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63 Cards in this Set

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Steroid hormone acts on the receptors located
on the nuclear's membrane
Incorrect statement related to hormones
they initiate physiolgic reactions
An increase in stomach secretion is caused by
an activation of para sympathetic system, an increase in the release of histamine, an increase in gastrin secretion
We can control the bowel movement because we can control
the opening and closure of the external anal sphincter
Barrett's esopagus commonly occurs among which group of people
patient with GERD
Displasia of the stomach mucosa can occur in the following conditions except
acute gastritis
A 70 year old male patient is presenting with left lower quadrant pain. Your first impression
The conjugation of bilirubin is the process of
converting water insoluable bilirubin into water soluable bilirubin
Components of portal space except
central vein
Liver cirrhosis can lead to
splenomegaly, ascites and leg edema, esophageal varicose
Stimulation of which cranial nerve will increase stomach secretion
CHewing is controlled by cranial nerve
WHich of the following is not secreted by the stomach
Pernicious anemia develops following
atrophic gastritis
A patient is suffering of epigastric pain that wakes him up every night at midnight. He takes some cookies and the pain subsides and he can go back to sleep. Your impression
duodenal ulcer
Correct order from top to bottom
Pseudomembranous colitis is a complication of
antibiotic therapy
causative agent of the above problem
clostridium difficile
Incorrect statement related to Chrohn's disease
it is confined to the large intestine only
Antibody that is protective against the hepititis B virus
anti Hb S
The blood test of a patient shows the presence of HBsAg. Your impression
he could be int he chronic stage
Virus transmitted by oral-fecal way
hepatitis viruses A and E
Pathologic condition leading to jaundice except
Liver cirrhosis will affect the absorption of vitamin K that leads to bleeding disorder. This bleeding disorder is due to
deficiency of clotting factors II, Vll,IX,X?
Liver failure leads to devrease albumin synthesis which causes edema and ascites. Mechanism of the ascites or edema
decrease osmotic pressure
Best test to confirm hepatitis
The followings are the causes of liver cirrhosis. WHich is the most common
Sudden onset of acute abdominal pain triggered by heavy meal is the clinical manifestation of
cholelithiasis ?
Mechanism of edema due to right-sided heart failure
increase hydrostatic pressure
Mechanism leading to cholelithiasis
imbalance between lecithin and bile salt
the presence of which of the following suggests liver cancer
abnormally high alpha feto-protein
cranial nerves related to dysphagia
Estrogen is a steroid hormone
ADH is released by the posterior pituitary gland
Protein hormones are synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum
Bacterial infection of the intestine usually causes osmotic diarrhea
Urea is formed from ammonia
Hepatitis B is an RNA virus
Bicarbonate is produced by the pancreas
fasting blood sugar
80-110 mg
When blood sugar is increases
insulin is released to bring blood sugar to a lower level
Mechanism opposite to insulin
promote glycogenolysis
promote gloconeogenesis
promote lipolysis
promote the breakdown of protein
Mechanism of Insulin
promote glucose uptake by the cells by activating glucose transport system
what is the function of catecholamines?
increase blood sugar
causes of cushings syndrome
excess pituitary function, adrenal cause, ectopic cushings iatrogenic
cushing's syndrome can best be defined as
a hormone disorder caused by high levels of cortisol in the blood
Obstruction of the gallbladder duct by a stone can cause jaundice. This jaundice is classified as
posthepatic jaundice
Sudden onset of acute abdominal pain triggered by a heavy meal is the clinical picture of the following conditions except
Correct statement
chronic hemolysis presdisposes the formation of gallstone
Hormone not released by the anterior pituitary gland
Steroid hormone is fat soluble
A female patient is coming to see you because her routine blood check shows the presence of anti HBs. Your impression
she had hepatitis B in the past
If the blood of a women shows the presence of HBs Ag then what you can say about her condition she is asymptomatic
she is contagious for hepatitis B
Antibody that shows up first in the blood following the infection of hepatitis B virus
anti HBc
Crohn's disease can cause malabsorption syndrome. This is an example of malabsorption
mucosal malabsorption
Overeating causes indigestion which may result in diarrhea. This is an example of
osmotic diarrhea
Secretory diarrhea is mainly caused by
bacteria infection
Incorrect statement
alcohol is excreted through urination in the form of acetylaldehyde
A patient has his ileum removed due to an infection. He will be at risk of developing
WHich of the following patient will develop jaundice
acute hemolysis due to mismatched blood transfusion
Live failure can lead to the following except
increase risk of developing abnormal blood clot
sporadic colitis is caused by
e coli
Complication of Ulcerative colitis