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118 Cards in this Set

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major endocrine glands

functions of endocrine glands

secrete hormones directly to blood

function of exocrine glands

secrete into a duct, such as mucus, serous gland or pancreatic digestive enzymes

hormones are

chemical messengers that are classified by action, source or chemical structures

hormones that affect blood glucose levels

insulin, glucagon, epinephrine, cortisol and growth hormone

hypothalamus, oxytocin, pituitary, thymus, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal cortex, adrenal medulla, pancreas, pineal gland, ovaries and testis are...

how hormones are classified by source

steroid and nonsteroid are...

how hormones are classified by chemical structures

lipids that enter cell and nucleus and act directly in nucleus to engage in transcription (messenger RNA)


need second messenger system to finally activate formation of mRNA


the release of hormones from glands is most frequently controlled by

negative feedback

negative feedback mechanism with glucose, insulin and glucagon

hypothalamic-releasing hormones

source= hypothalamus

primary effects = stimuli to anterior pituitary to release specific hormone

hypothalamic-inhibiting hormones

source= hypothalamus

primary effects = decrease release of specific hormone by anterior pituitary

growth hormone (GH, somatotropin)

source= pituitary anterior lobe (adenohypophysis)

primary effects = stimulates protein synthesis

adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

source= adenohypophysis

primary effects = stimulates adrenal cortex to secrete primary cortisol

thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)

source = adenohypophysis

primary effects = stimulates thyroid glad

follicle stimulating hormone

source= adenohypophysis

primary effects = (women) stimulates growth of ovarian follicles and estrogen secretion

(men) stimulates sperm production

luteinizing hormone (LH)

source= adenohypophysis

primary effects = (women) stimulates maturation of ovum and ovulation

(men) stimulates secretion of testosterone

prolactin (PRL)

source = adenohypophysis

primary effects = stimulates breast milk production during lactation

antidiuretic hormone (ADH or vasopression)

source= post pituitary (neurohypophysis)

primary effects = increases reabsorption of H2O by kidneys

oxytocin (OT)

source= neurohypophysis

primary effects = stimulates contraction of uterus after delivery and stimulates breast milk ejection during lactation


source = pancreas (beta cells of islets of Langerhans )

primary effects = transport of glucose and other substances into cells

lowers blood glucose levels


source = pancreas (alpha cells)

primary effects = glycogenolysis in liver. increases blood glucose levels

parathyroid hormone (PTH)

source = parathyroid gland

primary effects = increases blood calcium levels by stimulating bone demineralization and increasing absorption of calcium in digestive tract and kidneys


source = thyroid glad

primary effects = decrease release of calcium from bone to lower blood calcium levels

thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3)

source = thyroid gland

primary effects= increases metabolic rate in all cells


source= adrenal cortex

primary effects = increases sodium and water reabsorption in kidneys


source= adrenal cortex

primary effects= anti inflammatory and decreases immune response

catabolic effect on tissue; stress response


source = adrenal medulla

primary effects = general vasoconstriction


source = adrenal medulla

primary effects = stress response. visceral and cutaneous vasoconstriction. vasodilation of skeletal muscle. increase rate and force of heart contractions. bronchodilation

those hormones of anterior pituitary gland that affect growth, nutrition, or function of other endocrine glands. (ex: TRH, ACTH)

Tropic hormones

hormones formed by tissues outside normal endocrine site of production. (ex: adrenocorticotropic hormone produced by bronchogenic carcinoma)

ectopic hormone

insulin is what kind of hormone

anabolic hormone

building up or synthesis of complex substances from simple molecules


insulin defect results in

abnormal carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism because the transport of glucose and amino acids into cells is impaired, as well as the synthesis of protein and glycogen

more severe form of diabetes

type 1

type 1 diabetes

absolute deficit of insulin

acute complications most likely to occur with type 1 diabetes

hypoglycemia or ketoacidosis

type 1 diabetes is major factor predisposing...

strokes (cerebrovascular accident), myocardial infarction, peripheral vascular disease, amputation, kidney failure and blindness

diabetes based on decreased effectiveness of insulin or relative deficit of insulin

type 2

decreased pancreatic beta cell production of insulin, increased resistance by body cells to insulin, increased production of glucose by liver

types of abnormalities involved with type 2 diabetes

how is type 2 diabetes controlled?

regulating dietary intake

increase use of glucose, such as with exercise

reduce insulin resistance

stimulating beta cells of pancreas to produce more insulin

early manifestation of type 2

diabetes prediabetes

slow onset type 1 autoimmune diabetes

latent autoimmune diabetes in adults

rare form of diabetes caused by mutation in an autosomal dominant gene

maturity onset diabetes of the young

diabetes not related to blood sugar levels, but an insensitivity of kidneys to ADH

diabetes insipidus

general comparison of type 1 and type 2 diabetes

sequence of events for an insulin defect

1. initial stage

2. progressive effects

initial stage of insulin defect

1. results in decreased transportation and use of glucose in many cells

2. hyperglycemia

3. glucosuria

4. polyuria due to glucose in urine exerting osmotic pressure in filtrate, resulting in large volume of urine to be excreted with loss of Na and K

5. fluid loss through urine and high blood glucose levels draw water from cells, resulting in dehydration

6. dehydration causes polydipsia

7. polyphagia due to lack of nutrients in cells

progressive effects of insulin defect

1. diabetic ketoacidosis (more common in type 1)

2. ketonuria

3. as dehydration develops, glomerular filtration rate in kidneys is decreased, and excretion of acids is more limited, resulting in decompensated metabolic acidosis

4. diabetic coma

lack of glucose in cells results in

catabolism of fats and proteins

catabolism of fats and proteins leads to

excessive amounts of fatty acids and their metabolites, known as ketones or ketoacids in blood

treatment for diabetes

1. diet and exercise

2. oral medication to increase insulin secretion or reduce insulin resistance

3. insulin replacement

risk of exercising too much with diabetes


diabetes complications may result from

variations of diet and exercise, presence of infection or alcohol use.

acute complications

1. hypoglycemia (insulin shock) causes defect of glucose in blood (usually occurs in type 1)

2. hypoglycemia affects nervous system, because neurons can't use fats or proteins as energy source

1 group of signs related to impaired neurologic functions resulting from hypoglycemia

poor coordination, slurred speech, poor concentration, staggering gait

second group of signs related to hypoglycemia stimulating sympathetic nervous system

increased pulse rate, pale moist skin, anxiety and tremors

if hypoglycemia is left untreated can lead to

loss of consciousness, seizures and death

hypoglycemic shock

development of ketoacidosis

S&S of DKA are related to

dehydration, metabolic acidosis and electrolyte imbalance

ketoacidosis leads to

kussmaul respiration, acetone breath (sweet fruity smell) , lethargy, decreased responsiveness, depression of CNS, and decreased blood flow

hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic coma develops frequently in patients with

type 2 diabetes

chronic complications

vascular problems



capillary basement membranes become thick and hard, causing obstruction or rupture of capillaries and small arteries, resulting in tissue necrosis and loss of function


leading cause of blindness for diabetic patient


diabetic nephropathy, or vascular degeneration in kidney glomeruli eventually leads to

chronic renal failure

affects large arteries, leading to high incidences of heart attack, strokes, and peripheral vascular disease in diabetics


obstruction of arteries in legs frequently results in

ulcers on feet and legs that are slow to heal

peripheral neuropathy leads to

impaired sensation, numbness, tingling, weakness and muscle wasting

neuropathy results from

ischemia and altered metabolic processes

diabetic retinopathy in eye

retina from a case of advanced diabetic microangiopathy showing several aneurysms

diabetic nephrosclerosis in bisected kidney

neuropathic diabetic foot ulcer

periodontal disease in diabetic

candidiasis in right axilla with satellite pustules

potential complications of diabetes mellitus

hypoparathyroidism leads to


hypocalcemia affects

nerve and muscle functions

hypocalcemia results in

weak cardiac muscle contractions and increased excitability of nerves, leading to skeletal muscle twitch

hyperparathyroidism may be caused by

adenoma, hyperplasia or secondary renal failure

hyperparathyroidism causes


hypercalcemia leads to

forceful cardiac contractions

and predisposition to kidney stones

increased parathyroid hormone (PTH) causes calcium to

leave bone, leading to osteoporosis, weakening bone so it fractures easily

most common cause of pituitary disorders

benign adenomas

diabetes insipidus results from

deficit of ADH

inappropriate antidiuretic hormone syndrome is due to

excess ADH

thyroid disorders may result from

pituitary or thyroid gland dysfunction

enlargement of thyroid gland, visible on anterior neck


goiters are caused by

various hypothyroid and hyperthyroid conditions

low iodine levels is related to

hypothyroid condition, and leads to low T3 and T4 production and increase in TSH from pituitary, producing hyperplasia and hypertrophy in thyroid gland

hyperthyroid condition resulting from hyperactivity of thyroid gland, perhaps due to excessive stipulation by TSH, which produces large nodular gland

toxic goiter

graves' disease is form of

hyperthyroidism, with increased T3 and T4 secretions

hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid gland feedback mechanism with thyroid hormone

acute situation in a patient with uncontrolled hyperthyroidism, usually precipitated by infection or surgery

thyroid storm or thyrotoxic crisis

why is thyroid storm life threatening?

because results in hyperthermia, tachycardia, heart failure and delirium

general comparison of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism

hyperthyroidism showing exophtalmos

type of hypothyroidism that is a destructive autoimmune disorder

hashimoto's thyroiditis

severe hypothyroidism in adults, nonpitting edema


acute hypothyroidism resulting in hypotension, hypoglycemia, hypothermia, loss of consciousness, life threatening complication

myxedema coma

benign tumor of adrenal medulla that secretes epinephrine, norepinephrine, and sometimes other substances


disease caused by excessive amount of glucocorticoids (e.g. hydrocortisone or cortisol)

cushings syndrome

excess glucocorticoids may result from

*adrenal adenoma

*pituitary adenoma (cushings disease)

*etopic carcinoma that causes paraneoplastic syndrome

*iatrogenic conditions, such as administration of large amount of glucocorticoids for many chronic inflammatory conditions

essential for stress response and essential for life


characteristic physical changes with cushings syndrome

1. moon face

2. buffalo hump

3. fragile skin

4. osteoporosis

5. increased gluconeogenesis and insulin resistance (leads to glucose intolerance and then diabetes)

6. retention of sodium and water (leading to hypertension, edema, and possibly hyperkalemia)

7. suppressed immune response and inflammatory response

8. stimulating erythrocyte production

9. emotional lability and euphoria

disease caused by deficiency of adrenocortical secretions, the glucocorticoids, mineralcorticoids, and androgens

Addisons disease

major effects of hormonal defects of Addisons disease

decreased blood glucose levels, poor stress response, fatigue, weight loss, and frequent infections

what results from mineralcorticoid (aldosterone) defect, which could lead to cardiac arrhythmia and failure?

low serum sodium concentration, decreased blood volume, and hypotension, accompanied by high potassium levels

other manifestations of Addisons disease

decreased body hair due to lack of androgens and hyperpigmentation in extremities, skin creases, buccal mucosa, and tongue, because of increased ACTH resulting from low cortisol secretion

cushings syndrome, adrenal cortical adenoma

cushings syndrome causes and feedback effects

typical appearance of person with cushings syndrome

early signs of insulin defect

progressive signs of insulin defect

vascular problems with diabetes