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42 Cards in this Set

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what is the main blood flow to the brain supplied by?
two internal carotid artieries anteriorly, and the vertebral arteries posteriorly
this artery supplies the medial surface of the frontal and parietal lobes and the anterior half of the thalamus, corpus striatum, part of corpus callosum and anterior limb of internal capsule
anterior cerebral artery
this artery supplies the lateral basal ganlia, the insula, then emerges on the lateral cortical surface supplying the infer. frontal gyrus, motor frontal cortex concerned with delicate hand control
middle cerebral artery
this artery is the major vascular source for the language cortices, the primary and assoc. auditory cortex
middle cerebral artery
weakness of elbow and wrist extention-patient has wrist drop. sat. nite palsey. where is the lesion?
radial nerve palsey
atrophy of the thenar eminence, weakness of wrist, thumb, index and middle finger, thumb opposition, forarm pronation...where is the lesion?
medial nerve lesion
also known as "clawhand", cannot oppose little finger, where is the lesion?
ulnar nerve lesion
weakness of elbow, an din flexion of elbow and in forearm suppination, absent biceps reflex, where is lesion?
musculocutaneous lesion
a 26 year old man suddenly develops weakness and hyporeflexia and mild sensory loss in the lower extremeties, which in several hours ascends to involve the upper extremeties at which time he also develops respiratory failure. a tracheotomy is performed. he recovers in 6 weeks. where is lesion
L/R spinal cord. classic presentation of guillain barre which affects multiple spinal cord roots
a 56 Y/O man with a hx of a painless penile ulcer x many years and several months later a diffuse body rash, especially on the palms and soles is found to have: shooting pains, decreased proprioception stereognosois in both lower extremeties. where is the lesion?
L/R spinal cord/nerve root. this is a classic presentation of a systemic illness rather than a traumatic injury. this particular symptom complex is decriptive of tertiary CNS syphilis
this lateral sulcus separates the temproal lobe from the frontal and parietal lobes
this central sulcus separates the frontal lobe from the parietal lobe
which term describes a patient who is drowsy, falls asleep quickly, but is able to respond appropriately after being aroused
celexa, lexapro, paxil and prozac are all examples of?
xanax, valium, ativan, klonopin, librium and triazolam are all examples of?
anxiolytics. bind to GABA.
abnormal behavior caused by an electrical discharge from neurons in the cerebral cortex?
what is the most common disorder encountered in pediatric neurology?
seizure activity
these originate in a small group of neurons in one hemisphere, with secondary spread of seizure activity to other parts of the brain
partial seizures
..."the result of unconscious conflicts over events in an individual's past..." is a theory that once explained what illness?
psychiatric illnesses in general
alterations in thought, mood or behavior that may interfere with a person's ability to engage in ordinary social interactions and may in some instances require temporary or long term instit. is describing?
psychiatric disorders
numbness, tingling, or burning that may occur in the face, hand, feet, finger or toes?
moderate loss of motor function around the T10 dermatone would suggest?
if your patient fails the pronator drift test, what does this suggest?
oif one forearm pronates, it suggests a contralateral lesion in the corticospinal tract
if your patient fails the romberg test, what might this suggest?
that they are depending on their eyesight for balance as they have ataxia due to loss of position sense
an abnormality due to cerebellar disease when one movement cannot be followed quickly by its oppposite movements.
dysdiadochokinesesis or failure of the rapid alternating movements test
a gait that lacks coordination with reeling and instability is called?
what are some causes for delirium?
delirium tremens (ETOH withdrawl)
acute hepatic failure
acute cerebral vasculitis
atropine poisioning
disorder of language
defective articulation
this system is primarily regulated by the nigrostriatal pathway, a neural network located in the brain that is part of the motor system involved in the coordination of movement.
extrapyramidal system
this type of spinal motor reflex controls muscle tone and helps maintain posture. It can be tested by performing DTR function test
myotatic or stretch reflex
weakness and tingling at the base of thumb and forefinger, palpable tenderness over the anterior part of wrist, poor wrist strength is indicitive of what nerve palsy?
what is the MC cause of dementia
an active polyneruopathy, increased motor weakness, symptoms of paresthesia, usually follows infection.
guillain barre
sudden onset of numbness, paralysis affecting arms and legs with difficulty speaking
brain attack/stroke
the brain and spinal cord make up the
this lobe of the brain is responsible for taste, hearing, smell and interpretation of spoken language
temporal lobe
this lobe of the brain is responsible for voluntary muscle movements, broca's, personality, behavioral fxns,intellectual judgement, memory, problem solving
frontal lobe
this lobe coordinates and interprets sensory info from the opposite side of the body
this region regulates respiratory function, and is the reflex center for the 5th -8th cranial nerves (chewing)
this system influences the intiation, modulation and completion of movement.
what parts make up the EPS?
corpus striatum, globus pallidus, substantia nigra