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70 Cards in this Set

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AIDS is caused by a virus that contains RNA_____ and is therefore classified as a
The two basic HIV serology tests are __
ELISA___________ and _Western blot___.
. The occurrence of _ in previously healthy homosexual males alerted the CDC to a new or unidentified disease of the immune system.
Kaposi_ sarcoma___ and __Pneumocystic carinii pneumonia_
HIV has a preference for T cells with the -----marker.
In the early stages of HIV infection the major co-receptor for the HIV virus is _
The coreceptor in # 5 is mainly found on _
macrophages, _memory cells_, and __Tcells. And some epithelial cells
. How does a reverse transcriptase inhibitor work?
It inhibits the formation of DNA from RNA
How does a protease inhibitor work?
They prevent the cutting of large proteins produced from viral mRNA into the smaller subunits that are needed to assemble a virus
What is Kaposi sarcoma? What virus is it thought to be caused by?
It is a cancer of the lining of vascular tissue. Herpes simplex 8
What mutations have been shown to increase resistance to the HIV virus?
Mutation in CCR5 mainely in Caucasians of European decent
What is meant by the "set point" in AIDS?
The early viral load and CD4 cell count that can be used to determine how fast or slow the disease may progress. Both viral load and CD4+ count can be used to indicate how the disease might progress
What is the single most important factor that is preventing the development of an effective vaccine against the HIV virus?
The high mutation rate
What groups are at high risk for AIDS?
Individuals with multiple sex partners or those with a single sex partner that has sex with other individuals, IV drug users, babies of infected mothers
What is a fusion inhibitor?
Fuzeon will prevent the binding of the virus with CD4 and the co receptor
What is HAART?
Highly Active Antiretroviral Treatment. Use the highest safe dose of more than one drug to reduce viral load to non detectible levels
What are Integrase Inhibitors?
There is one approved which blocks the Insertion of the provIrus into the host DNA
AZT is a
nuceloside reverse transcriptase inhibitor
The genome of HIV contains ----genes.
A vaccine against the AID virus which contains HIV genes added to a canary pox virus is in clinical trials.
Follicular dendritic cells are very important in the development of AIDS and the inability to wipe out the virus in an individual.
The HIV virus hides in cells of the lymph system such as follicular dendritic cells. The virus is not in the serum. Viral load is low but the virus is with in lymph tissue
The three major structural genes associated with HIV are
gag, pol and env.
Gag codes for
capsid and core proteins,
pol codes for
env codes for
glycoproteins gp 120 and 41
The major type of cell in an atheroma is a
modified smooth muscle cell. Foam
. Familial hypercholesterolemia is inherited as an autosomal recessive or Autosomal dominant
Autosomal dominant
Low density lipoproteins (LDL) are also known as
prebeta proteins. Beta.
HDL’s are the
alpha particle
prebetas are
.. Questran (cholestryamine) is a
bile acid binding resin. True
-------- is the general term used to describe the conditions where the arterial walls undergo changes that reduce their flexibility and elasticity.
Macrophages have -------on them. Scavenger
LDL receptors
A minimally oxidized LDL molecule has had modifications to the --------
lipid lecithin and to apoprotein B - 100 . True
Statins block the enzyme
HMG Co A reductase. True
Dietary fats are taken into the blood stream as
chylomicrons. True
------------- is the drug of choice to reduce pain during an M.I. because it will also reduce _pulmonary edema___?
Morphine is the drug of choice to reduce pain during an M.I. because it will also reduce _pulmonary edema___?
___ is the radioisotope that move into healthy cells and acts as a potassium analogue.
BRadycardia is most often associated with an _inferior_ M.I. due to blockage in the
_Right___ _coronary__ artery.
What are the actions of atropine?
It inhibits the vagus and is used to treat bradycardia
What are the compensations due to a decrease in cardiac output.
Immediate compensation is due to activation of Sympathetic nervous system. Hours activation of renin angiotensin aldosterone system. Long term (months and years) hypertrophy of cardiac muscle
What is preload?
It is due to venous return to the heart and is the stretch on the myocardium which causes a more forceful ejection of blood
What is afterload?
The pressure in the arterials that must be overcome to move blood forward
Explain how compensations to maintain cardiac output can become decompensations.
All three compensation increase work load and increase oxygen demand
What are the backwards signs of left side heart failure?
Pulmonary venous congestion, increased left atrial pressure, increased pulmonary vein pressure
What are the forward signs of left side heart failure?
A decrease in cardiac output, decreased mean aortic pressure
Which enzyme is the first indictor of an M.I.?
CPK –MB or CPK 2
Why is troponin's used in diagnosing an M.I.?
It increases early and is specific to the heart
. Nitrates are used to treat angina and pain due to M.I. Explain how they work?
They casues vasodilation and increase coronary blood flow
What are the signs and symptoms that allow you to determine if the right side of the heart is involved in congestive heart failure?
Peripheral edema, increased right ventricular pressure, increased central venous pressure. Hepatomegaly
TPA is used to _
dissolve_ _clots__.
Digoxin is classifed as a _____.
cardiac glycoside
Which enzyme is used to store cholesterol in a cell
( ACAT ).
What is pulmonary capillary pressure? Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure is the pressure in the capillary bed of lungs How is it measured and what does an increase in it mean?
It is measured by a Swan-Gans catheter and when it increases it reflect an increase in Left atrial pressure
How do cardiac glycosides work?
They work by having positive inotropic effects and negative chronotropic and dromotropic effects
. Congestive heart failure is associated with
both _metabolic_ and _respiratory acidosis
Pulmonary edema is fluid in the lung usually due to
congestive heart failure or lung diseases,
In which disorder is the heart small and vertical?
Chronic bronchitis is associated with
Homocysteine levels have been linked to an increase in .
Coronary Artery Disease Atheriosclerosis
Individuals with gum disease are at a ------- risk for CAD.
Digoxin is classifed as a _____.
cardiac glycoside
Which enzyme is used to store cholesterol in a cell
( ACAT ).
What is pulmonary capillary pressure? Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure is the pressure in the capillary bed of lungs How is it measured and what does an increase in it mean?
It is measured by a Swan-Gans catheter and when it increases it reflect an increase in Left atrial pressure
How do cardiac glycosides work?
They work by having positive inotropic effects and negative chronotropic and dromotropic effects
. Congestive heart failure is associated with
both _metabolic_ and _respiratory acidosis
Pulmonary edema is fluid in the lung usually due to
congestive heart failure or lung diseases,
In which disorder is the heart small and vertical?
Chronic bronchitis is associated with
Homocysteine levels have been linked to an increase in .
Coronary Artery Disease Atheriosclerosis
Individuals with gum disease are at a ------- risk for CAD.