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17 Cards in this Set

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What are the risk factors for MI: Myocardial Infarction?

1. CAD

2. HTN

3. HLD

4. DM

5. Smoker

6. FHx of CAD <55 y.o

What are the risk factors for Afib: Atrial Fibrillation?

Paroxysmal A fib, Chronic A fib

What are the risk factors for PE: Pulmonary Embolism?

1. DVT

2. PMHx of DVT

3. PMHx of PE

4. FHx of PE

5. Recent Surgery

6. Cancer

7. A-fib

8. Immobility

9. Pregnancy

10. BCP

11. Pregnancy

What are the risk factors for PNA: Pneumonia?

1. Elderly

2. Bedridden

3. Recent Chest Injury

4. Recent Surgery

What are the risk factors for COPD: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease?


What are the risk factors for Ischemic CVA: Cerebrovascular Accident?

1. HTN

2. HLD

3. DM

4. hx TIA/CVA

5. Smoking

6. FHx CVA

7. Afib

What are the risk factors for AMS: Altered Mental State?

1. Diabetic

2. Elderly

3. Demented

4. EtOH use

5. Drug Use

What are the risk factors for SBO: Small Bowel Obstruction?

1. Elderly

2. Infants

3. Abdominal surgery

4. Narcotic Pain Medication

Why are the elderly and infants at risk for SBO: Small Bowel Obstruction?

Because they have poor digestion

What are the risk factors for Diverticulitis?

Diverticulitis, advanced age

What are the risk factors for Pancreatitis?

EtOH abuse, Cholecystitis, specific medications

What are the risk factors for UTIs: Urinary Tract Infections?

Being female

What are the risk factors for Pyelonephritis?

Being female, frequent UTIs

What are the risk factors for ectopic pregnancy?

1. Pregnant females (HCG +)

2. PID

What are the risk factors for Epistaxis (Nosebleed)?

1. Blood thinners (Coumadin, Warfarin, ASA, Plavix)

2. HTN

What are the risk factors for DVT: Deep Vein Thrombosis?

1. PMHx of DVT or PE

2. FHx of DVT

3. Recent Surgery

4. Cancer

5. Immobility

6. Pregnancy

7. BCP

8. Smoking

9. LE Trauma

10. LE Casts

What are the risk factors for DKA: Diabetic Ketoacidosis

DM: Diabetes Mellitus