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38 Cards in this Set

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Define anemia
a decrease in red blood cell mass; accompanied by decrease in O2 carrying capacity of the blood
excess in RBC in circulation
what RBC indices determine if anemia is normocytic, microcytic, or macrocytic?
MCV Mean Cell Volume
What RBC indices determine if anemia is normo or hypochromic?
MCH mean cell Hb; and MCHC mean cell Hb concentration (avg concentration of Hb in a given volume of packed RBC
S/sx Anemia?
fatigue, weakness, dizziness, pallow, SOB/dyspnea, chest pain, arrythmias, tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension or syncope, cold hands and feet, nail changes, decreased growth and development, neurological symptoms with B12 Def
Causes of anemia?
production, loss, destruction
Anemia of acute blood loss
trauma, peptic ulcer, hemorrhoids, GI bleed; normocytic, normochromic.
anemia of chronic blood loss
rate of loss exceeds ability to regenerate; iron reserves depleted; microcytic, hypochromic
Testing anemia of chronic blood loss
MCV Low, MCH low
Macrocytic/Megaloblastic anemia
B12/folate deficiency; macrocytic, normochromic; pernicious anemia
what anemias are associated with neurologic conditions?
B12 anemia
Macrocytic anemia testing
MCV High; MCH High; Serum B12 low; IF Antibodies serum Positive
Folate deficiency anemia
a deficiency of folic acid results in megaloblastic anemia with the same characteristics as those of vit B12 deficiency - BUT neurologic changes do not occur
Iron deficiency anemia causes
dietary lack; impaired absorption; increased requirements; chronic blood loss
s/sx Iron deficiency anemia
fatigue, tachycardia, palpitations, tachypnea, pallor, tongue shiny red with no papillae; pica
Testing for iron deficiency anemia
microcytic, hypochromic; MCV Low, MCH Low, RBC Low, Hb low, Hct Low; Total iron-binding capacity increased
Aplastic anemia
bone marrow dysfunction characterized by anemia, leukopenia, thromobocytopenia;
Causes of hypothyroidism
autoimmune; lack of intake - iodine; surgery; radiation; meds
Primary hypothyroidism
^^ TRH, ^^ TSH, v T3/T4
Secondary hypothyroidism
^ TRH, v TSH, v T3/T4
Tertiary hypothyroidism
v TRH, v TSH, v T3/T4
What is hypothyroidism
decreased production of thyroid hormones
s/sx hypothyroidism
childhood - impaired development of skeletal system and central nervous system; children and adults - fatigue, pallor, edema, wt gain, arthralgia, cold intolerance, decreased DTR's; myxedema coma
Hashimoto's thyroiditis
autoimmune; painless unilateral or bilateral enlargement of the thyroid
testing for hashimotos
TSH, T3.T4, antibodies - anti-thyroid microsomal Ab, anti-thyroglobulin
Subacute De Quervain's Thyroiditis
inflammation of thyroid
causes of Subacute De Quervain's Thyroiditis
viral URI
s/sx Subacute De Quervain's Thyroiditis
neck pain, viral sxs, transient hyperthyroidism followed by transient asymptomatic hypothyroidism, no myxedema, complete recovery
testing Subacute De Quervain's Thyroiditis
thyroid Antibodies negative
Valvular defects
dysfunction of the heart valves
kinds of valvular defects
stenosis - valve doesn't open fully; Regurgitation/insufficiency - valve doesn't close fully
causes Valvular defects
mitral valve stenosis - rheumatic fever; aortic valve stenosis - congenital; tricuspid valve regurgitation - R ventricular dilation and failure, usually secondary to pulmonary HTN; Mitral valve regurgitation - MV prolapse, infective endocarditis, MI, CT disease
s/sx Valvular defects
Heart murmur, chest pain, cough, dyspnea, orthopnea, palpitations
Testing Valvular defects
chest X-ray, EKG, Echocardiogram, TEE
What is cardiomyopathy
diseases of myocardium
causes of cardiomyopathy
HTN, Valvular defects, hyperthyroid, thiamine def, ETOH, Drug use
s/sx cardiomyopathy
dyspnea on exertion or rest, dizziness, edema, arrhythmias, palpitations
testing for cardiomyopathy
EKG, echocardiogram, Chest X-ray, BNP