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43 Cards in this Set

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lactational changes in breast

increase in # of acini, but no increase in # of cell layers

common symptoms of breast disease

lumpiness, pain (mastalgia or mastodynia), palpable mass (>2cm), nipple discharge (galactorrhea = benign, bloody, unilateral = worrisome)

breast lump: <35 yo

fibroadenoma, mastitis, fat necrosis, carcinoma

breast lump: 35-50 yo

fibrocystic changes, carcinoma, fibroadenoma, fat necrosis, mastitis, papilloma

breast lump: >50 yo

carcinoma, FCC, fat necrosis, Paget's, mastititis, papilloma

congenital nipple inversion

common, corrected spontaneously during pregnancy; clinically significant DDx = cancer, infl. dz of nipple

accessory axillary breast tissue

prophylactic mastectomy may remove entire breast but not all breast epithelium

milk line remnants (supernumerary nipples/breasts)

may be functional (changes w/ menstrual cycle); persistent epidermal thickenings

acute mastitis

1st mo of breastfeeding; causes = Staph (localized), Strep (diffuse) -> lead to neutrophil infiltration or abscess formation; Rx = ABs, surgical drainage

acute mastitis

squamous metaplasia of lactiferous ducts

causes = smoking, Vit A deficiency

keratin becomes trapped, accumulates; if duct ruptures, inflammatory response to keratin results in erythematous painful mass - may result in fistula tract

duct ectasia (dilated ducts)

5th-6th decade, multiparous; poorly defined palpable periareolar mass; chronic granulomatous infl., macrophages; thick debris in duct

duct ectasia

fat necrosis

painless, palpable mass, skin thickening or retraction; see density or calcifications on mam (mimic carcinoma); history of trauma or prior surgery

fat necrosis

non-proliferative breast changes

fibrocystic change

fibrocystic change

20-40 years; most common disorder of breast; can have cyst formation, fibrosis, or adenosis; lumpy-bumpy breasts

how cysts form in breasts

dilation and unfolding of lobules -> cystic lobules coalesce -> rupture -> reactive fibrosis

apocrine metaplasia - fibrocystic change

apocrine cytology - fibrocystic change

benign ductal epithelium metaplasia

usual ductal hyperplasia

proliferative breast dz w/o atypia; incr. ductal epithelial cell layers

usual ductal hyperplasia (mild)

florid usual ductal hyperplasia

proliferative breast dz w/o atypia; >4 cell layers; ducts and lobules expanded, irregular lumens at periphery

usual ductal hyperplasia - florid

sclerosing adenosis

proliferative breast dz w/o atypia; cancer mimic; glandular crowding & stromal fibrosis; lots of acini

sclerosing adenosis

radial scar (complex sclerosing lesion)

proliferative breast dz w/o atypia; poorly circumscribed, radiating out (mimics cancer); see spokes of fibrotic tissue & small glands

radial scar (complex sclerosing lesion)

intraductal papilloma

proliferative breast dz w/o atypia; solitary lesion in major ducts near nipple; 40-50 y/o; most common cause of bloody nipple discharge; see frond-like projections of stroma covered by ductal epithelium

intraductal papilloma


male breast enlarged due to excess estrogen (puberty, old age, Klinefelter's, Leydig cell tumor, cirrosis) and drugs (alcohol, marijuana, heroin, antiretroviral therapy, anabolic steroids)


atypical ductal hyperplasia

proliferative breast dz w/ atypia; resembles DCIS

atypical ductal hyperplasia

LCIS vs atypical lobular hyperplasia

LCIS = dyshesive, uniform cells filling & distending >50% of spaces in TDLU

ALH = no distention of acinar spaces (>50%)


proliferative breast dz w/o atypia; common in reproductive age; stromal & glandular hyperplasia; firm, rubbery, painless & mobile; no sig. incr. risk of malignancy; change w/ menstrual cycle, preg. and menopause


stromal tumor w/ smooth capsule and fleshy cut surface; slit-like ducts and loose fibrous stroma


Phyllodes tumor

stromal tumor; develop from intralobular stroma, larger than fibroadenoma, 10-20 years later than FA, more cellular stroma; most benign; stromal component can metastasize

Phyllodes tumor

benign phyllodes tumor - higher power

malignant phyllodes tumor