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40 Cards in this Set

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All vertebrate embryos are similar at the _______ _______
Somites, notochord and neural tube show ______ organization.
Patterning turns ______into repeated structures of skeleton and trunk muscles.
Dorsal mesoderm during gastrulation is internalized to eventually become the ________ and the ________.
phylotypic stage; A/P; mesoderm; notochord and the somites
The notochord is transient & becomes part of ______ ______
spinal column
With _______, ectoderm overlaying the notochord forms the _______to give rise to _____ & spinal cord.
neuralation; neural tube; brain
Somites, mesoderm in blocks flanking notochord, become the ...
(3 things)
1) vertebrae and ribs
2) muscles of the trunk and limbs and
3) contribute to the dermis.
Neural crest cells migrate away from the neural tube to develop into... (3 things)
1) skull (bone)
2) sensory and autonomic nervous systems
3) pigment cells
In the chick, ______ forms anterior to the regressing node of the primitive streak.
Pre-somitic mesoderm is the region between .....?
the last formed somite and the regressing node
The position of somites along A/P axis determines ____.
Anterior somites form _______ vertebrate.
Posterior ones, ribbed_____ vertebrate.
Develop in a _______ and _____ order.
fate; cervical; thoracic; temporal and spatial
_______ pre-somitic mesoderm will not change the pre-established timing. Describe an experiment which suggests this.
Rearranging. See Fig 4.4
The pattern is laid down earlier by an A/P axis signal.
Define posterior dominance
See Fig. 4.13. A general principle of hox gene expression is that more posteriorly expressed hox genes tend to inhibit the action of the hox genes normally exressed anterior to them; this means that a change in hox gene expression usually affects the most anterior regions in which the gene is expressed, leaving posterior structures relatively unaffected.
Define Homeobox genes
Homeobox genes are...
a large family of transcription factors.
Share a similar 60 amino acid DNA binding homeodomain which is encoded by 180 basepair homeobox sequence.
Homeobox gene family (transcription factor proteins).
Homeotic transformation is often observed in mutants of genes that have this domain. Identified first in Drosophila (Bithorax and Antennapedia complexes) as a split cluster.
There are four separate clusters of Hox genes (subset of the homeobox genes) in vertebrates.
Define Hox genes (Hox gene clusters)
Hox genes ( Hox gene clusters) are a subset of the homeobox genes of transcription factor genes.
Might have arisen by rounds of duplication of an ancestral gene, followed by a quaduplication of the cluster in mammals.
Paralogous groups are composed of the most similar members of each cluster.
Partially overlapping zones of expression which vary in the anterior extent of their expression define distinct regions.
Various genes respond to the combination of gene products expressed.
Most homeobox genes are not Hox genes (i.e. Pax genes)

See Fig. 4.9, Fig. 4.11, box 4A pg. 156
The differences between vertebrate (i.e. anterior -attach to skull; cervical; thoracic have ribs; lumbar, sacral and caudal) clearly demonstrate what?
that identity of somites differ along the A/P axis
Describe how Hox genes are expressed along the A/P axis in mouse.
First, anterior Hox genes expressed in early gastrulation as mesoderm begins to leave the primitive streak.
More posterior Hox genes turn on as development continues.
Defined patterns of Hox gene expression are seen in...
1) mesoderm (after somite formation) &
2) neural tube (neuralation).
Hox genes show a sharp ______ border and a much less defined _______ border
anterior; posterior
Lot of overlap by every region (almost) has distinct set of Hox gene expression.
Most anterior somites express _______ and _____ only.
Posterior regions express ____ _____ _____.
Hoxa1 and Hoxb1; all Hox genes.
Hox gene expression is co-linear .... what does this mean?
Hox gene expression is co-linear as order of genes on the chromosome (per cluster) reflects the order of spatial and temporal expression along the A/P axis.
Somite formation in chic:
• ______ is made in the node and after cells leave the node it
is increasingly ______ resulting in a _______
• Similar situation for Wnt3a
FGF-8; degraded; gradient
Spacing of somite boundaries formed by what?
Spacing of somite boundaries formed by FGF and Wnt
Spacing of somite boundaries formed by FGF and Wnt
• When both Wnt3a and FGF8 fall below threshold level -
what happens?
segmentation program activated
Spacing of somite boundaries formed by FGF and Wnt
• When both Wnt3a and FGF8 fall below threshold level -
segmentation program activated
• If increase FGF8, block segmentation
• Changing slope of gradient by increasing or decreasing
Wnt or FGF results in a what?
change in somite size
• Somitic mesoderm produces
retinoic acid, which
________ FGF
• RA biosynthesis in somites
(_______ by FGF), RA
degradation enzymes
expressed at _______
(induced by FGF)
repressed; posterior
• Decrease RA (vitamin A
deficieny) does what to FGF?
• Decrease RA (vitamin A
deficieny) increases FGF
• Excess RA causes what?
• Excess RA causes lack of
somite A/P fate determined
before or after formation
somite A/P fate determined
before formation
Deletion of Hoxc8 gene in chick embro results in what?
Lumbar----> thoracic
“posterior dominance”
What defines HOX expression pattern?
RA directly affects Hox
Somitic mesoderm produces
retinoic acid, resulting in an
posterior to anterior gradient
within the somitic mesoderm
and rhombomeres of
Describe the mechanism by which RA directly affects Hox
• retinoic acid receptors (RARs) which heterodimerize with retinoid
X receptors (RXR)
• Heterodimer acts as a transcription factor, binds to RARE
• In absence of Retinoic acid (orange) RAR interacts with corepressor,
negatively regulates transcription through deacetylation
• In presence of Retinoic acid (orange) RAR interacts with coactivator,
positively regulates transcription through acetylation
• Hox genes contain RARE (retinoic acid response elements)
Describe ways in which Retinoic acid acts as teratogens (substances which disrupt embryonic development)
• Vitamin A
• insecticides (methoprene = juvenile hormone
mimic - exposure to sunlight produces retinoic-like
breakdown product
• Accutane (acne drug) = Retinoic acid
• Women taking accutane
• 26 - normal
• 12 spontaneous abortions
• 21 abnormal births
what are the most common types of malformations after RA exposure?
Malformations to head are most common
after RA exposure
Retinoic acid is a derivative of _______.
It has very important role in signaling _______ development.
In early development, retinoic acid can cause ______ ________ of the vertebrate.
It can diffuse across plasma membranes to bind protein receptors and form an active transcription factor.
Retinoic acid interferes with the ______ expression of Hox genes.
Later, it can alter positional development in limb development.
vitamin A; vertebrate; homeotic transformation; normal
Mesoderm becomes ______ and ______. The fate of somites depend upon ____ _____ _____.
notochord and somites; adjacent tissues signals.
Dermamyotome is dorsal & lateral somites (express Pax3) and becomes the ______ (forms muscle cells) and the _______ (an epithelial sheet that forms dermis).
myotome; dermatome
Medial somites (MyoD) forms axial & back _______.
Lateral region of somites form _______ and ________ muscles
abdominal & limb muscles.
Ventral medial region of the somite contain ______ ______ (future cartilage which express Pax1) and migrate to surround the notochord and form the ________.
Notochord _______ sclerotome cells.
sclerotome cells; vertebrate; induces
From notochord transplantation experiments, an additional notochord induces what?
unsegmented pre-somitic mesoderm to produce greatly increased amount of cartilage
see fig 4.16
In the mouse,what helps to pattern the A/P axis.
FGF and retinoic acid gradients
Desribe the hierarchy of induction which ltimately leads to segmentation in vertebrates (esp. mouse)
1. D/V axis ----> A/P axis during
2. A/P axis ----> retinoic acid/FGF8 gradient
3. Retinoic acid----> A/P specific expression of
HOX genes + segmentation
4. HOX genes ----> transcription of segment
specific genes