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29 Cards in this Set

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What is the most common reason for poor nutrition?

-no teeth

Innervation of the stomach

-vagus N

-celiac plexus

What is the primary job of the large intestine?

-absorbing water

How long is food in the large intestine?

-12 hours

Signs of GI Disease







Types of Abdominal Pain

Mechanical - stretching

Inflammatory - release of chemicals

Ischemic - poor blood flow

Signs of GI bleed

Hematemesis - vomitting blood

Melena - black stools

Hematochezia - bleeding from rectum

Causes of GI bleed

-ulcers, gastritis (from NSAIDS), alcoholism

Important to remember for patient with hiatal hernia?

-elevate the head of the bed

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

-starts 30-60 mins after eating

-worst when lying down

-better when standing

Phase 1 of GERD Therapy

-avoid high fat meals

-stay upright for 2 hours after eating

-no smoking

Phase 2 and 3 of GERD Therapy

-take histamine 2 receptor antagonist

3 - take higher dose

Phase 4 of GERD Therapy

-take proton pump inhibitors

Causes of Gastritis





Peptic Ulcer

Signs - pain at xiphoid and T6-T10

Causes - H. pylori infection, NSAIDS

How does bleeding develop?

-ulcers extend into the muscularis mucosae

Primary goals of Peptic Ulcer treatment

-relieve symptoms

-promote healing

-prevent complications and reocurrances

Malabsorption Syndrome

ex. celiac, cystic fibrosis, crohn's disease

-impaired digestion and absorption because of GI abnormalities

Celiac Disease

-caused by an autoimmune response that damages villi

Signs - weight loss, diarrhea, abdominal distention, anemia

Treatment of Malabsorption Disease

-determine cause

-replace enzymes

-avoid gluten


-inflammed appendix because blockage

Symptoms of Appendicitis



-pain at McBurneys point (halfway between umbilicus and iliac crest)


-caused by peptic ulcers, appendicitis

Signs - severe abdominal pain and distention, tachycardia, nausea, vomitting

Crohn's Disease

-non specific inflammation of GI

-most likely autoimmune

-affects all layers of GI

Signs - abdominal pain, diarrhea, may have arthritis

Ulcerative Colitis

-inflammation of colon and rectum

-forms abscesses

Signs - diarrhea, bleeding

What diagnosis should be avoided when suspected of ulcerative colitis?


-barium enema

Diverticulosis vs Diverticulitis

osis - sac outpouching of sigmoid colon

itis - inflammation of the sac

Manifestations - palpate mass in LLQ

Colorectal Adenocarcinoma Symptoms

-rectal bleeding


-change in bowel

-abdominal pain

L vs R side Colon Cancer signs

L - gas, bleeding, flat or pencil stools

R - dull pain, dark red stool, mucous discharge