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64 Cards in this Set

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Blood volume 55% ____________.
Blood volume 45% ____________.
Cells and elements.
Viscosity of blood
Made up of Erythrocytes and Leukocytes
Males have higher values due to increased muscle mass and O2 demand
Elevation indicates dehydration or excessive RBC production
Clear fluid remaining after solutes except for fibrinogen removed:
Fluid remaining after cells and fibrinogen have been removed:
immature RBC:
Hormone released by the kidneys when oxygen levels are low. Stimulates proerythroblasts from stem cells in the bone marrow:
Erythropoieten (EPO)
___________ gives red color.
___________ is colorless protein.
Heme gives red color
Globulin is colorless protein
On RBCs, C02 carried mostly as:
a bicarbonate ion
RBC breakdown; What happens to Iron and by products of RBCs?
Iron can be reabsorbed and stored in the liver as ferritin.
Balance of the heme is converted to bilirubin and transferred to the liver.
What are the two types of Bilirubin?
Conjugated (Direct) and Unconjugated (Indirect).
Describe Conjugated (Direct) Bilirubin:
Excreted in bile
Describe Unconjucated (Indirect) Bilirubin:
Transported bound to serum albumin
Normally it is conjugated in the liver w/ glucuronic acid to make it water-soluable but it remains as plasma soluable when not conjugated
Describe the hemolysis process and jaundice:
Destruction of RBCs can cause jaundice
Due to too many cells in circulation, liver cannot conjugate all of them fast enough and they return to circulation unconjugated (see page 283 –Porth)
Can lead to jaundice of the eye and skin and potential neurological damage from excess bilirubin the brain
Bili lights in infants help congugate bilirubin and excrete in the bile
Excessive destruction of RBCs through hemolysis:
Hemolytic Anemia
Blood Clotting...
Hemostasis requires three steps
-Immediate response of vasoconstriction and/or vasospasms. Helps platelet plug form by decreasing blood flow.
-Thrombocytes (platelets) form to make platelet plug and adhere to the tissue if the vessel is small.
-Clot formation is created in larger vessels required a more complex process (see next slide).
ASA(aspirin) prevents cohesion of thrombocytes and other tissues, increases bleeding risk.
Hemostasis has these two pathways:
Intrinsic & Extrinsic Pathways.
Intrinsic Pathway: activated by endothelial injury of a blood vessel.
Extrinsic pathway: activated by tissue and platelet injury.
What does heparin do? Pathway?
Heparin blocks prothrombin from becoming thrombin (Extrinsic).
What does Coumadin do? Pathway?
Coumadin blocks sequence of prothrombin and Vitamin K synthesis (Intrinsic)
What does Streptokinase do?
Streptokinase (tPA) and ASA blocks at end of sequence, no clot is formed

tPA works best on clots that are recently formed
What test determines if antibodies are present in the mother during the pregnancy for Rho?
Coombs test.
Symptoms of Transfusion Rx:
Hypertension and Tachycardia
Fever and chills
Chest pain
Abdominal Pain
Warmth in blood vessel
Flushed face
An increase in WBC.
Often elevated with bacterial infections and inflammation.
What is a CBC?
RBC indices:

Differential must be selected, not an automatic of a CBC
MCV - Mean Corpuscular Volume
Measures the size of RBCs &
the volume of a single cell occupied by oxygen:

Distinguishes whether anemia is present, what type it is, and what the cause of anemia might be:
MCV is not an accurate marker of:
Not an acute marker of blood loss, may be normal with acute blood loss
What is an accurate marker of acute blood loss?
Hgb/Hct is an accurate marker of acute blood loss
What are the value ranges for MCV?
Microcytic anemia<80 fL
Normocytic anemia 80-100 fL
Macrocytic anemia>100 fL
fL unit = femtoliter
MCHC - Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration:
Measures how tight the Hgb is packed into the RBC (32-38%)
The smaller the cell, the higher the concentration
Decreased- Thalassemmia
MCH - Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin:
Normal values?
Measures the amount of Iron in cell:
Hypochromatic (lack of color) – IDA, Thalassemia, or chronic blood loss
Normochromic – Acute blood loss, renal or bone marrow failure, or hypometabolic states
Hyperchromic – Alcoholism, B12, Folic Acid deficiency or Estrogen administration
Reticulocyte count
Immature blood cells, released within 48 hrs of stimulation to marrow – erythropoesis
Normal Values (.5-1.5%)
Part of RBC evaluation, but not part of a routine CBC
Reticulocyte count helps determine:
Helps determine adequate bone marrow function/response
Anemia is defined as:
Caused by:
a low Hgb.

Reduced production by the bone marrow
Reduced stimulation by kidneys
Excessive blood loss or destruction
With anemia, compensation occurs:
Compensation occurs with increased HR and peripheral vasoconstriction.
Signs and symptoms of low Hgb include:
Chest pain, ischemia, CHF
Stomatitis, Chelitis, Ulcers
Types of anemia:
Microcytic – MCV <80 -TICS
Iron Deficiency
Chronic Disease

Macrocytic – MCV >100 -FLABS
Folic Acid Deficiency
Liver Disease
B12 Deficiency

Hemolytic –Normal MCV value with slight increase in reticulocytes
Premature destruction of RBC
Increase in erythropoiesis
MCV measures:
whether there is enough reticulocytes (bone marrow function)
Microcytic Anemia (TICS):

Hereditary Disorder, Genetic defect of one of the alleles to chromosome 16

A reduction in synthesis of either alpha or beta globin chains chains leading to a reduction in the production of Hgb A (Normal concentration is 97%).

A reduction in both chains often leads to death before age 5

Skeletal abnormalities, FTT, liver failure, pallor and fatigue present

Greek and Italian descent -Beta
Describe Hemoglobin changes at birth:
At Birth – Hgb F (fetal) is approx 70% of volume- reflects a higher oxygen affinity and promotes oxygen across the placenta
Changes quickly to Hgb (A) within 8-10 weeks
Within 6-12 months, all Hgb F is Hgb A
With sickle cell, the Hgb F has been changed to Hgb S
Electrophoresis testing to determine Hgb Sub types (A, F, S, etc)
What are the two types of Thalassemia:
Major and minor
Describe Thalassemia major:

Marked growth failure, often seen by 6-9 months

Severely jaundiced, delayed developmental milestones
Prone to infections, organ failure, thrombocytic events, bone fractures

Transfusions frequent, early death

Hgb F level is 40-60-%
Describe Thalassemia minor:

No expression of severe traits

May often c/o fatigue, pallor or other non-specific complaints

Normal Ferritin and RDW levels* (diagnostic for Thalassemia vs. normal anemia. Iron would be low with normal anemia)

Low MCV (<80)*

 RBC count normal-high (>5)

Hgb F level <10% but >3%

Basophilic stippling on peripheral smear
Describe Iron-Deficiency Anemia:
MCV <80

Low Hgb (<12 women and <13 men)
Iron is needed for RBC Synthesis
Gives shape and size to allow O2 molecules to adhere to surface

Most common nutritional deficiency worldwide

Incidence is higher in Hispanic and African American living in United States (19-22%)
Clinical Presentation of IDA:
Children - diet poor and rapid growth demands, appear weak, pale bulbar conjunctivae, skin

Adults- bleeding from the GI tract, mal-absorption syndromes, heavy menses, Cancer (hypermetabolic state) pregnancy, celiac disease

Onset - slow, allows for compensation to occur

Elderly often have slow, insidious onset, may look like “typical aging” like fatigue and mental slowness, symptoms of CHF, dizziness
Complete Blood Count (CBC) indicating IDA:
RBC -low
Hgb -low
Hct -low
MCV – low
MCHC - low
RDW –increased due to increased variation of cell shapes from the lack of iron
What other diagnostic tests are there for IDA?
Ferritin levels.
Lower reflecting the need for more Fe in the circulation and bone marrow
Reflects stored iron in the liver
lead toxicity (heme synthesis impairment from damage to bone marrow from lead):
Basophilic stippling. Test: Peripheral Smear
pale center of cells (lack iron which gives cell vibrant red color)
Hypochromatic Test: Peripheral Smear
Erythrocytes indices:
microcytic or macrocytic Test: Peripheral Smear
varying sizes of cells with lack of iron (indicated by the increased RDW values):
Anisocytosis Test: Peripheral Smear
varying shapes of cells with lack of iron:
Poikilocytosis Test: Peripheral Smear
Target cells:
Sickle cell, Thalassemia minor, Liver disease Test: Peripheral Smear
Caused by impaired DNA synthesis that creates enlarged red cells due to impaired cell division & maturation:
Megaloblastic Anemias
Test for Megaloblastic Anemias? Value?
MCV >100fL
Causes of Megaloblastic Anemias? Acronym?
Folic acid deficiency
Liver Disease
B12 Deficiency
Pernicious anemia:
Deficit of B12 in diet or absorption
Pernicious anemia RBCs:
Large, immature erythrocytes
Pernicious anemia processes secondary deseases:
Loss of B12 absorption from diet in GI tract due to intrinsic factor insufficiency in the lower ileum (bind together to allow absorption)
Loss of stomach acid delays protein breakdown and may also lead to IDA from poor absorption of iron
Pernicious anemia RBC shape, lifespan, and affect on nerves?
Oval shape instead of biconcave
Lifespan is a few weeks instead of a few months
Leads to a lower erythrocyte count (RBC)
Demyelination of nerves from lack of B12
Leads to loss of nerve conduction and impulses
Autoimmune, genetics and infectious causes as well
T cells and macrophages attack myelin sheath and cause destruction and inflammation
Irreversible condition
Sensory first, motor function last
Other causes of Pernicious anemia:
ack of protein, animal products
Vegetarians prone to B12 deficiency
Mal-absorption in diet
Increased with age, alcoholics with chronic gastritis
PPI meds blocking absorption and decreased stomach acid
Gastric bypass
Symptoms include
Large, tender glossy tongue (glossitis)
Loss of sensation, discrimination impairment (can’t discriminate between hot vs. cold, sharp vs. dull, etc.)
Tingling and burning sensation chronic to distal regions
B12 level below 200ng/dl (normal >400)
Blood smear with large, hypersegmented cells
Symptoms of Sickle cell disease:
Severe anemia
Spleenomegaly due to congestion in young children
Asplenic in adults due to fibrotic changes and atrophy
Skin infections, ulcers due to infarctions
Occlusions in hands and feet –swelling in young children
CHF (congestive heart failure)
Frequent infections due to lower immune response, asplenic condition that delays healing and filtering of blood
Sickle cell Crisis:
Can cause multiple infarctions at the same time
Painful due to ischemic pain
Vessel occlusion increases platelet activation & increases the risk of blood clots
Common areas include
Sicke Cell disease involves mutations in:
Mutation in beta chains of hemoglobin
When hemoglobin is deoxygenated, beta chains link together Forming long protein rods that make the cell “sickle”
Primary Polycythemia Vera...

Serum erythropoietin level?
Bone marrow?
is low.

Spleen and liver are congested, enlarged
Bone marrow is hypercellular