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187 Cards in this Set

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draw the hierachy of visual perceputal skills

visual memory

pattern recongintion


attention and alert attending

oculomotor control/visual field/visual acuity
what is scomtams?
scar tissue on the retina
macula degneration
degneration of the central vision
pressure in the eyes that causes tunnel vision
what are some behavior changes that occur w visual field deficits? (4)
(1)narrow scanning (2)decrease in scanning speed (3)misidenification of detial (4)decreased awarness
what are some functional limitations w somone w visual field loss?
(1)driving (2)reading (3)opertation of electical motorized equipent (4)ADL/IADL (5)play (6)vocational (7)avocational
field deficits (left or right (rare) are associated w (1)
stroke and TBI
draw chart of someone w RCVA damage
see pic
draw a chart of somone w left CBA damage in the eye
see pic
someone w right CVA will have damage to the (1)visual field
left visual field loss
someone w a left CVA wil have damage to the(1)visual feild
this caused by increase in intracoular pressure
what causes Glaucoma?
increased in intraocular pressure
what are some types of glaucoma? (3)
congential (2)narrow angle (3)wide or open angle
Glaucoma has (1)onset
describe sx of gluacoma?(6)q
(1)insidious onset (2)complain of headaches and have eye glasses changes (3)loss of peripharl vision may not be noticed (4)poor contrast sensivity (5)halos around the lights and blurred vision (6)mild discomfor
what are some medial treatments for glaucoma? (4)
(1)meds (2)laster sugurgy (4)surgury
these are movements that keep images steady on the retina
oculomotor deficits
problems w oculomotor deficits will result in (1)
what are some evaluations for oculomotor defciits?
(1)observations (2)Hirschberg technique (coroneal reflection) (3)fixation (4)convergence (5)scaccades (6)supression
what is the fixation test?
counting to 5 only want blink
what is the convergence test?
want to see if see double
what is the Hirchberge test?
tests the coroneal reflection......if there is a problem w the summetry the the light will not reflect back equally
what is saccades?
rapid eye movement
what is supression?
when the supresses the info from the eye
give an ex of supression
one eye is dominant and other not working.. brain takes info onlyfrom on dominant eye so dont see double
damage to CN III will cause (1)
ptosis and loss of medial, superior, and inferior, oblique...will not be able to see down and out
this will result in ptosis and loss of medial, superior, and inferior, oblique...will not be able to see down and out
CN III is also called (1)
(1)is also called oculomootr
CN IV is also called (1)
(1)is also called trochlear
CN VI is also called (1)
(1)is also called abducens
what are some limitations for oculomotor deficits? (5)
(1)decreased depth perception (2)reading/watching tv (3)balance/coordination (4)nausea (5)driving
describe damage to the CN IV?
damage to the superior oblique

cannot turn eye upward and inward
this will result in damage to the superior oblique and cannot turn the eye upward and inaward
describe damage to CN VI?
damage to the lateral rectus

one eye will turn in
damage to this CN results in one eye turned in
is when eye is misaligned
this is when one eye is misaligned
eye turned in
eyes are turned out
one eye turns up
what is the differ btwn

(1)esotropia-eye turned in
(2)exotropia=eyes turned out
(3)hypertropia=one eyes turned up
what is nystagmus?
when you turn eye in and have rapid eye movement
sometiems this becomes fused bc of Arthritis
the mallecus
trouble w high pitch
this is trouble w hearing high pitches
a loss of (1)is considered a hearing loss
16 decibels
what is normal hearing range ?
500 to 2000 hz
the normal hearing range is (1)to (2)
500 to 2000 hx
if people w this type of hearing loss is harder to atriculate, are more monotone
pre-lingual deaf
what are some types deaf?
(1)prelingual deaf (2)prevocational deaf (3)adult deafness
what is prelingual deaf?
loss of hearing before speech
What is prevocational deaf?
loss of hearing before age 19
what is adult deafness?
loss of hearing after the age of 19
what are some types of hearing loss? (2)
conductive (2)sensori-neural====presbycusis, congential, and ototoxic
Otitis externa is just (1)
swimmer's ear
this is just swimmer's ear
otitis externa
what is otitis media?
infection of the middle ear
this is an infection of the middle ear
otitis media
describe symptoms of otitis media? (4)
(1)pressure is place on the tympanic membrane (2)eustachian tubes are obstructed (3)severe pain (4)tympanic membrane can rapture
what is otossclerosis?
imbalance in bone formation and resportion
this is imblance in bone formation and resportion
otoscleoris can cause (1)
excess bone in the middle ear resulting in the staples become fixed to the oval window blocking conduction
this can cause
excess bone in the middle ear resulting in the staples become fixed to the oval window blocking conduction
what is the treatment for otoscleoris?
surgircal removal of the staples and prosthetic replacement
disturbance of the inner ear can result in (1)
motion sickness and meniere's disease
problems in the (1)can result in motion sickness and meniere's disease
inner ear
what is Meniere's disease?
labyrintheine disorder due to excessive endolymph stretching the membrane and interferring w the function of the hair cells in the cochlea and vestibule ...can last mins to hours
this is a labyrintheine disorder due to excessive endolymph stretching the membrane and interferring w the function of the hair cells in the cochlea and vestibule ...can last mins to hours
Meniere's disease
describe the symptoms of meniere's disease? (3)
(1)vertigo (2)tintus (3)sesnoinuearl hearing loss
what are some treatments for Meniere's disease? (2)
(1)restoring blood flow such as stress reduction and avoidance of smoking (2)low Sodium diet, and use of mild dieurics
this is a sense of spinnning around or the feeling of being impelled foward, backward or side to side
what is BPPV?
recurrent vertio when in supine and hyperextension of the neck
this reccureent vertigo in supine and w neck hyperextension
T or F
hearing aids clarify sounds
false only amlpify
what are some hearing loss strategies? (5)
(1)hearing aides (2)lip reading (3)hearing guide dogs (4)sign language (5)TDD
what are the differences between the different sign lanaguges? (2)
(1)SEE=signing exact english
(2)ASL=american sign lanaguage (more symbolic then grammer)
what does SEE stand for?
signing exact language
what does ASl stand for ?
american sign lanaguage
this condition will result in barrel chest
this conidtion is consistent w left sided CHF and diffuclt at the alveolar level
pulmonary edema
during an intervew, the therapst asks how many pillows do they use to sleep at night? the therapist is screening for(1)
a treatment cosnideration for an OT client taking glucocortiocostroids?(2)
(1)immunosupression (2)osteoporosis
someone w a endotracheal tube may be able to (1)
a pt has just had a permanent pacemaker, what are some precuations you would take?
limit shoulder ROM
T or F
primary ot treatment problem w COPD is energy
T or F
Bouchard's node are located the the PIP
histamines will cause (1)
if pericarditis is not treated then (1)
crushed or supressed heart
T or F
a mother breast feeding her child is an example of natural passive immunity
what is the one type of tissue transplant that will not be rejected?
what phase of the disease consits of mild fever, myaglia, headache, and fatigue?
prodromal stage
what are some examples of portal of entry?
(1)skin abrasoion /tear (2)dry cracking skin 2nd to proper hand washing and bites
noscomial infection
hospital acquired infection
the average pulse is (1)
60 to 100
what is a thready pulse?
one that is easly obliterated
sympathic nervous system (1)the heart rate while the parasympathic nervous system (2)the heart rate
(1)decrease (2)increase
what are the signs of left-sided CHF?
(1)cor pulomale (2)edema in the legs abd abdomen (3)distended neck vieins
t or f
a ct w cardiac condition should be placed on hold if febrile
T or F
a ct who has diffculty moving blood from the peripheral to the heart and brain when coming to an upright position has orthostatic hypertension
your neighbor's child has been diagnosed w MD. you notice that they have progressive weakness of the hips, legs, and shoulder gridle. what type of MD do they have?
what are some aggravating factors for someone w fibromyalgia? (3)
(1)sleep deprivation (2)stress (3)fatigue
what is one joint most lkely to be effected by OA?
T or F
herberton's nodes are located at the PIPs
ct you notice they have index and middle fingers are MCP hyperextension, PIP flexion, and DIP extension

what kind of deformity is this?
boutinnere deformity
this is increased pressure w.in the fascia of a mm
compartment syndrome
Gout affects the (1)
elbow joint
T or F
RA is due to weight and tear
What is OA?
wear and tear of the joints
93 y/o female who uses a w/c most the day. where would you particpate pressure ulcers?
T region
T or F
an eschartomy is effective debridement treatment
a person w CO level of 25-35 will have (1)
cardiac arrhytmia
what is the burn position of the hand?
slight wrist ext , MCP flexion, IP ext
Ct w parasethsia (numnmess and tinglness) of the extermeties, mm cramps, confusion, a and anxiety has (1)
hyperthyoridsm will result in (1)
wight loss
describe the rate of recovery for someone w nerve lesion
1 mm per day
what nerve is involed when the ring and little finger are in MCP hyperextension and IP flexion?
ulnar nerve
T or F
acetylcholine and adrenaline are neurotransmitters assoicated w the parasymapthic nervous system
someone w left cerbral hemispheres lesion is most likely to present w (1)
communication diffculties
T or F
pt admited to the ER w Glascow coma scale of 14(high)you anticpate pt to be alert and oriented
what is the UE decorticate posture?
shoulder extesnion, ir, and elbow flex, and wrist flex
what is the most moble area of the spine?
a child w myeloeningocle at the L3 level will need the following functinal mobility?
loftstrand or forearm crutches
T or F
a partial complex seizure may present w bizarre behaviors such as repetitve waving or clapping of the hands, unresposivness to the sourrondings and drowsiness following siezure
what are some problems w Parkinsons disease? *(4)
(1)pill rolling (2)resting tremor (3)cogwheel rigidity (4)retropulsion but not w atheoid movements
you are having dinner w friends and guest that they have a progresive disease involvign the nervous system. they have flat affect, monton speech, loss of sponatneous facial expressions and diffuclity w feeding. she has (1)
what activties would be problamatic for someone w scleroderma? (3)
(1)facial expression (2)oral facial hygiene (3)driving
this condition is frequently diagnosed after birth and results in copious thick secretions that increase the likihood of developing of pneumonia
cystic fibrosis
T or f
ct's who has just recieved hemodialysis can tolerate treatment w significant modifcations for endurance
T or F
type II diabetes does not produce insulin and will require injections
you approach a ct w diabetes to begin early morning (before breakfast). ADL training you notice from the chart that their blood sugar is below 50. what would you do?
hold until sugar goes up
you find a ct on the floor w MD. what is the best response?
check blood sugar and call dr
one of the most common causes of insulin reaction is (1)
failure to increase food intake after unusal activity
if the trachoestomy is removed, the best response is to (1)
code the pt
consideration for someone ICP is to (1)
log roll
T or F
high glucose levels are something that needs to be monitored on a ct reciveing TPN
you accidently pull someone N=G tube out. what is the best response?
turn off or clamp the feeding and notify the nurse
what are malignant tumors?
cancer cells that produce rapidly,mingrate and infritrate other tissues
what are some warning signs of cancer? (7)
(1)bleeding /discharge from anywhere in body (2)change in bowel or bladder patterns (3)a change in a wart or mole (4)unexplained weight loss (5)anemia or low hemglobin and presistant fatigue (6)persistent cough or hoarseness (7)sold lump
what does in situ mean>
rapid proliferation
this means rapid proliferation
in situ
Cancer are described by the (1)
type of tissue they arise from
tissue w/in an organ/tissue
tissue in connective tissue
tissue in cartilage
tissue in lymphatic tissue
tissue in the blood forming tissue
what is stage I of cancer?
tumor present but limited to the organ its involvement...lesion is operable and good (2)no spread of cancer to the lymph nodes (3)no metastatic lesions
this stage of cancer is as follows:

tumor present but limited to the organ its involvement...lesion is operable and good (2)no spread of cancer to the lymph nodes (3)no metastatic lesions
stage I of cancer
what is the survior rate for stage I cancer?
mean 5 yrs and survival rate 70-90%
what is the surviovr rate for stage II cancer?
mean 5 years
rate-of 50% or -5%
what stage II of cancer? (3)
(1)tumor spread into localzied tissue. tumor is operable and can be fully removed (2)lymph nodes have evidence of cancer in the region/body quadrant surrounding the tumor (3)local evidence of mets to the lympathics, mets are limted and have not spread to other body organs
(1)tumor spread into localzied tissue. tumor is operable and can be fully removed (2)lymph nodes have evidence of cancer in the region/body quadrant surrounding the tumor (3)local evidence of mets to the lympathics, mets are limted and have not spread to other body organs
stage II
what is stage III of cancer? (3)
(1)extensive evidance of primary tumor that has spread elsewhere in the body. tumor can be debulked but some of the cells remain (2)lymph node involvement close to the primary tumor and extending deeper into lymphatic system (3)evidence of spread to other organs
(1)extensive evidance of primary tumor that has spread elsewhere in the body. tumor can be debulked but some of the cells remain (2)lymph node involvement close to the primary tumor and extending deeper into lymphatic system (3)evidence of spread to other organs
stage III of cancer
what is stage IV of cancer? (3)
(1)inoperable primary lesion survidal depends on depth and extent of the tumor spread (2)lymph node involvement that extends to mutiple organs and regions of the body (3)multiple sites of metastases to organs beyond the one in which the tumor orginated
(1)inoperable primary lesion survidal depends on depth and extent of the tumor spread (2)lymph node involvement that extends to mutiple organs and regions of the body (3)multiple sites of metastases to organs beyond the one in which the tumor orginated
stage IV of cancer
what is survival rate for stage III of cancer?
mean 5 year
20% or -5%
what is the survival rate for stage IV of cancer?
mean 5 years
survival rate less then 5%
what are some alternative methods for measuring the stages of cancer? (3)
(1)T=the size, site and deoth of the primary tumor

(2)N=lymph node spread
NO=no spread and N5=wide spread
(3)M=the presence of metastases
MO=no mets
M5=multiple sites
what are the local effects of tumors? (3)
(1)pain (2)obstruction (3)tissue necrosis
what are some medial treatments for cancer? (4)
(1)sugury (2)chemo (3)radiation (4)immunotherapy
what are some types of cancer surgury?
(1)enbloc (2)radical
what is enbloc surgury?
when they remove the mass
this type of surugry is used to when they removes the mass
enbloc surgury
what is radical sugury?
when they remove the mass and surrounding tissue
this when a toxic chemical substances is used to kill cancer cells
what are some side effects of chemo? (8)
(1)alopecia (2)peripheral neuroapthy (3)thrombocytopenia (4)fatigue (5)vomiting (6)anemia (7)function limiting fear/anxiety (8)immunosupression
what are some precuations that should be taken with for someone w chemo?
reverse and body fluids precuations and unversial
this is when radioactive materails are placed directly in tumors or the surounding tissue to kill cancer cells
what are some precuations for some on radiation? (3)
(1)bronzing of the skin (2)burns (3)skin will be dry must use water based mositurez to prevent infection
what some generic problems for people w cancer? (5)
(1)endurance (2)loss of mm strength (3)sensation (4)cogintion (5)vision/hearing
what some pllative care measures that OT can do? (3)
(1)adapt the environment=positioning, tx to relieve pain, and engagement in occupations (2)train caregivers to assits w ADLs (3)address emotional issues
radial mastectomy
breast, lymph nodes, and chest mm are removed
modificed radical mastectomy
breast, lymph nodes, and lining cover the chest mm are removed
total or simple mastectomy
breast and lymph nodes are remvoed
partial mastectomy
cancer area is removed
lump is remvoed
hot causes (1)while cold causes (2)
(1)vasodilation (2)vasoconstriction
abnormal growth the is not cancer
any substance that intiates or promotes the development of cancer
multiple myeloma
cancer that affects the white blood celsl
slow growing tumor
high malignant tumor-6 months