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101 Cards in this Set

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Normal Mole
a)round w/ clearly defined border
b)tan/brown (look same from one person to another)
c)flat to raised
d)less than 5mm (pencil eraser size)
e)10-40 all over body
Dysplastic Mole
a)irregular/fading borders
b)tan/brown and red/pink (look different from one another)
c)smooth, scaly, pebbly
d)larger than 5mm to 10mm
e)100 or more
Mongolian Spots
b)most often in who?
d)other (2)
a1)bluish/black/gray spots
a2)on back, butt, shoulders, legs

b)babies w/ dark skin

c)disapperas in preschool years

d1)often mistaken for bruises
d2)congenital disorder
Milia in Infants
a)desc (2)
b)cause (2)
a1)small, white, discrete papules on face
a2)found in first 2-3months of life

b)sebaceous glands fxn in an immature fashion
b2)making them easily plugged
Sebaceous Hyperplasia in Newborn?
a)desc (2)
a1)baby acne
a2)tiny yellow macules and papules in newborn

b1)result of androgen stimulation from mother
c)on forehead, cheek, nose, chin

d)gone after within 1-2months of age
a)desc (4)
b)cause (3)
a1)stretch marks
a2)pink/silver lines on epidermis
a4)may indicate systemic disease

b1)weakening of elastic tissue
b2)associated w/ pregnancy, wt gain, rapid growth
Linea Nigra
a1)hyperpigmentation of linea nigra
a2)darkened band down center of abdomen


c)resolves spontaneously
Cherry Angioma (6desc)
1)bright red
3)domed lesions
4)on trunk
5)appear around 30yo and incr w/ age
6)no consequence just cosmetic
Seborrheic Keratosis (4)
1)most common benign epithelial tumors
2)hereditary that appear @ age 30 and incr over the years
3)starts as macule and becomes more pigmented and increases in size
4)takes on appearance of being "stuck on"
Cutaneous Horn
1)small hard projections of epidermis
Solar Lentigo (3)
1)brown macules
2)localized proliferation of melanocytes
3)due to chronic exposure to sunlight
Contact Dermatitis (2)
1)acute inflammatory rxns to substances that come into contact w/ skin
2)hypersensitivity rxn
Cellulitis (2desc and 1cause)
1)acute, spreading infexn of dermal and SQ layers
2)red, hot, tender area

1)caused by group A beta-hemolytic streptococci or staph aureus
Tinea (1desc and 4ex)
1)fungal infexn of skin
2)get from contact with animals
3)contaminated soil
4)warm humid environment
Psoriasis (4desc)
2)chronic scaling papules and plaques
3)sharply marginated lesions
4)silvery while scale
Drug Eruptions?
allergic rxn to meds that result in dermatologic manifestations
Herpes Zoster (SHINGLES) (3desc)
1)unilateral pain
2)vesicular/bullous eruption limited to a dermatome
3)1/3 as contagious as varicella
Herpes Simplex (3)
1)grouped vesicles
2)erythematous base on skin
3)very painful
Basal Cell Carcinoma desc (3)
a1)most common type of skin cancer
a2)malignant tumor that is locally invasive
a3)not very metastatic
Squamos Cell Carcinoma (5desc)
1)malignant tumor
2)on epithelium and mucous membranes
3)arises from exogenous carcinogens (mostly UV)
4)lots on upper lip/nose/ear and left hand/ear due to driving
5)erosive ("rat eaten area")
Malignant Melanoma (4)
1)worst skin cancer
2)develops from melanocytes and metastasizes
3)look for sores that do NOT heal and a persistant lump/swelling
4)has different dimensions (flat/raised)
Impetigo (2desc and 2causes)
1)superficial infection of epidermis
2)CRUSTED erosions

1)caused by staph aureaus
2)caused by strep pyogens
Solar Keratosis (Actinic Keratosis) (4)
1)precanceous lesions
2)dry, rough scaly lesions
3)occurs on sun exposed skin
4)can develop into squamos cell
Cafe au Lait Spots (4)
1)flat, evenly pigmented spots
2)brown or black
3)larger than 5mm in diameter
4)present @ birth or shortly thereafter
Port-Wine stain (3)
1)vascular malformation of dermal blood vessels
2)present at birth and never disappears completely
3)congenital defect
Folliculitis (3desc and 2treatment)
1)infexn of upper portion of hair follicle
2)caused by staph aureus
3)shaving/hair extraction is cause

1)treat by oral/topical Abx
2)or don't shave
Furuncle (3desc and 1ex)
1)deep seated
2)red, tender nodule
3)very painful

1)caused by staph aureus
2)no penicillin b/c resistant
Carbuncle (3desc and tx)
1)deeper infection than furnucle
2)comprised of interconnecting abscesses arising in several hair follicles
3)caused by staph aureus

1)no penicillin b/c resistant
Corn (3)
1)PAINFUL lesion w/ smooth hard surface
2)caused by pressure of bony prominence against softer tissue
3)make sure pt is wearing right size shoe
Callus (3)
1)superficial area of hyperkeratosis
2)occurs on WEIGHT-BEARING areas of feet/palms
Warts (4desc and 1tx)
1)verucca vulgaris
2)spread from skin-to-skin contact
3)cause by minor trauma w/ breaks in epidermis
4)caused by HPV

1)tx is do nothing and warts will disappear in a year
Pityriasis Rosea**** (4)
1)starts with SINGLE HERALD patch lesion on trunk
2)resolves in 6wks w/o therapy
3)misdx a lot and cause is unknown
4)looks like ringworm
Eczema (3desc and 1tx)
1)chronic inflammation of the epidermis/dermis due to skin allergies
2)often in ppl w/ a personal/family history of hay fever, asthma, allergy

1)tx is cortisone
Scabies/Skin Mites (4)
1)intraepidermal burrow is the pathognomonic sign of scabies
2)usually other members of family will have it
3)pustular lesions of palms, webs of fingers
4)crusted and scaling or blistering rashes
Male pattern pubic hair

Female pattern pubic hair
Male is triangle

Female is upside down triangle
Scarring Alopecia
a)results from...
a)skin diseases (tinea) that cause destruction of hair follicles

b)needs oral antifungal
Traction Alopecia cause
due to prolonged tension of hair (braids etc)
Hirsutism (2)
1)male pattern hair growth on face, body and pubic area in women
2)incr adipose tissue (obesity) can cause this
a)how transmitted (3)
a)direct head-to-head contact and sharing of grooming items (lice canNOT jump/hop/fly)
b)eggs are grayish-white-brown
c)eggs resistant to pesticides and need to be removed w/ nit-comb
Black/green nail color causes (3)
3)injury (can also cause splinter hemmorrhages)
Yellow nails caused by... (3)
2)fungal infexn
3)respiratory diseases
White nails caused by... (2)
2)cuticle manipulation
3)picking @ nails as nervous habit
Separation of nail bed causes what? (3)
1)white/yellow/green tinge
2)on nonadherent portion of nail
3)fix by putting hole in nail
____ indicate poor grooming of nails and can...
1)jaggen, broken, bitten edges

can predispose that pt to infexn
Examine ____ and ____ for ingrown nails/infexn and ____ will be present
proximal and lateral nail folds

____ nails may indicate clubbing
boddy (not firm)
Paronychia (2)
1)inflammation or infexn of the nail
2)often has purulent drainage (pus)
Tinea Unguium (3desc and 1tx)
1)fungal infexn of nail
2)nail turns yellow/white
3)FLAKES OFF (or crumbles)

1)treat for 3months (w/ Lamisil) then will clear up after a year
Subungual Hematoma (3desc and 1tx)
1)bruise/trauma to nail plate causing bleeding under nail
2)causes separation of nail from nail bed
3)will remain until nail grows out

1)drill hole to release pressure
Habit-tic Deformity? (2)
1)caused by biting/picking at the nail
2)results in horizontal grooving
Onycholysis (1desc and 6causes)
1)loosening of nail plate w/ separation of the nail from nail plate

1)minor trauma
5)allergic contact dermatitis
Crepitus is...
a)immovable joints
b)slightly movable joints
c)movable joints (synovial joints)
a)fixed as a result of fibrous tissue (skull)

b)fibrocartilage joins the articulating bones (pubic)

c)bone structures come in contact w/ each other
a)Hinge joint
b)Pivot joint
c)Condyloid joint
a)permits movement in one axis (elbow)
b)permits rotation in one axis along the shaft of bone (proximal radioulnar joint--think cerebellum test)
c)permits movement in 2 axes (wrist)
a)Saddle joint
b)Ball-and-Socket joint
c)Plane joint
a)articular joints are saddle shaped (thumb)
b)motion is possible in many axes (hip/shoulders)
c)articular surfaces are flat and one bone rides over the other (patellofemoral joint)
Passive ROM?
motion elicited by the examiner's moving the pt's body
Active ROM?
and how is joint motion measured?
motion the pt performs as a result of moving the musculature

in degrees of a circle
FIRST Six basic types of joint motion
1)flexion: motion away from 0 position
2)extension: motion toward the zero position

3)dorsiflexion: movement in direction of dorsal surface
4)plantar flexion: movement in direction of plantar surface

5)adduction: movement toward midline (add to body)
6)abduction: movement away from midline
SECOND Six basic types of joint motion
1)inversion: turning plantar surface of foot inward
2)eversion: turning of the plantar surface of foot outward

3)internal rotation: turning of anterior surface of a limb inward
4)external rotation: turning of the anterior surface of a limb outward

5)pronation: rotation so that the palmar surface of the hand is directed downward
6)supination: rotation so the palmar surface of hand is directed upward (hold bowl of soup)
Grading Muscle Strength (6)
0) no evidence of mvmnt
1) trace of mvmnt
2) full ROM, but not against gravity
3) full ROM against gravity but not against resistance
4) full ROM against gravity and some resistance, but weak
5) full ROM against gravity and full resistance
When assessing should strength and "shrugging the shoulders against resistance" hurts then...
damage to CN11
Location of DIP/PIP/MIP
DIP is in finger and furthest from palm

PIP is in finger and in middle of finger

MIP is in finger and close to palm
Anatomically correct for hands =
palms towards ceiling if laying down
Adduction/Abduction of ankle measured by....
Most prominent vertabrat in back (2)
Lordosis? (3)
NORMAL bending in neck/lower back

Excess Lordosis seen in:
Kyphosis (2)
NORMAL upper back that bends over

Excess Kyphosis seen in:
aging adults
TMJ syndrome
a)symptoms (4)
b)causes (4)
c)tx (4)
a1)painful jaw mvmnt w/ dull pain and tenderness in TMJ area
a2)HA on waking
a3)tenderness of jaw muscles
a4)jaws get stuck or lock

b1)lost or crooked teeth
b3)teeth that fit together poorly (malocclusion)
b4)degenerative arthritis

c3)decr movement/mouth guard
c4)stress reduction
Trigger Finger
b)symptoms (2)
a)painless nodule in flexor tendon in palm, near head of metacarpal

b1)finger extends w/ palpable/audible snap as nodule pops into tendon sheath
b2)gets stuck going back up
Dupuytren's Contracture
a)what is it/cause (2)
b)symptoms (2)
a1)flexion contractures in the ring, 5th and 3rd fingers
a2)caused by thickening of the palmar fascia

b1)thickened plaque overlying the flexor tendon of ring finger @ distal palmar crease
b2)thickened fibrotic cord develops b/w palm and finger
a)what is it
b)what causes it
c)symptoms (2)
a)inflammation of tendon sheath
b)puncture wounds/infexn

c1)tenderness/swelling develops ALONG COURSE OF TENDON SHEATH
c2)digits are held in slight flexion and attempts to extend it are very painful
De Quervain's Tenosynovitis
a)big thing about it
c)symptoms (2)
d)positive test for it
b)tenosynovitis due to narrowness of tendon sheath

c2)pain at base of thumb

d)have pt flex thumb and close fingers over it, move hand into ulnar deviation (if pain then + test)

e)radial splint
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
a)sx (3)
b)caused by...
c)onset related to...
d)tx (3)
a1)pain/numb on ventral surface of hand (especially @ night)
a2)problems w/ thumb, 1st, 3rd finger
a3)weak abduction

c)repitive motion

Thenar Atrophy (2)
1)muscular atrophy localized to the thenar eminence
2)hypothenar atrophy suggests an ulnar nerve disorder
Tinel's Sign*****
a)assess's ____
b)useful in dx of...
b)positive test is...
a)median nerve
b)carpal tunnel
c)pt will complain of electric sensation/pain into thumb, index, middle, ring fingers WHEN percussing skin over median nerve
Phalen's Manuver*****
a)assess's _____
b)useful in dx of...
c)positive test is....
a)median nerve
b)carpal tunnel
c)FLEX WRIST: pain/tingle to thumb, index, middle, ring fingers within 60s of wrist flexion
Epicondylitis (lateral)
a)other names (2)
b)sx (3)
a1)tennis elbow
a2)lateral epicondylitis

b1)follows repititive extension of wrist or protonation/supination of forearm
b2)pain over lateral epicondyle
b3)pain incr w/ extension of wrist against resistance

Epicondylitis (medial)
a)other names (3)
a)pitchers, golfers, little league elbow
b1)follows repitive wrist flexion (like throwing)
b2)pain over medial epicondyle
b3)pain incr w/ flexion of wrist

Tennis elbow tx (4)
2)RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation)
4)stop aggrevating factors
a)other name
b)cause/involves (4)
a)rotator cuff (impingent syndrome)
b1)repeated shoulder motion (throw/swim)
b3)pt complains of sharp pain/weakness when lifting arm overhead
b4)have pt hold hand/arms out and have em press against your hands as your press down (WILL GET PAIN)
Supraspinatus (Rotator Cuff) Strain
a)active ROM is...
b)cause/sx (2)
c)drop arm test?
b1)due to falls/overuse causing partial or complete tear
b2)will see shrugging of should in complete tear

c)pt unable to oppose even gentle downward force on arm held @ 90degrees
a)what is it
a)inflammation of A bursa (bursa sac that sits b/w 2 bones/joints)
b)often caused by overuse of joint
c)pain w/ movement/rotation and inability to perform certain movements
Shoulder Bursitis (3)
1)subacromial bursitis
2)abduction of should compresses bursa
3)tenderness just below tip of acromion and pain w/ abduction and rotation
Olecranon bursitis (2)
1)swelling over olecranon
Trochanteric bursitis

Infrapatellar bursitis

Prepatellar bursitis
1)swelling of trochanteric bursa on greater trochanter of femur

1)swelling of tibial tubercle

1)swelling over patella FROM EXCES KNEELING ("housemaid's knee")
Trendelenburg sign (4)******
1)detects weakness of hip abductor muscles
2)pt balances on "good leg" and the pelvis on opposite side elevates
3)pt balances on "bad leg"--a + test will have the pelvis/butt fatt on opposite side
4)if iliac crest drops on side of lifted leg, the hip abductor muscles on wt-bearing side are weak
1)used to determine presence of fluid or effusion in knee
McMurray test (3)*****
1)used to detect a torn medial or lateral meniscus (cartilage in knee)
2)flex knee completely, rotate foot to lateral position and keeping foot in that position, extend knee to 90degrees
3)flex knee again and repeat procedure w/ foot in medial position
Anterior Drawer Test
a)test for...
b)how to do (4)
a)ACL tear
b1)w/ pt supine (laying down), hips flexed and knees flexed to 90degrees and feet flat on table
b2)cup your hands around knee w/ your thumbs on the medial and lateral joint line and fingers on medial/lateral insertions of the hamstrings
b3)draw the tibia forward and see if it slides forward from under femur
b4)compare both knees and a movement greater than 5mm is +
Posterior drawer test
a)test for...
b)how to do (3)
a)PCL tear
b1)position pt and place your hands in position desc in anterior drawer test
b2)push the tibia posteriorly and observe the degree of backward movement in femur
b3)movement of knee greater than 5mm is +
VALGUS stress test (5)
1)test stability of MCL
2)move thigh about 30degrees laterally to side of table
3)place one hand against the lateral knee to stabilize femur and other around medial ankle
4)push medially against knee and pull laterally at angle to open knee joint on medial side
5)LAXITY indicates injury to MCL
VARUS stress test (4)
1)test stability of LCL
2)place one hand against the medial surface of knee and the other around the lateral ankle
3)push laterally against the knee and pull medially at the ankle to open knee joint on lateral side
4)LAXITY indicates injury to MCL
Ligament connects
bone to bone
Tendon connects
muscle to bone
Baker's Cyst (2)
1)distension of gastrocnemius (calf) bursa
2)located in popliteal fossa (behind knee)
Genu Varum
a)other name
b)many infants have for 18mo then knock knees up to 3yo and corrects by 9-10yo
c)most cases it requires NO TX
Genu Valgum?
Tendinitis (achilles especially)
a)sx (2)
b)tx (2)
a1)tenderness/thickness of tendon above calcaneus
a2)causes pain w/ walking

b)tx (2)
a2)tear to muscle
a3)most common in: hamstring, quadriceps, calf

b2)muscle strengthening
Sprain (ankle)
b)sx (2)
a2)most commonly involves: anterior talofibular ligament, calcaneofibular, posterior talofibular
a3)usually an INVERSION INJURY

b2)limited fxn
Ankle Sprain tx (4)
3)ROM exercises
4)avoid stress on it