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42 Cards in this Set

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What is IVDD?

Intervertebral Disk Disease

-spinal cord compression

What are the 2 types of IVDD?

1- acute rupture and extrusion

2- extrusion over a long period of time

What is the most common s ute of disk extrusion?

Cervical and Thoracolumbar Region

What should you do to see if the animal has deep pain perception?

Pinch the toe/nail

What are the most common breeds with IVDD?

Chondrodystrophic (Dwarf) dogs.....

Dachshund, Bassett Hound, Shih Tzu, Lhasa Apso, Pekignese, etc

Signs of IVDD?

Neck or back pain, reluctant to move

What form of treatment is best for dogs with IVDD?

Cage rest

Use steroids as well in some cases

What is the cause of epilepsy?

It's unknown.... idiopathic

What are some breeds that are associated with Epilepsy?

Spaniels, Cavalier King Charles, Beagles, Golden Retrievers, Keeshond, Irish Setter

What is epilepsy characterized by? What's a common thing to see dogs do when they have epilepsy?

"Fly Biting"

What is the Diagnosis for Epilepsy?

Hydrocephalus, Encephalitis, Brain Tumor, Porto Systemic Shunt

What other animals can Epilepsy be seen in?

Young Arabian Foals (seen in 1 yr of age, recovers spontaneously), Cattle (1 yr of age, if survive then shows cerebellar signs)

What is the main drug used to help control the epilepsy?

Phenobarbital... good for an animal who is having multiple seizures a day or more than 1 seizure per month... too much phenobarbital can cause major liver damage

What is Idiopathic Vestibular Disease?

It is caused by an inner ear infection... can be mistaken as just seizuring

Seen in older animals (7+)

Seen in Cats around the Fall

Clinical signs of Vestibular Disease?

Loss of Balance, Head Tilt, Vomiting and Anorexia, Ataxia, Disorientation, and Nystagmus (rapid eye movement back and forth)

Diagnosis for Vestibular Disease?

Otic Exam, R/O other disease, clin signs

Treatment for IVD?

None recommended because it can resolve in 3 to 6 weeks.... Antibiotics for ear infection

What is Neoplasia?

Replacement or compression of normal neural tissue

Clinical signs for Neoplasia?

Seizures, Tremors, Ataxia, Cachexia, Vestibular Signs, Behavioral Changes

Diagnosis for Neoplasia?

Locate the primary tumor, CT/MRI, CSF, Bloodwork, Radiograph

Treatment for Neoplasia?

Chemotherapy, Radiation, and Surgical Removal

What is Megaesophagus?

Lack of Esophageal Peristalsis

Clinical signs of Megaeso?

Regurgitation of undigested food, cough, dyspnea, drooling

Diagnosis of MegaE?

Contrast Study

Treatment of MegaE?

Elevate food bowl, soft diet, small meals

Causative agent for Tick Paralysis?

Dermacentor variabilis or Dermacentor andersoni

______ are resistant to Tick Paralysis?


Clinical signs of Tick Paralysis?

Presence of Tick, gradual progression of incoordination and paralysis

Treatment for Tick Paralysis?

Just remove the tick. In 1 to 3 days animal should recover just fine

What is facial nerve paralysis?

It's when the cranial nerve 7 is bring affected

Clinical signs of facial nerve paralysis?

Ear droops, lip paralysis, drooling (sialosis), deviation of nose, facial muscles droop, lack of tear production

Treatment for facial nerve paralysis?

Corticosteroids, artificial tears if necessary, resolves on own in time

What is Cervical Spondylomyelopathy?

Spinal cord compression at C5-C7

Similar to Wobblers Disease

Clinical signs of Cervical Spondylomyelopathy?

Hind Limb Ataxia, "Wobbly" gait

Diagnosis for Cervical Spondylomyelopathy?

R/O other disease, CT/MRI, Myelograph, Radiograph

Treatment for Cervical Spondylomyelopathy?

Anti Inflam Meds, Cage Rest, Surgery

What is Rabies caused by?


What is the incubation period for rabies?

3-8 wks

What are the 3 stages of rabies?

Prodomal- very mild changes in behavior, greatest risk to people

Excitative- Hyperactive, attack inanimate objects

Paralytic- ascending paralysis, death

Clinical signs of rabies?

Behavior changes, difficulty swallowing, excessive salivation, Ataxia, stupor, depression

Diagnosis of rabies?

Post mortem exam of brain tissue

