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33 Cards in this Set

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A pituitary cyst is caused by failure of the oropharyngeal ectoderm of Rathke's pouch to differentiate into trophic hormone secreting cells. This lack of differentiation may lead to what disorder?
pituarity dwarfism aka juvenille panhypopituitarism.
This disease is common in German Shepherds
Hirsutism in horses is caused by
pituitary adenoma on the adenohypophysis of the pars intermedia
Clinical signs of hirsutism include:
pu/pd, polyphagia, muscle weakness, intermittent fever, hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating)
A disease of the neurohypophysis that causes hypotonic urine and PD
Diabetes insipidus
Hypophyseal and Nephrogenic forms of Diabetes insipidus can be differentiated by
administration of ADH, If Hypophyseal we will see production of normal urine with exogenous ADH.
What is the pathogenesis behind hypophyseal diabetes insipidus?
lesion that interferes with ADH synthesis or secretion due to compression and destruction of the pars nervosa
Nephrogenic form of diabetes insipidious is characterized by
inability of kidney cells to respond to physiological levels of ADH.
Hypoadrenocorticism is known as
Addison's disease
what is characteristic of addison's disease
lack of mineralcorticoids leads to electrolyte imbalance--> hyperkalemia
Lack of glucocorticoids---> hypoglycemia
skin hyperpigmentation
What is Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrom?
rare but fatal adrenocortical hemorrhage caused by Actinobacillus equuli- necrosuppurative adrenalitis
Hyperadrenocorticism is known as
Cushings disease
What are causes of cortisol excess?
cortical adenoma/carcinoma, corticotroph adenoma, adenohypophysis, idiopathic cortical hyperplasia, iatrogenic, ectopic ACTH secretion
What is the most common cause of Cushing's disease?
functional corticotrophic pituitary adenoma
Clinical signs of Cushings disease include:
PU/PD due to interference of ADH release, polyphagia, redistribution of fat to abdomen region--> obesity, sway back, alopecia, pendulous abdomen (hepatomegaly, muscle wasting)
What is calcinosis cutis and what disease is commonly associated with it
Calcinosis cutis is mineralization by Ca2+ of the skin and is seen in 30% of Cushnoid patients
Immunosuppression in a common result of Cushing's disease. How does hyperadrenocortism affect the immune system.
Increase cortisol levels lead to reduction of inflammatory mediators, inhibition of migration, promotion of apoptosis in leukocytes, and inhibition of fibroblast proliferation (wound healing)
Hypertension is a rare sign of Cushings, but does occur. What is the mechanism behind it?
prossible reduction in the synthesis of vasodilator prostaglandins and increased secretion of aldosterone
How can you dx an adrenal carcinoma?
proliferative lesion close to the kidney (may metatasize too kidney and become difficult to differentiate) but adrenal carcinomas typically invade renal veins and caudal vena cava
Pheochromocytomas originate from
the adrenal medulla
What are clinical signs of hypothyroidism
lethargy, weight gain, heat-seeking, low libido, infertility, abortion, anestrus, non-pruritic bilateral alopecia, hyperpigmentation of pressure points, Myxedema- tragic facial expression, periodic grumpiness, obesity, rarely cornonary atherosclerosis
What is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in dogs?
lymphocytic (immune mediated) thyroiditis
What is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in goats
congenital goiter
what is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in cows
congenital iodine deficiency
Hyperthyroidism is most commonly seen in
Hyperthyroidism is seen when
bilateral nodular hyperplasia of thyroid, thyroid adenoma, thyroid carcinoma
Hypoparathyroidism is a result of
lymphocytic parathyroiditis or accidental removal of parathyroid glands during thyroid surgery
What are the clinical signs associated hypoparathyroidism
increased neuromuscular excitability, tremors and tetany.
Will see hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia
What is primary hyperparathyroidism
parathyroid denomas and carcinomas may secrete increased amounts of PTH
What is secondary hyperparathyroidism
dietary problems = low Ca2+, high P diets or renal disease in dogs
Give two disorders that cause coronary atherosclerosis-
1. hypothyroidism
2. diabetes mellitus
What pancreatic changes are associated with diabetes mellitus
vacoular degeneration of pancreatic islets. hydropic degneration with glycogen accumulation in beta cells
Complications of diabetes include:
cardiovascular disase
In what species/age group is diabetes most prevelant
dogs, female, mature