness
231. Unilateral arm weakness or paralysis

Where is the lesion NOT located?
Ruled out: Unlikely, anywhere along the corticospinal tract, b/c in that case the face and/or lower extremity would also likely be involved.

Rare cases of foramen magnum tumors may initially affect one arm.
232. Unilateral arm weakness or paralysis

What are the symptoms if it is a motor cortex lesion?
There may be associated upper motor neuron signs, cortical sensory loss, aphasia, or subtle involvement of the face or leg.

Occasionally none of these are present. The weakness pattern may be incompatible w/a lesion of peripheral nerves.

For example, marked weakness of all finger, hand, and wrist muscles w/no sensory loss and normal proximal strength does not occur w/peripheral nerve lesions.
233. Unilateral arm weakness or paralysis

What are the symptoms if it is a peripheral nerve lesion?
There may be associated lower motor neuron signs.

Weakness and sensory loss may be compatible w/a known pattern for a peripheral nerve lesion.
234. Unilateral arm weakness or paralysis

What are the common causes?
Motor cortex lesion: infarct of a small cortical branch of the middle cerebral artery, or a small tumor, abscess, or the like.

Peripheral nerve lesion: compression injury, diabetic neuropathy, and so on.
235. Unilateral leg weakness and paralysis

Where is the lesion located?
AKA crural monoparesis or monoplegia

Leg are of the primary motor cortex along the medial surface of the frontal lobe, lateral corticospinal tract below T1 in the spinal cord, or peripheral nerves supply the leg.

Side: Contralateral to weakness if lesion in motor cortex; ipsilateral if spinal cord or peripheral nerve lesion.
236. Unilateral leg weakness and paralysis

Where is the lesion NOT located?
Ruled out: Unlikely to be in the corticospinal tract above the upper thoracic cord, b/c in that case the face and or upper extremity would usually also be involved.

Rarely, cervical cord tumors can initially cause leg weakness only.
237. Unilateral leg weakness and paralysis

What are the symptoms if it is a motor cortex lesion?
There may be associated upper motor neuron signs, cortical sensory loss, frontal lobe signs such as a grasp reflex, or subtle involvement of the arm or face.

Occasionally none of these are present. The weakness pattern may be incompatible w/a lesion of the peripheral nerves - for example, diffuse weakness of all muscles in one leg.
238. Unilateral leg weakness and paralysis

What are the symptoms if it is a spinal cord lesion?
There may be associated upper motor neuron signs, a Brown-Sequard syndrome, a sensory level, or some subtle spasticity of the contralateral leg. Sphincter function may be involved.

The weakness pattern may be incompatible w/a lesion of the peripheral nerves.
239. Unilateral leg weakness and paralysis

What are the symptoms if it is a peripheral nerve lesion?
There may be associated lower motor neuron signs.

Weakness and sensory loss may be compatible w/a known pattern for a peripheral nerve lesion.
240. Unilateral leg weakness and paralysis

What are the common causes?
Motor cortex lesion: infarct in the anterior cerebral artery territory, or a small tumor, abscess, etc..

Spinal cord lesion: unilateral cord trauma, compression by tumor, multiple sclerosis

Peripheral nerve lesion: compression injury, diabetic neuropathy, etc...
241. Unilateral facial weakness or paralysis

Where is the lesion located?
AKA Bell's palsy (peripheral nerve); isolated facial weakness

Common: peripheral facial nerve (CN VII)

Uncommon: lesions in the face area of the primary motor cortex or in the genu of the internal capsule; facial nucleus and exiting the nerve fascicles in the pons or rostral lateral medulla.
242. Unilateral facial weakness or paralysis

Where is the lesion NOT located?
Ruled out: Unlikely w/lesions below the rostral medulla
243. Unilateral facial weakness or paralysis

What are the symptoms if there are facial nerve or nucleus lesions (LMN)?
The forehead and orbicularis oculi are not spared. With facial nerve lesions (e.g. Bells) there may be hyperacusis, decreased taste, and pain behind the ear on the affected side.

In facial nucleus lesions in the pons there are usually deficits associated w/damage to nearby nuclei and pathways such as CN VI, CN V, or the corticospinal tract.

In rostral lateral medullary lesions, a lateral medullary syndrome will be present.
244. Unilateral facial weakness or paralysis

What are the symptoms if there are motor cortex or capsular genu lesions (UMN)?
The forehead is relatively spared.

Dysarthria and unilateral tongue weakness are common. There may be subtle arm involvement.

In cortical lesions, sensory loss or aphasia may be present.
245. Unilateral facial weakness or paralysis

What are the common causes?
Facial nerve: Bell's palsy, trauma, surgery.

Motor cortex, capsular genu, pons, or medula: infarct.
246. Facial diplegia
Facial weakness may be difficult to detect in cases in which it occurs bilaterally, called facial diplegia, since the weakness is symmetrical.

Causes include motor neuron disease, bilateral peripheral nerve lesions (such as in Guillain-Barre syndrome or in bilateral Bell's palsy), or bilateral white matter abnormalities caused by ischemia or demyelination (such as in pseudobulbar palsy).
247. Bilateral arm weakness or paralysis

Where is the lesion located?
AKA brachial diplegia

Medial fibers of both lateral corticospinal tracts; bilateral cervical spine ventral horn cells; peripheral nerve or muscle disorders affecting both arms.
248. Bilateral arm weakness or paralysis

Where is the lesion NOT located?
Ruled out: Unlikely to be in the corticospinal tract b/c in that case the face and/or legs would also be involved.
249. Bilateral arm weakness or paralysis

What are the symptoms?
A central cord syndrome or anterior cord syndrome may be present.
250. Bilateral arm weakness or paralysis

What are the common causes?
Central cord syndrome:
1. Syringomyelia
2. Intrinsic spinal cord tumor
3. Myelitis

Anterior cord syndrome:
1. Anterior spinal artery infarct
2. Trauma
3. Myelitis

Peripheral nerve:
1. Bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome
2. Disc herniations
251. Bilateral leg weakness or paralysis

Where is the lesion located?
AKA Paraparesis or paraplegia

Bilateral leg areas of the primary motor cortex along the medial surface of the frontal lobes

Lateral corticospinal tracts below T1 in the spinal cord

Cauda equina syndrome or other peripheral nerve or muscle disorders affecting both legs.
252. Bilateral leg weakness or paralysis

Where is the lesion NOT located?
Ruled out: unlikely to be in the corticospinal tracts above the upper thoracic cord, b/c in that case the face and/or upper extremities would also be involved.

Rarely, cervical cord tumors can initially cause bilateral leg weakness w/o arm involvement.
253. Bilateral leg weakness or paralysis

Symptoms associated w/bilateral medial frontal lesions?
Upper motor neuron signs may be present.

There may also be frontal lobe dysfunction, including confusion, apathy, grasp reflexes, and incontinence.
254. Bilateral leg weakness or paralysis

Symptoms associated w/spinal cord lesions?
Upper motor neuron signs, sphincter dysfunction, and autonomic dysfunction may be present.

A sensory level or loss of specific reflexes may also help to determine the segmental level of the lesion.
255. Bilateral leg weakness or paralysis

Symptoms associated w/bilateral peripheral nerve or muscle disorders?
Cauda equina syndrome is associated w/sphincter and erectile dysfunction, sensory loss in lumbar or sacral dermatomes, and lower motor neuron signs.

Distal symmetrical polyneuropathies tend to preferentially affect distal muscles, and may have associated distal "glove-stocking" sensory loss and lower motor neuron signs.

Neuromuscular disorders and myopathies often affect proximal more than distal muscles.
256. Bilateral leg weakness or paralysis

Common causes?
Bilateral medial frontal lesions:
-parasagital meningioma
-bilateral anterior cerebral artery infarcts
-cerebral palsy

Spinal cord lesions: numerous, including tumor, trauma, myelitis
257. Bilateral leg weakness or paralysis

Common causes of bilateral peripheral nerve or muscle disorders?
Cauda equina syndrome:
-tumor, trauma disc herniation

Other peripheral nerve or muscle disorders:
-The lower extremities are often clinically affected before the arms in Guillain-Barre syndrome
-Lambert-Eaton syndrome
-numerous muscle disorders
-distal symmetrical polyneuropathies (caused by diabetes and other toxic, metabolic, congenital and inflammatory conditions).
258. Bilateral arm and leg weakness or paralysis

Where is the lesion located?
AKA quadriparesis, quadriplegia, tetraparesis, tetraplegia

Bilateral arm and leg areas of the motor cortex; bilateral elsions of the corticospinal tracts from the lower medulla to C5.

Peripheral nerve motor neuron or muscle disorders severe enough to affect all four limbs usually also affect the face, although in some cases face involvement may be relatively mild.
259. Bilateral arm and leg weakness or paralysis

Where is the lesion NOT located?
Unlikely to be below the motor cortex and above the medulla b/c the face would then be involved.

Unlikely to be in the spinal cord below C5 b/c the arms would then be partly spared.
260. Bilateral arm and leg weakness or paralysis

What are the symptoms in a bilateral motor cortex lesion?
Cortical lesions sparing the face are often in a watershed distribution and affect proximal more than distal muscles (man in the barrel syndrome).

Upper motor neuron signs are usually present and there may be associated aphasia, neglect, or other cognitive disturbances.
261. Bilateral arm and leg weakness or paralysis

What are the symptoms in a bilateral upper cervical cord lesion?
Upper motor neuron signs are usually present.

There may be a sensory level, sphincter dysfunction, or autonomic dysfunction.

High cervical lesions may cause respiratory weakness and may involve the spinal trigeminal nucleus, causing decreased facial sensation.
262. Bilateral arm and leg weakness or paralysis

What are the symptoms in a lower medullary lesion?
Upper motor neuron signs are usually present.

There may be occipital headache, tongue weakness, sensory loss, hiccups, respiratory weakness, autonomic dysfunction, sphincter dysfunction, or abnormal eye movements.
263. Bilateral arm and leg weakness or paralysis

What are the common causes
Motor cortex lesions:
-bilateral watershed infarcts (anterior cerebral-middle cerebral watershed)

Upper cervical cord and lower medullary lesions:

Peripheral nerve or muscle disorders: numerous
264. Generalized weakness or paralysis

Where is the lesion located?
Bilateral lesions of the entire motor cortex; bilateral lesions of the corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts anywhere from corona radiata to pons; diffuse disorders involving all lower motor neurons, peripheral axons, neuromuscular junctions, or muscles.
265. Generalized weakness or paralysis

Where is the lesion NOT located?
Small focal or unilateral lesions do not produce generalized weakness.

Lesions of the lower medulla or spinal cord spare the face or upper extremities.
266. Generalized weakness or paralysis

Symptoms associated?
Bilateral cerebral or corticospinal lesions may be associated w/upper motor neuron signs.

Lesions of the peripheral nerves may be associated w/lower motor neuron signs.

Sensory loss, eye movement abnormalities, pupillary abnormalities, autonomic disturbances, or impaired consciousness may be present, and these features help determine the location and nature of the lesion.

Respiratory depression is common w/sever generalized weakness.
267. Generalized weakness or paralysis

Common causes?
Global cerebral anoxia, pontine infarct or hemorrhage, advanced amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, myasthenia, botulism, and numerous other diffuse neopalstic, infectious, inflammatory, traumatic, toxic, or metabolic disturbances.
268. Spastic gait
Unilateral or bilateral

Stiff-legged circumduction, sometimes with scissoring of the legs and toe-walking (form increased tone in calf muscles), decreased arm swing unsteady, falling toward side of greater spasticity.
269. Localization and cause of spastic gait
Unilateral or bilateral corticospinal tract

-cortical, subcortical, or brainstem infarcts affecting upper motor neuron pathways
-cerebral palsy
-degenerative conditions
-multiple sclerosis
-spinal cord lesions
270. Ataxic gait
Wide based, unsteady, staggering side to side, and falling toward side of worse pathology.

Subtle deficit can be detected with tandem hell-to-to gait testing.
271. Localization and cause of ataxic gait
Cerebellar vermis or other midline cerebellar structures

-toxins such as alcohol
-tumors of cerebellar vermis
-infarcts or ischemia of cerebellar pathways
-cerebellar degeneration
272. Vertiginous gait
Looks similar to ataxic gait, wide based and unsteady.

Patients sway and fall when attempting to stand w/feet together and eyes closed (Romberg sign)
273. Localization and cause of vertiginous gait
Vestibular nuclei, vestibular nerve, or semicircular canals

-toxins such as alcohol
-infarcts or ischemia of vestibular nuclei
-benign positional vertigo
-Meniere's disease
274. Frontal gait
Slow, shuffling, narrow or wide based, magnetic, unsteady.

Sometimes resembles Parkinsonian gait.

Some patients can perform cycling movements on their back much better than they can walk, giving rise to the term "gait apraxia" in this condition
275. Localization and cause of frontal gait
Frontal lobes or frontal subcortical white matter

-frontal tumors such as glioblastoma or meningioma
-bilateral anterior cerebral artery infarcts
-diffuse subcortical white matter disease
276. Parkinsonian gait
Slow, shuffling, narrow based.

Difficulty initiating walking. Often stooped forward, with decreased arm swing, and "en bloc turning".

Unsteady, with retropulsion, taking several rapid steps to regain balance when pushed backward
277. Localization and cause of Parkinsonian gait
Substantia nigra or other regions of basal ganglia

-Parkinson's disease
-other parkinsonian syndromes, such as progressive supranuclear palsy, or use of neuroleptic drugs.
278. Dyskinetic gait
Unilateral or bilateral dance-like (choreic), flinging, or writhing movements occur during walking and may be accompanied by some unsteadiness.
279. Localization and cause of dykinetic gait
Subthalamic nucleus, or other regions of basal ganglia

-Huntington's disease
-infarct of subthalamic nucleus or striatum
-side effect of levodopa
-other familial or drug-induced dyskinesias
280. Tabetic gait
High-stepping, foot flapping gait, with particular difficult walking in the dark or on uneven surfaces.

Patients sway and fall in attempts to stand with feet together and eyes closed (Romberg sign).
281. Localization and cause of tabetic gait
Posterior columns or sensory nerve fibers

-posterior cord syndrome
-severe sensory neuropathy
282. Paretic gait
Exact appearance depends on location of lesion.

With proximal hip weakness there may be a waddling, Trendelenburg gait.

Severe thigh weakness may cause sudden knee buckling.

Foot drop can cause a high-stepping, slapping gait with frequent tripping.
283. Localization and cause of paretic gait
Nerve roots, peripheral nerves, neuromuscular junction, or muscles.

Numerous peripheral nerve and muscle disorders.
284. Painful (antalgic) gait
Pain may be obvious based on patient's report or facial expression.

Tends to avoid putting pressure on affected limb.
285. Localization and cause of painful gait
Bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, and muscles.

-soft tissue injuries
286. Functional gait disorder
Can be hard to diagnose. Sometimes patients say they have poor balance, yet spontaneously perform highly destabilizing swaying movements while walking, without ever falling.

Localization: psychologically based

Causes: conversion disorder or factitious disorder.
287. Multiple sclerosis part 1
An autoimmune inflammatory disorder affecting CNS system myelin.

The cause is unknown, although there is mounting evidence that T lymphocytes may be triggered by a combination of genetic and environmental factors to react against oligodendroglial myelin. Myelin in the peripheral nervous system is not affected.
288. Multiple sclerosis part 2
Multiple plaques of demyelination and inflammatory response can appear and disappear in multiple locations in the CNS over time, eventually forming sclerotic glial scars.

Demyelination causes slowed conduction velocity, dispersion or loss of coherence of action potential volleys, and ultimately conduction block.

B/c dispersion increases w/temp, some patients have worse symptoms when they are warm.
289. Prevalence of MS
about .1% in the US, witha higher worldwide prevalence in whites from northern climates, and about a 2:1 female to male ratio.

Lifetime risk of developing MS goes up 3-5% if a first degree relative is affected. Peak age of onset is 20-40 years. Onset before 10 or after 60 is rare but not unheard of.
290. Clinical features of MS
Two or more deficits separated in neuroanatomical space and time.

In practice, the Dx is based on the presence of typical clinical features, together with MRI evidence of white matter lesions, slowed conduction velocities on evoked potentials, and the presence of oligoclonal bands in CSF obtained via lumbar puncture.
291. Oligoclonal bands
Abnormal discrete bands seen on CSF gel electrophoresis.

They result from the synthesis of large amounts of relatively homogeneous immunoglobulin by individual plasma cell clones in the CSF.

These bands are present in over 85% of patients with clinically definite MS.
292. MRI findings in MS
MRI finding suggestive of MS include multiple T2-bright areas, representing demyelinative plaques located in the white matter.

The plaques tend to extend into the white matter from periventricular locations, and they occur in both supratentorial and infratentorial structures.
293. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis AKA Lou Gehrig's disease or ALS
Characterized by gradually progressive degeneration of both upper motor neurons and lower motor neurons, leading eventually to respiratory failure and death.

ALS has an incidence of 1-3 per 100,000 and is slightly more common in men. The usual age of onset is in the 50-60's. Most cases occur sporadically, but there are also inherited forms that can have autosomal dominant, recessive, or X-linked transmission.
294. Initial symptoms in ALS
Usualy weakness or clumsiness, which often begins focally and then spreads to involve adjacent muscle groups.

Painful msucel cramping and fasciculations are also common. Some patients present with dysarthria, and dysphagia, or with respiratory symptoms.

A head droop is often present b/c of weakness of the neck muscles.
295. Werdnig-Hoffmann disease
Spinal muscular atrophy occurring in infancy is known as Werdnig-Hoffmann disease and usually leads to death by the second year of life.
296. What does a motor unit consist of?
1. A single lower motor neuron (spinal anterior horn cell)
2. The axon of that neuron
3. The muscle fibers it innervates
297. Relationship between muscle fibers and muscle movements
There are more muscle fibers per motor unit in muscles w/coarse movements (such as calf muscles) than in those w/refined movements (such as extraocular eye muscles(.
298. Peripheral nerves and nerve sheaths
Composed of myelinated and unmyelinated axons and their investing Schwann cells grouped into fascicles by connective tissue sheaths:

1. Epineurium - encloses the entire nerve
2. Perineurium - encircles each fascicle
3. Endoneurium - surrounds individual nerve fibers
299. Schwann cells

Where does protein synthesis occur?
Single Cchwann cells myelinate axonal segments (internodes) separated by nodes of Ranvier.

Protein synthesis does not occur in the axon; rather, axoplasmic flow delivers proteins and other substances synthesized int he perikaryon, and a retrograde transport system serves as a feedback to the cell body.
300. Perineurial barrier and blood-nerve barrier
The perineurial barrier is formed by the tight junctions between the perineurial cells.

Endoneurial capillaries complete the blood-nerve barrier.
301. Skeletal muscle fibers
They are syncytial cells w/multiple nuclei located beneath the plasma membrane (sarcolemma); they contain identical repeating units (sarcomeres) of actin and myosin contractile proteins delimited by perpendicularly disposed Z bands.
302. Segmental demyelination
Loss of myelin occurs along discrete regions of axons from dysfunction of the Schwann cell or damage to the myelin sheath.

With sequential episodes of demyelination and remyelination, layers of Schwann cell processes accumulate around the axon (onion bulbs).
303. Axonal degeneration and muscle fiber atrophy
Primary destruction of the axon occurs, with secondary disintegration of its myelin sheath.

In the slowly evolving neuronopathies or axonopathies, evidence of myelin breakdown is scant b/c only a few fibers degenerate at a time.

Wallerian degeneration is the acute reaction distal to a cut axon and consists of axonal and myelin breakdown with phagocytosis by macrophages.
304. Nerve regeneration and reinnervation of muscle
Proximal stumps of degenerated axons can regrow, guided by Schwann cells vacated by degenerated axons.

Regeneration occurs at a rate on the order of 2 mm per day and shows multiple, closely aggregated, thinly myelinated small caliber axons (regenerating cluster).

This regrowth of axons is a slow process, apparently limited by the rate of the slow component of axonal transport and the movement of tubulin, actin, and intermediate filaments.
305. Denervation atrophy
Breakdwon of myosin and actin, and shrinkage of muscle fibers to small, angulated shapes occur as a result of loss of innervation.
306. Reinnervation of muscle fibers
This occurs after nerve regeneration or, more commonly, when surviving axons sprout around denervated muscle cells and incorporate the fibers into their motor unit, imparting the same histochemical type to a group of contiguous fibers - type grouping.
307. Group atrophy
This occurs when a type group becomes denervated.
308. Myopathic changes in muscle fibers
Varied patterns occur, including segmental necrosis, myophagocytosis, myocyte regeneration via satellite cells, increased central nuclei, and variation in fiber size.
309. Segmental necrosis of muscle fibers
Destruction of a portion of a myofiber may be followed by myophagocytosis as macrophages infiltrate the region.
310. Regeneration of muscle fibers
Peripherally located satellite cells proliferate and reconstitute a destroyed portion of the fiber.

The regenerating fiber shows large internalized nuclei, prominent nucleoli, and basophilic cytoplasm laden with RNA.
311. Hypertrophy of muscle fibers
In response to increased load, large fibers may divide along a segment (muscle fiber splitting) so that, in cross-section, a single large fiber contains a cell membrane traversing its diameter, often with adjacent nuclei.
312. Guillain-Barré syndrome
AKA acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy

This is a life-threatening ascending paralysis, with weakness beginning in the distal limbs but rapidly advancing to affect proximal muscles.

Annual incidence in the US is 1/100,000 to 3/100,000
313. Clinical features of Guillain-Barré syndrome
Nerve conduction velocity is slowed and cerebrospinal fluid protein is elevated in the absence of increase cells.
314. Pathologic features in Guillain-Barré syndrome
Segmental demyelination and chronic inflammatory cells involving the nerve roots and peripheral nerves.

Guillain-Barré syndrome appears to be an immune-mediated disorder, often following a viral infection (CMV, Epstein-Barr virus) or Campylobacter jejuni.
315. Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy
A mixed sensorimotor polyneuropathy similar to Guillain-Barré syndrome, but it follows a subacute or chronic course, usually with relapses and remission.

Peripheral nerves show recurrent demyelination and remyelination and "onion bulb" histologic changes.
316. Infection polyneuropathies; Leprosy
Direct infections of Schwann cells occur in leprosy; the host response can be either limited (lepromatous leprosy) or vigorous (tuberculoid leprosy)
317. Varicella-zoster virus
After chickenpox, varicella-zoster virus produces latent infection of neurons in the sensory ganglia of the spinal cord and brain stem.

Subsequent reactivation leads to a painful vesicular skin eruption in the distribution of sensory dermatomes (shingles), most frequently thoracic or trigeminal.
318. Diphtheria
Diphtheritic neuropathy results from the effects of the diphtheria exotoxin.

It beings clinically with paresthesias and weakness and is characterized pathologically by segmental demyelination.
319. Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy type I (HMSN I)
This is the most common form (AKA Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, hypertrophic form) and typically presents in young adults with weakness and calf atrophy.

The disease is autosomal dominant, with multiple genetic forms.
320. What is the most common genetic variant of HMSN I?
HMSN, type Ia.

This is the most common genetic variant; it involves duplication of a portion of chromosome 17, including myelin-specific protein gene, PMP-22.

Less commonly, there is mutation of a gene on chromosome 1, coding for myelin protein zero (HMSN, type Ib.

Also, an X-linked form involves gap junction protein connexin-32.
321. Pathologic features in HMSN I
The disease shows segmental demyelination and "onion bulb" histologic changes.

The underlying common pathogenic feature involves repetitive demyelination.
322. HMSN II
HMSN II is clinically similar, but exhibits axonal loss without demyelination, and it usually presents at a later age.

This neuronal type is also autosomal dominant (locus on chromosome 1).

Nerves show axonal loss w/o nerve enlargement and no onion bulb histologic changes.
323. HMSN III AKA Déjérine-Sottas disease
AKA Déjérine-Sottas disease

This is an infantile, autosomal recessive neuropathy that may involve either PMP-22 or myelin protein zero.

The onset is in infancy, with progressive upper and lower extremity weakness and muscle atrophy and greatly enlarged palpable nerves.

Segmental demyelination is severe w/prominent onion bulbs.
324. Symptoms in hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies
Symptoms are usually limited to numbness, pain, and autonomic dysfunction, such as orthostatic hypotension.

Some hereditary neuropathies are notable for the deposition of amyloid within the nerve; these familial amyloid polyneuropaties have a clinical presentation similar to that of the hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies.

In other cases, inborn errors of metabolism cause prominent peripheral nerve manifestations.
325. HSAN I
Autosomal dominant

Predominantly sensory neuroapthy, presenting in young adults; axonal degeneration (mostly myelinated fibers)

Gene and locus: Serine palmitoyl-transferase, long chain base, subunit 1 (SPTCL1) gene
326. HSAN II
Autosomal recessive (some cases are sporadic)

Predominantly sensory neuropathy, presenting in infancy; axonal degeneration (mostly myelinated fibers)

Gene and locus: unknown
AKA Riley-Day syndrome; familial dysautonomia

Occurs most often in Jewish children. It is autosomal recessive.

Predominantly sensory neuropathy, presenting in infancy; axonal degeneration (mostly myelinated fibers); atrophy and loss of sensory and autonomic ganglion cells.
328. What are the three principal patterns of neuropathy that occur in diabetes mellitus?
1. Distal symmetric sensory or sensorimotor neuropathy (most commonly a chronic axonal neuropathy w/dramatic reduction of small myelinated and unmyelinated fibers).

2. Autonomic neuropathy (affects about 20-40% of diabetics)

3. Focal or multifocal asymmetric neuropathy (mononeuropathy or multiple mononeuropathy), such as unilateral ocular nerve palsies with a sparing of reflexes.
329. Metabolic and nutritional peripheral neuropathies
Neuropathies are encountered in patients w/renal failure (before dialysis), chronic liver disease, chronic respiratory insufficiency, and hypothyroidism.

Axonal neuropathies also occur w/deficiencies of thiamine, vitamin B12, B6, and E.

The neuropathy caused by excessive EtOH consumption is often associated w/thiamine deficiency.
330. Neuropathies associated w/malignancy
Direct effects: infiltration or compression of peripheral nerves by tumor may cause a mononeuropathy, brachial plexopathy, cranial nerve palsy, or polyradiculopathies involving the lower extremities when the cauda equina is involved by meningeal carnicomatosis.
331. Paraneoplastic syndromes
Progressive sensorimotor neuropathy is most pronounced in the lower extremities, particularly w/small cell lung carcinoma.

Less commonly, a pure sensory neuropathy occurs as a result of loss of dorsal root ganglion cells and axonal loss in the posterior columns of the spinal cord.

Patients often have a circulating polyclonal antibody directed against a neuronal protein (anti-Hu)
332. Plasma cell dyscrasias
Peripheral neuropathy w/deposition of light chain amyloid in peripheral nerves (AL type) occurs in patients w/plasma cell dyscrasias.

Neuropathy may also be related to the binding of monoclonal IgM to myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) independent of amyloid deposition.
333. Adrenoleukodystrophy
Metabolic disease that is X-linked; 4% of female carriers are symptomatic.

Mixed motor and sensory neuropathy, adrenal insufficiency, spastic paraplegia.

Onset is between 10-20 years for males with leukodystrophy and between 20-40 years for females with myeloneuropathy.
334. Pathologic findings in adrenoleukodystrophy
Segmental demyelination, with onion bulbs; axonal degeneration (myelinated and unmyelinated)

Electron microscopy; linear inclusions in Schwann cells
335. Familial amyloid polyneuropathies
Autosomal dominant metabolic disease that leads to sensory and autonomic dysfunction.

Age of onset varies with site of mutation.
336. Pathological findings in familial amyloid polyneuropathies
Amyloid deposits in vessel walls and connective tissue w/axonal degeneration
337. Porphyria, acute intermittent (AIP) or variegate coproporphyria
Autosomal dominant metabolic disease in which there are acute episodes of neurologic dysfunction, psychiatric disturbances, abdominal pain, seizures, proximal weakness, autonomic dysfunction; attacks may be precipitated by drugs
338. Pathologic findings in porphyria, acute intermittent (AIP) or variegate coproporphyria
Acute and chronic axonal degeneration; regenerating clusters
339. Refsum disease
Autosomal recessive metabolic disease in which there are mixed motor and sensory neuropathy with palpable nerves; ataxia, night blindness, retinitis pigmentosa, ichthyosis.

Age of onset is before 20 years (a genetically distinct infantile form also exists)

Pathologic findings: SEVERE onion bulb formation
340. Neuropathies and lacerations
Neuropathies can follow cutting injuries or bone fractures in which sharp fragments of bone lacerate a nerve.
341. Avulsions and neuropathies
Following application of tension to a nerve, neuropathies can occur as the result of a force applied to one of the limbs.
342. Traumatic neuromas
Painful nodules of tangled axons and connective tissue form regenerating axonal sprouts of the proximal stump may occur after nerve transection.
343. Compression neuropathy AKA entrapment neuropathy
Most commonly seen w/the median nerve at the level of the wrist within the compartment delimited by the transverse carpal ligament (carpal tunnel syndrome).

This neuropathy is observed w/any condition that can cause decreased space within the carpal tunnel, such as tissue edema; additional factors include pregnancy, degenerative joint disease, hypothyroidism, amyloidosis (especially that related to β₂-microglobulin deposition in renal dialysis patients), and excessive wrist usage.