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59 Cards in this Set

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vessel: lymphangitis, lymph vessel inflammation
adjectival suffix: renal, of the kidney
enzyme: amylase, starch splitting enzyme
embryo cell: myoblast, muscle forming cell
maglinant, epithelial tumor: adenocarcinomal tumor of glandular epithelium
protrusion or hernia: meningocele, hernia protrusion the meninges
perforating or tapping: thoracentesis, taking fluid from the thorax; paracentesis, taking fluid from peritoneal cavity
bile: acholic, w/o bile
color: polychromatic, many colors
secretion: endocrine, secretion into blood vessels
cell: lymphocyte, lymph cell
population: endemic, in a population
pain: pleurodynia, pleural pain
dilate: bronchiectasis, bronchial dilation
excision (removal): tonsilectomy, removal of a tonsil
a plug (in a vessel): thromboembolus, a plugging clot that moved from its origin
vomit: hematemesis, vomiting blood
blood: anemia, RBC deficiency; uremia, urine contents in blood
sensation: anesthesia, absence of sensation
origin, production: pathogenesis, origin of disease
producing: pathogenic (adjective), disease producing
record: electrocardiogram, electrical heart activity record
process, usually pathogenic: amebiasis, a pathologic presence of amebae
jaundice: anicteric, without jaundice
inflammation: appendicitis, inflammation of the appendix
dust: pneumoconiosis, dust produced pathologic states of the lung
stone: phlebolith, calcified body in a vein
place: translocation, displacement
breakdown: autolysis, self-dissolution, dissolving; fibrinolysis, fibrin dissolving
softening: osteomalacia, bone softening
enlarged, large: splenomegaly, enlarged spleen
kidney: hydronephrosis, water filled kidney
like: mucoid, raucous-like
tumor: osteoma, bone tumor; blastoma, embryonic tumor
eye: exophthalmos, protruding eyes
flow: diarrhea, a flow through
a pathologic process or possession: amyloidosis, the pathologic state of having or forming amyloid
formation of an opening: gastrostomy, making a stomach opening
cutting: gastrotomy, a cutting of the stomach
disease: neuropathy, any nerve disease
poverty, shortage: thrombocytopenia, decrease in thrombocytes or blood platelets
digestion: dyspepia, indigestion
affinity for: eosinophil, a leukocyte staning with eosin
plaque: leukoplakia, white patch
growth, formation: hyperplasia, overgrowth of tissue; aplastic anemia, anemia due to marrow failure
paralysis: hemiplegia, paralysis of half of the body
breath: dyspnea, shortage of breath
growth or formation: hematopoiesis, blood formation
falling: visceroptosis, falling of abdominal viscera
wasting or decay: myelophthisic anemia, displacement of normal marrow cells
bursting forth: menorrhagia, profuse menstruation
malignant tumor of supporting tissue
hardening: arteriosclerosis, hardening of the arteries
body: lysosome, destroying body
standing still: hemostatsis, arrest of circulation; metastasis, standing in a different place
strength: hypertonic, increased strength
hole: atresia, failure to make an opening or connection
nourish, grow: atrophy, wasting
relating to urine: anuria, no urine