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12 Cards in this Set

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What are secondary immune compromised states?
Those caused by illness or a normal physiologic state like aging or pregnancy.
How do primary immune deficiencies present?
Unusual or recurrent, severe infections
How do B cell deficiencies present?
Microorganisms sensitive to antibodies- encapsulated bacteria (Strep pheumoniae, H. influenzae, sinus/ear/GI infections)
What are examples of B cell deficiencies?
Bruton gammaglobulinemia, autosomal agammaglobulinemia, X-linked hyper-IgM syndrome, IgG subclass deficiency, common variable immune deficiency
How do T cell deficiencies present?
Fungal, viral, intracellular bacterial infections
What are examples of T cell deficiencies?
DiGeorge Syndrome, chronic mucotaneous candidiasis
What are s/s of combined T and B cell deficiencies?
No tonsils, thymus, no T/B/phagocytes- frequently incompatible with life
What are examples of combined T/B deficiencies?
Reticular disgenisis (most severe), ADA deficiency, X-linked SCID (most common), bare lymphocyte syndrome, Wiscott-Aldrich Syndrome (no IgM, get TCP), ataxia-telangiectasia (no IgA)
How do complement deficiencies present?
Recurrent disseminated Nisseria infections, esp gonorrhea and meningitis
What are examples of complement deficiencies?
C3 (most severe), MBL deficiency (polysaccharide capsule vulnerability), C9 deficiency (Japanese, asymptomatic)
What are examples of phagocytic deficiencies?
Severe congenital neutropenias (cyclic neutropenia- milder), leukocyte adhesion deficiency, C3 receptor deficiency (bac skin infections), Chediak-Higashi (G+ skin inf)
What are treatments for immune deficiencies?
Gamma-globulin therapy, transplantation, transfusion, soluble immune mediators, gene therapy