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92 Cards in this Set

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acute inflammation of the eyelid
blepharitis - hordeolum
granuloma centered on the meibomian gland
lipid-containing macrophages that form a yellow plaque on the eyelid
conjunctival lump usually located nasally, caused by sun damage
vascularized conjunctiva that grows horizontally onto the cornea from the nasal side
5 layers of the cornea
Bowman's layer
Descemet's membrane
bilateral accumulation of metabolites on the cornea due to defective enzymes
inherited corneal dystrophies
deficiency of what leads to thickened, bubbly-appearing lesion at the limbus of the cornea
Vitamin A deficiency
severe form of vitamin A deficiency can lead to what
most common causes of acute bacterial conjunctivitis
staph aureus
strep pneumo
hemophilus aegypticus
what organism can lead to acute bacterial conjunctivitis from contaminated contact lens solution
pseudomonas aueroginosa
what part of the cornea does not regenerate
Bowman's membrane
most common organism involved in chronic bacterial conjunctivitis
staph aureus
ophthalmia neonatorum
acute, purulent conjunctivitis that can result in blindness by corneal ulceration leading to scarring
causes of ophthalmis neonatorum
neisseria gonorrhea (most common)
most common cause of blindness in the world
chlamydia trachomatis
causes acute cicatrizing keratoconjunctivitis
chlamydia trachomatis
inturning of the lashes
inturning of the lids
fushion of lid margins
two organisms that can cause myocotic infections of the eye after prolonged immunosuppressive and steroid therapy
organism involved in viral infections of the eye
most common viral infection of the cornea in neonates
herpes simplex type 2
can can severe damage to the cornea and cerebritis in neonates
herpes simplex type 2
viral infection of the cornea in adults, asymptomatic
herpes simplex type 1
obstruction of aqueous humor drainage leading to rise in intraocular pressure and can cause damage to the retina and optic nerve
acute glaucoma results in what
corneal edema
can lead to irreversible endothelial damage
chronic glaucoma results in what
1. pannus formation of fibrovascular tissue between bowman's memebrane and epithelium
2. optic atrophy
3. degeneration of ganglion cell layer
occurs if glaucoma occurs before the age of 3
increased resistance to the outflow of aqueous humor in the vicinity of Schlemm's canal what a normal drainage angle
primary open-angled glaucoma
characteristics of primary open-angled glaucoma
both eyes are affected
irreversible loss of peripheral vision
drainage is impaired due to changes in trabecular meshwork
predisposing factors for primary closed-angle glaucoma
small eyes with large lens
narrow anterior chamber angle
acute and unilateral eye pain associated with dilating of pupils
primary closed-angle glaucoma
causes of secondary glaucoma
neovascularization of iris adhesions
associated with open angle secondary glaucoma
1.particulate matter lodged in the trabecular meshwork
2. prolonged administration of corticosteroids
3. fibrovascular adhesions of the iris to the cornea/lens
4. usually unilateral
aging leads to lens losing its elasticity and the inability to before spherical and magnify to see close objects
what accumulates in the lens leading to cataract formation
hydroxykynurenin glucoside
important predisposing factor for cataract formation
congenital rubella
radiation therapy
diabetes mellitus
sugar cataract
young adults with poorly controlled glucose levels accumulate sortibol in the lens
two components of the blood-ocular barrier
blood-aqueous humor barrier
blood-retinal barrier
what supplies the inner layers of the retina (ganglion cell layer)
retinal capillaries
what supplies the out layers of the retina (rods and cones)
choroid capillaries
freely permeable
what acts as the diffusion barrier between choriocapillaries and pigmented epithelium
Bruch's membrane
inflammation of the iris and ciliary body
if anterior uveatis is not controlled, what can it lead to
glaucoma due to interference with aqueous draining by adhesions
associated with autoimmune disease and HLA-B27
anterior uveatis
potential complication from penetrating ocular injuries due to release of sequestered antigens and the body attacking the non-injured eye
sympathetic ophthalmitis
noncaseating granulomatous disease with predilection for the anterior segment of the eye
swelling of the optic disc
microaneurysm formation
increased tortuosity of venules
diabetic retinopathy
premature infants with respiratory distress syndrome who have been subjected to increased level of O2 can develop what
retrolental fibroplasia
what happens to capillaries under hyperoxic conditions
premature capillary closure and migration anteriorly is inhibited. new capillaries proliferate without tight junctions and are leaky leading to secondary detachment of the retina
associated with copper and silver wiring, flame-shaped hemorrhages, and arteriovenous nicking
hypertensive retinopathy
atrophy of the pigmented epithelium leading to rod dysfunction in the post-equatorial region, developing peripheral vision loss and night blindness
retinitis pigmentosa
autosomal recessive disease with bone corpuscular pattern
retinitis pigmentosa
macular degeneration
affects central vision
accumulation of incompletely degraded material in the cells of the pigmented epithelium
Bruch's membrane accumulates lipid inhibiting transport from choriocapillaries
what two layers are separated in retinal detachment
detachment of the rods/cones from pigmented epithelium
retinal detachment associated with a hole or break in the retina, vitreous traction, and low protein content
Rhegmatogenous detachment
retinal detachment associated with leakage of fluid from blood vessels and high protein content
Exudative detachment
3 predisposing factors for exudative detachment of the retina
uveal inflammation
choroidal neoplasm
retinal detachment associated with fibrovascular proliferation within the vitreous chamber
traction detachment
what things cause traction detachment of the retina
diabetic retinopathy
retinopathy of prematurity
3 forms of retinal detachment
most common primary intra-ocular tumor
malignant malanoma
characteristics of malignant melanoma of the eye
majority arise in the choroid
painless, progressive unilateral vision loss
liver is the primary site for hematogenous metastases
characteristics of retinoblastoma
white pupil
secondary glaucoma
most are sporadic and unilateral
inherited are bilateral
mutation in tumor suppressor gene on chromosome 13q14
inherited retinoblastomas have increased susceptibility to what other malignancies
osteogenic sarcoma
Ewing sarcoma
what gene is retinoblastoma tumor suppressor gene located on
chromosome 13q14
organism that most frequently causes otitis externa
pseudomonas aeruginosa
associated with malignant otitis externa
venous sinus thrombosis
how do infections of the nasopharynx reach the middle ear
Eustachian/auditory tube
what leads to middle ear effusion in otitis media
obstruction of the auditory tube causes negative pressure to develop and transduction of plasma and occassionally blood to enter the middle ear
obstruction of the Eustachian tube during flying in an aircraft or deep-sea driving
acute serous otitis media
associated with inflammation without bacterial invasion of the middle ear
what can repeated episodes lead to
acute serous otitis media
repeated episodes can contribute to hearing loss due to residual fluid in the middle ear
associated with inadequate antibiotic treatment of acute suppurative otitis media
chronic serous otitis media
carcinoma associated with chronic serous otitis media in an adult
carcinoma of the nasopharynx
what should always be suspected in an adult with unilateral middle ear effusion
carcinoma of the nasopharynx
cholesterol granuloma
an accompanying hemorrhage in chronic serous otitis media leading to degradation of erythryocytes and liberation of cholesterol crystals
what can result in complete obliteration from fibrosis of the middle ear and mastoid
persistant cholesterol granuloma in an accompanying hemorrhage in chronic serous otitis media
virulent pyrogenic bacteria invade the middle ear through the auditory tube
acute suppurative otitis media
most common causative agent for acute suppurative otitis media
strep pneumo
hemophilus influenzae
acute mastoiditis
common complication of acute otitis media if poorly treated
what can result from acute mastoiditis
cerebellar abscess
sinus thrombosis
mass of accumulated keratin in the middle ear from perforated ear drum
what can result from a cholesteatoma
erosion of bone:
auditory ossicles
facial nerve
bone deposition around the stapes footplate resulting in ankylosing and conduction hearing loss
menier's disease triad
sensorineural hearing loss
associated hydropic distention of the endolymphatic system of the cochlea and improved with diuretics
menier's disease
drugs associated with labyrinthine toxicity
aminoglycoside antibiotics
prenatal and postnatal causes of viral labyrinthitis
prenatal - CMV and rubella
postnatal - mumps
causes damage to the external hair cells of the organ of Corti
acoustic trauma
locally destructive tumors that lead to damage of hearing, balance, and facial nerve