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25 Cards in this Set

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Name 2 types of amyloid?
1*= alpha light chains cmpsd of antibodies
2*= chrnc inflmmation--> serium amyloid A (SAA)
; renal dse--> b2 microglobulin
symps of child abuse?
baby shaken syn = retinal hmmrghes, coup & contracoup contusions
how do u determine time of death?
dtrmne by rigor mortis & livor mortis;
rigor mortis = muscle stiffness
livor mortis= grvtation of blood to dpndnt parts of body
environmental toxins; radiation toxicity
initially hematopoiesis affected (lymphs die b4 othr cells); then GI epithelium, then CNS fx
Environmental teratogens --> mnemonic "WART"
W- warfarin
A- alcohol, ACE inhibitors
R- retinoids
T- thalidomide
Where is alk phos made? how do u determine source of alk phos?
Liver and Bone; dtrmne by heat fractionization, "Liver lives, Bone burns"
--> liver fraction HEAT STABILE, Bone fraction HEAT LABILE
Vasculitities... When do u see C-ANCA and P-ANCA?
C-Anca = stains cytoplasm --> Wegener's granulomatosis
P-Anca= stains perinuclear--> polyarteritis nodosa
Common neuropathies...
Claw hand= ulnar nerve w/ median nerve palsy
Wrist drop = radial nerve palsy
Foot drop = peroneal nerve palsy
when do u see marasmus and kwashiorkor?
marasmus = TOTAL calorie mlnrshmnt
kwashiorkor= protein deficient
What is the Neuroleptic rule of 4?
4 hrs--> 4 days =dystonia
4days --> 4 wks = akasthesia + eps
4 mos --> tardive dyskinesias
What is the phrase for ANTICHOLINERGIC TOXICITY?
Blind as a bat, mad as a hatter, dry as a bone, bloated as a bladder, hot as a hare, red as a beet
What is seen with Malignant hyperthermia?
hereditary hyprsensitve ryanodine rcptr + halothane/ succinylcholine cause massive calcium release --> muscle rigidity, tachycardia, fvrs up to 42C; labs show INCRSED CPK/K+ ... gold standard test --> caffeine-halothane test; Treat with ? --> DANTROLENE
what induces hypertensive crises?
MAO inhibitors + tyramine (found in cheese and wine) --> causes massive amounts of catecholamines in the body --> lead to hypertensive crisis
what causes lethal gray baby syndrome? red man syndrome?
chloramphenicol ; vancomycin
what can u use to treat hyperkalemia?
Albuterol, kayexalate, insulin, bicarb... albuterol causes cellular uptake of K+
what is succinylcholine contraindicated for intubation paralysis?
burns, trauma, nromsculr dse d/t causing MASSIVE HYPERKALEMIA and ARRYTHMIAs
What can varying levels of AFP in prenatal testing indicate?
afp = dcrsd in downs, incrsd in multiple gestations, neural tube defects and duodenal atresias
what do u screen for neonatally?
hypothyroidism b/c thyroid hormone is important for proper development of cns, etc. ; PKU and Galactosemia
what weeks do u peform the following...
chorionic villous sampling? amniocentesis?
cvs = 9-11th week
amnio = 16-18th week
what do u c in hypovolemic shock?
low CO, high Pulmonary VR, low PCWP, low bp, low urine output, tachycardia
what do u c in cardiogenic shock?
low CO, high PVR, high PCWP, high CVP, low bp, tachy
what do u c in septic shock? what causes septic shock?
high CO, low PVR, high temperature; caused by LPS stimulation of IL-1, TNF y other cytokines
Causes of postop fever? THE FIVE W'S...
w- wind atelectasis 24-48 hrs postop
w- wound infection
w- water --> UTI
w- walking --> DVT
w- wonder drugs --> drug fever
MNemonic for LOC due to trauma?
A- alcohol , E-epilepsy, I- insulin (+/-), O- overdose, U-uremia (electrolyte changes), T- trauma, I-infection, P-psychogenic, S- stroke
what is the COMA Cocktail?
dextrose, thiamine, naloxone + 02