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65 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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dwarfism; defective ossification of growth plate
osteogenesis imperfecta

(brittle bone)
severe osteoporosis and thin defective cortices.
prone to fractures
spina bifida
posterior defect of spinal canal; failure to fuse properly causes varying amounts of paralysis and dysfunction
osteomalacia (adults)
rickets (children)
vitamin D deficiency causes loss of bone density
- metaphyseal ends become cupped/frayed
increased uric acid causes crystal deposits in joints
decreased bone mass/deficiency in bone density
pagets disease
destruction of bone and reparative process remodels incorrectly.
- weakens and deforms bony structures; seen in skull, vertebrae and pelvis
bone out of joint with no contact with articulation
partial dislocation; separation
inflammation of bone marrow
- doesn't appear on xray for 10 days (bone scan is better)
degenerative condition that changes bone articulation and forms small bone spurs
rheumatoid arthritis
disfiguration of joints due to subluxation and ankylosing (ossification of tissues)
ankylosing spondilitis
ossification of tissues and ligaments of the spine
closed/simple fracture
not penetrating the skin
open/compound fracture
bone has penetrated the skin; can cause infection
displaced fracture
with angulation of separation
comminuted fracture
in 3 or more segments
complete fracture
extends through entire cortex
transverse fracture
at right angle to long axis of bone
linear/longitudinal fracture
parallel to long axis of bone
oblique fracture
runs 45* to long axis of bone
spiral fracture
encircles the shaft
impacted fracture
fractured end is driven into another
compression fracture
bone surfaces forced together causing fracture (often in vertebrae)
avulsion fracture
small bone fragment torn off bony prominence @ muscle origin
stress fracture
results from abnormal repetitive trauma @ site of maximum strain
pathological fracture
at an area weakened by disease, tumour or infection
depressed fracture
bone fragments pushed into tissue or organ (ie: skull)
greenstick fracture
incomplete fracture in children <12; one side breaks, other side bends
blow out fracture
fracture of orbit floor
contrecoup fracture
opposite side of primary injury (ie: primary=distal tibia; contrecoup=proximal fibula)
colles fracture
transverse fracture of DISTAL RADIUS w/POSTERIOR displacement
-most common wrist fracture (falling with hands extended)
smiths fracture
reverse colles; ANTERIOR displacement (falling with hands flexed)
monteggia fracture
isolated fracture of ULNAR shaft with ANTERIOR dislocation of radius at elbow
supracondylar fracture
to the supracondylar region of the HUMERUS
bennetts fracture
the base of 1st metacarpal
boxers fracture
base of 5th metacarpal due to a blow with the hand
potts fracture
both malleoli WITH ankle dislocation
bimalleolar fracture
involving both malleoli
trimalleolar fracture
both malleoli AND posterior lip of tibia
intertrochanteric fracture
between greater and lesser trochanters of the hip
march fracture
stress fracture of the metatarsal
salter-harris fracture
involving a growth plate of a pediatric bone
benign tumour
-projection of bone (like branch off a tree)
benign tumour
-slow growing in medullary canal destroys normal bone
malignant tumour
-generally at ends of long bones
-appears as sunburst
multiple myeloma
malignant tumour of marrow plasma
-produces osteolytic lesions
-appears as punched out lesions
metastic bone lesions
most common malignant tumour
hangmans fracture
arch of C2 caused by acute hyperextension
burst fracture
comminuted of ring of atlas (C1)
exaggerated rounding of upper back
exaggerated lumbar curvature
exaggerated lateral curvature of spine
herniate disc
fibrosis ruptures that portrude and compress nerves
spinal degeneration and deformity of joints
-common with aging
defect of pars interarticularis
defect of pars interarticularis WITH DISPLACEMENT
head tilted to one side
fibrous dysplasia
proliferation of tissue in medullary cavity
aseptic necrosis
bone death caused by poor blood supply
osteochondritis dissecans
disease process where articular cartilage separate from joint surface
-joint mice
necrosis of femoral head in boys age 5-10
-appears as fragmented centre and flattened femoral head
incomplete fusion of tibial tuberosity to tibia during puberty
hallux valgus
lateral deviation of great toe at MTP joint
club foot
malformation of foot turned inward at ankle
-prevents normal weight bearing