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40 Cards in this Set

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pain, ache

ex: dent/algia - pain in a tooth; toothache.



ex: neur/asthenia - abnormal condition characterized by nervous weakness, exhaustion, and prostration that often follows depression.


to go

ex: dia/betes - general term used to describe diseases characterized by excessive discharge of urine.


hernia, tumor, swelling

ex: cyst/o/cele - hernia of the bladder that protrudes into the vagina.



ex: presby/cusis - impairment of hearing that occurs with aging.


pain, ache

ex: ot/o/dynia - pain in the ear; earache.


dilation, distention

ex: bronch/i/ectasis - chronic dilation of a bronchus or bronchi, with a secondary infection that usually involves the lower portion of a lung.



ex: papill/edema - swelling of the optic disk, usually caused by increased intracranial pressure (ICP).



ex: hyper/emesis - excessive vomiting.



ex: in/fect/ion - process whereby a pathogenic microorganism invades the body, reproduces, multiplies, and causes disease.



ex: burs/itis - inflammation of a bursa (padlike sac between muscles, tendons, and bones).



ex: hyper/kinesis - excessive muscular movement and motion; inability to be still; also known as hyperactivity.



ex: narc/o/lepsy - chronic condition with recurrent attacks of uncontrollable drowsiness and sleep.


diction, word, phrase

ex: dys/lexia - condition in which an individual has difficulty in reading and comprehending written language.



ex: oste/o/malacia - softening of the bones.



ex: pyro/mania - impulsive disorder consisting of a compulsion to set fires or to watch fires.


enlargement, large

ex: acr/o/megaly - characterized (in the adult) by marked enlargement and elongation of the bones of the face, jaw, and extremities.



ex: a/mnesia - condition in which there is a loss or lack of memory.



ex: para/noia - mental disorder characterized by highly exaggerated or unwarranted mistrust or suspiciousness.



ex: ster/oid - literally means resembling a solid substance.



ex: carcin/oma - malignant tumor arising in epithelial tissue.


sight, vision

ex: presby/opia - vision defect in which parallel rays come to a focus beyond the retina; occurs normally with aging; farsightedness.



ex: hyp/oxia - deficient amount of oxygen in the blood cells and tissues.


disease, emotion

ex: retin/o/pathy - any disease of the retina.



ex: oste/o/penia - deficiency of bone tissue, regardless of the cause.


to digest

ex: dys/pepsia - difficulty in digestion; indigestion.


to eat, to swallow

ex: a/phagia - loss or lack of the ability to eat or swallow.


to speak, speech

ex: dys/phasia - impairment of speech caused by a brain lesion.



ex: acr/o/phobia - fear of heights.


formation, produce

ex: hyper/plasia - excessive formation and growth of normal cells.


a thing formed, plasma

ex: neo/plasm - new thing formed, such as an abnormal growth or tumor.


paralysis, stroke

ex: hemi/plagia - slight paralysis that affects one side of the body.



ex: sleep a/pnea - temporary cessation of breathing during sleep.


drooping, prolapse, sagging

ex: blephar/o/ptosis - drooping of the upper eyelid(s).



ex: hem/o/ptysis - spitting up blood.


bursting forth

ex: hem/o/rrhage - excessive bleeding; bursting forth of blood.


flow, discharge

ex: rhin/o/rrhea - discharge from the nose.



ex: my/o/rrhexis - rupture of a muscle.


tension, spasm, contraction

ex: my/o/spasm - spasmodic contraction of a muscle.


nourishment, development

ex: hyper/trophy - literally means excessive nourishment.